716 research outputs found

    The Case for an Elderly Targeted Stroke Management

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    Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. The elderly, in whom atrial fibrillation (AF) is most prevalent, carry the greatest risk, undergoing more recurrent, deadlier strokes, with bigger deficits, slower recoveries, and more comorbidities. Evidence-based data on advanced age stroke management are scarce. Age-related cerebral changes might undermine the benefit of established stroke treatments. Nevertheless, the elderly should probably also undergo thrombolysis for ischemic stroke: they do not bleed more, and die not because of hemorrhage but of concomitant illnesses. Beyond natural bleeding risks, AF in advanced age has a high embolic potential if not anticoagulated. Standard or lower intensity warfarin anticoagulation prevents embolic stroke in the elderly with a hemorrhage risk even lower than aspirin. In fact, adverse effects seem to occur more often with aspirin. Excess anticoagulation hazards are prevented with lower starting doses, stricter corrections, more frequent International Normalized Ratio monitoring, and longer adjustment intervals. Validated prognostic scores such as CHADS2 help minimize bleeds. Direct inhibitors have recently shown a benefit similar to warfarin with fewer hemorrhages. Carefully tailoring antithrombotics to this age group is therefore useful. Antihypertensives probably help 80-plus stroke patients as well, but the risk/benefit of lowering blood pressure in secondary stroke prevention at that age is uncertain. Evidence-based data on diabetes management and use of lipid-lowering drugs are still lacking in this age group. In summary, emerging data suggest that stroke management should be specifically targeted to the elderly to better prevent its devastating consequences in the population at the highest risk

    La santé des aînés : portrait de la santé et de ses déterminants sociaux en ville de Lausanne

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    L'influence du vieillissement démographique se ressent dans divers secteurs de la société. Le financement des assurances sociales, l'organisation des soins et l'accueil destiné aux aînés doivent être repensés. Une récente analyse de l'Office fédéral de la statistique suggère que l'on vieillit en meilleure santé, avec une meilleure qualité de vie que par le passé. La mise en place de programmes pour un vieillissement en bonne santé s'impose en même temps qu'évolue notre système de santé. Les données actuelles décrivant la population des Lausannois de 65 ans et plus (la cohorte Lc65+) nous invitent à réfléchir à la question. Le présent document est le premier de trois rapports qui présenteront les données de la cohorte Lc65+. Il se fonde principalement sur les informations recueillies durant les années 2010 et 2011, et présentera avant tout les problèmes de santé d'une population âgée entre 68 et 77 ans. Les aspects de la santé seront mis en perspective avec des facteurs sociaux structurels, les déterminants sociaux de la santé. Le rapport se divise en deux parties. La première donne un aperçu de l'état de santé dans la population des seniors domiciliés à Lausanne; les fréquences relatives à chaque indicateur ont été calculées et les résultats présentés sous forme de graphiques ou tableaux. La seconde partie s'attache à évaluer le lien entre les variables de santé et les facteurs socio-économiques. La significativité statistique de l'association (brute, puis ajustée sur le sexe et le groupe d'âge) entre les facteurs socio-économiques et les variables de santé a été testée par des tests du" chi" d'indépendance

