611 research outputs found

    Bürgerlicher Habitus (Bourdieu) in "Frau Jenny Treibel" und "Buddenbrooks"

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    Es liegt dieser Arbeit über den bürgerlichen Habitus die Theorie des Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu zugrunde. Bourdieus Theorie erklärt die Muster menschlicher Verhaltungsweisen in einer Weise, dass sie auf die aktuelle Zeit ebenso anzuwenden ist als auf jede andere Zeit.Ich wende Bourdieus Theorie auf auf die Romane "Buddenbrooks" von Thomas Mann und "Frau Jenny Treibel" von Theodor Fontane an und zeige auf, durch welche Verhaltensweisen die Gesellschaftsschichten Adel, Bürgertum und Arbeiterschaft voneinander unterscheidbar sind

    The Model Prediction of Life Cycle Ownership Costs of Special Motor Vehicles

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    The paper deals with the prediction of life cycle costs related to special motor vehicles. In the first part, there is an analysis of the applied commercial software programs used for calculating and predicting the life cycle cost of vehicles. Next, there is a description of risks which might occur when calculating the life cycle cost and of the possible risk management. In the second part of the paper it is suggested that the motor vehicle life cycle cost can be predicted based on accurate data which are generally difficult to obtain, e.g. failure intensity z(t) or mean time between failures (MTBFs) used for calculating the cost after maintenance. The final part includes a proposal for the prediction of the ownership life cycle cost which consists of the operating and maintenance costs of special motor vehicles. This proposal is based on the company logistic information system, which at regular intervals assesses special vehicle life cycle cost during operation and maintenance. Under special motor vehicles here we understand the vehicles which are equipped with a chassis and a special vehicle superstructure which consumes operation units and on which maintenance is performed. Such vehicles are used in the construction or agricultural industry as well as in the military environment. The paper focuses on the design of a prediction model of the ownership life cycle cost of the military environment, where a relevant military logistic information system is used

    Comparison of the drilling process on samples of material

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    Již podle názvu můžeme usoudit, že tato rešeršní práce se zabývá porovnáním vrtacích technologii. V úvodu práce jsou shrnuty různé typy nástrojů a strojů k tvorbě vnitřních rotačních děr, další práce část naváže na pojednání o vrtacích přípravcích a nástrojových materiálech. V závěru práce je popsán provedený experiment odvrtání vnitřních rotačních děr.According to the name we can judge, that this research work is interested in comparing drilling technologies. The introduction of work includes different types of tools and machines to production interior rotated holes, another part continues with dissertation about drilling preparatory and tools materials. The end of work describes the experiment about drill interior rotated holes.

    A Model for Predicting Motor Vehicle Life Cycle Cost and its Verification

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    In the paper there is a draft of a general model to be used for calculating life cycle costs and determining an optimum period of durability of a motor vehicle. This model is created in the MATLAB software environment. The paper contains calculations and input data which are necessary for making a model that would predict motor vehicle life cycle costs and determine the optimum period of durability. The suggested model might be used for working out life cycle costs of a new vehicle type for which the costs have not been determined yet. This model can also be applied when comparing several types of motor land vehicles of the same category during purchase. It is advisable to use the model mainly during tenders, since life cycle costs are one of the major criterion when selecting a supplier. The model enables us to calculate not only life cycle costs, but also vehicle amortization which depends upon mileage and age of a vehicle. All cumulative values might be transformed into unit values related to the mileage

    Hydrogeochemistry of freshwaters crossed by the Transamazon highway, Northern Brazil

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    In the context of the comprehensive study of the hydrogeochemistry and classification of Amazon freshwaters, 80 rivers crossing the E-W transect of the Transamazon highway, between Altamira and Humaitá (Brazil) were analysed (pH, specific conductance, suspended solids, color, alkalinity, Cl, SO4, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Ba, Sr, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Si, C org, NH4, and PO4). The chemical data were evaluated and discussed under the following headings: - average content of major and trace elements compared to the world average. - relative dominance of major ions compared to the percentages of sum components of major cations and anions, respectively, - use of MAUCHA diagrams to depict the major ionic environment, - frequency distribution of major and trace elements and their relation to Amazonian and world scales, - variability of major and trace element content along the transect in relation to the geological conditions in the respective watersheds, - comparison of chemical characteristics of groups of waters from geologically different watersheds with their signifìcant differences. The results are fully described and presented in 16 figures and 7 tables

