40 research outputs found

    Handbook on the effective use of virtual learning platform and ICT tools for online courses

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    One of the major aims of IN2RURAL Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships project is to develop online learning courses with high-level interactive online and offline educational material particularly for higher education students who intend to obtain specific information on renewable energy resources. There will be two different types of online course developed during the project. One of the courses is called “Technical English for renewable energy” (IO8) course, providing a base for the online course of “Renewable energy for local development” (IO9) with professional and academic content consisting of four modules: renewable energy and rural development module, photovoltaic module, biomass module and wind energy module. The compiled materials will include information about delivering online learning materials to students by means of assessments and tracking, collaboration and communication tools by delivering them with a high degree of practical information. The elaboration of each section within the “Renewable energy for local development” course has been divided between the participating project partners. The Spanish lead partner is responsible for the elaboration of the renewable energy and rural development module along with the photovoltaic module, while the Hungarian partners have created the biomass module and the wind energy section has been developed by the participating Romanian organisations. Both online courses and all four modules within “Renewable energy for local development” course follow a homogeneous structure. One of the main purposes of the handbook is to provide useful information for teachers on how to plan and prepare online educational material by defining the common elements that the course material of each module should include, providing a short documentation on how the sample files have to be prepared and then uploaded to the online learning platform. It also provides instructions with orientation purposes and samples to teachers on how to prepare the suitable framework for a learning material. Besides the e-learning material, the online courses also involve self-introductions of students and topic discussion forums, a glossary for each renewable energy resource module and additional extra materials, such as photos, presentations and extra bibliography. The “Technical English for Renewable Energy” course will contain a glossary providing students with the specific words and expressions, allowing them to follow the modules of the “Renewable energy for local development” online course. The online course provides opportunities both for individual and/or group discussion work, and the present handbook will guide the user how to become acquainted with the effective uses of virtual learning platform and ICTs along with some teaching methods to convey learning information. One of the main reasons for providing e-learning material through an electronic website is to promote interactivity among future students. These days, both teachers and students must rely on interactive learning materials besides the traditional printed texts during their professional work. ICT-based education has undoubtedly affected and is affecting the learning process of students and it is important to underline that a good ICT-based education has the potential to increase students’ motivation towards acquiring the required knowledge. Furthermore, it can be declared that ICT-based education undoubtedly helps to promote in connecting school experiences with work practices. In sum, the principal aims of the present “Handbook on the effective use of virtual learning platform and ICT tools for online courses” is to provide practical guidelines for teachers on how to provide learning material in ~.doc and ~.xls sample files that will be later transformed as an output into interactive and enjoyable electronic learning material, specifications for each parts of the learning platform, so that all the teachers working in different modules have a clear idea of the material they have to prepare for the course, a standardized evaluation for the modules

    A talaj termékenységét megőrző fajtaspecifikus kukoricatermesztési technológiák fejlesztése tartamkísérletben = Development of hybrid-specific maize technologies for the protecting of soil fertility in long-term experiment

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    Gazdasági előnyökkel járó hatékony hibridspecifikus termesztési technológiát dolgoztunk ki. Korai vetéssel - az optimális vetésidőhöz viszonyítva - 4-5 %-kal, a megkésett vetésidőhöz viszonyítva 6-10 %-kal is tudtuk csökkenteni a betakarításkori szemnedvesség tartalmat. A kukoricahibridek agroökológiai műtrágyaoptimuma előveteménytől, évjárattól és a hibrid termőképességétől függően N 40-120, P2O5 25-75. K2O 30-90 kg/ha hatóanyag. A hosszabb tenyészidejű hibridek (FAO 400-500) agroökológiai műtrágyaoptimuma a korai tenyészidejű hibridekhez viszonyítva kedvező évjáratban N 30-40 kg/ha-ral nagyobb volt. A hektáronkénti 10 ezer tőszámváltozás a termést 1,5-2,0 tonnával képes növelni vagy az optimum felett csökkenteni. Az optimális tőszám mellett a tőszámoptimum intervallumot is meghatároztuk, amit a hibridek még terméscsökkenés nélkül elviselnek. A tőszám befolyásolja a kukoricahibridek hektoliter tömeg alakulását is. Általában a 60, 75 ezer tő/ha-nál a legkedvezőbb, de a hibridek közötti különbség sokkal magasabb és állandóbb. A tőszámnöveléssel a szem keményítőtartalma nő, a fehérje- és az olajtartalma csökken. Az optimálisnál nagyobb N adag szignifikánsan csökkenti a talaj pH értékét, növeli a NO3-N mennyiségét. A hibridspecifikus technológia a talajtermékenységre gyakorolt hatása mellett elősegíti a klimatikus-, edafikus tényezők, a biológiai alapok, valamint az agrotechnikai tényezők közötti pozitív interakciók érvényesülését. | We have worked out an effective hybrid specific technology of plant production of economic benefit. By early sowing we could decrease the seed moisture content at harvest by 4-5%, compared to the optimal and by 6-10% compared to the latest sowing time. The agro-ecological optimum amount of fertilizers for maize hybrids is N40-120, P2O5 25-75, K2O 30-90 kg/ha active agent depending on fore crop, season effect and productivity of hybrids. The agro-ecological optimum amount of fertilizers for maize hybrids with longer vegetation period (FAO 400-500) was greater by N 30-40 kg/ha in the favourable seasons than for early maturating hybrids. A 10 000 plants/ha change in stock density can increase yields by 1,5-2 t/ha, but over the optimum level, yields are reduced. We determined not only the optimal plant density but the interval of optimal density, which can be tolerated without yield reduction by hybrids. Plant density has an effect on hectolitre weight of maize hybrids. Usually, it is the most favourable in the case of 60, 75 000 plants/ha, but the differences between hybrids are higher and more stable. Starch content rises, while protein and oil content drops in grain as a result of an increasing plant density. The higher than optimum N dose has decreased significantly the pH value of soil and increased NO3-N quantity. Hybrid specific technologies-besides having an impact on soil productivity-assist the predominance of the interaction between climatic, edaphic and biological factors

