250 research outputs found

    Sensitiivisyys ja yhteisöllisyys seksuaalikasvatuksessa : Aikuisten miesten näkökulma

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    Seksuaalikasvatusta kuvaillaan opinnäytteessä kansallisen tason tavoitteiden lähtökohdista. Alueellisen kasvatusvastuun myötä kokonaisvaltaisen seksuaalikasvatuksen ympäristöä tarkastellaan alueellisien toimijoiden kesken. Toimijoita kuvaillaan olemassa olevina resursseina ja yhteistoiminnallisena moniammatillisena verkostona. Opinnäytetyö antaa positiivisen kuvan kokonaisvaltaisesta seksuaalikasvatuksesta, se ei arvioi tai kartoita alueellista tilannetta. Lukija voi itse määritellä tilannekatsauksen omalla näkökulmallaan alueellisessa ja kokonaisvaltaisessa seksuaalikasvatuksen toteutuksessa. Yhteistoiminnallinen kasvatusverkosto voi käsittää jo olemassa olevia toimintamalleja. Opinnäytteen tavoite on esittää toimijaverkostolle ja ammattilaisille tärkeitä näkökulmia seksuaalikasvatuksesta. Opinnäytteessä huomioidaan kansalliset ja kansainväliset tavoitteen. Lähteiden mukaan korjattavaa Suomessa on. Tämä on avaus keskustelulle avoimemmasta ja läpi elämän kulkevasta kasvatusnäkökulmasta, yhdestä elämämme tärkeimmistä asioista. Elämänkaaresta opinnäyte keskittyy nivelvaiheessa nuoruudesta aikuisuuteen kasvavaan ihmiseen, mutta huomioi seksuaalisuuden käsityksen läpi elämän. Käsitys elämänkaaren mittaisesta seksuaalikasvatuksesta voi olla uusi yhteiskunnassamme. Identiteetin muodostumisessa vaikuttaa niin sosiaalinen ympäristö, kasvatus kuin itsereflektio. Yhtenäinen ja kokonainen näkökulma seksuaalisuudesta ja yhteisöllisyyden voimasta kasvattajana on opinnäytetyön yksi tulos. Aihealueen ja kasvatuksen sensitiivisyys tulee huomioida kasvatus- ja verkostotyössä. Opinnäytetyö osoittaa sensitiivisyyden merkityksen. Sensitiivisyydellä tulee tukea seksuaalista kasvua ja kehittymistä riippumatta iästä tai elämän vaiheesta. Opinnäytteen tulokset osoittaa aikuisten miesten näkemyksen seksuaalikasvatuksen tarpeista tänäpäivänä nuorille.Sexuality education is described this exam at the national level objectives. Regional rearing responsibilities with a comprehensive sexuality education environment as among the regional workers. The actors are described as existing resources and collaborative multi-professional network. The exam gives a positive image of comprehensive sex education opportunities, it does not evaluate or map out the regional situation. The reader can determine itself the state of play in their own point of view of regional and comprehensive sexuality education implementation. Co-operative educational network may include already working models. The exam objective is to bring out the actor in the network and professionals perspective of sexual education with regard to national and international objective in mind. Since, according to sources correct, however, can be said to be in Finland, this is the opening of a more open debate and through life passing from the holistic perspective of one of the most important educational issues of our lives. As life cycle exam focuses on the transition from adolescence to adulthood grow to humans, but recognice sexuality through the understanding of life. The perception of life-long arc of sexuality education can be a new society. The formation of identity affects both the social environment, education as well self-reflection. A single and a full perspective of sexuality and entry into force of community is one of the results of the exam. From education and sensitivity should be taken into account in the education and the network at work. The thesis demonstrates the importance of sensitivity . Sensitivity must support the sexual growth and development , regardless of age or stage of life . The research shows adult men 's view of sexuality education needs of youths today

    Microstructure and mechanical behavior of superelastic Ti-24Nb-0.5O and Ti-24Nb-0.5N biomedical alloys

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    International audienceIn this study, the microstructure and the mechanical properties of two new biocompatible superelastic alloys, Ti-24Nb-0.5O and Ti-24Nb-0.5N (at.%), were investigated. Special attention was focused on the role of O and N addition on α″ formation, supereleastic recovery and mechanical strength by comparison with the Ti-24Nb and Ti-26Nb (at.%) alloy compositions taken as references. Microstructures were characterized by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy before and after deformation. The mechanical properties and the superelastic behavior were evaluated by conventional and cyclic tensile tests. High tensile strength, low Young's modulus, rather high superelastic recovery and excellent ductility were observed for both superelastic Ti-24Nb-0.5O and Ti-24Nb-0.5N alloys. Deformation twinning was shown to accommodate the plastic deformation in these alloys and only the {332}〈113〉 twinning system was observed to be activated by electron backscattered diffraction analyses

