59 research outputs found


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    Izometrijske mišićne kontrakcije predstavljaju važnu komponentu u razvoju mišićne jakosti i snage i efikasnu strategiju za prevenciju ozljeda. Ovaj diplomski rad temelji se na detaljnoj analizi anatomije potkoljenice, uključujući pregled kostiju, mišića, i njihovih funkcija te istražuje ulogu izometrijskih vježbi u kondicijskoj pripremi. U radu su proučeni pristupi izometrijskom treningu, njegovoj primjenjivosti u sportskoj praksi te važnosti za prevenciju ozljeda. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na pregled postojećih istraživanja koja potvrđuju pozitivne učinke izometrijskog treninga na povećanje jakosti, snage i elastičnosti tetiva te otpornosti mišićno-tetivnog sustava na ozljede. Osim toga, rad obuhvaća i praktične smjernice za implementaciju izometrijskih vježbi u trenažne procese s ciljem maksimiziranja njihove efektivnosti i sigurnosti za sportaše i osobe uključene u redovite fitness programe. Kroz multidisciplinarni pristup, diplomski rad ističe značaj izometrijskih kontrakcija u modernom treningu jakosti i snage, naglašavajući potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i razvojem specijaliziranih programa treninga koji bi koristili ovu metodu za unapređenje fizičkih performansi i prevenciju ozljeda. Nadalje, ovim radom istraživani su i složeni biomehanički procesi koji su uključeni u izometrijske kontrakcije i način na koji doprinose strukturalnom i funkcionalnom integritetu mišićno-koštanog sustava. Konačno, ovim radom pokušalo se i odgovoriti na pitanje kako pravilna primjena izometrijskih vježbi može pomoći u prevenciji nastanka ozljeda potkoljenice, ističući pritom važnost individualiziranog pristupa i prilagodbe treninga specifičnim potrebama i ograničenjima sportaša. Kroz kombinaciju teorijskog uvida i praktičnih primjera ovo istraživanje pruža uvid u razumijevanje prednosti izometrijskog treninga, pružajući temelj za razvoj efektivnijih i sigurnijih programa treninga.Isometric muscle contractions represent an important component in the development of muscle strength and power and an effective strategy for injury prevention. This thesis is based on a detailed analysis of the anatomy of the lower leg, including an overview of the bones, muscles, and their functions, and explores the role of isometric exercises in conditioning. The paper examines approaches to isometric training, its applicability in sports practice, and its importance for injury prevention. Special emphasis is placed on the review of existing research that confirms the positive effects of isometric training on increasing the strength, power and elasticity of tendons and the resistance of the muscle-tendon system to injuries. In addition, the work includes practical guidelines for the implementation of isometric exercises in training processes with the aim of maximizing their effectiveness and safety for athletes and people involved in regular fitness programs. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the thesis highlights the importance of isometric contractions in modern strength and power training, emphasizing the need for further research and development of specialized training programs that would use this method to improve physical performance and prevent injuries. Furthermore, this work investigated the complex biomechanical processes involved in isometric contractions and how they contribute to the structural and functional integrity of the musculoskeletal system. Finally, this paper tried to answer the question of how the correct application of isometric exercises can help in the prevention of lower leg injuries, emphasizing the importance of an individualized approach and adaptation of training to the specific needs and limitations of athletes. Through a combination of theoretical insight and practical examples, this research provides insight into understanding the benefits of isometric training, providing a foundation for developing more effective and safer training programs

    Analysis and the influence of oil prices on business costs at oil company : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je analiziran utjecaj cijena nafte na poslovanje tvrtke INA, Industrija nafte d.d. u uvjetima nestabilnosti međunarodnih naftnih tržišta. Diplomski rad je sastavljen iz pet osnovnih dijelova koji daju prikaz stanja u naftnoj industriji u svijetu od sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća do danas. Također donosi prikaz proizvodnje i potrošnje nafte u svijetu i Hrvatskoj te kako promjene na svjetskom tržištu utjeću na poslovanje INE. Tako na nju većinom djeluje kretanje cijena nafte na svjetskom tržištu i cijena dionica. U zaključku se daje osvrt na obrađenu temu, analiza kretanja cijena nafte na naftnom tržištu od 2008. do 2012. kao i utjecaj cijena na poslovanje naftne kompanije.Abstract: The graduate thesis deals with the issue of influence of oil prices on business costs at INA joint stock company in conditions of unstable international oil markets. It is comprised in five major parts. They present the overall picture of the state of oil industry in the world since 1970th until the present time. Also present the overall picture of oil production and consumption in the world and Croatia, and how changes of the world market have influenced the INA business costs. INA business is impacted with the facts and risks oil stock prices movement on the world market. In the conclusion the main topic of thesis is comented and summarized, as well as the estimation of fluctuation of oil prices in world markets in past years was given

