42 research outputs found


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    PENERAPAN JOBSHEET MATERI PRAKTIK KERJA KAYU SAMBUNGAN LUBANG DAN PEN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PADA KELAS X TKK DI SMKN 3 JOMBANG Willy Funga Niranda Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Abstrak Media pembelajaran merupakan prasarana utama dalam penyampaian materi. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan kurang optimalnya guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran terkait dengan pemanfaatan media pembelajaran dan pemahaman terhadap bakat atau potensi peserta didik sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dengan adanya perbedaan antara penerapan jobsheet dan metode konvensional dalam praktik kerja kayu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan jobsheet dalam materi praktik kerja kayu sambungan lubang dan pen. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan “Pre-Experimental Design” dengan bentuk One-Shot Case Study. Lokasi penelitian di SMKN 3 Jombang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa satu kelas X TKK SMKN 3 Jombang dengan jumlah 32 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa bahwa penerapan jobsheet pada mata pelajaran praktik kerja kayu dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan prosentase analisis kegiatan guru pada pertemuan ke-1 79.41% pertemuan ke-2 81.25% pertemuan ke-3 84.37 %, aktivitas siswa pada pertemuan ke-1 78.41%, pertemuan ke-2 81.25%, pertemuan ke-3 85.15%. dan pencapaian hasil belajar siswa diatas KKM. Kata kunci: KKM, hasil belajar, jobsheet. Abstract Learning media is the main infrastructure in delivering material. Facts on the field show that the teacher is not optimal in carrying out the learning process related to the use of learning media and understanding of the talents or potential of students as factors that influence learning outcomes. This can be indicated by the difference between the application of jobsheet and conventional methods in wood working practices. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of jobsheet in the work practice materials of wood connection holes and pens. This type of research is a "Pre-Experimental Design" with the One-Shot Case Study. The location of the research is at SMK 3 Jombang. The sample in this study were students of class X TKK SMK 3 Jombang with a total of 32 students. Data is collected using observation and documentation. Data were analyzed through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this paper indicate that the application of jobsheet to the subjects of wood working practices can improve student learning outcomes. This can be indicated by an increase in the percentage analysis of teacher activities at the 1st meeting 79.41% 2nd meeting 81.25% 3rd meeting 84.37%, student activity at 1st meeting 78.41%, 2nd meeting 81.25%, meeting 3rd 85.15%. and the achievement of student learning outcomes above the KKM. Keyword : KKM, learning outcomes, jobsheet

    Effects of motivation on employees performance; a case of Vice President’s Office in Dar es Salaam

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    This study attempts to assess the effects of motivation on employee performance using field data collected at Vice President’s Office in Dar es Salaam. Correlation technique was employed to find out the relationship between two variables. Regression technique also was used to find out to which extent one variable affect the other using coefficient results. Correlation results for salary is 0.589, Transport benefits 0.421, medical benefits 0.395, extra duty allowance 0.421, carrier achievement 0.562, promotion benefits 0.672 and correlation for recognition is 0.407 which reveal existence of positive relationship between motivation and employees’ performance and therefore implying that the increase in motivation will lead to increase in employees’ performance. This situation insists on increasing attention to employee motivation practice in order to improve employee performance. The findings suggest enhancement of current motivation package by incorporating both intrinsic such as promotion, recognition, support for carrier achievement and extrinsic motivation factors such as salary, extra duty allowance, transport allowance, medical benefits will help optimum utilization of human resources as well as increasing employees’ performance. Furthermore there is pressing need to develop organisation motivation policy that will help the VPO management properly handling motivation function

    Effects of Motivation on Employees Performance: A Case of Vice President’s Office in Dar es Salaam

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    This study attempts to assess the effects of motivation on employee performance using field data collected at Vice President’s Office in Dar es Salaam. Correlation technique was employed to find out the relationship between two variables. Regression technique also was used to find out to which extent one variable affect the other using coefficient results. Correlation results for salary is 0.589, Transport benefits 0.421, medical benefits 0.395, extra duty allowance 0.421, carrier achievement 0.562, promotion benefits 0.672 and correlation for recognition is 0.407 which reveal existence of positive relationship between motivation and employees’performance and therefore implying that the increase in motivation will lead to increase in employees’ performance. This situation insists on increasing attention to employee motivation practice in order to improve employee performance. The findings suggest enhancement of current motivation package by incorporating both intrinsic such as promotion, recognition, support for carrier achievement and extrinsic motivation factors such as salary, extra duty allowance, transport allowance, medical benefits will help optimum utilization of human resources as well as increasing employees’ performance. Furthermore there is pressing need to develop organisation motivation policy that will help the VPO management properly handling motivation function


