141 research outputs found

    Precarious Employment Relations as a Factor of Social Pollution

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    The paper discusses the assessment of precarious employment relations as one of the systemic factors of social pollution. The social pollution phenomenon in employment relations is caused by employers who use a strategy for the reduction of labour costs and toxic practices of human resource management. This paper presents the intermediate outcomes of a longitudinal study based on the methods of survey, involving workers of Russian companies in different sectors of economy. In 2014, authors conducted a pilot study in order to test the methodological tools for assessing social pollution in employment relations, which included assessing the degree of precarization. This pilot study also allowed the authors to verify the hypotheses of their research and to improve the tools for further application in the survey which was conducted in 2015 among the staff members of enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region. Thus, the authors have managed to identify the precarization-related toxic elements of employment relations in these enterprises, which damaged the physical health and psychosocial well-being of the employees. This study has also brought to light a number of current trends in the employment relations in the region. Although the research results are somewhat limited due to the fact that such observations should be made repeatedly over a long period of time, intermediary conclusions might also be of interest and could be used to search for ways of dealing with problems caused by the growing precarization on the level of individual enterprises as well as on the level of the whole region

    A problem of cattle selection for resistance to leukosis

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    En el artículo se aborda la temática de la evaluación del aprendizaje y su relevancia para el proceso educativo, a partir de la perspectiva de los principales actores sociales especializados, como lo son profesoras y profesores con desempeño destacado, según el Sistema de Evaluación Docente (SED). Los tres temas centrales en torno a los cuales gira esta investigación son: concepciones de los profesores, evaluación del aprendizaje escolar y la evaluación de desempeño docente. Cada uno de estos temas fue trabajado en profundidad para dar respuesta a la pregunta problema: cuáles son las concepciones en torno a la evaluación del aprendizaje que poseen docentes de Educación Básica pertenecientes a establecimientos educativos de administración municipal de la Comuna de Curicó evaluados con desempeño destacado, según el SED en el año 2007. Esto se realizó por medio de la aplicación de una metodología de casos múltiple tomando como base categorías apriorísticas, y los siguientes procedimientos de investigación: entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciones no participantes y análisis de documentos, para efectos de triangulación de la información. Los hallazgos dan cuenta de concepciones con un rudimentario sustento teórico, con aspectos que se enmarcan bajo la línea de la evaluación para el aprendizaje, lo cual es coherente con la actual reforma educativa. Asimismo, se señalan discrepancias entre la teoría de la evaluación y la práctica evaluativa de este grupo de profesores, enfatizando la esencia formativa de la evaluación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Is the UNDP Declared Human Development for Everyone Possible in Real Life?

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    The law of normal distribution applied to human development states that an equal level of development of countries (regions, and people) at one point in time cannot be achieved, and under any level of average development there will always be those lagging behind this level and those ahead of it. The main research issue within the framework of this article is the following: what happens beyond the average indicators of human development in real life, and is it possible to achieve the equally high level of human development for everyone? The authors answer this question with the help of diachronic and synchronic analysis of the Human Development Index (HDI) in the period 1990 – 2017 with respect to compliance of the HDI variance to normal distribution. Using cluster analysis, the authors obtained the results testifying that the modern world is increasingly divided into groups of countries (“worlds”) every one of which has its own average level of human development, and the HDI of the countries within each group varies in accordance with the Gauss curve. These four “worlds“ generally coincide with the UNDP division of countries into four groups - very high human development, high human development, medium human development, low human development. The authors came to the conclusion that the human development as the dynamic process is possible. But it is impossible to achieve the same level of human development for everyone without differences in the development levels between several groups of countries (several “worlds”) and within one group of countries (one “world”)