    Analysis and the influence of oil prices on business costs at oil company : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je analiziran utjecaj cijena nafte na poslovanje tvrtke INA, Industrija nafte d.d. u uvjetima nestabilnosti međunarodnih naftnih tržišta. Diplomski rad je sastavljen iz pet osnovnih dijelova koji daju prikaz stanja u naftnoj industriji u svijetu od sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća do danas. Također donosi prikaz proizvodnje i potrošnje nafte u svijetu i Hrvatskoj te kako promjene na svjetskom tržištu utjeću na poslovanje INE. Tako na nju većinom djeluje kretanje cijena nafte na svjetskom tržištu i cijena dionica. U zaključku se daje osvrt na obrađenu temu, analiza kretanja cijena nafte na naftnom tržištu od 2008. do 2012. kao i utjecaj cijena na poslovanje naftne kompanije.Abstract: The graduate thesis deals with the issue of influence of oil prices on business costs at INA joint stock company in conditions of unstable international oil markets. It is comprised in five major parts. They present the overall picture of the state of oil industry in the world since 1970th until the present time. Also present the overall picture of oil production and consumption in the world and Croatia, and how changes of the world market have influenced the INA business costs. INA business is impacted with the facts and risks oil stock prices movement on the world market. In the conclusion the main topic of thesis is comented and summarized, as well as the estimation of fluctuation of oil prices in world markets in past years was given

    Accuracy between fully guided, half-guided and freehand implant placement on single tooth

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa sobre a precisão das técnicas totalmente guiadas, semiguiadas e de mão livre de um dente unitário e determinar qual delas é a mais precisa. Uma busca sistemática da literatura foi realizada na plataforma eletrônica MEDLINE (PubMed), utilizando a combinação dos seguintes termos científicos: Accuracy, Guided surgery, Dental implant, Computer-assisted, Single tooth. O desvio da colocação do implante é o resultado cumulativo de erros que podem ocorrer durante todas as fases dos protocolos. Pode ser um erro de aquisição da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (CBCT) erros esses que podem surgir com movimentos do paciente, artefatos de imagem. Podem ainda estar relacionados com outros fatores tais como o suporte da guia cirúrgico; o tipo de edentulismo ou até mêsmo a experiência do medico dentista. Os estudos selecionados relataram que o desvio angular, o desvio coronal e o desvio apical apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos, apesar da falta de dados de desvio coronal e apical. Em contraste, a precisão do desvio longitudinal não mostrou diferenças significativas. Assim, esta revisão conclui que a cirurgia de colocação de implante totalmente guiada, quando realizada corretamente, tem uma maior precisão que a cirugia parcilamente guiada semdo que a de cirurgia de colocação de implante de mão livre é a que apresenta menor precisão. No entanto, mais estudos serão necessários para comfirmar o que está escrito nos estudos que analisamos.This study seeks to compare the accuracy of fully guided, half-guided and freehand techniques on single tooth and determine which one is the most accurate. A systematic literature search was conducted on MEDLINE (PubMed) electronic database using a combination of the following terms: accuracy, guided surgery, dental implant, computer-assisted and single tooth. Implant placement deviation is the cumulative result of errors which may possibly occur during all phases of protocols. It can be a cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) acquisition errors which include patient movement, imaging artifacts or other factors such as surgical guide support related to the type of edentulism or surgeon experience. The selected studies reported that the angle deviation, coronal deviation and apical deviation showed significant differences amongst the groups, and this despite the lack of data for coronal and apical accuracy. In contrast, longitudinal deviation accuracy failed to show significant differences. Thus, this review consequently concludes that fully guided implant navigation surgery has the highest accuracy for transmitting the presurgical positioning planning to the patient, followed by static half-guided surgery, while the freehand implant placement provides the least accuracy. However, further investigations are needed to verify the clinical implications of these findings

    Contribution à l'étude de l'adsorption et de la désorption de composés organiques volatils chlorés sur charbons actifs

