152 research outputs found

    L’institut Raymond Aron

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    L'Institut Raymond Aron a été créé par l'E.H.E.S.S., sur proposition du Président et du bureau, et sur avis favorable du Conseil scientifique, en juillet 1984. A l'époque, l'École souhaitait attacher le nom de Raymond Aron (mort en 1983) à une de ses institutions, en manière d'hommage à l'un de ses membres les plus éminents. L'Institut créé à cet effet, avec l'accord de la famille de Raymond Aron, répondit à une double mission. Abriter d'une part, pour les classer et les cataloguer, l'ensembl..

    Od povijesti-priče do povijesti-problema

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    A World Inscribed – Introduction

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    In 1900 or thereabouts, Lorina Bulwer, an inmate of the Great Yarmouth workhouse in the east of England, produced a remarkable and extremely long letter. It was embroidered on samples of different kinds of material which she had sewn together to form a scroll of multicoloured cloth, five metres long (Image 1.1). On her sampler scroll, Lorina stitched a rambling autobiography in which she spat out her anger at being confined to the workhouse, and more specifically to its female lunatic ward. She asserted her identity frequently, repeated her name many times and declared that she was free. Lorina Bulwer’s sampler reminds us of the importance of writing at all levels of society, for both intimate and public purposes as well as in the process of identity formation. It also demonstrates that writing is ubiquitous, and often uses unexpected materials and unorthodox technologies. In this book, we examine the importance of writing at different social levels in a range of historical contexts across the world. As in the case of Lorina Bulwer, the discussion will take account of writing’s institutional frameworks, its personal expressions and the range of material support it has adopted in past societies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A guardiã das tradições: a História e o seu código curricular

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    Este trabalho estuda a permanência de conteúdos da História do Brasil nos programas escolares. Considera desde as primeiras formulações curriculares da disciplina nos programas do Colégio Pedro II até as propostas curriculares surgidas no final do século XX, para analisar a concepção da História escolar. Fundamenta-se no conceito de código curricular formulado por Raimundo Cuesta Fernández, que o entende como uma tradição social composta por ideias e princípios e por um conjunto de práticas profissionais que contribuem para fixar a História como disciplina escolar

    Razão, religião e revolução: luzes e sombras nas telas de Jacques-Louis David

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    O artigo analisa a produção pictórica de Jacques-Louis David entre o final da década de 1770 e 1793, destacando o entrelaçamento entre arte, religião e política nas obras do artista francês. Em sua luta contra o Antigo Regime, “filósofos artistas”, como Jacques-Louis David, apossaram-se das armas que eram manipuladas, há séculos, por um de seus principais inimigos: a Igreja. A transmissão do ideário iluminista não poderia ficar restrita à “aridez” dos textos acadêmicos, devendo buscar na religião e nas artes o “encantamento” indispensável à conquista de olhos, ouvidos, cérebros e corações. Depois de recorrer aos heróis das antigas Grécia e Roma, Jacques-Louis David debruçou-se sobre os homens do seu tempo: os deputados de O juramento do jogo de pela e os mártires que sacrificaram suas vidas em prol da revolução. Entrelaçando a arte clássica com a cristã, razão, revolução e religião, Jacques-Louis David forjou estratégias que seriam mobilizadas na propagação de líderes e ideários políticos nos séculos XIX e XX.The article analyzes the pictorial production of Jacques-Louis David between the late 1770s and 1793, highlighting the links between art, religion and politics in the works of the French artist. In their struggle against the Old Regime “philosophers artists,” as Jacques-Louis David, they took possession of the weapons that were manipulated for centuries by one of its main enemies: the Church. The transmission of Enlightenment ideas could not be restricted to “aridity” of academic papers and should seek in religion and the arts the “enchantment” indispensable to the conquest of eyes, ears, brains and hearts. After resorting to the heroes of ancient Greece and Rome, Jacques-Louis David leaned across the men of his time: the deputies of Tennis Court Oath and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of revolution. Interweaving classical art with Christian art, reason, revolution and religion, Jacques-Louis David forged strategies that would be mobilized in the spread of political leaders and ideologies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

    Tocqueville est-il un historien de la Révolution française ?

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    Furet François. Tocqueville est-il un historien de la Révolution française ?. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 25ᵉ année, N. 2, 1970. pp. 434-451