53 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism in adipose tissue mitochondrial function and metabolic flexibility in obesity

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    Objective The prevalence of obesity is growing globally. Adiposity increases the risk for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Adipose tissue distribution influences systemic metabolism and impacts metabolic disease risk. The link between sexual dimorphisms of adiposity and metabolism is poorly defined. We hypothesise that depot-specific adipose tissue mitochondrial function contributes to the sexual dimorphism of metabolic flexibility in obesity. Methods Male and female mice fed high fat diet (HFD) or standard diet (STD) from 8–18 weeks of age underwent whole animal calorimetry and high-resolution mitochondrial respirometry analysis on adipose tissue depots. To determine translatability we used RT-qPCR to examine key brown adipocyte-associated gene expression: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor co-activator 1α, Uncoupling protein 1 and cell death inducing DFFA like effector a in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (sWAT) of 18-week-old mice and sWAT from human volunteers. Results Male mice exhibited greater weight gain compared to female mice when challenged with HFD. Relative to increased body mass, the adipose to body weight ratio for BAT and sWAT depots was increased in HFD-fed males compared to female HFD-fed mice. Oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, respiratory exchange ratio and food consumption did not differ between males and females fed HFD. BAT mitochondria from obese females showed increased Complex I & II respiration and maximal respiration compared to lean females whereas obese males did not exhibit adaptive mitochondrial BAT respiration. Sexual dimorphism in BAT-associated gene expression in sWAT was also associated with Body Mass Index in humans. Conclusions We show that sexual dimorphism of weight gain is reflected in mitochondrial respiration analysis. Female mice have increased metabolic flexibility to adapt to changes in energy intake by regulating energy expenditure through increased complex II and maximal mitochondrial respiration within BAT when HFD challenged and increased proton leak in sWAT mitochondria

    Global PIEZO1 Gain-of-Function Mutation Causes Cardiac Hypertrophy and Fibrosis in Mice

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    PIEZO1 is a subunit of mechanically-activated, nonselective cation channels. Gain-of-function PIEZO1 mutations are associated with dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis (DHS), a type of anaemia, due to abnormal red blood cell function. Here, we hypothesised additional effects on the heart. Consistent with this hypothesis, mice engineered to contain the M2241R mutation in PIEZO1 to mimic a DHS mutation had increased cardiac mass and interventricular septum thickness at 8–12 weeks of age, without altered cardiac contractility. Myocyte size was greater and there was increased expression of genes associated with cardiac hypertrophy (Anp, Acta1 and β-MHC). There was also cardiac fibrosis, increased expression of Col3a1 (a gene associated with fibrosis) and increased responses of isolated cardiac fibroblasts to PIEZO1 agonism. The data suggest detrimental effects of excess PIEZO1 activity on the heart, mediated in part by amplified PIEZO1 function in cardiac fibroblasts

    Novel Role of the IGF-1 Receptor in Endothelial Function and Repair: Studies in Endothelium-Targeted IGF-1 Receptor Transgenic Mice

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    We recently demonstrated that reducing IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) numbers in the endothelium enhances nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and endothelial cell insulin sensitivity. In the present report, we aimed to examine the effect of increasing IGF-1R on endothelial cell function and repair. To examine the effect of increasing IGF-1R in the endothelium, we generated mice overexpressing human IGF-1R in the endothelium (human IGF-1R endothelium-overexpressing mice [hIGFREO]) under direction of the Tie2 promoter enhancer. hIGFREO aorta had reduced basal NO bioavailability (percent constriction to NG-monomethyl-l-arginine [mean (SEM) wild type 106% (30%); hIGFREO 48% (10%)]; P < 0.05). Endothelial cells from hIGFREO had reduced insulin-stimulated endothelial NO synthase activation (mean [SEM] wild type 170% [25%], hIGFREO 58% [3%]; P = 0.04) and insulin-stimulated NO release (mean [SEM] wild type 4,500 AU [1,000], hIGFREO 1,500 AU [700]; P < 0.05). hIGFREO mice had enhanced endothelium regeneration after denuding arterial injury (mean [SEM] percent recovered area, wild type 57% [2%], hIGFREO 47% [5%]; P < 0.05) and enhanced endothelial cell migration in vitro. The IGF-1R, although reducing NO bioavailability, enhances in situ endothelium regeneration. Manipulating IGF-1R in the endothelium may be a useful strategy to treat disorders of vascular growth and repair. Insulin-resistant type 2 diabetes characterized by perturbation of the insulin/IGF-1 system is a multisystem disorder of nutrient homeostasis, cell growth, and tissue repair (1). As a result, type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for the development of a range of disorders of human health, including occlusive coronary artery disease (2), peripheral vascular disease (3), stroke (4), chronic vascular ulcers (5), proliferative retinopathy (6), and nephropathy (7). A key hallmark of these pathologies is endothelial cell dysfunction characterized by a reduction in bioavailability of the signaling radical nitric oxide (NO). In the endothelium, insulin binding to its tyrosine kinase receptor stimulates release of NO (8). Insulin resistance at a whole-body level (9,10) and specific to the endothelium (11) leads to reduced bioavailability of NO, indicative of a critical role for insulin in regulating NO bioavailability. The insulin receptor (IR) and IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) are structurally similar—both composed of two extracellular α and two transmembrane β subunits linked by disulfide bonds (12). As a result, IGF-1R and IR can heterodimerize to form insulin-resistant hybrid receptors composed of one IGF-1R-αβ complex and one IR-αβ subunit complex (13,14). We recently demonstrated that reducing IGF-1R (by reducing the number of hybrid receptors) enhances insulin sensitivity and NO bioavailability in the endothelium (15). To examine the effect of increasing IGF-1R specifically in the endothelium on NO bioavailability, endothelial repair, and metabolic homeostasis, we generated a transgenic mouse with targeted overexpression of the human IGF-1R in the endothelium (hIGFREO)