    Spatio-temporal characterisation of a 100 kHz 24 W sub-3-cycle NOPCPA laser system

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    In recent years, OPCPA and NOPCPA laser systems have shown the potential to supersede Ti:sapphire plus post-compression based laser systems to drive next generation attosecond light sources via direct amplification of few-cycle pulses to high pulse energies at high repetition rates. In this paper, we present a sub 3-cycle, 100 kHz, 24 W NOPA laser system and characterise its spatio-temporal properties using the SEA-F-SPIDER technique. Our results underline the importance of spatio-temporal diagnostics for these emerging laser systems

    Soluble pigments from the roots of the Amazonian water-hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes SOLMS

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    The roots of the amazonian water weed Eichhornia crassipes exhibit a characteristic feature normally not common amongst higher plants: especially the walls of the epidermic, hypodermic and endodermic layer contain red, blue and violet pigments whereas other parts of the roots like the peripheric cortex, the aerenchyma, and the central cylinder are less colored. Part oft he pigments proved to be anthocyanins. The possible function of the deposition of these pigments is discussed (protective agents against potential pathogens or predators attack). [in German

    Production, energy, and nutrient turnover of the cockroach Epilampra irmleri Rocha e Silva & Aguiar in a Central-Amazonian inundation forest

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    The cockroach Epilampra irmleri Rocha e Silva & Aguiar occuring in an Amazonian inundation forest was studied according to production, energy, and nutrient turnover. Production measurements of larvae were made for the field population from September till December 1976, whereas the adult population was investigated in cultures. P/B quotient amounts to 4,55. Epilampra irmleri was found on the forest ground directly after the inundation. Imaginal ecdysis occurs in December - January. Females carry the single ootheca with 40 - 45 eggs till young larvae are developed in the ootheca. Feeding tests were executed with two leaf species and natural leaf litter. Natural leaf litter is mostly fed. Soft leaves are prefered to hard leaves. The energy budget can only be compensated if natural leaf litter is fed. The following ecological efficiencies could be found for the larval population according to both feeding and respiration tests: A/C = 23, P/C = 9, R/C = 13, P/A = 41, and R/A = 56. Qxygen consumption of the larvae ranges from 500-700 ?l 0² * h-1 * g-1 at 25°C. The chemical analysis of food and faeces shows an increase of mineral concentrations in the faeces. The mineral budget is negativ if only leaves are fed. It is supposed that the mineral demand of the cockroach is compensated by substrat feeding and saprophagy on carcass. According to a leaf fall of 300 g * m² * yr-1 and a leaf consumption of 16,8 g * m-2 * yr-1 by the cockroach 5,6% of the yearly leaf fall is fed by the Epilampra population

    Nutrient dynamics of submersed decomposing Amazonian herbaceous plant species Paspalum fasciculatum and Echinochloa polystachya

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    Dans la plaine inondée de l'Amazone, la décomposition des plantes herbacée est très rapide durant la période d'inondation. Des experiences menées sur les plantes herbacées aquatiques et terrestres #Echinochloa polystachya et #Paspalum fasciculatum dans des bassins remplis d'eau de source, suggèrent que de grandes quantités de bio-éléments (Na, K, Ca, Mg, N, et P) sont perdues durant les 2 à 4 premières semaines d'exposition du matériel végétal. De 76 à 100 % des quantités totales d'éléments perdues par le matériel végétal se retrouvent sous forme soluble dans l'eau, à l'exception de l'azote pour lequel les valeurs obtenues sont de 57 % pour #Echinochloa polystachyaet47 et 47 % pour #Paspalum fasciculatum. Un bilan des diverses sources de bio-éléments durant la période d'inondation, dans un hypothétique lac de la plaine inondée, montre que l'eau du fleuve est la plus importante source de Na (99,5 %), Ca (93 %) et Mg (86,5 %) sous forme dissoute. Cependant, les plantes herbacées terrestres et la litière de la forêt de la plaine inondée restent les plus importantes sources de N (77,2 %), P (83,2 %) et K (60,7 %). Ces résultats montrent l'importance de la végétation terrestre comme pompe à éléments des sédiments vers l'eau et sa grande contribution à la dynamique des éléments nutritifs et à la production des systèmes de plaine inondée. (Résumé d'auteur