82 research outputs found

    Development of bambangan (Mangifera pajang) carbonated drink

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    Mangifera pajang Kostermans or bambangan is a popular fruit among Sabahan due to its health and economic values. However, the fruit is not fully commercialized since it is usually been used as traditional cuisine by local people. Thus, development of bambangan fruit into carbonated drink was conducted to produce new product concept. The objectives of this study were to conceptualize, formulate, evaluate consumer acceptance, and determine physicochemical properties and nutritional composition of the accepted product. Method used in conceptualising the product was based on questionnaire. The consumer acceptance was evaluated based on descriptive and affective tests with four product formulations tested. The physicochemical properties on carbon dioxide volume, colour, pH, total acidity, total soluble solid (TSS) and viscosity were highlighted, meanwhile nutritional composition on fat, protein, carbohydrates and energy content were determined. About 77% respondents gave positive feedback, and 69% respondents decided this product is within their budget. The formulation of 5% bambangan pulp, 70% water, 25% sugar and 0.2% citric acid was highly accepted in descriptive and affective tests with 4.4 and 6.39 mean scores, respectively. The physicochemical properties and nutritional composition of the acceptance product were in optimum value except for colour, total acidity and TSS. Overall, this study showed that the product has high potential to be commercialized as new product concept, and heritage of indigenous people can be preserved when this fruit is known regionally

    An analysis of the impact of soft skills on Malaysian technical institutions

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    Many people recognize the importance of technical skills as knowledge and proficiencies required in the accomplishment of professional jobs. However, the importance and applicability of soft skills are mostly ignored despite the fact that, it is a process how individual carry himself in an organization or professional environment for the progress of that individual and the organization he found himself. The paper explored into some journals from the previous the literatures, some soft skills were identified such as communication, lifelong learning, entrepreneurship, leadership, and teamwork, problem solving and critical among TVET institutions in Malaysia. Document analysis was conducted as a methodology for this study. The impacts of these soft skills on TVET related institutions like polytechnics, training centers and universities in Malaysia. It was indicated that, the result of the impact of soft skills on these institutions was generally moderate. The paper concluded that, technical skills alone could not bring about the organizational development there must be a compliment of soft skills for any organizational sustainability. Supplementary of soft and technical skills conceptual model was formulated. The paper was concluded by saying that, the competitive nature of the present situation, soft skills are essential because they have affected all aspect of human development. Some recommendations were suggested, teachers, lecturers and instructor must teach students soft skills for complete individual proficiencies and organizational sustainability

    Prospek persatuan teksi Klang; peranan, sumbangan, masalah dan masa depan - suatu tinjauan / A. Wahab Muhamad …[et al.]

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    Pengangkutan adalah sebahagian dari keperluan dalam kehidupan manusia. Manusia perlu kepada pengangkutan bagi membolehkan mereka bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Fungsi utama perkhidmatan pengangkutan adalah untuk raemudahkan gerakan penumpang dan barangan ke sesuatu tempat yang hendak di tuju. Dalam perkembangan teknologi moden dewasa ini keperluan terhadap pengangkutan yang lebih Cepat dan lebih selesa adalah lebih diutamakan oleh orang rami. Kebanyakan negara-negara maju, pengangkutan jalanraya merupakan satu sistem pengangkutan yang penting dalam perhubungan. Perkhidmatan teksi adalah salah satu bentuk pengangkutan yang terdapat di jalanraya. la dlujudkan sebagai satu bentuk pengangkutan awam yang cepat dan selesa dan juga menjadi alternatif lain kepada orang rami yang menggunakan perkhidmatan awam. Dalam- usaha untuk mewujudkan satu sistem pengangkutan yang teratur dan berkesan maka perlu untuk diadakan satu persatuan untuk mentadbir : dan menyelaraskan perjalanan perkhidmatan pengangkutan tersebut.. Persatuan Teksi Klang adalah salah sebuah dari persatuan yang terdapat di Malaysia. Penubuhan persatuan tersebut adalah _untuk mengabungkan para pemandu teksi di bawah satu persatuan dan mewujudkan satu sistem perjalanan perkhidmatan teksi yang teratur di bandar Klang bagi kemudahan orang ramai yang memerlukannya. Selain daripada perkhidmatan teksi yang disediakan kepada orang ramai, persatuan ini juga turut member! sumbangan kepada ahli-ahlinya seperti bantuan dalam bentuk kewangan dan kemudahan perhentian teksi yang disediakan. Memandangkan kepada perlunya satu perkhidmatan teksi yang lebih baik dan teratur, maka kajian ini akan menumpukan kepada keberkesanan persatuan tersebut dalam usaha ke arah itu

    Coupled surface plasmons and optical guided wave exploration of near-surface director profile

