121 research outputs found

    Area-storage capacity curve of historic artificial water reservoir ottergrung, Slovakia - assessment of the historical data with the use of gis tools

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    The main goal of this work was to verify the historic data of historic artificial water reservoir Ottergrund, Banska Stiavnica district, which is inscribed in the UNESCO world heritage list. Main focus was set to area-storage capacity curve. There is historic map with the display of reservoir bottom contours and area-storage capacity curve in a paper format. These data were analysed and compared with the results of the calculation of area-storage capacity curve that was performed with the use of a new tool with named "ASC_Curve", which is based on Python script. This tool utilizes ArcPy site package and it works with the TIN model of water reservoir bottom. In case of water reservoir Ottergrund we created the TIN model of the historic bottom; input data for the TIN model creation was the historic contour plan. The results of the analysis have shown that the storage capacity calculated with the use of the developed ASC_Curve tool is 97% of the volume mentioned in the historic map. Analysis has also show the minor mathematical errors in the calculations of the area-storage capacity data in historic contour plan. This tool can also be used also for the analysis of the current storage capacity conditions of the water reservoirs, if the surveying with echosounding equipment is performed to obtain the data to produce the TIN model of the water reservoir bottom.APVV [SK-PT-2015-0005]; VEGA [1/0456/14, 2/0050/14]; [APVV-15-0562]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Umjetno jezero Vindšachta – Primjena GIS-a za usporedbu kapaciteta 1887. i 2014. godine

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    This article focuses on an analysis of the storage capacity of Vindšachta water reservoir in Štiavnické Bane, Banská Štiavnica district, at two points in time: 1 887 (old) and 201 4 (current). The analysis was performed using an old bathymetry map dated 1 887 and current data from sonar surveying (201 4). The analysis was performed by comparing water volumes calculated from digital elevation models of the reservoir bottom for each year, using an area-storage capacity curve. During the period between the two years, the water volume decreased to 85% of the initial storage capacity (from 335 000 m3 to 285 000m3).U radu se analizira kapacitet umjetnog jezera Vindšachta u mjestu Štiavnické Bane u okrugu Banská Štiavnica, u dvama navratima: 1887. (povijesno stanje) i 2014. (trenutno stanje). Analiza je provedena upotrebom stare batimetrijske karte iz 1887. i podataka izmjere sonarom 2014. godine. Usporedeni su volumeni vode izračunani iz digitalnih modela dna jezera za svaku godinu, upotrebom krivulje kapaciteta u odnosu na površinu. Volumen vode smanjio se na 85% početnog kapaciteta (s 335 000 m3 na 285 000 m3)

    Vindšachta Water Reservoir – Using GIS Tools for a Comparison of Storage Capacity in 1887 and 2014

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    U radu se analizira kapacitet umjetnog jezera Vindšachta u mjestu Štiavnické Bane u okrugu Banská Štiavnica, u dvama navratima: 1887. (povijesno stanje) i 2014. (trenutno stanje). Analiza je provedena upotrebom stare batimetrijske karte iz 1887. i podataka izmjere sonarom 2014. godine. Usporedeni su volumeni vode izračunani iz digitalnih modela dna jezera za svaku godinu, upotrebom krivulje kapaciteta u odnosu na površinu. Volumen vode smanjio se na 85% početnog kapaciteta (s 335 000 m3 na 285 000 m3).This article focuses on an analysis of the storage capacity of Vindšachta water reservoir in Štiavnické Bane, Banská Štiavnica district, at two points in time: 1887 (old) and 2014 (current). The analysis was performed using an old bathymetry map dated 1887 and current data from sonar surveying (2014). The analysis was performed by comparing water volumes calculated from digital elevation models of the reservoir bottom for each year, using an area-storage capacity curve. During the period between the two years, the water volume decreased to 85% of the initial storage capacity (from 335 000 m3 to 285 000m3)

    Occurence and Bioactivities of Funicone-Related Compounds

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    Studies on production of secondary metabolites by fungi have received a substantial boost lately, particularly with reference to applications of their biological properties in human medicine. Funicones represent a series of related compounds for which there is accumulating evidence supporting their possible use as pharmaceuticals. This paper provides a review on the current status of knowledge on these fungal extrolites, with special reference to aspects concerning their molecular structures and biological activities

    Withanolides-Induced Breast Cancer Cell Death Is Correlated with Their Ability to Inhibit Heat Protein 90

