319 research outputs found

    Apuntes históricos sobre la isla del Cerrito

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    The article describes the role of the island of Cerrito during the Triple Alliance war (1865-1870) and in the post war’s years (1870-1879), through the activities of the Brazilian Navy in that island and the political-military action of the Argentine government

    The key role of cultural preservation in maize diversity conservation in the Argentine Yungas

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    Farmers' decisions on what to grow and why can contribute in understanding the conservation of agrobiodiversity. Culture and ethnicity are indicated as first-class factors leading preservation of heirloom cultivars but this has been little considered in studies examining factors that influence the loss or preservation of agrobiodiversity.We propose that corn?s ethnotaxa of less diverse uses, which are also key partners in local cultural reproduction, are usually cultivated by a few households. We analyse if there is a relationship between uses and richness of cultivated ethnotaxa at household level and describe corn's medicinal and ritual uses.We found 25 cultivated ethnotaxa, heterogeneously distributed in the region, and we also found that ethnotaxa with less diverse uses are cultivated in fewer households.We identified that, at regional scale, richness is related with food use diversity.The most frequently cited medicinal uses were urinary and tract infections, diarrhoea, and liver disorders.Medicinal recipes involve combinations with other elements.Maize is an indispensable resource in the rituals that propitiate productive activity, to augur prosperity or misfortune according to signals.We have identified the vulnerability in preserving the richness of corn in the region and the factors that shape its cultivation at different scales.Fil: Hilgert, Norma Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical; Argentina;Fil: Zamudio, Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazu; Argentina;Fil: Furlan, Violeta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical; Argentina;Fil: Cariola Szuchman, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical; Argentina

    A supranacionalidade no Mercosul

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    O caráter meramente intergovernamental do MERCOSUL (bem arraigado na cultura política dos membros do MERCOSUL) faz com que o processo decisório mercosurenho se opere com base no consenso; e mais, que qualquer norma adotada no âmbito do bloco seja apenas exigível quando incorporada à ordem interna de cada um dos sócios do bloco (o que demonstra quão distante se está do sistema de aplicação direta e efeito imediato das normas regionais). Neste cenário, o interesse de apenas um Estado é capaz de bloquear a evolução da integração. O caráter consensual das decisões tomadas pelo bloco pode, sim, prejudicar o ritmo do processo de integração e, em última instância, pode comprometer a própria consecução dos objetivos mercosurenhos. Embora se admita que é possível o estabelecimento de um Mercado Comum desprovido de órgãos supranacionais, defende-se que o sucesso desse empreendimento seria muito maior se existissem instituições regionais dotadas de supranacionalidade (capazes de superar as divergências circunstanciais entre os parceiros e, assim, evitar a “paralisia institucional e decisória” do processo de integração). Diante de um cenário atual de interdependência entre os Estados, questiona-se o tradicional conceito de soberania e o novel conceito supranacionalidade, ao mesmo tempo em que se demonstra como o novo conceito foi decisivo para o avanço da integração européia. Apresenta o cenário atual: os Estados integrantes do MERCOSUL resistem e ao mesmo tempo inclinam-se para a supranacionalidade, em suas posturas e em seus ordenamentos jurídico-constitucionais internos. Por fim, aponta a necessidade de se definir, em eventual incorporação mercosurenha da supranacionalidade, fórmula precisa para o processo decisório

    Fractal photon sieve

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    A novel focusing structure with fractal properties is presented. It is a photon sieve in which the pinholes are appropriately distributed over the zones of a fractal zone plate. The focusing properties of the fractal photon sieve are analyzed. The good performance of our proposal is demonstrated experimentally with a series of images obtained under white light illumination. It is shown that compared with a conventional photon sieve, the fractal photon sieve exhibits an extended depth of field and a reduced chromatic aberration.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Do Acidente da deficiência à normatividade vital e a afirmação incondicional da vida

