


V diplomskem delu je predstaljeno delovanje absorpcijskih toplotnih črpalk. Opisani so različni delovni pari snovi in zasnove absorpcijskih hladilnih sistemov. Preučili smo delovne pare in zasnove sistemov, ki kažejo največ potenciala pri hlajenju pod 0°C z dovajanjem toplote nizke temperature v generator. Naredili smo simulacijo obratovalnih karakteristik enostopenjske absorpcijske toplotne črpalke, ki deluje na delovno snov LiNO3/NH3. Simulacijo smo izvedli v računalniškem programu Aspen Plus, kjer smo spremljali spreminjanje vrednosti učinkovistosti COP v odvisnosti od temperature generatorja, uparjalnika in absorberja. Ugotovili smo, da enostopenjska absorpcijska toplotna črpalka LiNO3/NH3 daje zadovoljive rezultate COP pri nizkih temperaturah generatorja.The Bachelor thesis presents operation of absorption heat pumps. Different pairs of working fluids and designs of absorption refrigeration systems are presented. We have examined different pairs of working fluids and designs that show potential at producing coolness below 0°C with low generator temperatures. We made simulation of single-effect absorption heat pump LiNO3/NH3 operating characteristics. Simulation was made in Aspen Plus software, where we tracked COP as a function of generator, evaporator and absorber temperature. It can be concluded that single-effect absorption heat pump LiNO3/NH3 is giving solid results of COP at low generator temperatures

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