22 research outputs found

    The effect of oral chelators on major thalassemia patients life quality

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    AMAÇ: Talasemi major'da yaşam kalitesini düşüren en önemli etkenlerden biri deferoksaminin uzun süreli subkutan uygulanmasının getirdiği zorluklardır. Bu kesitsel çalışmada, 8-18 yaş arası beta talasemı major'lu okul çocuklarında oral şelatörlerın yaşam kalitesine etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Aynı merkezde en az 1 yıldır izlemde olan, talasemi major tanısı almış 32 hasta değerlendirildi. Deferıprone 40-75 mg/kg/g ve deferasıroks 20-40 mg/kg/g dozunda alınırken, deferıpron günde 3 dozda ve deferasıroks sabah tek dozda oral alındı. Yaşam kalıtesı değerlendırmesınde PedsQL anketı hastalara ve ebeveynlerıne ayrı olarak uygulandı. istatıstıksel değerlendırmede, ıkı gruba aıt nıcel değışkenlerın karşılaştırılması amacıyla Student's t testı veya Mann-Whıtney U testı kullanılmıştır. istatıstıksel olarak anlamlılık ıçın p<0.05 kabul edılmıştır. BULGULAR: Oral şelatör kullanımının, çocukların kendılerıne göre yaşam kalıtesı toplam puanına etkısı olmamakla beraber ebeveynlere göre deferasıroks alan hastaların deferıprone alanlara göre yaşam kalıtesı puan ortalamasının anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu saptandı (p=0.019). Transfüzyon sıklığının artışı, ıstatıstıksel olarak anlamlı olmasa da, yaşam kalitesini düşürdüğü gözlendı. SONUÇ: Yaşam boyu tedavı uygulanmasının talasemı majordakı yaşam kalıtesıne etkısı nedenıyle hastalara olabıldığınce az sıklıkta hastane vızıtı ve tedavı uygulanması gerekmektedır. Çalışmamızda daha az doz sıklığında uygulanan deferasıroks'un yaşam kalitesini deferıpron'a göre arttırdığı gözlenmiştir.OBJECTIVE: One of the most important factors which decrease the quality of life of thalassemia major patients is the discomfort of long term subcutanous administration of deferoxamine. In this cross sectional study, we analysed the effect of oral chelator usage on quality of life of beta thalassemia major patients who are 8-18 years old school children. MATERIALS and METHODS: We studied 32 thalassemia major patients who were under observation for at least one year at the same center. Deferiprone and deferasirox were used in a dose of 40-75 mg/kg/d thrice daily and 10-40 mg/kg/d once daily in the morning, respectively. PedsQL was used separately for patients and their parents to assess the quality of life. Statistical analyses were perfomd to compare the two groups´ quantitative variables using the Student t-test or Mann-Whitney U test. Statistically signi? cant meant a p-value of less than 0.05. RESULTS: We determined that oral chelator usage did not affect the overall score of quality of life according to the self -reports of children, however according to the parents, the patients using deferasirox had significantly better quality of life than the patients using deferiprone (p=0.019). Higher frequency of transfusion decreased the quality of life scores, however it was not significant. CONCLUSION: Because of the major effect of lifelong treatment on quality of life in thalassemia major, hospital visits and treatments should be in lower frequency. We determined that deferasirox with a lower frequency of dosage application improved quality of life better than deferiprone in users

    Youth Suicides in the Second Wave of the Pandemic in Turkiye

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    Objective: It is widely recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated social isolation have significant short- and long-term effects on mental health worldwide. Previous studies have yielded mixed results regarding the short-term impact on mental health during the first wave of the pandemic. This study aims to investigate the influence of the second wave of the pandemic on suicide rates among children and adolescents. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study recorded cases of self-harm among children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, who were admitted to our center's pediatric emergency department between November 1, 2020, and January 31, 2021. These cases were compared with those admitted during the same months one year prior, considering similar age groups and diagnoses. Results: A total of 53 cases were included in our study, with 21 cases occurring before the pandemic and 32 cases during the second wave. While the total number of admissions decreased during the second wave of the pandemic, there was an increase in suicide attempts. Suicide attempts were more prevalent among females, often linked to family or peer-related issues and impulsivity. Conclusions: The findings of our study highlight the evident long-term adverse effects on mental health during the second wave of the pandemic. To effectively address these consequences in the future, it is crucial to comprehend the devastating long-term impact of the pandemic on mental health

