22 research outputs found

    “Un sol di paradiso”. I soffitti all’antica di palazzo Medici a Firenze

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    This paper clarifies the historical constructive aspects of two 15th century wooden ceilings of the Medici palace (later Riccardi): the ceiling of the great hall and that of the Magi chapel. An hitherto unknown documentation from the Archive of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore, establishes the dating of timber works in the building yard (January 1449 - February 1451), and explains the methods of supply, origins and quantities of the wood purchased by Cosimo the Elder for the palace. The two ceilings are among the first coffered ceilings  carved the "ancient" way. Their novelty consists in the shape but also in the use of double composite beams to support the coffers: this technical device was so new in Florence at the period that it required the shipment of a wooden model of a beam (1451) from Ferrara. Finally, the study explains how the restoration and consolidation of the great hall ceiling throughout the centuries has completely transformed the original structure: the works carried out by the Riccardi family (1660) more than halved the size of the ceiling, and gave it a different pictorial decoration, now entirely removed after the recent pictorial restoration (1998) aimed at restoring the Fifteenth Century aspect to the ceiling

    Segmentação no mercado de colhedoras de grãos na Argentina : propostas para segmentação de clientes

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    Orientador: Zaki Akel SobrinhoMonografia(Especializaçao) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especializaçao em Marketing Empresaria


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    Wooden coffered ceilings attest to the recovery of antiquity and the search for luxury in Renaissance architecture, first in Florence, then in Rome. They appear in 15th century Italian architecture with their formal and constructive perfection: carved, sculpted, painted, enriched with xylographies and plasters, in soft wood or in papier-mâché. Coffered ceilings, clad with gold or in bright red and blue colours, are polymateric masterpieces, the result of the work of several artisans, of transverse technical knowledge and of different artistic styles. Their diffusion in Renaissance architecture is sudden and pervasive: in a few decades they characterize the new interiors of Florentine building, such as the church of San Lorenzo, the Magi Chapel and some other rooms in the palazzo Medici. Simultaneously, in Rome, coffered ceilings emulate and surpass their former glory, renewing the naves of ancient basilicas – San Marco and Santa Maria Maggiore – as well as the great halls of stately aristocratic and curial palaces. This monographic issue aims at documenting and analysing, through some case studies, the revival of wooden coffered ceilings in the 15th century and their successive fortune; the techniques and the artists who conceived and executed them; the types of wood species used; the literary and artistic sources providing descriptions and instructions concerning their construction

    Air Pollution, Aeroallergens, and Emergency Room Visits for Acute Respiratory Diseases and Gastroenteric Disorders among Young Children in Six Italian Cities

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    Past studies reported evidence of associations between air pollution and respiratory symptoms and morbility for children. Few studies examined associations between air pollution and emergency room (ER) visits for wheezing, and even fewer for gastroenteric illness. We conducted a multicity analysis of the relationship between air pollution and ER visits for wheezing and gastroenteric disorders in children 0-2 years of age.BACKGROUND: Past studies reported evidence of associations between air pollution and respiratory symptoms and morbidity for children. Few studies examined associations between air pollution and emergency room (ER) visits for wheezing, and even fewer for gastroenteric illness. We conducted a multicity analysis of the relationship between air pollution and ER visits for wheezing and gastroenteric disorder in children 0-2 years of age. METHODS: We obtained ER visit records for wheezing and gastroenteric disorder from six Italian cities. A cityspecific case-crossover analysis was applied to estimate effects of particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide, adjusting for immediate and delayed effects of temperature. Lagged effects of air pollutants up to 6 prior days were examined. The cityspecific results were combined using a random-effect meta-analysis. RESULTS: CO and SO2 were most strongly associated with wheezing, with a 2.7% increase [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.5-4.9] for a 1.04 \u3bcg/m3 increase in 7day average CO and a 3.4% (95% CI, 1.5-5.3) increase for an 8.0 \u3bcg/m3 increase in SO2. Positive associations were also found for PM with aerodynamic diameter 64 10 \u3bcg and NO2. We found a significant association between the 3day moving average CO and gastroenteric disorders [3.8% increase (95% CI, 1.0-6.8)]. When data were stratified by season, the associations were stronger in summer for wheezing and in winter for gastroenteric disorders. CONCLUSION: Air pollution is associated with triggering of wheezing and gastroenteric disorders in children 0-2 years of age; more work is needed to understand the mechanisms to help prevent wheezing in children

    Ação afirmativa nos Estados Unidos: breve síntese da jurisprudência e da pesquisa social científica

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    Este artigo pretende apresentar sucintamente aos leitores não familiarizados com a ação afirmativa nos Estados Unidos seus antecedentes históricos e atual status legislativo e, de maneira mais abrangente, abordar questões empíricas das ciências sociais relacionadas com a ação afirmativa. Abordam-se especificamente as falhas e/ou limitações da pesquisa que sustenta a hipótese da disparidade educacional, da evidência empírica da "disparidade científica", e a afirmação de que a ação afirmativa baseada em classe social seria tão ou quase tão eficaz na promoção da diversidade racial quanto a ação afirmativa baseada em raça. Examinam-se especificamente os trabalhos de Richard Sander, Richard Kahlenberg, Doug Williams e Peter Arcidiacono. O artigo também afirma que o casoBakke, que apresentou, pela primeira vez, uma decisão da Suprema Corte sobre a ação afirmativa, desvirtuou a jurisprudência a respeito da ação afirmativa na educação e as discussões sobre o tema, de modo a provocar efeitos lamentáveis e duradouros

    Dalla Pubblica Comodità alla Pubblica Utilità: un caso di esproprio nella Firenze del Cinquecento

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    Modalità, procedure e casi esemplari nell'esproprio di terreni e case a Firenze per la costruzione degli Uffizi alla metà del XVI secol

    La costruzione degli Uffizi. Nascita di una Galleria

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    Il volume ricostruisce le fasi nodali della costruzione del più importante edificio cinquecentesco di Firenze, analizzando sia le tecniche costruttive che il cantiere, in rapporto alle scelte artistiche e culturali del committente e dell'architetto Giorgio Vasari. Un'ampia trascrizione di documenti e un album iconografico inedito completano l'opera

    Segmentação no mercado de colhedoras de grãos na Argentina : propostas para segmentação de clientes

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    Orientador: Zaki Akel SobrinhoMonografia(Especializaçao) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especializaçao em Marketing Empresaria

    Dalla Pubblica Comodità alla Pubblica Utilità: un caso di esproprio nella Firenze del Cinquecento

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    Modalità, procedure e casi esemplari nell'esproprio di terreni e case a Firenze per la costruzione degli Uffizi alla metà del XVI secol