29 research outputs found

    Udaraljke u djelima Borisa Papandopula - melodija, ritam, boja

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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavit će se ponajviše izvođačkim aspektom u Koncertu za timpane i orkestar Borisa Papandopula, uz osvrt na Koncert za ksilofon i gudački orkestar te načinom skladanja za udaraljke u njegovim orkestralnim djelima. Rad je podijeljen u tri cjeline: životopis Borisa Papandopula; Koncert za timpane i orkestar, Koncert za ksilofon i gudački orkestar; udaraljke u Papandopulovim orkestralnim djelima.This thesis is about performing aspect mainly in Concert for timpani and orchestra of Boris Papandopulo and short review of the Concert for xylophone and string orchestra, and about composing for percussion in his orchestral works. Thesis is divided into three sections: composer's biography; Concert for timpani and orchestra, Concert for xylophone and string orchestra; percussion parts of Papandopulo’s orchestral works

    Implementing smoke-free laws in the context of the tobacco retail environment in Allegheny county: a geospatial analysis

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    Introduction: Low-income populations have a disproportionately high exposure to smoking and secondhand smoke. In 2018, a federal rule required all local public housing agencies (PHAs) in the U.S. to implement a smoke-free policy. Public housing is designed to provide rental assistance to low-income populations, and in theory, the smoke-free housing policies should increase smoking cessation and reduce secondhand smoke exposure. However, characteristics of the macroenvironment can affect residents’ smoking behaviors and compliance. For example, the high concentration of tobacco retailers in Allegheny County poses challenges to smoke-free policy implementation. Objective: This research will assess the tobacco retail environment around public housing buildings in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, PA, as the smoke-free policy is implemented. Methods: In 2018, 16 Pittsburgh Summer Institute interns collected data on tobacco retail locations using the Standardized Tobacco Assessment for Retail Settings (STARS). 1,467 licensed tobacco retailers and 990 public housing buildings in Allegheny County were geocoded and mapped in ArcMap Version 10.6.1 for spatial analysis. ArcMap was also used to perform point pattern analyses and create a multi-distance spatial buffer around Murray Towers. The Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool was used to aggregate tobacco retailer points and map statistically significant hot spots using the Getis-Ord Gi* spatial statistic. Results: Out of 130 total municipalities in Allegheny County, 33 (25%) had hot spot features at 99% confidence intervals. Hot spots were largely concentrated in the city of Pittsburgh. Using Pittsburgh as the study area, 18 (20%) of 90 neighborhoods had hot spots at 99% confidence intervals. Neighborhoods with hot spots include those on the North Side, Central Business District, East End, and Southside. Conclusions: This research demonstrates the public health significance of lessening public housing residents’ exposure to the tobacco retail environment and the potential of using geographical information systems (GIS) as a tool for tobacco control policy research. To ensure resident compliance with the smoke-free policy, the city of Pittsburgh and other municipalities with zoning authority may need to consider laws that prohibit tobacco from being sold within a certain distance of public housing buildings

    Udaraljke u djelima Borisa Papandopula - melodija, ritam, boja

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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavit će se ponajviše izvođačkim aspektom u Koncertu za timpane i orkestar Borisa Papandopula, uz osvrt na Koncert za ksilofon i gudački orkestar te načinom skladanja za udaraljke u njegovim orkestralnim djelima. Rad je podijeljen u tri cjeline: životopis Borisa Papandopula; Koncert za timpane i orkestar, Koncert za ksilofon i gudački orkestar; udaraljke u Papandopulovim orkestralnim djelima.This thesis is about performing aspect mainly in Concert for timpani and orchestra of Boris Papandopulo and short review of the Concert for xylophone and string orchestra, and about composing for percussion in his orchestral works. Thesis is divided into three sections: composer's biography; Concert for timpani and orchestra, Concert for xylophone and string orchestra; percussion parts of Papandopulo’s orchestral works

