9 research outputs found

    Dramatic Heterotopias and Transformations of Mythic Space: H.D.’s Helen in Egypt and Joan Jonas’s Lines in the Sand

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    In 2004 the visual artist Joan Jonas staged a video/installation/mixed media project of Helen in Egypt at the Tate Gallery. Almost sixty years since its composition, Jonas recasts H.D.’s long, neo-epic poem extending and exposing the possibilities of dramatic space and its dialogical connections with media that reinforce, undermine and raise questions about the interplay between dramatic space, poetry and narrativity. In her rendering of the Euripidean Helen, H.D. explores the ability of spatial transformation. She conceives Egypt as a locus of “spaceless limbo” or, to use Michel Foucault’s term, “Heterotopia,” a site “that can be found within the culture, simultaneously represented, contested, and inverted.” Within the timeline of the Trojan cycle, H.D. provides a spatial reading of a civilization transfixed by war. In the heterotopic space of the Tate, Jonas in turn, interweaves through her video installation performance Lines in the Sand the originary mythic text with H.D.’s neo-epic and references to H.D’s Tribute to Freud. Both women artists creatively exploit the ever-transformative dynamics of the myth to make a case about its impact on Western literary tradition.

    From Pausanias to Baedeker and Trip Advisor: Textual proto-tourism and the engendering of tourism distribution channels

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    The key aim of this article is to provide an interdisciplinary look at tourism and its diachronic textual threads bequeathed by the ‘proto-tourist’ texts of the Greek travel author Pausanias. Using the periegetic, travel texts from his voluminous Description of Greece (2nd century CE) as a springboard for our presentation, we intend to show how the textual strategies employed by Pausanias have been received and still remain at the core of contemporary series of travel guides first authored by Karl Baedeker (in the 19th century). After Baedeker, Pausanias’ textual travel tropes, as we will show, still inform the epistemology of modern-day tourism; the interaction of travel texts with travel information and distribution channels produces generic hybrids, and the ancient Greek travel authors have paved the way for the construction of networks, digital storytelling and global tourist platforms

    Od Pauzaniasza do Baedekera i serwisu Tripadvisor: prototuryzm tekstualny oraz zagrożenia dla kanałów dystrybucji turystycznej

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    Głównym celem autorek artykułu jest interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie na turystykę i jej diachroniczne wątki tekstualne w prototurystycznych pismach Pauzaniasza – greckiego autora opowieści o podróżach. Korzystając z periegetycznych tekstów podróżniczych, zaczerpniętych z jego obszernego dzieła Wędrówki po Helladzie (Periegesis tes Hellados; II w. n.e.), będącego punktem wyjścia do rozważań, autorki zamierzają pokazać, że strategie tekstualne Pauzaniasza wciąż stanowią podstawę współczesnej serii przewodników turystycznych, zapoczątkowanej przez K. Baedekera w XIX w. Celem opracowania jest również wykazanie, że po Baedekerze tradycyjne teksty podróżnicze Pauzaniasza nadal mają wpływ na epistemologię współczesnej turystyki: interakcje między tekstami podróżniczymi, zawierającymi informacje turystyczne, a kanałami dystrybucji prowadzą do pojawienia się generycznych hybryd, a starożytni greccy autorzy podróży utorowali drogę do tworzenia cyfrowych opowiadań, sieci i globalnych platform turystycznych

    Thromboembolic Disease in Patients With Cancer and COVID-19: Risk Factors, Prevention and Practical Thromboprophylaxis Recommendations–State-of-the-Art.