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    Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude de l'adsorption et de la désorption de l'eau et de composés organiques volatils (COVs) chlorés en mode statique (isothermes d'adsorption) et en mode dynamique (courbes de percée) sur des charbons actifs (CAs) de diverses natures (CAs granulaires et fibres de carbone activées). Le but visé est la séparation des constituants d'un mélange de COVs chlorés sur lit fixe de CA en présence ou non de vapeur d'eau. Nous avons montré que la texture poreuse et la chimie de surface des matériaux ainsi que les caractéristiques physico-chimique des sondes ont un rôle prépondérant sur leurs mécanismes et leurs cinétiques d'adsorption (ou de désorption). Une attention particulière a été portée sur l'influence de la présence d'humidité : aux forts taux d'humidité relative, les propriétés d'adsorption (capacité et cinétique) des CAs vis à vis des COVs sont considérablement affectées. La séparation du couple dichlorométhane/trichloroéthylène est très satisfaisante quelles soient les conditions expérimentales. Enfin, une étude exploratoire sur les possibilités d'hydrophobisation des CAs par greffage de groupements apolaires en phase liquide a été entreprise pour limiter les effets de la présence d'eau.Adsorption and desorption of water and chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in static (adsorption isotherms) and dynamic conditions (breakthrough curves) have been performed on different activated carbons (ACs) (granulated ACs and activated carbons fibers) with different textural characteristics and surface chemistry. The main objective of this study is to separate the different component of a chlorinated VOCs mixture in the presence or not of water vapor. It appears that both porous texture and surface chemistry of ACs as physicochemical characteristics of the probes have a strong influence on their adsorption (or desorption) process (mechanism and kinetics). A special attention has been drawn on the influence of the water presence: at high relative humidity rate, ACs adsorption properties (adsorbed amount and kinetics) for chlorinated VOCs are strongly affected. Separation of the dichloromethane/trichloroethylene mixture has been successfully realized whatever the experimental conditions. Last, an exploratory study on the AC hydrophobisation possibilities by the graphting of non-polar groups in liquid phase has been undertaken in order to limit the water presence effects.NANCY1-SCD Sciences & Techniques (545782101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analysis and the influence of oil prices on business costs at oil company : master’s thesis

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je analiziran utjecaj cijena nafte na poslovanje tvrtke INA, Industrija nafte d.d. u uvjetima nestabilnosti međunarodnih naftnih tržišta. Diplomski rad je sastavljen iz pet osnovnih dijelova koji daju prikaz stanja u naftnoj industriji u svijetu od sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća do danas. Također donosi prikaz proizvodnje i potrošnje nafte u svijetu i Hrvatskoj te kako promjene na svjetskom tržištu utjeću na poslovanje INE. Tako na nju većinom djeluje kretanje cijena nafte na svjetskom tržištu i cijena dionica. U zaključku se daje osvrt na obrađenu temu, analiza kretanja cijena nafte na naftnom tržištu od 2008. do 2012. kao i utjecaj cijena na poslovanje naftne kompanije.Abstract: The graduate thesis deals with the issue of influence of oil prices on business costs at INA joint stock company in conditions of unstable international oil markets. It is comprised in five major parts. They present the overall picture of the state of oil industry in the world since 1970th until the present time. Also present the overall picture of oil production and consumption in the world and Croatia, and how changes of the world market have influenced the INA business costs. INA business is impacted with the facts and risks oil stock prices movement on the world market. In the conclusion the main topic of thesis is comented and summarized, as well as the estimation of fluctuation of oil prices in world markets in past years was given

    Elaboration, caractérisation et études des propriétés catalytiques de matériaux carbonés poreux et fonctionnalisés par du molybdène