    Process capability analysis a machining company

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    Üretim proseslerinde ürünlerin spesifikasyon limitleri içerisinde üretilmesi istenmektedir. Bu hedef proses yeterliliği ile basarılabilir. Proses yeterliliğini belirlemede Cp ve Cpk indeksleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalısmada, silindir gömleği üreten orta ölçekli bir isletmenin talaslı üretim hattında proses yeterlilik analizi yapılmıs ve yeterlilik indeksleri (Cp ve Cpk) hesaplanmıstır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda isletmenin proses yeterliliğinin “yeterli olmadığı” görülmüstür. ?sletmenin proses yeterliliğini sağlayabilmesi için proses değiskenliğini azaltıcı önlemler alması gerekmektedir.In manufacturing process, the products are wanted to be produced within specification limits. This goal can be achieved by process capability. Cp and Cpk indices are used for determining the process capability. In this study, process capability analysis have been done in machining line of a medium sized company which produces cylinder liner, and process capability indices (Cp and Cpk ) have been calculated. As a result of analysis, it has been seen that the process is not adequate. In order to satisfy the process capability, company must take actions to reduce the process variability

    Predictors of meeting physical activity recommendation before and during COVID-19 pandemic in adults

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    Introduction: This study aimed to determine the variables that predict whether WHO's global recommendation for physical activity (PA) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic can be met among adults. Material and Methods: A total of 921 adults voluntarily participated in this study. A demographic information form and the Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire for Turkish people were administered by self-report. The participants were also asked whether they regularly do PA and if the duration of PA is over 150 minutes. Results: The number of adults doing regular PA at the level recommended by WHO significantly decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rate of not doing regular PA significantly increased compared to the period before the COVID-19 pandemic (p<0.05). Variables that reduce the likelihood of doing regular PA at the recommended level include being male, being under 45 years old, being married, having high school education or below, having a moderate and low-income, having a high BMI, and having a high recreational sedentary screen time (RSST) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: The results of this study provide a priori information for implementations aimed at improving the recommended PA level for adults during social isolation or lockdown

    Synthesis, structure, and electrochemical properties of <i>N,Nʹ</i>-bis(ferrocenylmethylene)ethylenediamine Schiff base and its metal complexes

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    <p>The reaction of <i>N,N'</i>-bis(ferrocenylmethylene)ethylenediamine (<b>FcNN</b>) Schiff base with metal salts gave SnCl<sub>4</sub>FcNN (<b>1</b>), SnCl<sub>2</sub>FcNN(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub> (<b>2</b>), Sn<sub>2</sub>(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Cl<sub>4</sub>FcNN (<b>3</b>), Ti<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>8</sub>FcNN (<b>4</b>), CdFcNN(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> (<b>5</b>), and CuFcNN(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> (<b>6</b>). New complexes (<b>1</b>)–(<b>6</b>) were characterized by IR and elemental analysis techniques. IR spectra showed that the Schiff base was coordinated to the metal ions in a bidentate manner with <i>N,N'</i> donor sites. The <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectra of complexes (<b>1</b>), (<b>2</b>), and (<b>4</b>) show all the expected signals with a typical signal pattern of disubstituted ferrocenyl groups. The electrochemical properties of complexes were determined by cyclic voltammetry. Cyclic voltammetry results show that these complexes exhibit one irreversible oxidation peak.</p

    The value of FDG-PET/CT by using 3-dimensional stereotactic surface projection software analysis in the differential diagnosis of dementia

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    Sonmezoglu, Kerim/0000-0003-1215-5184WOS: 000362526300026PubMed: 26738361Background/aim: To retrospectively reevaluate brain fluor-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) imaging studies with 3-dimensional stereotactic surface projection (NEUROSTAT) software in order to detect changes in regional brain metabolism and to find out its contribution to the final diagnosis. Materials and methods: A total of 48 cases were included in this study. According to clinical evaluation and neuropsychometric test results, there were 17 (35%) patients with probable Alzheimer disease (AD), 17 (35%) patients with probable frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and 14 (30%) patients with undefined advanced dementia. Brain FDG-PET imaging studies were interpreted visually and also using 3-dimensional stereotactic surface projection. Results: Clinic and PET findings were consistent in 20 patients and inconsistent in 14 patients. When consensus diagnosis was taken as the reference, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values of FDG-PET imaging were 93%, 85%, 90%, 90%, and 89% respectively, for AD diagnosis. The same values were 85%, 93%, 90%, 89%, and 90%, respectively, for FTD definition. Conclusion: Using automatized programs that enable quantitative evaluation of regional brain glucose metabolism, in addition to visual evaluation, may increase diagnostic efficiency, as well as minimize interobserver and/or intercenter variability