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    Dans cet article, nous chercherons à présenter une lecture de l'ontologie de l'accident de Catherine Malabou, en interface avec les concepts philosophiques de l'affirmation de la vie, de l'être-au-monde et de la normativité vitale, en prenant respectivement comme références principales l'œuvres de Nietzsche, Merleau-Ponty et George Canguilhem. Nous considérerons que le handicap, qu'il soit acquis, congénital et/ou héréditaire, peut être une opportunité pour l'amour inconditionnel de notre destin, malgré les multiples accidents qui, comme nous le montre Malabou, nous soumettent à une plasticité ontologique sans précédent. Pour défendre cette idée, nous présenterons le cas clinique du « Peintre Daltonien » d'Oliver Sacks, en tentant de le considérer comme un exemple authentique et possible d'une nouvelle normativité de la vie et de l'acquisition d'une Grande Santé.Neste artigo procuraremos apresentar uma leitura da ontologia do acidente de Catherine Malabou, em interface com os conceitos filosóficos de afirmação da vida, ser no mundo e normatividade vital, tomando, respectivamente, como suas referências principais, as obras de Nietzsche, Merleau-Ponty e George Canguilhem. Consideraremos que a deficiência, seja ela adquirida, congênita e/ou hereditária, pode ser uma oportunidade para o amor incondicional do nosso destino, apesar dos múltiplos acidentes que, como nos mostra Malabou, submetem-nos diante de uma plasticidade ontológica sem precedentes. Para defender essa ideia, apresentaremos o caso clínico de “O Pintor Daltônico” de Oliver Sacks, na tentativa de tomá-lo como um genuíno e possível exemplo de uma nova normatividade de vida e da aquisição de uma Grande Saúde

    Magnetic, structural, and transport properties at very high temperature in manganites

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    AbstractMagnetic, structural, and electric transport measurements at high temperatures were carried out on La1−xCaxMnO3; x=0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.34, 0.40, and 0.45. All samples show a first-order structural phase transition from orthorhombic Pnma to rhombohedral R3¯c space group at TR–O. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show that the Curie–Weiss law is strictly obeyed in the rhombohedral phase as opposed to the orthorhombic phase where the effective magnetic moment has a temperature dependence. The electrical resistivity is well described by the small polaron hopping mechanism in the samples up to x=0.34. As the charge carriers are introduced into the system (x=0.40 and 0.45), this mechanism of hopping ceases to be valid. The value of Grüneisen parameter obtained through analysis of high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction as a function of temperature increases abruptly for the sample with x=0.40. This is consistent with an increase in bending and stretchinglike frequency modes observed by Raman spectroscopy


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    Pesticide application has contributed to increase the crop yield worldwide. Electronic control units, sensors, actuators, onboard computers, geographic information systems and satellite remote sensing have been employed in modern agricultural machines to safely, quickly, and accurately monitor and control machine operation and record data for real-time or offline analysis. The aim of this study was to develop an automated boom sprayer prototype with section control for pesticide application, thereby obviating the need for manual operator intervention and reducing the risks of contamination. A complete prototype was developed containing three independent application circuits. Spray quality was assessed using water-sensitive paper and a working pressure of 59.46 bar. The following parameters were determined: volumetric median diameter, numeric median diameter, droplet density, coverage percentage, and droplet volume. The flow rate of each nozzle was in accordance with manufacturer specifications. The prototype was robust and effective in quickly alternating between boom sections without manual intervention of the operator

    Multiple-plane image formation by Walsh zone plates

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    [EN] A radial Walsh filter is a phase binary diffractive optical element characterized by a set of concentric rings that take the phase values 0 or ¿, corresponding to the values + 1 or ¿1 of a given radial Walsh function. Therefore, a Walsh filter can be re-interpreted as an aperiodic multifocal zone plate, capable to produce images of multiple planes simultaneously in a single output plane of an image forming system. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate for the first time the focusing capabilities of these structures. Additionally, we report the first achievement of images of multiple-plane objects in a single image plane with these aperiodic diffractive lenses.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER (DPI2015-71256-R); Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO II-2014-072); MayaNet - Erasmus Mundus Partnership 552061-EM-1-2014-1-IT-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21 (2014-0872/001-001).Machado-Olivares, FJ.; Ferrando Martín, V.; Gimenez Palomares, F.; Furlan, WD.; Monsoriu Serra, JA. (2018). Multiple-plane image formation by Walsh zone plates. Optics Express. 26(16):21210-21218. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.021210S2121021218261