236 research outputs found

    What’s left? Felix Somló’s impact on legal theory and on legal doctrine

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    Abstract Felix Somló’s Juristische Grundlehre is, without a doubt, a masterpiece of legal theory and has quickly become a classic of analytical jurisprudence. This paper will investigate what exactly its contribution to legal theory is. It concentrates on the reception of Somló’s book in the German post-war legal theory and in doing so, the prevailing Somló-pictures (like ‘Somló the Neo-Kantian’) will be critically assessed. Some of his genuine ideas are still present, surprisingly even in a more technical field, the German doctrine of administrative law

    Globalization Report 2016: Who Benefits Most from Globalization? Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2018/02

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    The globalization report appears regularly and sets an authoritative standard for the comprehensive analysis of current globalization issues and global economic development. The 2016 globalization report comes in two parts. Building on the previous report, the first part focuses on the question of to what extent different countries have benefited from globalization in the past and to which degree this is possible in the future. The second part analyses the export performance and the development of the international competitiveness of 42 globally important economies. The first part of the investigation creates a globalization index which takes into account the economic, political and social aspects of globalization. Subsequently, the index data are used, together with a regression analysis, to quantify and compare the impacts on growth caused by globalization in the various countries. Then the country is identified which has achieved the most growth as a result of globalization

    The Process of Solving Complex Problems

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    This article is about Complex Problem Solving (CPS), its history in a variety of research domains (e.g., human problem solving, expertise, decision making, and intelligence), a formal definition and a process theory of CPS applicable to the interdisciplinary field. CPS is portrayed as (a) knowledge acquisition and (b) knowledge application concerning the goal-oriented control of systems that contain many highly interrelated elements (i.e., complex systems). The impact of implicit and explicit knowledge as well as systematic strategy selection on the solution process are discussed, emphasizing the importance of (1) information generation (due to the initial intransparency of the situation), (2) information reduction (due to the overcharging complexity of the problem’s structure), (3) model building (due to the interconnectedness of the variables), (4) dynamic decision making (due to the eigendynamics of the system), and (5) evaluation (due to many, interfering and/or ill-defined goals)


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    For Hermann Kantorowicz (1877-1940), legal philosophy was a natural part of his impressively broad academic legal education. Yet his work on legal philosophy is fragmentary and needs reconstruction. Doing this, Kantorowicz’s “classic” concept of free law appears in a new light. He has always had difficulties in stating exactly what the free law actually is. In Kantorowicz’s late work, the concept of dogmas takes on the position that occupied free law in the early works. Dogmas and free law are functionally equivalent. The law is not simply the commands, i.e., authoritative orders, or norms, that is, statements that are perceived as mandatory. The law is above all dogma, that is, it is a body of meaningful entities processing via a specific logic of coherent accommodation. The concept of dogma therefore overcomes the traditional opposition of recognizing and inventing the law. Kantorowicz emphasizes how legal science, and the courts as well, are in a certain sense part of the law, solely by arguing reasonably in the legal mode.Para Hermann Kantorowicz (1877-1940), a filosofia jurídica era parte natural de sua impressionante formação jurídica acadêmica. No entanto, seu trabalho sobre filosofia jurídica é fragmentário e precisa ser reconstruído. Fazendo isso, o conceito “clássico” de direito livre de Kantorowicz aparece sob uma nova luz. Ele sempre teve dificuldades em afirmar exatamente o que realmente é o direito livre. Nos últimos trabalhos de Kantorowicz, o conceito de dogmas assume a posição que ocupava o direito livre nos primeiros trabalhos. Dogmas e direito livre são funcionalmente equivalentes. O direito não é simplesmente comandos, ou seja, ordens ou normas autorizativas, ou seja, declarações que são percebidas como obrigatórias. O direito é acima de tudo dogma, isto é, um corpo de entidades significativas atuando por meio de uma lógica específica de acomodação coerente. O conceito de dogma supera, portanto, a oposição tradicional entre reconhecer e inventar o direito. Kantorowicz enfatiza como a ciência jurídica e os tribunais também são, em certo sentido, parte do direito, apenas argumentando razoavelmente de maneira jurídica