    Elementary games and games with adjustable rules for soccer begginers

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    Nogomet je ena najbolj priljubljenih športnih iger na svetu. Primarni nosilci nogometne igre so klubi, ki s svojimi programi vplivajo na razvitost in kakovost nogometa v državi. Nogometne šole predstavljajo prvi stik otrok z organiziranim nogometom. Prve klubske selekcije so U-7, v katere so vključeni otroci med 7. in 8. letom starosti. Pomembno sredstvo športne vadbe za delo z najmlajšimi selekcijami nogometašev so elementarne igre. Elementarne igre so preproste igralne oblike s prilagodljivimi pravili, ki se lahko spreminjajo glede na vadbene možnosti in zastavljene cilje, ter glede na sposobnosti in znanje vadečih. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti elementarne igre, ki so pomembne za delo z najmlajšimi selekcijami nogometašev. So pomembno sredstvo za razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti. Pri vadbi se izberejo tako, da se sledi izbranemu cilju, ki se ga želi doseči. Ker otroci želijo igrati nogomet, jih je potrebno, ob igri in z vadbo, najprej naučiti predvsem elementov tehnike, kot so razni udarci, sprejemanje in vodenje žoge ter tudi nogometna pravila, s katerimi se jim omogoči preprosto nogometno igro. Vadba mora biti dinamična in mora pri otrocih vzbuditi zadovoljstvo. Poleg tega ukvarjanje s športom prispeva k zdravemu načinu življenja, pomembno pa je tudi športno-vzgojno delovanjevse skupaj pa vpliva na skladen telesni in duševni razvoj otrok in mladine.Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. The main carriers of soccer are clubs, which with their programme effect the development and quality of players in the country. Soccer schools are the first contact between a child and professional soccer. First selections are U-7, which include children aged between 7 and 8 years. Important means of sports education for the smallest children are elementary games. These are simple skills with adjustable rules that may be changed upon the abilities and knowledge of the trainees and set goals. The main purpose of the thesis is to present elementary games that are important when working with the youngest selection of soccer players. Elementary games are the most important means of developing physical abilities. When exercising, we select them by following the main objectives that we want to achieve. The main objective is to teach children how to play soccer, therefore they need to learn the elements of technique, such as variety of shoots, receiving and leading the ball, as well as rules of the game, which allow them to play a simple soccer game. The exercises should be dynamic and must bring pleasure to children. In addition, sports engagement contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Sports education is important as it effects in physical and mental development of children and youth

    Udaraljke u djelima Borisa Papandopula - melodija, ritam, boja

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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavit će se ponajviše izvođačkim aspektom u Koncertu za timpane i orkestar Borisa Papandopula, uz osvrt na Koncert za ksilofon i gudački orkestar te načinom skladanja za udaraljke u njegovim orkestralnim djelima. Rad je podijeljen u tri cjeline: životopis Borisa Papandopula; Koncert za timpane i orkestar, Koncert za ksilofon i gudački orkestar; udaraljke u Papandopulovim orkestralnim djelima.This thesis is about performing aspect mainly in Concert for timpani and orchestra of Boris Papandopulo and short review of the Concert for xylophone and string orchestra, and about composing for percussion in his orchestral works. Thesis is divided into three sections: composer's biography; Concert for timpani and orchestra, Concert for xylophone and string orchestra; percussion parts of Papandopulo’s orchestral works

    “That's cool, you’re a musician and you drink”: Exploring entertainers’ accounts of their unique workplace relationship with alcohol

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    This qualitative research investigates the alcohol experiences of entertainers who perform within licensed premises. Previous, mainly quantitative, studies have found that entertainers, specifically musicians, are an occupational group who drink excessively. This qualitative study draws on a wider sample of entertainers to examine their accounts of drinking in the workplace and the explanations they provide for this. We conducted individual semi-structured interviews (n = 24) with band-members, variety acts and DJs in Glasgow, Scotland. This revealed a workplace characterised by continual opportunities for often free alcohol consumption. Unlike most occupations, for entertainers ‘drinking-on-the-job’ was normative, expected, and sometimes encouraged by peers, the public, employers or sponsors. Entertainers also experienced performance-related incentives to drink before, during and/or after a show; including anxiety, matching their intoxication level to the audience's, and ‘reward-drinking’. This qualitative research confirms the unique nature of the entertainer-alcohol link, even in comparison to that found within other leisure industry occupations. While providing some explanation as to why entertainers might drink excessively, participants’ accounts also suggested potential strategies for avoiding the negative outcomes of workplace drinking