    Viviendo la experiencia de la parturición en un modelo asistencial humanizado

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    That was a qualitative study with phenomenological approach that aimed at understanding women's post-partum experiences in a humanized assistance. Data were collected in a hospital from São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Eight women in post-partum period were interviewed. From data analysis two themes were extracted: Bearing the labor and Having the opportunity rescuing autonomy, being disclosed the phenomenon: Living the ambiguity on the birth process in a humanized assistance model. The reports show feelings like pain, fear and anxiety, however, it allowed a participation and rescuing autonomy. Although the study have been realized in a humanized assistance, the women's experiences reveals that they are far from an effective humanization, according to its principles. This study can be used to guide educative actions target to humanization and to generate managerial changesEste es un estudio cualitativo con abordaje fenomenológica con la finalidad de comprender las experiencias de puerperas que vivieron el trabajo de parto y el parto en la asistencia humanizada. La colecta de los dados ocurrio en un hospital en la ciudad de São Paulo, donde fuera entrevistadas ocho mujeres en el periodo post-partum. De la analisis de los dados surgieron los temas: Soportando el trabajo de parto y Tiendo la oportunidad de rescatar la autonomía, siendo desvelado lo fenómeno Viviendo la ambigüedad de la parturición en un modelo asistencial humanizado. Los relatos evidenciaron sentimientos relacionados a dolor, miedo y ansiedad, pero, posibilitou la participación y rescate de la autonomía. Aunque el estudio tener sido realizad en la asistencia humanizada, las experiencias de las puérperas fueram distantes de los principios de la asistencia humanizada. El actual estudio puede nortear aciones educativas al parto direccionadas para humanización y generar innovación en la asistenciaTratou-se de um estudo qualitativo baseado na abordagem fenomenológica com o objetivo de compreender as experiências de puérperas que vivenciaram o trabalho de parto e o parto em um modelo assistencial humanizado. Os dados foram coletados em um hospital localizado na cidade de São Paulo, onde foram entrevistadas oito puérperas. Da análise dos dados surgiram os temas: Suportando o trabalho de parto e Tendo a oportunidade de resgatar a autonomia, e o fenômeno desvelado foi Vivendo a ambiguidade da parturição em um modelo assistencial humanizado. Os relatos evidenciaram sentimentos como dor, medo e ansiedade, porém, possibilitou a participação e resgate da autonomia. Embora o estudo tenha sido realizado em um modelo assistencial considerado humanizado, as experiências das puérperas revelam que ainda se distanciam de uma efetiva humanização, conforme seus princípios. Este estudo pode ser utilizado para nortear ações educativas voltadas à humanização e gerar mudanças assistenciaisUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    A systematic review on biomonitoring of individuals living near or working at solid waste incinerator plants

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    Background: Solid waste incinerators (SWI) emit several pollutants among which polychlorodibenzodioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorobiphenyls, metals, monocyclic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Aim of the study: To present a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature on human biological monitoring of exposure and effect following potential exposure to SWI pollutants to bring together evidences and to highlight strengths and deficiencies of the studies conducted so far. Methods: Relevant studies on biomonitoring of individuals living near or working at SWIs were selected through three steps: (1) a literature search in the Medline, CAplus, and Embase database; (2) the retrieved abstracts were screened by four independent reviewers; (3) the full text of the relevant papers was read, papers were pooled in studies, and then analyzed to highlight strengths and weaknesses. Studies with the strongest epidemiological design and/or the largest sample size were identified as reference studies. Results: One hundred and thirty-two papers, pooled in 82 studies, were included in the review: 67 on general population, 52 on SWI workers, and 14 on both groups. The most frequently investigated biomarkers were PCDD/Fs in plasma (87). Several studies presented limitations, such as a small samples size, scarce information on confounders, and a poor statistical analysis. Some earlier studies showed an increase of PCDD/Fs, lead, and PAHs in individuals (mainly workers) exposed to emissions from old SWIs; studies from the year 2000 showed no increase of biomarkers or biomarkers within the range of the general population; decreasing trends were observed in prospective studies. Conclusions: Most studies presented methodological pitfalls; reference studies showed no or a limited evidence of the impact of SWI on exposure and effect biomarkers

    Measuring Slowness in Old Age: Times to Perform Moberg Picking-Up and Walking Speed Tests.

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    Slowness is a marker of frailty captured by the Fried phenotype by a walking speed test which, for health or logistical reasons, is sometimes difficult to perform. The Moberg picking-up test (MPUT) is another timed functional test. It measures hand motor activity and might represent an alternative to assess slowness when the walking speed cannot be evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between MPUT and walking speed. Cross-sectional. In total, 2748 individuals aged 66 to 83 years who participated in the latest examination (2015-2017) of the population-based Lausanne cohort 65+ and completed both tests. Walking speed (time to walk 20 meters at usual pace) and MPUT (time to pick up 12 objects) were compared using scatter graphs. Multivariate regression models further investigated the relationship between MPUT and walking times with adjustment for height, grip strength, body mass index, and Mini-Mental State Examination. All analyses were stratified by sex. MPUT and walking times were moderately, positively correlated in men (r = 0.38, P < .001) and in women (r = 0.38, P < .001). Higher grip strength and Mini-Mental State Examination performances were correlated to shorter MPUT and walking times. Men and women slower at the MPUT were also significantly slower at the walking speed test when adjusting for height (P < .001) as well as in fully adjusted models (P < .001). These preliminary results point to a positive association between MPUT and walking speed independent of muscle strength and cognition. Further research is needed to investigate the capacity of MPUT to predict adverse health outcomes before considering this test as an alternative measure of slowness in the assessment of frailty