    Differentiation of internal regions in the EU countries

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    International audienceThe aim of the article is to study safety and sustainability of differentiation of performance of internal regions (NUTS 3) in the EU countries measured by the Sub-national Human Development Index (SHDI). The authors examine differentiation of the SHDI of internal regions in the EU countries by means of correspondence of distribution of this indicator [SHDI] of regional performance to Gauss curve, as well as by analyzing the SHDI of internal regions in the EU countries with the help of the coefficient of variation. As follows from the research, the authors proved that differentiation of regional performance in the EU over the last three decades were not chaotic but they were subjected to certain regularities: the distribution of performance of internal regions is normal, with metropolitan areas almost always being leaders of regional performance; regional differences in the area that is now the EU were increasing during the collapse of the Eastern European Socialist Bloc in the early 1990s, and they were declining later, as the regions adapted to the new conditions. So, identified regularities in performance of internal regions (NUTS 3) in the EU countries-normal distribution and spatial convergence-have been considered by the authors as safe and sustainable for further development of the whole EU and its countries

    Еврорегион «Буг»: факторы развития трансграничного культурного туризма.

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    В статье рассматриваются факторы развития трансграничного туризма в еврорегионе «Буг». Отмечается значение культурного туризма в организации трансграничного взаимодействия в трансграничных регионах, характеризуются специфические черты такой деятельности. Выявляются основные характеристики еврорегиона «Буг», определяются главные элементы комплекса факторов развития в нем культурного туризма. = The paper examines the factors of cross–border tourism in the Euroregion «Bug». It is notes the importance of cultural tourism in the organization of cross–border cooperation in cross–border regions and specific features such activities are characterized. The author identifies the main characteristics of the Euroregion «Bug» and defines main elements of the complex factors in the development of cultural tourism in it

    Selection for novel, acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio spp. from a closed Transbaikal mine site in a temporal pH- gradient bioreactor

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    Almost all the known isolates of acidophilic or acid-tolerant sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) belong to the spore-forming genus Desulfosporosinus in the Firmicutes. The objective of this study was to isolate acidophilic/acid-tolerant members of the genus Desulfovibrio belonging to deltaproteobacterial SRB. The sample material originated from microbial mat biomass submerged in mine water and was enriched for sulphate reducers by cultivation in anaerobic medium with lactate as an electron donor. A stirred tank bioreactor with the same medium composition was inoculated with the sulphidogenic enrichment. The bioreactor was operated with a temporal pH gradient, changing daily, from an initial pH of 7.3 to a final pH of 3.7. Among the bacteria in the bioreactor culture, Desulfovibrio was the only SRB group retrieved from the bioreactor consortium as observed by 16S rRNA-targeted denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Moderately acidophilic/acid-tolerant isolates belonged to Desulfovibrio aerotolerans - Desulfovibrio carbinophilus - Desulfovibrio magneticus and Desulfovibrio idahonensis - Desulfovibrio mexicanus clades within the genus Desulfovibrio. A moderately acidophilic strain, Desulfovibrio sp. VK (pH optimum 5.7) and acid-tolerant Desulfovibrio sp. ED (pH optimum 6.6) dominated in the bioreactor consortium at different time points and were isolated in pure cultur

    Discursive practices in online media texts about social orphanhood

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    The article deals with the problem of discursive practices in online media texts about social orphanhood addressed to non-specialist audiences.В статье рассматриваются особенности дискурсивных практик журналистики, встречающихся в текстах на тему социального сиротства в популярных интернет-СМИ

    Influence of value orientations of rural population on formation of self-preserving behavior

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    Formation of self-preserving behavior of rural population is defined both by external conditions and factors, and by way of living of a particular person, its value orientations towards his or her own health, and later — by practical implementation of appropriate behavioral values. System of values as the element of culture and essential factor that forms people's attitude to their health determines health-saving or health-destructing practice. In reality, however, there is a mismatch of value orientations of rural population and practical actions for maintaining (destructing) its health

    О светлом человеке, учителе, друге (памяти А.С. Зиновьева)

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    In 2003 went away from life Anton S. Zinovyev corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Science of Russia, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor. In the paper author makes an attempt to show the personality of famous Russian scientist-pathological anatomist.В сентябре 2003 г. ушел из жизни заслуженный деятель науки РФ, член-корреспондент РАМН, доктор медицинских наук, профессор Антон Самойлович Зиновьев. В статье автор попыталась показать личность известного российского ученого-патологоанатома