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    Cancer and COVID-19 are both well-established risk factors predisposing to thrombosis. Both disease entities are correlated with increased incidence of venous thrombotic events through multifaceted pathogenic mechanisms involving the interaction of cancer cells or SARS-CoV2 on the one hand and the coagulation system and endothelial cells on the other hand. Thromboprophylaxis is recommended for hospitalized patients with active cancer and high-risk outpatients with cancer receiving anticancer treatment. Universal thromboprophylaxis with a high prophylactic dose of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) or therapeutic dose in select patients, is currentlyindicated for hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Also, prophylactic anticoagulation is recommended for outpatients with COVID-19 at high risk for thrombosis or disease worsening. However, whether there is an additive risk of thrombosis when a patient with cancer is infected with SARS-CoV2 remains unclear In the current review, we summarize and critically discuss the literature regarding the epidemiology of thrombotic events in patients with cancer and concomitant COVID-19, the thrombotic risk assessment, and the recommendations on thromboprophylaxis for this subgroup of patients. Current data do not support an additive thrombotic risk for patients with cancer and COVID-19. Of note, patients with cancer have less access to intensive care unit care, a setting associated with high thrombotic risk. Based on current evidence, patients with cancer and COVID-19 should be assessed with well-established risk assessment models for medically ill patients and receive thromboprophylaxis, preferentially with LMWH, according to existing recommendations. Prospective trials on well-characterized populations do not exist

    Η πρόσληψη του ευριπίδειου έργου στην ποητική της H.D.

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    This doctoral thesis seeks to unravel the breadth and depth of H.D.’s lifelong engagement with the plays of the Athenian dramatist Euripides. Though he is by no means the only classical Greek author H.D. studies and translates during her career, I argue that his dramatic oeuvre becomes an essential, multivalent source that helps her construct her own poetic platform. The classical Modernist tendency to return to the past and translate from the wide-ranging repertory of the classics, becomes a systematic and continuous practice for H.D. Through her translations of Euripides’ plays that cover the time span of 1915-1956, she produces highly experimental renderings of choral odes, fragments, and entire plays written by the Attic playwright. Simultaneously, she extends his plays beyond the given generic realms of lyric, drama, and epic, while functioning in similar ways the Greek Classical poets themselves worked within their own tradition. Thus, Euripides’ avant-gardism engenders and nurtures her own transgressive poetics. Working progressively with lyric poetry, the first period of H.D.’s involvement with Euripides evolves from a series of experimental choral and dramatic translations into asystematic quest into several territories of ancient Greek literature and mythology. As hertranslations acquire the freedom to become creative renderings borrowing from several mythological realms such as the cycle of the Trojan War to Hippolytus and Ion, territories onlove, identity and autochthony, H.D. is challenged by the Iliadic epic and Helen, allegedly the Causa Belli and victim of the Trojan War. In this thesis, I demonstrate how H.D. exploits systematically Euripides’ radical interpretations of myth, poetic tropes such as image, voice, the polyphonic choral voice, and intertextuality. Key texts for my exploration are her partial translations of Iphigeneia in Aulis, Hippolytus, Hecuba, Electra-Orestes, and The Bacchae, including her versions of Hippolytus, Ion, and Helen. Using as interpretive tools a variety of classical scholarship and H.D. studies, I show how H.D. constructs her own avant-garde, crossgeneric texts such as the choral poem, prose-choros, the critical essay, and the prose captions / interludes and how she uses them in her long poems Hippolytus Temporizes, Euripides’ Ion and Helen in Egypt. These new hybrid texts simulta neously embody and expand the Euripidean drama while furthering her own poetics.Στη διδακτορική μου διατριβή εξετάζω την ισόβια σχέση της H.D. με τον τραγικό ποιητή Ευριπίδη και την συμβολή του στην μορφοποίηση και εξέλιξη της ποιητικής της. Ο πολυσχιδής διάλογός της με τον Ευριπίδη εκτυλίσσεται αρχικά στον στίβο της δημιουργικής μετάφρασης, ενός χώρου δηλαδή, o οποίος παίζει καθοριστικό ρόλο στην συνεχή ανανέωση και πορεία της ποιητικής της εν γένει. Η σχέση της με τον Ευριπίδη διαρκεί πάνω από σαράντα χρόνια και συνεισφέρει σημαντικά στην πρόσληψη των Κλασικών έργων, έναν από τους απαραίτητους πολιτισμικούς και καλλιτεχνικούς στόχους των Μοντερνιστών του πρώιμου εικοστού αιώνα. Η εργασία μου αποδεικνύει πως το ενδιαφέρον της H.D. για τα έργα του Ευριπίδη εκτείνεται πολύ πέρα από μια επιφανειακή περιέργεια για την κειμενική, αισθητική ή θεματολογική τους αξία. Μέσα από την έρευνα των μεταφράσεών της πάνω στο έργο του Έλληνα δραματουργού δείχνω πως η H.D. υφαίνει ένα πολύπλευρο υπόδειγμα (pattern) πάνω στο οποίο συγκροτείται ένα διακριτό σχήμα.Μέσα από την μελέτη μου στα έργα του Ευριπίδη έφτασα στα εξής συμπεράσματα:o Η Η.D. επιλέγει την τραγωδία ως είδος για τις μεταφράσεις της κάνοντας χρήση της ειδολογικής ευελιξίας του δράματος.o Το δράμα έχει άμεση σύνδεση με την λυρική ποίηση και το έπος. Το δράμα επίσης γεφυρώνει τα λογοτεχνικά είδη μεταξύ τους και υποστηρίζει ειδολογικά υβρίδια όπως το Παλίμψηστο, την Παλινωδία και τα νεωτεριστικά σχήματα της H.D. όπως το πεζό-χορικό, την χορική ακολουθία, το πεζό κεφαλίδα (prose caption) ως εισαγωγικό σχόλιο, ανάλυση, και κριτική σε ποιητικό έργο (Ίων).o Από το δράμα του Ευριπίδη επίσης εξετάζει τις παραλλαγές των μύθων (για παράδειγμα οι Ατρείδαι, ο Τρωΐκός πόλεμος), τις θεότητες και την πρόσληψή τους αποπρογενέστερα κείμενα H Η.D. αφομοιώνει τις τραγωδίες του Ευριπίδη σε μεγάλο μέρος του ποιητικού της έργου και το πολύπλοκο αυτό εγχείρημα της επιτρέπει να προχωρήσει την ποιητική της πέρα από τον Ευριπίδη επεκτείνοντας ταυτόχρονα το δραματικό του έργο.o Ο Έλληνας δραματουργός της δίνει τα στοιχεία μέσα από το μύθο, την διακειμενικότητα, την ρητορική, τα χορικά και την σχέση τους με άλλα συγγενή είδη ποίησης. Το έργο του παρεισφρύει σε κάθε είδος με το οποίο πειραματίστηκε η H.D., αναγεννά και ανανεώνει τις πηγές της, και της δίνει το υλικό για να σχηματίσει την δική της –μεταφρασμένη- Ελληνικότητα