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    Ce travail décrit la préparation et la caractérisation d'un nouveau catalyseur d'hydrotraitement des coupes pétrolières. Des blocs de graphite expansé comprimé sont imprégnés par de l'alcool polyfurfurylique, pyrolysés et activés. Ces étapes successives conduisent à l'obtention de monolithes dont la structure est celle d'une mince couche de charbon actif déposée sur un squelette de graphite hautement poreux. Les propriétés élastiques et conductrices de ces matériaux sont décrites à chaque étape de leur élaboration. De par leur microporosité de surface, ces matériaux monolithiques constituent d'excellents supports de catalyseurs. Leur imprégnation par MoCl5 (vapeur ou en solution) donne après carburation la phase Mo2C dans un état de dispersion bien meilleur que sur les trois autres variétés de charbons actifs commerciaux envisagés. Les monolithes ont ainsi une activité élevée en HDN de l'indole, ainsi que des performances très encourageantes en HDS du dibenzothiophène.Preparation and characterization of a new catalyst designed for hydrotreating petroleum feedstocks are described in the present work. Blocks maded of compressed expanded graphite are impregnated by polyfurfuryl alcohol, pyrolyzed and activated. These successive steps lead to monoliths whom structure corresponds to a thin active carbon layer deposited on a highly porous graphite backbone. Their elastical and conducting properties are described at each step of their preparation. Given their surface microporosity, these monoliths are quite good catalyst supports. Impregnation with MoCl5 (either in liquid or in vapor phase) followed by a subsequent carburization leads to a phase which is much better dispersed than in three other active carbons studied for comparison. The monoliths thus exhibit a high activity in HDN of indole and quite promising performances in HDS of dibenzothiophene.NANCY1-SCD Sciences & Techniques (545782101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Élaboration et caractérisation de nouveaux matériaux d'électrodes pour pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (catalyseurs à base de tungstène supportés sur un dérivé du graphite expansé)

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    Ce travail s'inscrit dans les thématiques matériaux carbonés et matériaux pour l'énergie. Il s'agit d'une part de remplacer tout ou partie du platine, catalyseur de la pile à combustible basse température, par des matériaux moins coûteux et plus abondants ; et d'autre part d'optimiser l'accessibilité des sites catalytiques aux réactifs. WCl6 est imprégné en phase gazeuse en présence de dichlore sur un support dérivé du graphite expansé, avant d'être réduit/carburé afin d'obtenir des dérivés du tungstène (tungstène, carbures de tungstène). La taille et la nature des nanoparticules dépendent de la composition du gaz utilisé (H2 ou mélange H2/CH4) et de la température de réaction. En présence de H2, la réduction est complète à partir de 550C. L'utilisation d'un mélange gazeux H2/CH4 (90/10, 85/15 ou 80/20) conduit à l'élaboration de nanoparticules de W2C et WC. L'augmentation de la température favorise le frittage des particules mais pas la carburation complète. Les tests en demi-pile effectués sur ces catalyseurs révèlent qu'ils sont peu performants. Des catalyseurs mixtes Pt-W2C sont obtenus en déposant successivement PtCl4 et WCl6. La réduction - carburation est réalisée à 900C en présence d'un mélange H2/CH4 (85/15). Ces matériaux possèdent des performances électrocatalytiques bien supérieures à celles d'un catalyseur commercial pour un taux de platine équivalent. Ce travail concerne également la fonctionnalisation du support carboné par des groupements sulfonate. Le greffage de polystyrène sulfonate est efficace car il permet de diminuer la quantité de Nafion utilisée dans les électrodes et d'améliorer les performances catalytiquesThis work is implicated in the development of carbon materials and of materials for energy applications. In the first part, we aim to totally or partially replace the platinum catalyst of the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell by less expensive and more abundant materials. In the second part, we optimize the catalytic sites accessibility for the reactants. WCl6 was impregnated on the Expanded Graphite derivated substrate by gaseous transport under chlorine pressure before being reduced and/or carburized in order to obtain tungsten derivatives (tungsten, tungsten carbides). The nature and size of the nanoparticles depend on the reducing or carburizing gas composition (H2 or H2/CH4 mixture) and the reaction temperature. Reduction is not complete until 500C when using H2. W2C and WC mixtures are formed when using H2/CH4 mixtures (90/10, 85/15 or 80/20). The temperature increasing favours the sintering effect but not the complete carburization. All these obtained catalysts show low electrocatalytic performances when tested on a half-cell system. Platinum-tungsten hemicarbides catalysts were obtained by a successive deposition of PtCl4 and WCl6 while the reduction-carburization step was realized at 900C under H2/CH4 mixture (85/15). These materials show higher electrocatalytic performances than a commercial platinum catalyst for an equivalent platinum ratio. The final part of this work concerns the carbon support functionnalization with sulfonate groups. Polystyrene sufonate grafting seems efficient for it helps to reduce the Nafion quantities used in the electrodes and to increase the electrocatalytic performancesMETZ-SCD (574632105) / SudocNANCY1-Bib. numérique (543959902) / SudocNANCY2-Bibliotheque electronique (543959901) / SudocNANCY-INPL-Bib. électronique (545479901) / SudocSudocFranceF