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    V diplomski nalogi smo pregledali zgodovino razvoja označevalnega jezika HTML ter stilskih predlog CSS. Predvsem smo se posvetili novostim v HTML5 in CSS3. Podrobneje smo analizirali nove možnosti, ki jih nudi HTML5 ter opisali nove elemente. Novosti CSS3 smo predstavili z veliko primeri. Navedli smo še nekaj orodij za lažje in hitrejše delo s HTML in CSS kodo. Na koncu smo pripravili še stilsko predlogo za blogerski sistem Wordpress. Začeli smo z idejno zasnovo, nadaljevali z izdelavo slike z grafičnim orodjem in zaključili s postavitvijo predloge z zapisom HTML in CSS kode. Ugotovili smo, da vseh novosti še danes ne moremo uporabiti, saj vsi brskalniki ne znajo pravilno prikazati HTML5 elementov in oblik, ki jih določimo s CSS.The thesis reviews the history of the development of the HTML markup language and CSS style sheets, particularly the new features of HTML5 and CSS3. It presents a detailed analysis of new possibilities provided by HTML5 and describes its new elements. The thesis offers numerous examples to illustrate new features of CSS3. In addition, it outlines some of the tools to ease and speed up the work with HTML and CSS code. To conclude, we designed a style sheet for the WordPress blogging system, from conceptual design to creating an image with graphic tools and, finally, defining the template with the HTML and CSS code. We established that all the new features cannot be used yet because not all browsers are able to correctly display HTML5 elements and forms defined by CSS


