4,680 research outputs found

    New BVI_C Photometry of Low-mass Pleiades Stars: Exploring the Effects of Rotation on Broadband Colors

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    We present new BVI_C photometry for 350 Pleiades proper motion members with 9 < V ≟ 17. Importantly, our new catalog includes a large number of K- and early M-type stars, roughly doubling the number of low-mass stars with well-calibrated Johnson/Cousins photometry in this benchmark cluster. We combine our new photometry with existing photometry from the literature to define a purely empirical isochrone at Pleiades age (≈100 Myr) extending from V = 9 to 17. We use the empirical isochrone to identify 48 new probable binaries and 14 likely nonmembers. The photometrically identified single stars are compared against their expected positions in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD). At 100 Myr, the mid K and early M stars are predicted to lie above the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) having not yet reached the ZAMS. We find in the B – V versus V CMD that mid K and early M dwarfs are instead displaced below (or blueward of) the ZAMS. Using the stars' previously reported rotation periods, we find a highly statistically significant correlation between rotation period and CMD displacement, in the sense that the more rapidly rotating stars have the largest displacements in the B – V CMD

    Preliminary Parallaxes of 40 L and T Dwarfs from the U.S. Naval Observatory Infrared Astrometry Program

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    We present preliminary trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions for 22 L dwarfs and 18 T dwarfs measured using the ASTROCAM infrared imager. Relative to absolute parallax corrections are made by employing 2MASS and/or SDSS photometry for reference frame stars. We combine USNO infrared and optical parallaxes with the best available CIT system photometry to determine M_J, M_H, and M_K values for 37 L dwarfs between spectral types L0 to L8 and 19 T dwarfs between spectral types T0.5 and T8 and present selected absolute magnitude versus spectral type and color diagrams, based on these results. Luminosities and temperatures are estimated for these objects. Of special interest are the distances of several objects which are at or near the L-T dwarf boundary so that this important transition can be better understood. The previously reported early-mid T dwarf luminosity excess is clearly confirmed and found to be present at J, H, and K. The large number of objects that populate this luminosity excess region indicates that it cannot be due entirely to selection effects. The T dwarf sequence is extended to M_J~16.9 by 2MASS J041519-0935 which, at d = 5.74 pc, is found to be the least luminous [log(L/L_sun)=-5.58] and coldest (T_eff~760 K) brown dwarf known. Combining results from this paper with earlier USNO CCD results we find that, in contrast to the L dwarfs, there are no examples of low velocity (V_tan < 20 km/s) T dwarfs. We briefly discuss future directions for the USNO infrared astrometry program.Comment: 73 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Periodic Bursts of Coherent Radio Emission from an Ultracool Dwarf

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    We report the detection of periodic (p = 1.96 hours) bursts of extremely bright, 100% circularly polarized, coherent radio emission from the M9 dwarf TVLM 513-46546. Simultaneous photometric monitoring observations have established this periodicity to be the rotation period of the dwarf. These bursts, which were not present in previous observations of this target, confirm that ultracool dwarfs can generate persistent levels of broadband, coherent radio emission, associated with the presence of kG magnetic fields in a large-scale, stable configuration. Compact sources located at the magnetic polar regions produce highly beamed emission generated by the electron cyclotron maser instability, the same mechanism known to generate planetary coherent radio emission in our solar system. The narrow beams of radiation pass our line of sight as the dwarf rotates, producing the associated periodic bursts. The resulting radio light curves are analogous to the periodic light curves associated with pulsar radio emission highlighting TVLM 513-46546 as the prototype of a new class of transient radio source.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Herbig-Haro flows in B335

