371 research outputs found

    A civilszervezetek pályázási aktivitása az Alföld leghátrányosabb helyzetű kistérségeiben

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    Jelen elemzés az Alföld kistérségeiben működő civil szervezetek által benyújtott és elnyert európai uniós pályázatokkal foglalkozik. A tanulmány kiemelt hangsúlyt fektet a nagytáj leghátrányosabb helyzetű kistérségeire, valamint azok településeire. A nonprofit szféra országos jelentősége a rendszerváltás után megerősödött: gazdasági szerepe megnőtt, társadalmi felelősségvállalása kiszélesedett. A 2008-as gazdasági recesszió e szektorra is hatással volt : egyre kevesebb támogatás érkezett hozzá; a magyarországi és uniós politika egyéb forrásokat, pályázati támogatásokat nyitott meg számára. Az elemzés során nyilvánvalóvá vált, hogy a feltételezés, miszerint a hátrányos helyzetű kistérségek nemcsak gazdasági-társadalmi szinten elmaradottak, hanem a nonprofit szféra terén is, nem állja meg a helyét. A legaktívabb és legsikeresebb kistérség az Alföldön a lakosságszám és a regisztrált munkanélküliek alapján az ország harmadik leghátrányosabb helyzetű térsége, a Sellyei kistérség. A nagytáj összes kistérségének elemzése rámutat arra, hogy az elmaradottabb, periferikus területek is sikeresek, sokszor maguk mögé utasítva a gazdaságilag-társadalmilag fejlettebb kisvárosi régiókat

    Rhinebeck Central School District and Rhinebeck Teachers Association, New York State United of Teachers (NYSUT), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), AFL-CIO (2011)

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    Recent trends in transport and communication infrastructures have had a profound impact on the tourism industry. Despite the growing number and importance of online travel agencies and travel metasearch sites tourism literature addressing this issue is very scarce. This paper aims to examine the temporal changes of return airfares on online travel agency (OTA) and travel metasearch websites from Budapest to three short-haul destinations for fixed departure dates in high and shoulder season. The study was based on quantitative research methods using automated internet data collection and statistical analysis (ANOVA tests). During the study, we created a database containing more than 31 thousand ticket prices over a 182-day period for the three selected destinations. Empirical findings showed that no single website offered lowest airfares consistently and metasearch sites outperformed OTAs in almost any cases by offering lower airfares. Results also indicated the best time to book flights on the selected sites, airfares for shoulder season were significantly cheaper than for high season and ticket prices tend to be more expensive on Mondays and Sundays

    From Descartes to Spinoza, from analysis to synthesis

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    Body and mind in two discourses on method : Descartes, Dilthey, and Misch

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    The point of departure of my presentation will be the fact that in his monumental History of Autobiography, Georg Misch considered Descartes’ Discourse on Method a fine example of intellectual autobiography. Yet, the Discourse is a highly complex text far from a simple autobiography. And what is even more, and more disturbing is that for his work, Misch made intensive use of Dilthey’s concept of an autobiography that was meant to capture the sense of “life as narrating itself” laying down the proper, i.e. “objective” foundation for the historical sciences. But how shall we take “sincerity” in this case, which is the distinguishing feature of a real autobiography in the Dilthey-Misch sense? I will apply a kind of hermeneutic method trying to move back and forth in a double hermeneutic circle: I will take a look at Misch’s whole concept of an autobiography, and at the historical data in Descartes’s life and works presented in Baillet’s The Life of Monsieur Des Cartes in order to understand the autobiographic character of the Discourse moving again from the details to the whole and vice versa. In my view, Descartes’ “history of his intellect” cannot be taken as an autobiography in the Dilthey-Misch sense nor in a usual sense. The body-mind problem will play an important role in my argumentation

    A világvárosok közti gazdasági távolság térképezése térinformatikai módszerekkel

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    The development of transport and communication infrastructures have had a profound impact on the spatial organization of the world city network, which have long been of interest to geographers. Our study is based on previous works on airline transport geographies and word city network studies. We introduce a new method to measure the spatial pattern and network of world cities by using air traffic data. In our research we created an international database for large number of world cities and developed a way to map cost distance using conventional and GIS based mapping techniques. The main result of this work is a set of maps showing the cost distances between world cities, which can be used as a significant source of information for world city network analysis
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