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    ABSTRAKWilla Funga Rahmany. 2018 (Mengembangkan Kemampuan Kreativitas Anak melalui Kegiatan Finger Painting di TK Hj Cut Nyak Awan Aceh Besar) Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kualah.Pembimbing(1)Dra. Yuhasriati, M. Pd(2) Rosmiati, S.Pd. I, M.EdKata Kunci : Kemampuan Kreativitas, Finger Painting dan AnakKemampuan kreativitas adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru, baik berupa gagasan atau produk baru yang dapat diterapkan dalam memecahkan masalah. Finger painting adalah jenis kegiatan melukis dengan menggunakan jari-jemari yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kreativitas anak. Kegiatan ini diperlukan imajinasi yang tinggi dalam menciptakan suatu lukisan yang indah. Penelitian ini memiliki objek berupa perkembangan kreativitas anak dengan indikator adalah kemampuan anak dalam menghasilkan berbagai karya. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan kreativitas anak melalui kegiatan finger painting di TK Hj Cut Nyak Awan Aceh Besar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan kreativitas anak melalui kegitan finger painting Tk Hj Cut Nyak Awan Aceh Besar. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 anak, yang terdiri dari 5 orang anak perempuan dan 5 orang anak laki-laki. Teknik yang diguakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah observasi. Observasi dilakukan setelah diberikan perlakuan (treatment) yaitu kegiatan finger painting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sembilan dari sepuluh subjek penelitian mengalami peningkatan dalam perkembangan kreativitas dalam melukis berbagai macam objek lukisan. Hasil karya yang dihasilkan oleh anak berupa lukisan bunga, rumah, boneka, abstrak, kupu-kupu dan pelangi

    Effects of motivation on employees performance; a case of Vice President’s Office in Dar es Salaam.

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    This study attempts to assess the effects of motivation on employee performance using field data collected at Vice President’s Office in Dar es Salaam. Correlation technique was employed to find out the relationship between two variables. Regression technique also was used to find out to which extent one variable affect the other using coefficient results. Correlation results for salary is 0.589, Transport benefits 0.421, medical benefits 0.395, extra duty allowance 0.421, carrier achievement 0.562, promotion benefits 0.672 and correlation for recognition is 0.407 which reveal existence of positive relationship between motivation and employees’ performance and therefore implying that the increase in motivation will lead to increase in employees’ performance. This situation insists on increasing attention to employee motivation practice in order to improve employee performance. The findings suggest enhancement of current motivation package by incorporating both intrinsic such as promotion, recognition, support for carrier achievement and extrinsic motivation factors such as salary, extra duty allowance, transport allowance, medical benefits will help optimum utilization of human resources as well as increasing employees’ performance. Furthermore there is pressing need to develop organisation motivation policy that will help the VPO management properly handling motivation function

    Superovulation Response and In vivo Embryo

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     አህፅሮት የጥናቱ ዋና ዓሊማ ንፁህ የቦረና ሊሞችና የቦረና ዲቃሊ ሊሞች ተጨማሪ ዕንቁሊል የማኮረትና ፅንስ የመስጠት አቅማቸውን ሇማጥናት የተሰራነው፡፡ ሊሞች በሦስት ቡድን ተከፍሇው 300፣ 250 እና 200 አይ.ዩ. ኤፍ.ኤስ.ኤች. ሆርሞን ተሰጣቸው፤ ከዚያም የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እስከሚያሳዩበት የወሰደባቸው ጊዜ፣ የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እያሳዩ የሚቆዩት ጊዜ እና ጠቅሊሊ አኮርተው የሇቀቁት ዕንቁሊል ቁጥር በማየት ሇሆርሞኑ የነበራቸው ምሊሽ ተጠንቷል፡፡ ተጨማሪ ዕንቁሊል እንዲያኮርቱ ሇማድረግ ሆርሞን በተሰጣቸው በ16-17 ቀን ሊይ ፅንሶችን በመሰብሰብ የዕድገታቸው ሁኔታና ጥራት ግምገማ ተደርጓል፡፡ በመጨረሻው ጊዜ ሆርሞን ከተሰጠበት የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እስከሚያሳዩበት ጊዜ በአማካይ 20.4 ሰዓታ የወሰደባቸው ሲሆን በቦረና እና በዲቃሎቻቸው መካከል የጎሊ የሰዓታት ልዩነት አልታየም፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ከተሰጣቸው ሦስት የተሇያየ የሆርሞን መጠን 250 አይ.ዩ የወሰዱት ቀደም ብሇው በ10 ሰዓታ ውስጥ የኮርማ ፍሊጎት አሳይተዋል፡፡ የተኮረቱት ዕንቁሊል ቁጥር ሲታይ ቦረናዎች (10.1 ዕንቁሊል) ከዲቃሎቻቸው የተሸሇ በዛ ያለ አዘጋጅተዋል፡፡ የፅንስ ብዛትም ሲታይ ቦረናዎች 4 ሲሰጡ ዲቃሎቻቸው 2.67 ሰጥተዋል፡፡ ከፅንስ ዕድገትና ጥራት ግምገማ ውጤት ቦረናዎች ሉተሊሇፉ የሚችለ ፅንስ 3.8 ሲሆን የዲቃሎቻቸው 2.67 ነበር፡፡ በመሆኑም በታዩት መስፈርቶች ቦረና ሊሞች ከዲቃሎቻቸው የተሸሇ ዕንቁሊ ማኮረት እንደሚችለና የተሻሇ የዕድገት ደረጃና ጥራት ያሇው ፅንስ መስጠት የሚችል አቅም እንዳሇቸው ታይቷል፡፡ AbstractBoran (n=25) and Boran*Holstein (n=11) cows were superovullatedFSH with three doses level (300, 250 and 200IU) divided in to morning and afternoon decreasing doses over 4 daysto study the superovulatory response and embryo production potential. Time to estrus, duration of estrus, and CL count were used to determine superovulatory response. Embryos were flushed on Day 16/17 by non-surgical gravitational method and evaluated for development stage, and quality grade. The mean (±SEM) time interval from CIDR withdrawal to onset of estrus was 20.4±1.8 hours, and breed difference was not significant.However, the interval from CIDR removal to onset of estrus was shorter (p=0.01) in cows treated with 250 IU FSH (10.75±3.3 hours) than in cows received 200 or 300 IU. The total CL count was significantly higher (p=0.01) in Boran (10.1CL/cow/cycle) than Boran x Holstein cows (7.2CL/cow/cycle). A mean number of 4.1 and 2.67embryos’/cow were flushed from Boran and Boran*Holstein, respectively. The average transferable embryos/cow were 3.8±0.57 and 2.67±0.99 in Boran and Boran*Holstein, respectively. And hence, Boran cows’ response to superovulation and yield of better quality and number of embryo than their Boran*Holstein counterparts showed the high potential of the breed for in-vivo and in-vitro embyo production