    A kukorica relatív klorofill tartalma, levélterülete és termésátlaga közötti összefüggés vizsgálata monokultúrás tartamkísérletben

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    Absztrakt: Kísérletünket Szarvason, a Szent István Egyetem Agrár és Gazdaságtudományi Kar Galambosi kísérleti telepén végeztük. Tartamkísérletünkben a különböző arányú (N, P, K) tápelemek növényfiziológiai, termésképzési hatásait vizsgáltuk. A tényezők közötti összefüggéseket 32 tápanyag ellátási szinten mértük. Kísérletünkben vizsgáltuk a kukorica tápanyag-reakcióját a klorofill tartalom változása, a levélterület és a termésátlag alakulása szempontjából. Kísérletünkben a levélterület növekedése szoros pozitív korrelációt eredményezett a termésátlag növekedésével, valamint a kukoricalevél relatív klorofill tartalmával. A tápelemek közül kísérletünkben a legjelentősebb pozitív hatást a nitrogén esetében mértük, a foszfor és a kálium hatásai kisebbek voltak. Abstract: The experiment was set up at Szarvas in the experimental field of the University of Szent István, Faculty of Agricultural and Economics Studies, in Galambos. During the research, we examined the effect of various nutrients (N, P, K) ratios on maize monoculture in long-term experiments. The contexts between the factors 32 nutrients we measured it on a supply level. We examined the nutrient reaction of maize on the chlorophyll content, the establishment of the leaf area and the average yield. The increase of the leaf area yielded a tight positive correlation with the increase of the average yield and the leaf relative chlorophyll content. From among the nutriment elements we measured the most considerable positive effect in the case of the nitrogen in our experiment, the effects of the phosphorus and the potassium were smaller

    A kukorica relatív klorofill tartalma, levélterülete és termésátlaga közötti összefüggés vizsgálata monokultúrás tartamkísérletben

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    The experiment was set up at Szarvas in the experimental field of the University of Szent István, Faculty of Agricultural and Economics Studies, in Galambos. During the research, we examined the effect of various nutrients (N, P, K) ratios on maize monoculture in long-term experiments. The contexts between the factors 32 nutrients we measured it on a supply level. We examined the nutrient reaction of maize on the chlorophyll content, the establishment of the leaf area and the average yield. The increase of the leaf area yielded a tight positive correlation with the increase of the average yield and the leaf relative chlorophyll content. From among the nutriment elements we measured the most considerable positive effect in the case of the nitrogen in our experiment, the effects of the phosphorus and the potassium were smaller.Kísérletünket Szarvason, a Szent István Egyetem Agrár és Gazdaságtudományi Kar Galambosi kísérleti telepén végeztük. Tartamkísérletünkben a különböző arányú (N, P, K) tápelemek növényfiziológiai, termésképzési hatásait vizsgáltuk. A tényezők közötti összefüggéseket 32 tápanyag ellátási szinten mértük. Kísérletünkben vizsgáltuk a kukorica tápanyag-reakcióját a klorofill tartalom változása, a levélterület és a termésátlag alakulása szempontjából. Kísérletünkben a levélterület növekedése szoros pozitív korrelációt eredményezett a termésátlag növekedésével, valamint a kukoricalevél relatív klorofill tartalmával. A tápelemek közül kísérletünkben a legjelentősebb pozitív hatást a nitrogén esetében mértük, a foszfor és a kálium hatásai kisebbek voltak