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    We have observed optical (Halpha and [SII]) and near-IR (S(1) line of H2) deep fields and taken optical spectra using the 2.56m NOT, as well as a near-UV deep field (U band) using the 3.58m NTT. In addition we present new SPITZER (IRAC and MIPS) mid-IR observations. We use previous Halpha and S(1) observations taken 15 and 9 years earlier to make proper motion maps. We then investigate the shock physics by matching our spectra with planar shock models. We discover six new HH objects in B335. From proper motions we find an optically bright, roughly E-W oriented group with high space velocities (200-280 km/s) and a near-IR bright, slower group (15-75 km/s) moving to the ESE. We also find a system of at least 15 H2 knots in the western lobe. This (WNW) counterflow suggests the possibility of a binary outflow source, giving rise to two outflow axes with slightly different orientations. We find that the E-W flow is symmetrical with evidence for two outbursts. We make the first detection of [OI] 6300/63 in HH119 B and Hbeta in HH119 A and B and find their extinctions to be AV~1.4 and 4.4, respectively. HH119 A is found to expand much faster than expected from linear expansion with distance from the outflow source. Using planar shock models we find shock velocities of ~60 km/s (A) and ~35 km/s (B and C). This agrees with A being of higher excitation than B and C. In our U image we detect three of the HH objects and propose that the emission arise from the [OII] 3728 line and the blue continuum. New SPITZER observations show most of the HH objects at 4.5 micron and a E-W elongated hour-glass shaped structure at the outflow source. Even at 24 micron it is not clear whether most of the light is direct or reflected.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, accepted in A&

    A 10-micron Search for Inner-Truncated Disks Among Pre-Main-Sequence Stars With Photometric Rotation Periods

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    We use mid-IR (primarily 10 Ό\mum) photometry as a diagnostic for the presence of disks with inner cavities among 32 pre-main sequence stars in Orion and Taurus-Auriga for which rotation periods are known and which do not show evidence for inner disks at near-IR wavelengths. Disks with inner cavities are predicted by magnetic disk-locking models that seek to explain the regulation of angular momentum in T Tauri stars. Only three stars in our sample show evidence for excess mid-IR emission. While these three stars may possess truncated disks consistent with magnetic disk-locking models, the remaining 29 stars in our sample do not. Apparently, stars lacking near-IR excesses in general do not possess truncated disks to which they are magnetically coupled. We discuss the implications of this result for the hypothesis of disk-regulated angular momentum. Evidently, young stars can exist as slow rotators without the aid of present disk-locking, and there exist very young stars already rotating near breakup velocity whose subsequent angular momentum evolution will not be regulated by disks. Moreover, we question whether disks, when present, truncate in the manner required by disk-locking scenarios. Finally, we discuss the need for rotational evolution models to take full account of the large dispersion of rotation rates present at 1 Myr, which may allow the models to explain the rotational evolution of low-mass pre-main sequence stars in a way that does not depend upon braking by disks.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    HH 223: a parsec-scale H2 outflow in the star-forming region L723

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    The dark cloud Lynds 723 (L723) is a low-mass star-forming region where one of the few known cases of a quadrupolar CO outflow has been reported. Two recent works have found that the radio continuum source VLA 2, towards the centre of the CO outflow, is actually a multiple system of young stellar objects (YSOs). Several line-emission nebulae that lie projected on the east-west CO outflow were detected in narrow-band Halpha and [SII] images. The spectra of the knots are characteristic of shock-excited gas (Herbig-Haro spectra), with supersonic blueshifted velocities, which suggests an optical outflow also powered by the VLA 2 YSO system of L723. We imaged a field of ~5' X 5' centred on HH 223, which includes the whole region of the quadrupolar CO outflow with nir narrow-band filters . The H2 line-emission structures appear distributed over a region of 5.5' (0.5 pc for a distance of 300 pc) at both sides of the VLA 2 YSO system, with an S-shape morphology, and are projected onto the east-west CO outflow. Most of them were resolved in smaller knotty substructures. The [FeII] emission only appears associated with HH 223. An additional nebular emission from the continuum in Hc and Kc appears associated with HH 223-K1, the structure closest to the VLA 2 YSO system, and could be tracing the cavity walls. We propose that the H2 structures form part of a large-scale near-infrared outflow, which is also associated with the VLA 2 YSO system. The current data do not allow us to discern which of the YSOs of VLA 2 is powering this large scale optical/near-infrared outflow.Comment: Accepted for A&A http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201015125 12 pages, 9 figure

    On the “Duel” Nature of History: Revisiting Contingency versus Determinism

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    Are we “historical accidents” of an undirected evolutionary history? In his recent book, Islands in the Cosmos, Dale Russell addresses this question, and Brian Swartz reviews his synthesis of this “cosmic” evolutionary debate