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    Copyright © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. This is the published version of an article published in New Journal of Physics Vol. 9, article 49. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/9/3/049For a liquid crystal (LC) cell with thin silver claddings it is possible, using a high index coupling prism, to excite both surface plasmon modes and ordinary optical guided modes. In a situation where the tilt of the director varies from homogeneous to homeotropic through the cell, then for p-polarized incident radiation the p-polarized surface plasmon mode and the ordinary guided waves may couple to each other. When the plane containing the director is normal to the incident plane, there is also polarization conversion leading to strong coupling between the p-polarized surface plasmon and s-like guided modes. From theoretical analyses together with numerical modelling it is shown how this coupling between the surface plasmon mode and guided waves gives a high sensitivity to the surface director tilt profile near the walls, higher than that of the surface plasmon mode alone. Experimental confirmation of this has been realized using a hybrid aligned nematic (HAN) LC cell with the director in a plane normal to the incident plane. The results fully confirm the model predictions showing that this coupling of surface plasmons to guided waves provides a powerful tool for near-surface director studies

    Kortárs egészségfejlesztési programok közvetlen hatása alsó tagozatos gyermekek kézhigiénés tudására és megfelelő kézmosási technikájára

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIM: In the case of primary school children in Budapest (n = 165), data on their social status and their previous knowledge on hand hygiene were elicited with the help of pre-knowledge questionnaires issued by students of higher education. The aim of the research was introducing a novel pedagogical procedure - application and optimization of peer education in the development of proper hand hygiene among primary school students. METHOD: The knowledge-based survey was conducted after four (n = 85) and eight hours of teaching (n = 36). In addition, the effectiveness of hand washing was tested immediately before (n = 166) and after the four (n = 74) and eight hours of teaching (n = 35) with Semmelweis Scanner after rubbing the hand with fluorescent cream. RESULTS: Prior knowledge of hand hygiene significantly increased after the four-hour and eight-hour trainings. In the case of smaller children, the effect of the eight-hour training was more pronounced. Similar results were obtained with regards to the changes in the number of areas missed while rubbing the surface of the hand as a result of the teaching. CONCLUSION: Sociological surveys on hand hygiene knowledge and direct physical measurements indicate that training with appropriate pedagogical procedures is effective and contributes to the environmentally conscious hygiene culture of children aged 6 to 10. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(12): 485-490

    Enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated kenaf using a recombinant xylanase: effects of reaction conditions for optimum hemicellulose hydrolysis

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    An efficient hemicellulose hydrolysis has now become a crucial step for xylooligosaccharides production for food additives and nutraceuticals industries. In this study, xylanase hydrolysis of pretreated hemicellulosic kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) for substantial hemicellulose hydrolysis was demonstrated. Experiments were performed primarily to investigate the effect of several critical reaction conditions towards the enzymatic hydrolysis of the pre-treated kenaf. The effects of various ranges of reaction conditions (substrate loading, xylanase loading, pH, temperature and time) were systematically and thoroughly studied. The study of hemicellulosic kenaf conversion using single enzyme was proven to effectively yield up to 59% of conversion after 48 h incubation using 3% (w/v) of substrate loading and 400 U of xylanase loading at 50°C in pH 4.0 buffer systems. The use of a single xylanase on the pre-treated kenaf was a key parameter in understanding the action of the main hemicellulose degrading enzyme towards hydrolysing the hemicellulose backbone of the pre-treated kenaf. Enzyme feeding strategy was also conducted and the results revealed that a batch feeding strategy of 400 U xylanase loading yielded the highest hemicellulose hydrolysis compared to the other fed batch enzyme feeding strategy. It was concluded that each reaction conditions and enzyme feeding strategy gave a significant impact towards the enzymatic hydrolysis and the use of optimum reaction conditions resulted in a high product yield at the end of the reaction. With the discovery of the importance of each reaction conditions involved in a hydrolysis, this study highlights the need for a comprehensive investigation on the reaction conditions using a mixture of enzymes towards achieving a complete hydrolysis with a higher product yield

    Graphene-based nanomaterials and their application in bioreactors

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    This chapter focuses on the membranes and immobilization matrices created by nanostructured technologies, graphene, and reduced graphene oxide, which are grouped according to their chemical configuration. As a result, several types of nanoparticles have been employed as the matrix for immobilizing cells and enzymes along with the advancement of nanostructured technologies, taking into account the benefits that immobilized cells and enzymes on the nanoparticles have over other matrices. However, much as with any other immobilization material, surface modification is required to functionalize or alter the immobilization site to effectively immobilize cells on nanoparticles. In addition to the surface matrices treatment, a number of bioreactor parameters have been explored, each of which would influence the cell growth rate, proliferation, and extracellular product synthesis, resulting in an increase in yield with a low probability of cell lysis

    On the EBGs of shielded 2D periodic structures with metal inclusions in the dielectric layer

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    Artificial media with effective refractive index can be built by inserting small metal inclusions in a bulk dielectric material. The possibility and effect of including such a material in a periodic structure realized in stripline technology have been investigated. It has been shown that the electromagnetic band-gaps that are displayed by the dispersion diagrams are displaced towards lower frequencies following metal loading. A calculated equivalent refractive index illustrates that metal loading has an effect similar to increasing the dielectric constant when conditions for effective media are met. The considered periodic structures have applications, among others, in filtering, antenna technology and signal integrit