    Thromboembolic Disease in Patients With Cancer and COVID-19:Risk Factors, Prevention and Practical Thromboprophylaxis Recommendations–State-of-the-Art

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    Cancer and COVID-19 are both well-established risk factors predisposing to thrombosis. Both disease entities are correlated with increased incidence of venous thrombotic events through multifaceted pathogenic mechanisms involving the interaction of cancer cells or SARS-CoV2 on the one hand and the coagulation system and endothelial cells on the other hand. Thromboprophylaxis is recommended for hospitalized patients with active cancer and high-risk outpatients with cancer receiving anticancer treatment. Universal thromboprophylaxis with a high prophylactic dose of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) or therapeutic dose in select patients, is currently indicated for hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Also, prophylactic anticoagulation is recommended for outpatients with COVID-19 at high risk for thrombosis or disease worsening. However, whether there is an additive risk of thrombosis when a patient with cancer is infected with SARSCoV2 remains unclear. In the current review, we summarize and critically discuss the literature regarding the epidemiology of thrombotic events in patients with cancer and concomitant COVID-19, the thrombotic risk assessment, and the recommendations on thromboprophylaxis for this subgroup of patients. Current data do not support an additive thrombotic risk for patients with cancer and COVID-19. Of note, patients with cancer have less access to intensive care unit care, a setting associated with high thrombotic risk. Based on current evidence, patients with cancer and COVID-19 should be assessed with well-established risk assessment models for medically ill patients and receive thromboprophylaxis, preferentially with LMWH, according to existing recommendations. Prospective trials on well-characterized populations do not exist