17 research outputs found

    Representations in digital poetry, beginning in Portugal

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    COM 325-002: Radio/Podcast Practicum

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    Telecommunications in the IS Curriculum

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    A major shift away from centralized data processing to distributed system and an increasing emphasis on the use of IS technology to link individuals and entities inside and outside the orgaxiizatioit has created an imperative to integrate the study of telecoIninuiiicatioris networks into the IS curriculum. The subject of this tutorial is to exploie the appropriate dornain of telecommunications subjects to be included in the IS curriculum md to discuss various approaches to developicg arid teaching courses in telecoininunicatioiis

    Biological clustering supports both "Dutch'' and "British'' hypotheses of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    BACKGROUND: Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are heterogeneous diseases. OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine, in terms of their sputum cellular and mediator profiles, the extent to which they represent distinct or overlapping conditions supporting either the "British" or "Dutch" hypotheses of airway disease pathogenesis. METHODS: We compared the clinical and physiological characteristics and sputum mediators between 86 subjects with severe asthma and 75 with moderate-to-severe COPD. Biological subgroups were determined using factor and cluster analyses on 18 sputum cytokines. The subgroups were validated on independent severe asthma (n = 166) and COPD (n = 58) cohorts. Two techniques were used to assign the validation subjects to subgroups: linear discriminant analysis, or the best identified discriminator (single cytokine) in combination with subject disease status (asthma or COPD). RESULTS: Discriminant analysis distinguished severe asthma from COPD completely using a combination of clinical and biological variables. Factor and cluster analyses of the sputum cytokine profiles revealed 3 biological clusters: cluster 1: asthma predominant, eosinophilic, high TH2 cytokines; cluster 2: asthma and COPD overlap, neutrophilic; cluster 3: COPD predominant, mixed eosinophilic and neutrophilic. Validation subjects were classified into 3 subgroups using discriminant analysis, or disease status with a binary assessment of sputum IL-1β expression. Sputum cellular and cytokine profiles of the validation subgroups were similar to the subgroups from the test study. CONCLUSIONS: Sputum cytokine profiling can determine distinct and overlapping groups of subjects with asthma and COPD, supporting both the British and Dutch hypotheses. These findings may contribute to improved patient classification to enable stratified medicine

    Poetics/Poelitics of materiality in latin american digital poetry

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    Este artículo propone leer la poesía digital latinoamericana en vinculación con el acontecimiento poético-político que emerge cuando se considera su materialidad. Dar visibilidad a la materialidad habilita limitar la naturalización de los sentidos que vienen asociados a la cultura digital hegemónica contemporánea. Esto se logra desde procedimientos que ponen de relieve tanto los diversos niveles de materialidad inherentes a cada evento artístico literario digital —materialidad textual de superficie, materialidad relacional de las interfaces tanto de software como de hardware, materialidad del código— como los modos convencionales de ser con y hacer sentido de los entramados técnicos digitales que organizan nuestra vida cotidiana.This paper aims to read Latin American digital poetry in regards to the poetic-political event that emerges whenever its materiality is considered. To make materiality visible enables one to restrict the naturalization of meanings associate with contemporary hegemonic digital culture. This is accomplished through artistic procedures that emphasize, on the one hand, the multiple levels of materiality inherent to digital literary works— surface/textual materiality, software and hardware interface relational materiality, code materiality—and, on the other hand, the conventional ways to interact with and build meaning within the digital space that organize everyday life.Fil: Kozak, Claudia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani". Estudios Culturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentin

    Net time eyebeam

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