    An auto-ethnographic study of co-produced health research in a patient organisation: unpacking the good, the bad, and the unspoken

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    BACKGROUND: In rare diseases, limited access to services and rare disease experts may force families to act as medical advocates for their child; they can volunteer to support clinician-initiated research or initiate and lead research themselves. Ketotic Hypoglycemia International (KHI) is a new, global organization for families affected by idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia (IKH) and is run solely by volunteers. Doing research together, families and international experts in a collaborative process such as at KHI, also referred to as patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) or extreme citizen science, is often praised for its positive effects on the research and the stakeholders involved. METHODS: We used auto-ethnographic narratives from parents and medical professionals in KHI to report on their experiences with co-produced health research. All co-authors wrote down their experiences in relation to three topics: time invested, work invested and power dynamics. RESULTS: Whilst the parents and health care professionals felt a new hope for (their) children with IKH, they also felt pressure to contribute time or to be flexible in how and when they dedicated time towards the organization. The power dynamics were characterised by a change in the relationship between the parents and medical experts; the parent being taught by the expert shifted to the expert learning from the lived experience of the parent. Both parents and medical experts struggled with maintaining boundaries and safeguarding their mental health. CONCLUSION: Our findings call for the need to secure and prioritize funding for patient organizations, to enable them to create the sustainable architecture required for meaningful PPIE within these organizations. The morals and often deeply personal reasons for engaging with voluntary work in health research, can lead to overstepping of boundaries. As a result of our research, we call for the development of ethics of care guidelines within collaborative health research

    Endothelial Piezo1 sustains muscle capillary density and contributes to physical activity

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    Piezo1 forms mechanically-activated non-selective cation channels that contribute to endothelial response to fluid flow. Here we reveal an important role in the control of capillary density. Conditional endothelial-specific deletion of Piezo1 in adult mice depressed physical performance. Muscle microvascular endothelial cell apoptosis and capillary rarefaction were evident and sufficient to account for the effect on performance. There was selective upregulation of thrombospondin-2 (TSP2), an inducer of endothelial apoptosis, with no effect on thrombospondin-1 (TSP1), a related important player in muscle physiology. TSP2 was poorly expressed in muscle endothelial cells but robustly expressed in muscle pericytes, in which nitric oxide (NO) repressed the Tsp2 gene without effect on Tsp1. In the endothelial cells, Piezo1 was required for normal expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). The data suggest an endothelial-pericyte partnership of muscle in which endothelial Piezo1 senses blood flow to sustain capillary density and thereby maintain physical capability

    MRE11 and RAD50, but not NBS1, are essential for gene targeting in the moss Physcomitrella patens

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    The moss Physcomitrella patens is unique among plant models for the high frequency with which targeted transgene insertion occurs via homologous recombination. Transgene integration is believed to utilize existing machinery for the detection and repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). We undertook targeted knockout of the Physcomitrella genes encoding components of the principal sensor of DNA DSBs, the MRN complex. Loss of function of PpMRE11 or PpRAD50 strongly and specifically inhibited gene targeting, whilst rates of untargeted transgene integration were relatively unaffected. In contrast, disruption of the PpNBS1 gene retained the wild-type capacity to integrate transforming DNA efficiently at homologous loci. Analysis of the kinetics of DNA-DSB repair in wild-type and mutant plants by single-nucleus agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that bleomycin-induced fragmentation of genomic DNA was repaired at approximately equal rates in each genotype, although both the Ppmre11 and Pprad50 mutants exhibited severely restricted growth and development and enhanced sensitivity to UV-B and bleomycin-induced DNA damage, compared with wild-type and Ppnbs1 plants. This implies that while extensive DNA repair can occur in the absence of a functional MRN complex; this is unsupervised in nature and results in the accumulation of deleterious mutations incompatible with normal growth and development

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm is associated with a variant in low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality and has a significant heritability. We carried out a genome-wide association discovery study of 1866 patients with AAA and 5435 controls and replication of promising signals (lead SNP with a p value &lt; 1 × 10-5) in 2871 additional cases and 32,687 controls and performed further follow-up in 1491 AAA and 11,060 controls. In the discovery study, nine loci demonstrated association with AAA (p &lt; 1 × 10-5). In the replication sample, the lead SNP at one of these loci, rs1466535, located within intron 1 of low-density-lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) demonstrated significant association (p = 0.0042). We confirmed the association of rs1466535 and AAA in our follow-up study (p = 0.035). In a combined analysis (6228 AAA and 49182 controls), rs1466535 had a consistent effect size and direction in all sample sets (combined p = 4.52 × 10-10, odds ratio 1.15 [1.10-1.21]). No associations were seen for either rs1466535 or the 12q13.3 locus in independent association studies of coronary artery disease, blood pressure, diabetes, or hyperlipidaemia, suggesting that this locus is specific to AAA. Gene-expression studies demonstrated a trend toward increased LRP1 expression for the rs1466535 CC genotype in arterial tissues; there was a significant (p = 0.029) 1.19-fold (1.04-1.36) increase in LRP1 expression in CC homozygotes compared to TT homozygotes in aortic adventitia. Functional studies demonstrated that rs1466535 might alter a SREBP-1 binding site and influence enhancer activity at the locus. In conclusion, this study has identified a biologically plausible genetic variant associated specifically with AAA, and we suggest that this variant has a possible functional role in LRP1 expression.</p