    Effects of solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates on isothermal transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite

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    Nb is a very important micro-alloying element in low-carbon steels, for grain size refinement and precipitation strengthening, and even a low content of Nb can result in a significant effect on phase transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite. Solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates may have different effects on transformation behaviors, and these effects have not yet been fully characterized. This paper examines in detail the effects of solute Nb atoms and Nb precipitates on isothermal transformation kinetics from austenite to ferrite. The mechanisms of the effects have been analyzed using various microscopy techniques. Many solute Nb atoms were found to be segregated at the austenite/ferrite interface and apply a solute drag effect. It has been found that solute Nb atoms have a retardation effect on ferrite nucleation rate and ferrite grain growth rate. The particle pinning effect caused by Nb precipitates is much weaker than the solute drag effect

    Characterization of Loading Responses and Failure Loci of a Boron Steel Spot Weld

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    Boron steel, classed as an ultra high-strength steel (UHSS), has been utilized in anti-intrusion systems in automobiles, providing high strength and weight-saving potential through gage reduction. UHSS spot welds exhibit unique hardness distributions, with a hard nugget and outlying base material, but with a soft heat-affected zone in-between these regions. This soft zone reduces the strength of the weld and makes it susceptible to failure. Due to the interaction of various weld zones that occurs during loading, there is a need to characterize the loading response of the weld for accurate failure predictions. The loading response of certain weld zones, as well as failure loci, was obtained through physical simulation of the welding process. The results showed a significant difference in mechanical behavior through the weld length. An important result is that instrumented indentation was shown to be a valid, quantitative method for verifying the accuracy with which weld microstructure has been recreated with regard to the target weld microstructure

    Crystallographic reconstruction study of the effects of finish rolling temperature on the variant selection during bainite transformation in C-Mn high-strength steels

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    The effect of finish rolling temperature (FRT) on the austenite- () to-bainite () phase transformation is quantitatively investigated in high-strength C-Mn steels. In particular, the present study aims to clarify the respective contributions of the conditioning during the hot rolling and the variant selection (VS) during the phase transformation to the inherited texture. To this end, an alternative crystallographic reconstruction procedure, which can be directly applied to experimental electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mappings, is developed by combining the best features of the existing models: the orientation relationship (OR) refinement, the local pixel-by-pixel analysis and the nuclei identification and spreading strategy. The applicability of this method is demonstrated on both quenching and partitioning (Q&P) and as-quenched lath-martensite steels. The results obtained on the C-Mn steels confirm that the sample finish rolled at the lowest temperature (829{\deg}C) exhibits the sharpest transformation texture. It is shown that this sharp texture is exclusively due to a strong VS from parent brass {110}, S {213} and Goss {110} grains, whereas the VS from the copper {112} grains is insensitive to the FRT. In addition, a statistical VS analysis proves that the habit planes of the selected variants do not systematically correspond to the predicted active slip planes using the Taylor model. In contrast, a correlation between the Bain group to which the selected variants belong and the FRT is clearly revealed, regardless of the parent orientation. These results are discussed in terms of polygranular accommodation mechanisms, especially in view of the observed development in the hot-rolled samples of high-angle grain boundaries with misorientation axes between and

    Conditions for the occurrence of acicular ferrite transformation in HSLA steels

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    For the class of steels collectively known as high strength low alloy (HSLA), an acicular ferrite (AF) microstructure produces an excellent combination of strength and toughness. The conditions for the occurrence of the AF transformation are, however, still unclear, especially the effects of austenite deformation and continuous cooling. In this research, a commercial HSLA steel was used and subjected to deformation via plane strain compression with strains ranging from 0 to 0.5 and continuous cooling at rates between 5 and 50 °C s −1 . Based on the results obtained from optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron backscattering diffraction mapping, the introduction of intragranular nucleation sites and the suppression of bainitic ferrite (BF) laths lengthening were identified as the two key requirements for the occurrence of AF transformation. Austenite deformation is critical to meet these two conditions as it introduces a high density of dislocations that act as intragranular nucleation sites and deformation substructures, which suppress the lengthening of BF laths through the mechanism of mechanical stabilisation of austenite. However, the suppression effect of austenite deformation is only observed under relatively slow cooling rates or high transformation temperatures, i.e., conditions where the driving force for advancing the transformation interface is not sufficient to overcome the austenite deformation substructures