353 research outputs found

    Development of Prognosis Factors in a Scoring System for Predicting of Breast Cancer Mortality

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    Today, the prediction system and survival rate became an important request. A previous paper constructed a scoring system to predict breast cancer mortality at 5 to 10 years by using age, personal history of breast cancer, grade, TNM stage and multicentricity as prognostic factors in Spain population. This paper highlights the improvement of survival prediction by using fuzzy logic, through upgrading the scoring system to make it more accurate and efficient in cases of unknown factors, age groups, and in the way of how to calculate the final score. By using Matlab as a simulator, the result shows a wide variation in the possibility of values for calculating the risk percentage instead of only 16. Additionally, the accuracy will be calculated with risk mortality at 5 and 10 years depending on the number of unknown factors. The new system presented in a graphical user interface to facilitate the friendliness at the user side. Keywords: Risk calculation, scoring system, fuzzy set, breast cancer, prognostic factor, risk predictio

    Performance of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Congestion Control Over Wireless Links Using Modified Snoop Protocol

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    Because of the burgeoning increase for data communication and multimedia services over wireless links, and rapid growth of wireless communications, many researches have been undertaken to find effective integrated protocols that satisfy this demands. Since wireless links normally show higher bit error rate and temporal disconnections compared with wired links, the losses are greater, this may also be caused by the mobility like handoff, and many wireless channel impairment errors and not just congestion. TCP deals with packet losses by applying congestion control mechanisms, which tends to degrade its performance. Many protocols have been proposed including Snoop, to alleviate this problem. Our objectives here are to study and enhance the Snoop protocol using the modified ACK called Fake Acknowledgment under various network parameters. iv In this thesis, a Fake ACK technique proposed based on the Snoop Acknowledgment procedure; this reduces the waiting time of the Fixed Host waiting for the right Acknowledgment to be received, and hence reducing the probability of initiating congestion control mechanism. The results show that the throughput of our technique is increased and the losses are decreased compared to traditional Snoop protocol, under different parameter values

    Cutting Whole Length or Partial Length of Internal Anal Sphincter in Managementof Fissure in Ano

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       الفطر الشرجي المزمن هو حالة شائعه مؤلمة في المنطقه حول الشرج. والاجراء الجراحي الرئيسي لعلاج هذه الحالة المؤلمة هو استئصال جانبي للمصرة الداخلية.الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو مقارنة النتيجة ومضاعفات قص المصرة الداخلية الجانبية  بالطريقه المسدوده الى الخط المسنن (كل طول المصرة الداخلية) او الى قمة الفطر (جزء من طول المصرة الداخلية) كعلاج للفطر الشرجي. هذه الدراسة قائمة على المنهج المقارناجريت في مستشفى البصرة العام للفتره من الشر العاشر 2008 حتى الشهر العاشر 2013 حيث تضمنت 100 حالة مرضية تعاني من الفطرالشرجي المزمن. جميع المرضى وافقوا على استئصال المصرة الداخلية بالطريفه المسدوده ,ثم تم تقسيم المرضى بالطريقة العشوائية الى مجموعتين .50 مريضا خضع الى استئصال المصرة الداخلية الى الخط المسنن( طوله كله)و 50 مريضا خضعوا الى عملية الاستئصال  الى مستوى قمة الفطر(جزء من الطولة). تم متابعة المرضى أسبوعيا خلال الشهر الأول. ومرتين في الشهر الثاني وبعد ذلك شهريا في الشهرين التاليين ومرة اخيرة بعد سنة كاملة.  حيث كان هناك ارتياح جيد من الألم لدى كل المرضى وشفاء كامل للشق لدى المجموعتان. فيما يخص السلس  بعد العملية لا وجود للسلس بدرجة كبيرة (عدم السيطره على الخروج)لدى المجموعتان لكن  ظهر سلس من الدرجه البسيطه(عدم السيطره على خروج الهواء) لدى 7 حالات فقط للذين خضعوا للاستئصال الكامل للمصرة بعد سنة كاملة. نستنتج ان كلتا الاستئصالان الكامل و الجزئي للمصرة الداخلية أدى الى تحسن حالة المريض والتخلص من الألم لكن الاستئصال الكامل كان مصحوب لفترة طويلة للدرجه البسيطه من السلس. ولذلك ننصح بالاستئصال الجزئي للمصرة الداخلية الجانبية  كعلاج للفطر الشرجي المزمن.A chronic anal fissure is a common painful perianal condition.The main operative procedure to treat this painful condition is a lateral internal sphincteretomy (LIS).The aim of study is to compare the outcome and complications of closed LIS up to the dentate line (whole length of internal sphincter) or up to the fissure apex (partial length of internal sphincter) in the treatment of anal fissure.It is a prospective comparativestudy including 100 patients with chronic fissure in ano. All patients assigned to undergo closed LIS. Those patients were randomly divided into two groups: 50 patients underwent LIS to the level of dentate line (whole length) and other 50 patients underwent LIS to the level of fissure apex (partial length). Patients were followed up weekly in the 1st month, twice monthly in the second month then monthly   for next 2 months and finally after 1 year. There was satisfactory relief of pain in all patients in both groups & complete healing of the fissure occurred. Regarding post operative incontinence no major degree of incontinence occur in both group but minor degree of incontinence persists In 7 patients after whole length LIS after one year. In conclusion, both whole length & partial length LIS associated with improvement of pain, good chance of healing but whole length LIS associated with more chance of long term  flatus incontinence. Hence,we recommend partial length LIS as treatment forchronic anal fissure

