289 research outputs found

    The bovine QTL viewer: a web accessible database of bovine Quantitative Trait Loci

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    BACKGROUND: Many important agricultural traits such as weight gain, milk fat content and intramuscular fat (marbling) in cattle are quantitative traits. Most of the information on these traits has not previously been integrated into a genomic context. Without such integration application of these data to agricultural enterprises will remain slow and inefficient. Our goal was to populate a genomic database with data mined from the bovine quantitative trait literature and to make these data available in a genomic context to researchers via a user friendly query interface. DESCRIPTION: The QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus) data and related information for bovine QTL are gathered from published work and from existing databases. An integrated database schema was designed and the database (MySQL) populated with the gathered data. The bovine QTL Viewer was developed for the integration of QTL data available for cattle. The tool consists of an integrated database of bovine QTL and the QTL viewer to display QTL and their chromosomal position. CONCLUSION: We present a web accessible, integrated database of bovine (dairy and beef cattle) QTL for use by animal geneticists. The viewer and database are of general applicability to any livestock species for which there are public QTL data. The viewer can be accessed at

    En busca de un horizonte común para la Biblioteca digital de arqueología náutica (NADL). Reflexiones sobre ciencia, método, teoría y plantillas

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    [EN] Data sharing is a fundamental process for the advancement of both natural and social sciences. Starting from the idea that computers and the internet have drastically changed the world in the last decades, this paper advocates for the creation of a space where archaeologists from around the world can share information about maritime history and exchange data with colleagues. Following the principles of open access, we argue that raw data publication is necessary and significant for the development and democratization of the discipline. This study explains the fundamental aspects of the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library (NADL) and its efforts to standardize information collection for shipwrecks and related sites, so that scholars can create a community to disseminate both raw data and complete information in the field of maritime archaeology. To achieve this, our purpose is to facilitate the development of common-ground methodology and terminology that promotes an intelligible dialogue within the global community of nautical archaeologists. This paper addresses some considerations on terminology and systematization in scientific disciplines and discusses the theoretical and methodological issues linked to the process of making a template for recording shipwrecks. Furthermore, this article analyses some of the problems related to the standardization of description processes and the necessity to create a flexible system that accounts for data diversity. The third section discusses how science is greatly enhanced by publishing information in open access platforms.Highlights:Standardization of data allows robust comparative and inter-subjective analysis of coastal and maritime projects, shipwrecks and nautical technology.Research is strongly benefited by sharing information underlying publications and raw data generated within a project in open source platforms.Digital databases such as NADL enhance cooperative research, as well as teaching and outreach strategies.[ES] Compartir información es un proceso fundamental para el desarrollo de las ciencias naturales y sociales. Partiendo de la idea de que las computadoras e Internet han cambiado drásticamente el mundo en las últimas décadas, este trabajo aboga por la creación de un espacio en el que arqueólogos de alrededor del mundo puedan compartir información sobre historia marítima e intercambiar datos con otros colegas. Siguiendo los principios del libre acceso, sostenemos que la publicación de datos en bruto es necesaria y significativa para el desarrollo y democratización de la disciplina. Este artículo explica los fundamentos de la Biblioteca Digital de Arqueología Náutica (NADL: https://nadl.tamu.edu/) y sus esfuerzos por estandarizar el registro de la información sobre naufragios y sitios relacionados, para que los investigadores puedan crear una comunidad de divulgación, tanto de datos primarios como de información completa en el campo de la arqueología marítima. Para lograrlo, nuestro propósito es contribuir al desarrollo de una metodología y terminología común que promueva un diálogo inteligible entre la comunidad global de arqueólogos náuticos. En este artículo presentamos algunas consideraciones sobre la terminología y la sistematización en las disciplinas científicas y discutimos los problemas teóricos y metodológicos vinculados al proceso de creación de una plantilla para el registro de naufragios. Además, reflexionamos sobre algunos de los problemas relacionados con la estandarización de los procesos descriptivos y la necesidad de crear un sistema flexible que refleje la diversidad de los datos. Finalmente, discutimos cómo la ciencia se ve enormemente favorecida por la publicación de información en plataformas de libre acceso.This paper is a result of a T3 Texas A&M University grant. We want to thank the NADL community for their input. This paper is based on extensive discussions among the community. 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