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    Withanolides are a large group of steroidal lactones found in Solanaceae plants that exhibit potential anticancer activities. We have previously demonstrated that a withanolide, tubocapsenolide A, induced cycle arrest and apoptosis in human breast cancer cells, which was associated with the inhibition of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). To investigate whether other withanolides are also capable of inhibiting Hsp90 and to analyze the structure-activity relationships, nine withanolides with different structural properties were tested in human breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 in the present study. Our data show that the 2,3-unsaturated double bond-containing withanolides inhibited Hsp90 function, as evidenced by selective depletion of Hsp90 client proteins and induction of Hsp70. The inhibitory effect of the withanolides on Hsp90 chaperone activity was further confirmed using in vivo heat shock luciferase activity recovery assays. Importantly, Hsp90 inhibition by the withanolides was correlated with their ability to induce cancer cell death. In addition, the withanolides reduced constitutive NF-κB activation by depleting IκB kinase complex (IKK) through inhibition of Hsp90. In estrogen receptor (ER)-positive MCF-7 cells, the withanolides also reduced the expression of ER, and this may be partly due to Hsp90 inhibition. Taken together, our results suggest that Hsp90 inhibition is a general feature of cytotoxic withanolides and plays an important role in their anticancer activity

    Cytotoxic Withanolide Constituents of Physalis longifolia

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    Fourteen new withanolides, 1–14, named withalongolides A–N, respectively, were isolated from the aerial parts of Physalis longifolia together with eight known compounds (15–22). The structures of compounds 1–14 were elucidated through spectroscopic techniques and chemical methods. In addition, the structures of withanolides 1, 2, 3, and 6 were confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Using a MTS viability assay, eight withanolides (1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 15, 16, and 19) and four acetylated derivatives (1a, 1b, 2a, and 2b) showed potent cytotoxicity against human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (JMAR and MDA-1986), melanoma (B16F10 and SKMEL-28), and normal fetal fibroblast (MRC-5) cells with IC50 values in the range between 0.067 and 9.3 μM

    +!! Chargers vs Browns Live Broadcast

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    The effect of ammonium chloride and leupeptin on the concentration of prosaposin in endosomes and lysosomes of marshall cells /

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    Prosaposin is a glycoprotein that exists in two forms: a 65-kDa isoform which is found in lysosomes and a 70-kDa form which is secreted to the extracellular space. In the lysosome, prosaposin is proteolytically cleaved into four polypeptides named saposin A, B, C and D. Each of these subunits mediates the breakdown of glycosphingolipids in conjunction with specific hydrolases present in the lysosome. The absence of either a saposin or the specific hydrolase is the cause of a number of lysosomal storage diseases, such as a variant form of Gaucher's disease and metachromatic leukodystrophy. Although the 65-kDa isomer is found in lysosomes, the precise site of entry of this protein along these acidic compartments is not known. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to find out whether prosaposin enters into the lysosome, endosome, or both. The second objective of this study was to determine whether lysosomotropic agents, such as ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and leupeptin, affect the concentration of prosaposin in the endosomal/lysosomal pathway. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    [@!s] Lions vs Patriots Live NFL Football TV Broadcast

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    Work motivation of generation Z

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá očekáváním a preferencemi generace Z od pracovního trhu. Inspirací pro vznik práce je vstup této generace do pracovního prostředí a publikování nových teorií v oblasti motivace a leadershipu, které by firmy měli reflektovat při vedení týmů mladých lidí. Mezi nejvýznamnější zdroje, na kterých je práce postavena, patří publikace od Petra Ludwiga a Daniela Pinka. Metodika výzkumu je založená na osobních rozhovorech s manažery týmů složených ze zástupců generace Z, a s pracovníky v oblasti lidských zdrojů, zároveň na dotazníku zaměstnanců z generace Z. V závěru výzkumu jsou porovnány výsledky z teorie, rozhovorů a dotazníku. Mezi nejvýznamnější potřeby generace Z patří mentoring ze strany vedoucího, rozvoj osobnosti a flexibilní pracovní úvazky. Práce může být skvělým podkladem pro manažery ve firmách, kteří tým mladých lidí vedou, neboť je k tomuto účelu i určena.The bachelor thesis is concerned with expectations and preferences of generation Z to the labor market. The inspiration for the creation of the thesis is the entry of this generation into the working enviroment and publication of new theories in the field of motivation and leadership that companies should reflect in leading teams of young people. The most important sources on which the thesis is based include publication by Petr Ludwig and Daniel Pink. The research methodology is based on personal interviews with team managers composed of Generation Z representatives, human resources workers and questionnaire survey among Generation Z employees. In conclusion are compared the results of the theory, interviews and questionnaire survey. The most important needs of the Z generation are mentoring by the leader, personality development and flexible working hours. The thesis can be a great groundwork for managers in companies that lead a team of young people, as it is intended for that purpose