    Gate Control System for New Iraqi License Plate

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    This paper presents an approach to license plate localization and recognition. A proposed method is designed to control the opening of door gate based on the recognition of the license plates number in Iraq. In general the system consists of four stages; Image capturing, License plate cropping, character segmentation and character recognition. In the first stage, the vehicle photo is taken fromstandard camera placed on the door gate with a specific distance from the front of vehicle to be processed by our system. Then, the detection method searches for the matching of the license plate in the image with a standard plate. The segmentation stage is performed by is using edge detection. Then character recognition, done by comparing with template standard numbers and letters used in the Iraqi plate. The system was implemented using Matlab (R2012a) and shows accurate performance results reached 93.33%

    Comparison of Clinico-Pathological Presentations of Triple-Negative versus Triple-Positive and HER2 Iraqi Breast Cancer Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer remains the most common malignancy among the Iraqi population. Affected patients exhibit different clinical behaviours according to the molecular subtypes of the tumour. AIM: To identify the clinical and pathological presentations of the Iraqi breast cancer subtypes identified by Estrogen receptors (ER), Progesterone receptors (PR) and HER2 expressions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The present study comprised 486 Iraqi female patients diagnosed with breast cancer. ER, PR and HER2 contents of the primary tumours were assessed through immunohistochemical staining; classifying the patients into five different groups: Triple Negative (ER/PR negative/HER2 negative), Triple Positive (ER/PR positive/HER2 positive), Luminal A (ER/PR positive/HER2 negative), HER2 enriched ((ER/PR negative/HER2 positive) and all other subtypes. RESULTS: The major registered subtype was the Luminal A which was encountered in 230 patients (47.3%), followed by the Triple Negative (14.6%), Triple Positive (13.6%) and HER2 Enriched (11.5%). Patients exhibiting the Triple Negative subtype were significantly younger than the rest of the groups and presented with larger size tumours. A significant difference in the distribution of the breast cancer stages was displayed (p < 0.05); the most advanced were noted among those with HER2 enriched tumours who exhibited the highest frequency of poorly differentiated carcinomas and lymph node involvement. CONCLUSION: The most significant variations in the clinicopathological presentations were observed in the age and clinical stage of the patients at diagnosis. Adoption of breast cancer molecular subtype classification in countries with limited resources could serve as a valuable prognostic marker in the management of aggressive forms of the disease

    Preparation and Characterization of New Magnetic Montmorillonite Clay Mineral by Intercalation of Iron Oxides in West Iraqi Layered Bentonite

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    A new magnetic montmorillonite hybrid materials of iron (Fe II, Fe III) with Iraqi (Traifawi) montmorillonite were synthesized by mixing 15 g. of H – form initiated montmorillonite with 100 ml saturated aqueous solutions of different percent ratios of ferric and ferrous chlorides (FeCl3 & FeCl2) with continuous agitation at 60ºC, and the mixture is allowed to react for 24 h. to ensure maximum interlayer (Fe+3 & Fe+2) cations intercalation. The resulting Fe – intercalated montmorillonite solids were separated by centrifugation, washed several times with deionized water to free Hydrochloric acid (HCl), dried at 100 ºC for 24 h. (Fe II, Fe III)  –montmorillonite was characterized by Magnetic susceptibility measurement, X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The intercalated bentonite samples show high Magnetic susceptibilities due to increment or decrement of Magnetite and Hematite content in these clay samples. All the XRD patterns of iron (Fe II, Fe III) montmorillonite nanocomposites shows a red shift in the position of Montmorillonite mineral main peak due to the emergence of new magnetic clay mineral by intercalation of (Fe II, Fe III) in montmorillonite. Also the clay reflections, present some additional peaks that obviously originate from iron oxides (Hematite Fe2O3), and (Magnetite Fe3O4). FT-IR patterns of (Fe II, Fe III) – montmorillonite samples noticed the appearance of new peaks belongs to (Hematite) Fe2O3 stretching vibration, Fe-O stretching vibration, and (Magnetite Fe3O4) stretching vibration. SEM images of (Fe II, Fe III) – montmorillonite samples showed a change in the nature of the Montmorillonite clay surface. Keywords: Intercalation, West Iraqi, Magnetic Montmorillonite, Layered Bentonite

    Selefi Düşüncenin Batıda İslamofobiye Etkisi

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    İslamofobi (İslamophobia) kavram olarak İslam'dan endişe, korku ve nefrete yönelik düşünce ve tavrı ifade etmektedir. İslamofobi genel anlamda dini, siyasi, sosyal ve kültürel açıdan İslâm ve Müslümanlara karşı korku ve dışlamayı ifade etmektedir. İslamofobi düşüncesi batı  dünyasında 14. yüzyılda sistematik olarak gelişmeye başlamış, artarak günümüzde daha büyük boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Geçmişte ve günümüzde İslamofobiye kaynaklık eden farklı nedenler olmuştur. Bu nedenler batı dünyasında daha çok korku, endişe, karşı olma, düşmanlık ve saldırganlığa kadar varmıştır. Batının yanlış algısının yanında, Müslümanlarında bu sürece olumsuz katkıları olmuştur.  Batı/Hrıstiyan Dünyası ve gerekse Müslüman Dünya/ Müslümanlar, daha barışçıl ve huzurlu bir dünya için İslamofobiye kaynaklık eden zihinsel kodların objektif bir değerlendirilmesini yapması ve çözüm önerileri ortaya koyması gerekmektedir

    Comparison between legacy and low cost airlines on the Norwegian aviation market

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