    Hilfsmittelversorgung bei der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose

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    Einleitung Die amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) ist eine neurodegenerative Erkrankung der Motoneurone, die durch fortschreitende Lähmungen der Willkürmuskulatur charakterisiert ist und mit hohen Bedarfen zum Erhalt der Selbstständigkeit, Kommunikation und zum Erhalt lebenswichtiger Funktionen wie Atmung und Ernährung einhergeht. Die Hilfsmittelversorgung bei der ALS ist von verschiedenen psychosozialen und sozioökonomischen Faktoren und technischen Eigenschaften der Hilfsmittel geprägt. Systematische Untersuchungen zur Hilfsmittelversorgung bei der ALS liegen bisher nur wenige vor. Methodik Bei Studie 1 wurde die gesamte Hilfsmittelversorgung an 12 ALS-Zentren in Deutschland retrospektiv ausgewertet, die innerhalb eines digitalen Fallmanagement-Netzwerkes (Ambulanzpartner) versorgt wurden. Neben demographischen und krankheitsspezifischen Daten wurden Spezifizierung der Hilfsmittel, Datum der Hilfsmittelanforderung und Lieferung beziehungsweise Ablehnung des Hilfsmittels und Gründe für die Ablehnung eines Hilfsmittels erfasst. Für Studie 2 wurde die Hilfsmittelversorgung mit Orthesen, therapeutischen Bewegungsgeräten, Kommunikationshilfen und Elektrorollstühlen an vier spezialisisierten ALS-Ambulanzen zwischen Juni 2011 und Oktober 2014 ausgewertet und die Versorgungsraten und -latenzen für die fünf häufigsten Kostenträger der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung und Versicherten der Privaten Krankenversicherungen verglichen. Für Studie 3 wurden zehn in Deutschland eingesetzte mechanische Hustenhilfen in vitro hinsichtlich der Vergleichbarkeit ihrer exspiratorischen Spitzenflüsse einschließlich der Veränderungen durch das eingesetzte Equipment unter vergleichbaren Einstellparametern untersucht. Ergebnisse Studie 1 ergab, dass die Hilfsmittelgruppen der Rollstühle, Orthesen, Alltags- und Badezimmerhilfen, Betten und Dekubitusmaterialien und Kommunikationshilfen am Häufigsten vertreten waren. Die Gesamtversorgungsrate für alle Hilfsmittel lag bei 70,2%. Für komplexe Hilfsmittelkategorien zeigten sich deutlich geringere Versorgungsraten. Eine Ablehnung durch den Kostenträger war der häufigste Grund für die Ablehnung bzw. das Nicht-Zustandekommen einer Hilfsmittelversorgung. Es zeigten sich deutliche Unterschiede der Ablehnungsraten und Latenzen zwischen den Kostenträgern und den untersuchten Hilfsmittelgruppen. In Studie 3 zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede der Leistungen der verschiedenen Geräte am Geräteausgang und zwischen eingesetztem zusätzlichen Zusatzmaterial innerhalb einer definierten Hilfsmittelgruppe. Diskussion In den drei Studien dieser Arbeit ist die nicht-pharmakologische Behandlung bei der ALS Gegenstand der Untersuchung. Zu nicht-medikamentösen Behandlungsoptionen liegen bisher nur wenige Studien vor. Es zeigen sich signifikante Unterschiede in den Versorgungsraten der untersuchten Hilfsmittel. Innerhalb einzelner Hilfsmittelgruppen zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede der Leistungen einzelner Hilfsmittel. Bei der ALS hat die Versorgung mit komplexen Hilfsmitteln einen hohen Stellenwert. Bei den vorliegenden Untersuchungen handelt es sich um Pilotstudien, die den hohen Bedarf an bisher fehlenden systematischen Versorgungsdaten adressieren und helfen können, die symtomatische und palliative Behandlung der amyotrophen Lateralsklerose zu optimieren sowie einen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung von Leitlinen und Versorgungsstandards leisten sollen.Introduction Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative disease of the motor neurons that leads to progressive loss of function of the voluntary muscles. ALS addresses high demands in preserving independency, communication and vital functions such as respiration and nutrition. Provision of assistive devices in ALS is determined by heterogeneous psychosocial and socioeconomic factors as well as technological characteristics of the devices. Only a few systematic studies exist that address assistive devices in ALS. Methods In study number 1, the provision of assistive devices in 12 German ALS clinics was analysed retrospectively, by means of a digital case management network (in German “Ambulanzpartner”). Demographic and disease specific data, specification of assistive devices, date of device delivery or rejection and reasons for rejection were captured and analysed. In study number 2, the provision with orthoses, motorized movement trainers, communication aids and powered wheelchairs was captured from four specialised ALS clinics between June 2011 and October 2014. Provisions rates and latencies were analysed and compared for the five most frequent statutory health insurances and private health insurances. In study number 3, ten different mechanical insufflators/ exsufflators available in Germany were analysed in vitro and exspiratoric peak flows and changes in peak flows were compared with similar parameter-settings, including the changes caused by different equipment. Results The most common assistive devices were wheelchairs, orthoses, aids for daily living/ bathroom adaptations, special beds and patient positioning devices. In total, the delivery rate was 70.2% with lower delivery rates for complex assistive devices. The refusal of the health insurance to cover the costs was the most common reason for rejection of assistive devices with significant differences of delivery rates and latencies between the insurance companies and different assistive devices. Study number 3 revealed significant differences between the characteristics of different devices within one defined group of assistive devices and further significant differences regarding additional materials for these devices. Discussion In the studies the non-pharmacological treatment in ALS was examined. Only a few studies exist that address this topic. There are significant differences in the provision rates and characteristics of the investigated assistive devices. In ALS complex assistive devices dominate. The 3 studies are pilot studies and address the high demand for systematic data and analyses regarding non-pharmacological treatment. Goal of the studies is to improve the symptomatic and palliative treatment in ALS and to address the lack in systematic standards and guidelines in that field