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    Tako svet kot Evropa se v zadnjem desetletju srečujeta z resno finančno in gospodarsko krizo. Ta je globoko prizadela finančni in realni sektor. Najprej se je začela kazati na finančnem področju, saj je ta najbolj izpostavljen neravnovesju in težavam, ki pa so posledično negativno vplivale še na realni sektor. Organizacije v času svojega delovanja prehajajo v različna razvojna obdobja. V svojem življenjskem ciklusu lahko zaidejo v obdobje krize. Ko se srečajo s krizo, je njihovo nadaljnje poslovanje ogroženo. Krizna situacija v organizacije vnese številne spremembe, negotovost in nova tveganja. Onemogočeno je doseganje zastavljenih ciljev, ogrožene so njihove organizacijske sposobnosti in vprašljiv postane sam obstoj organizacije. Za takšne organizacije je pomembno, da ugotovijo glavne vzroke krize in poskušajo najti ustrezno rešitev za njeno odpravo. Svojo strukturo morajo spremeniti in prilagoditi spremembam, ki so nastale v okolju. Ko so prizadeti vsi poslovni procesi, torej celotna organizacija, je edina rešitev dobro premišljen in izveden načrt prestrukturiranja organizacije. Magistrska naloga obravnava primer prestrukturiranja izbrane organizacije. Prestrukturiranje predstavlja strateški način, s pomočjo katerega organizacije dosegajo spremembe na vseh področjih svojega delovanja. Prestrukturiranje je metoda radikalne prenove in spreminjanja. Njen osnovni cilj je preoblikovanje različnih struktur organizacije in vsebine načina dela, ki pripomore k povečanju uspešnosti ter učinkovitosti njenega nadaljnjega poslovanja. Predmet preučevanja v magistrski nalogi je postopek prestrukturiranja in spreminjanja Nove KBM, kot proces prilagajanja krizni situaciji, v kateri se je le-ta znašla. Ugotovljeni in predstavljeni so vzroki nastanka potrebe po prestrukturiranju, predstavljeni so sama izvedba in dosedanji rezultati oziroma že izvedene spremembe. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljena poslovna kriza in njene značilnosti ter državne pomoči organizacijam, ki so zašle v težave. V drugem delu pa je opredeljena krizna situacija, v kateri se je znašla Nova KBM, in predstavljen celoten načrt njenega prestrukturiranja kot rešitev na odziv sprememb v takšni situaciji. Pri načrtovanju in pisanju naloge ter pridobitvi ključnih informacij smo uporabili aktualno literaturo in javno dostopne baze podatkov, prav tako podatke in vire znotraj banke. Pri preučevanju njenega prestrukturiranja in glede na rezultate, ki jih je banka izkazala v zadnje pol leta, menimo, da se je izbran postopek reševanja iz krize pokazal kot pravilna in primerna rešitev za zelo zahtevno situacijo. Ugotovili smo, da je po drugi strani kriza tudi dobra za organizacije, saj zahteva nujne spremembe za izboljšanje njenega delovanja. Menimo, da trenutno banka učinkovito obvladuje svoje okolje in prilagaja poslovanje nastalim možnim tveganjem in spremembam v okolju. Pri svojem poslovanju skuša zagotavljati najvišje standarde varnosti in zanesljivosti za svoje komitente in bodoče stranke ter za celotno okolje v katerem deluje.In the last decade, both Europe and the whole world were faced with a serious financial crisis. This has deeply affected the financial and real sector. First, it started to show in the financial sector, as it is the most exposed to imbalances and problems which has consequently produced a negative impact on the real sector. Organizations during their operation pass through different stages of development. During their life cycle they may fall into a period of crisis. When faced with crisis, their continued operation is compromised. The crisis situation in the organization presents a number of changes, uncertainty and risk. Achievement of set objectives is prevented, organizational skills are put at risk and the very existence of the organization becomes questionable. For such organizations, it is important to identify the main causes of the crisis and try to find a solution to fix the problem. Its structure must change and adapt to the changes that have occurred in the environment. When all business processes are affected, that means the whole organization, the only solution is a well thought out and implemented restructuring plan. Master thesis deals with the case of the restructuring of the selected organization. Restructuring represents a strategic manner by which organizations achieve changes in all areas of its operations. Restructuring is a method of radical renovation and alteration. Its primary objective is the transformation of the various structures of the organization and content of work methods, which help to increase the performance and efficiency of future operations. Object of study in the master\u27s thesis is the process of restructuring and modification of Nova KBM, as a process of adaptation to a crisis situation in which it is faced. The main causes of restructuring needs are identified and presented. As is the execution and the results obtained to date. The first part of the thesis presents the business crisis and its features, as well as State aid organizations that are struggling. The second part is defined as a crisis situation in which the company (Nova KBM) finds itself, also the whole of its restructuring plan as a solution in response to changes in such a situation is presented in detail. When planning and writing tasks and the acquisition of key information, we used current literature and publicly available databases and also information and resources within the bank. When examining its restructuring and according to the results, the bank has proven in the last six months, we believe that the chosen method of resolving the crisis proved to be correct and appropriate solution to a very difficult situation. We found that, on the other hand, the crisis is also good for the organization, since it requires urgent changes to improve its functioning. We believe that the current bank effectively manages its business environment and adjusts the emerged potential risks and changes in the environment. In its operations, it seeks to provide the highest standards of safety and security for its clients and prospective clients as well as for the whole environment in which it operates


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    V diplomskem delu je predstaljeno delovanje absorpcijskih toplotnih črpalk. Opisani so različni delovni pari snovi in zasnove absorpcijskih hladilnih sistemov. Preučili smo delovne pare in zasnove sistemov, ki kažejo največ potenciala pri hlajenju pod 0°C z dovajanjem toplote nizke temperature v generator. Naredili smo simulacijo obratovalnih karakteristik enostopenjske absorpcijske toplotne črpalke, ki deluje na delovno snov LiNO3/NH3. Simulacijo smo izvedli v računalniškem programu Aspen Plus, kjer smo spremljali spreminjanje vrednosti učinkovistosti COP v odvisnosti od temperature generatorja, uparjalnika in absorberja. Ugotovili smo, da enostopenjska absorpcijska toplotna črpalka LiNO3/NH3 daje zadovoljive rezultate COP pri nizkih temperaturah generatorja.The Bachelor thesis presents operation of absorption heat pumps. Different pairs of working fluids and designs of absorption refrigeration systems are presented. We have examined different pairs of working fluids and designs that show potential at producing coolness below 0°C with low generator temperatures. We made simulation of single-effect absorption heat pump LiNO3/NH3 operating characteristics. Simulation was made in Aspen Plus software, where we tracked COP as a function of generator, evaporator and absorber temperature. It can be concluded that single-effect absorption heat pump LiNO3/NH3 is giving solid results of COP at low generator temperatures