    Új lehetőségek a kukorica (Zea mays L.) öntözésében

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    The results of Hungarian maize production are significantly below the yields and total quantity in the world. Maize yields can be increased significantly if we improve the plant's water supply. The yield of maize can be significantly increased by improving the water supply of the plant. In many areas, only little water is available for irrigation. The effect of drip irrigation in our experiment was examined for the yield of corn. The experiment was set up at Szarvas in the experimental field of the University of Szent István, Faculty of Agricultural and Economics Studies, in Iskolaföld. The yields increased by 22.3-24.5% compared to the yields of control plots. In our experiment, the growth of the average yield was good for economically.A hazai kukoricatermesztés eredményei a világon tapasztalt hozam és termésmennyiség növekedéstől jelentősen elmaradnak. Hazánkban a kukorica terméslimitáló tényezője a jó vízellátás. A kukorica termésátlaga jelentősen növelhető, ha javítjuk a növény vízellátását. Sok területen csak igen kevés víz áll rendelkezésre a szakszerű öntözéshez. Kísérletünkben csepegtetőszalagos öntözés hatását vizsgáltuk a kukorica termésátlagára. A kísérletet Szarvason, a Szent István Egyetem Agrárés Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Iskolaföldi kísérleti területén állítottuk be. Vizsgálataink alapján a hozamok 22,3-24,5%-kal növekedtek a kontroll, öntözetlen parcellák eredményeihez képest, mely a vizsgált években a termésátlag növekedése szempontjából már ökonómiailag is gazdaságos volt

    Új lehetőségek a kukorica (Zea mays L.) öntözésében

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    Absztrakt: A hazai kukoricatermesztés eredményei a világon tapasztalt hozam és termésmennyiség növekedéstől jelentősen elmaradnak. Hazánkban a kukorica terméslimitáló tényezője a jó vízellátás. A kukorica termésátlaga jelentősen növelhető, ha javítjuk a növény vízellátását. Sok területen csak igen kevés víz áll rendelkezésre a szakszerű öntözéshez. Kísérletünkben csepegtetőszalagos öntözés hatását vizsgáltuk a kukorica termésátlagára. A kísérletet Szarvason, a Szent István Egyetem Agrárés Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Iskolaföldi kísérleti területén állítottuk be. Vizsgálataink alapján a hozamok 22,3-24,5%-kal növekedtek a kontroll, öntözetlen parcellák eredményeihez képest, mely a vizsgált években a termésátlag növekedése szempontjából már ökonómiailag is gazdaságos volt. Abstract: The results of Hungarian maize production are significantly below the yields and total quantity in the world. Maize yields can be increased significantly if we improve the plant's water supply. The yield of maize can be significantly increased by improving the water supply of the plant. In many areas, only little water is available for irrigation. The effect of drip irrigation in our experiment was examined for the yield of corn. The experiment was set up at Szarvas in the experimental field of the University of Szent István, Faculty of Agricultural and Economics Studies, in Iskolaföld. The yields increased by 22.3-24.5% compared to the yields of control plots. In our experiment, the growth of the average yield was good for economically

    Examination of water and salt stress for five different maize hybrids

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    In today’s climatic conditions, the yield-reducing effects of drought are increasingly being felt.Irrigation is the easiest and most effective way to eliminate the damage caused by drought. The production ofdrought-tolerant hybrids is a new trend that can easily affect the amount and quality of crops to be harvestedin a drought year. In the course of the research, we investigate the drought responses of five different hybrids,in three different water doses, in an environment closed from external precipitation in three replicates. Weset up our experiment at the Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement of the Hungarian University ofAgriculture and Life Sciences in Szarvas. The test was performed in pots. In addition to different water doses,the salt tolerance reactions of maize hybrids on saline soils were also investigated. The highest SPAD valueswere achieved with a water supply of SWS80%. Relative chlorophyll content results decreased by the end ofthe growing season, but the decrease was lowest with SWS80% water doses. The biomass weight of maizehybrids improved in all cases with increasing water supply (from 0.307±0.04 to 0,440±0.07) . The biomassweight of the drought-tolerant hybrids decreased the least under drought stress, while the decrease in biomassweight of the sensitive hybrids was much stronger during the experiment. The root mass of maize hybridsdecreased significantly due to drought stress (from 0.555±0.08 g to 0.328±0.06 g). The smallest decreasewas achieved by the roots of drought-tolerant hybrids. The maize hybrids were able to achieve the best LAIvalues at the SWS80% (good water supply) level. LAI values decreased by 19.5–21.7% due to drought stress.As a result of the drought stress, the decreased LAI values of the hybrids as well as the reduced root massresulted in smaller cob weight. A significant mean positive correlation was found between LAI values and cobweight values of maize hybrids atr=0.493. Hybrids showed more significant drought stress on saline soils,which worsened the yields achieved (from 11.2% to 18.7%). The production of maize hybrids under salineconditions was significantly decreased, but significant differences were found between the hybrids

    Comparative experiment of various irrigation technologies in maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Development of domestic maize cultivation largely depends on the applied agrotechnics. In keepingthe increase in crop increases, the goal is to minimize crop fluctuations, and there is also an important role inthe proper water supply. In our country, the yield of maize is a good water supply. The yield of maize can besignificantly increased by improving the water supply of the plant. In many areas there are only very few wateravailable for professional irrigation, so it is increasingly need to focus on modern, most water-saving irrigationtechnologies. In our experiment, we compare two irrigation techniques. The rain-like watering with consoleand the solenoid valve-controlled tape drip irrigation. Our examinations extend to mapping the properties ofmaize that can cause changes in the effect of irrigation and, of course, to develop crop quantities available byvarious irrigation technologies, since these results provide the proper income for the producer. The researchwas carried in Szarvas, at the school experimental field of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and LifeSciences, Department of Irrigation and Melioration, in 2020