    The process of solving complex problems

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    Abstract This article is about Complex Problem Solving (CPS), its history in a variety of research domains (e.g., human problem solving, expertise, decision making, and intelligence), a formal definition and a process theory of CPS applicable to the interdisciplinary field. CPS is portrayed as (a) knowledge acquisition and (b) knowledge application concerning the goal-oriented control of systems that contain many highly interrelated elements (i.e., complex systems). The impact of implicit and explicit knowledge as well as systematic strategy selection on the solution process are discussed, emphasizing the importance of (1) information generation (due to the initial intransparency of the situation), (2) information reduction (due to the overcharging complexity of the problem's structure), (3) model building (due to the interconnectedness of the variables), (4) dynamic decision making (due to the eigendynamics of the system), and (5) evaluation (due to many, interfering and/or ill-defined goals)

    Globalization Report 2016: Who Benefits Most from Globalization?

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    The "Globalization Report 2016" examines how far individual countries benefited from increasing globalization between 1990 and 2014. Using the real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as indicator for measuring these benefits, industrialized countries such as Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Finland achieved the largest gains from increased globalization. Emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil also had a higher GDP per capita due to globalization. However, their globalization-induced increases in GDP are much lower

    Contributions to the mixed-alkali effect in molecular dynamics simulations of alkali silicate glasses

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    The mixed-alkali effect on the cation dynamics in silicate glasses is analyzed via molecular dynamics simulations. Observations suggest a description of the dynamics in terms of stable sites mostly specific to one ionic species. As main contributions to the mixed--alkali slowdown longer residence times and an increased probability of correlated backjumps are identified. The slowdown is related to the limited accessibility of foreign sites. The mismatch experienced in a foreign site is stronger and more retarding for the larger ions, the smaller ions can be temporarily accommodated. Also correlations between unlike as well as like cations are demonstrated that support cooperative behavior.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, revtex4, submitted to Phys. Rev.