    Symbiotic Effectiveness of Elite Rhizobia Strains Nodulating Desi Type Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), is a multi-functional crop with important role in the diet as affordable protein source and in sustaining soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. However, its productivity in Ethiopia of 1.9 t ha-1 is lower than its potential of 5 t ha-1 under well managed conditions, partly due to soil fertility limitations. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate effectiveness of elite rhizobia strains on productivity of chickpea. Four rhizobial inoculant treatments and one control with three chickpea varieties were used. Inoculated plants had significantly (p<0.05) better performance with most of the symbiotic traits, grain yield and yield related traits than non-inoculated treatments. Shoot nitrogen yield was increased in the range of 13.0 – 31.34% by inoculation with strain ICRE-025 over the two test sites. The highest level of N fixation was achieved in genotype ICC-4918 by inoculation with EAL-029 and ICRE-025. Investigations at both test sites demonstrated that inoculation of chickpea varieties with native rhizobial strains were effective and useful for optimized chickpea production

    Response of chickpea to varying moisture stress conditions in Ethiopia

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an economically important crop grown by nearly one million Ethiopian smallholder farmers. The crop is often considered as “stress-loving,” but moisture stress at flowering and grain filling stages could be detrimental. Yield of chickpea is commonly affected by terminal drought stress in the rainfed production system in Ethiopia. The lack of proper field-screening methods has hindered the development of drought-tolerant varieties. This study demonstrates a simple and practical field-level screening method for drought tolerance traits in the conventional breeding programs. A field experiment was conducted using 28 elite chickpea cultivars during the 2018–2019 main cropping season to study their response to moisture regimes of varying drought intensities. We used yield and its components as proxy parameters of screening to select tolerant cultivars. The study revealed significant variation among the cultivars in their response to different moisture regimes. The kabuli cultivars were found more sensitive compared with the desi types. Yield penalty exceeded 70% under severe drought. Conversely, cultivars tested under mild and severe stress drought showed average yield gain of 22 and 48%, respectively, relative to the irrigated treatment. Overall, over 50% yield gain can be obtained in drought-affected rainfed production areas in Ethiopia using supplemental irrigation during pod setting to grain filling stages. For post-rainy-season crops relying on residual soil moisture, such as chickpea, breeding for shorter duration and resilient cultivars are reliable management approaches to minimize drought-caused yield losses

    Response of chickpea to varying moisture stress conditions in Ethiopia

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an economically important crop grown by nearly one million Ethiopian smallholder farmers. The crop is often considered as “stress-loving,” but moisture stress at flowering and grain filling stages could be detrimental. Yield of chickpea is commonly affected by terminal drought stress in the rainfed production system in Ethiopia. The lack of proper field-screening methods has hindered the development of drought-tolerant varieties. This study demonstrates a simple and practical field-level screening method for drought tolerance traits in the conventional breeding programs. A field experiment was conducted using 28 elite chickpea cultivars during the 2018–2019 main cropping season to study their response to moisture regimes of varying drought intensities. We used yield and its components as proxy parameters of screening to select tolerant cultivars. The study revealed significant variation among the cultivars in their response to different moisture regimes. The kabuli cultivars were found more sensitive compared with the desi types. Yield penalty exceeded 70% under severe drought. Conversely, cultivars tested under mild and severe stress drought showed average yield gain of 22 and 48%, respectively, relative to the irrigated treatment. Overall, over 50% yield gain can be obtained in drought-affected rainfed production areas in Ethiopia using supplemental irrigation during pod setting to grain filling stages. For post-rainy-season crops relying on residual soil moisture, such as chickpea, breeding for shorter duration and resilient cultivars are reliable management approaches to minimize drought-caused yield losses