437 research outputs found

    The quest for rationalizing the magnetism in purely organic semiquinone-bridged bisdithiazolyl molecular magnets

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    Semiquinone-bridged bisdithiazolyl-based radicals (XBBO) are appealing purely organic magnetic building blocks for the synthesis of new functional materials. Remarkably, for the phenyl-derivative PhBBO, the rationalization of its magnetism becomes a proof of concept that DFT can dramatically fail to evaluate JAB magnetic interactions between purely organic radical pairs. Instead, wavefunction-based methods are required. Once JAB's are fully characterized, the magnetic topology of PhBBO is disclosed to consist of ferromagnetic FM π-stacks that are very weakly coupled (by FM and AFM JAB interactions). The magnetic susceptibility χT(T) and magnetization M(H) of PhBBO are then calculated using a first-principles bottom-up approach. The study of the unit cell contraction upon cooling from room temperature to zero-Kelvin is relevant to propose a suitable model for the phase transition that occurs at 4.5 K. A simplistic picture tells us that the antiparallel-aligned 1D-FM-chains convert into domains of weakly either FM- or AFM-coupled 1D-FM-chains. Accordingly, the presence of these domains may introduce geometrical spin frustration below 4.5 K

    Rasgos sedimentológicos de la plataforma interna valenciana (tramo Oliva-La Vila Joiosa), y su relación con la geomorfología continental

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    [Resumen] Durante las campañas de geofísica marina de 1990 y 1992, realizadas en el litoral valenciano, (Sector Oliva-la Vila Joiosa), dentro del Proyecto La Nao, se obtuvo un amplio conjunto de muestras superficiales en la plataforma interna. Sus características texturales, biológicas y micropaleontológicas, puestas en relación con los rasgos geomorfológicos del área continental, permiten matizar la dinámica sedimentaria de este tramo. Al propio tiempo, se deducen algunos factores específicos que han contribuído a la particular distribución de los depósitos infralitorales. Destaca entre ellos la fuente de aprovisionamiento de los materiales, la paleotopografía pleistocena de la plataforma y la proporción de los elementos biógenos respecto a las poblaciónes detríticas.[Abstract] A wide amount of surface samples from the submarine shelf was obtained during the 1990-1992 marine geophysics campaigns carried out along the Valencian coastline (Oliva-la Vila Joiosa sector) within project "La Nao". Their biological, micropaleonthological and texture characteristics, compared to the geomorphological features of the corresponding continental sector, allow a better knowledge of the sedimentary dynamics of this area. Sorne specific factors contributing to the particular distribution of the infra-littoral deposits have also been revealed. Sorne outstanding ones are the supply sources of the materials, the Pleistocene paleotopography of the shelf and the proportion of biogenic elements with regard to detrictic populations

    Use of water soluble extracts from ulva sp. by probiotics and fish bacterial pathogens

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    BACKGROUNDS The potential of seaweeds as dietary components is considered for a wide range of cultured fish species. In this context, Ulva is investigated as a good source of protein, minerals and vitamins. In addition, of probiotics are used to improve fish growth and modulate immune system and intestinal microbiota. To promote probiotics colonization and maintenance in the intestine, prebiotics are included in fish diets. Prebiotics are indigestible substrates used as energy sources for gastrointestinal microbiota, with a positive effect on the nutrition and health status of the host. In the present work, ability of selected probiotic and fish pathogen strains to use water soluble extracts from Ulva as nutrient source has been evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Water-soluble extracts from Ulva sp. prepared by sonication of dehydrated samples were used to supplement minimum medium (M9). Probiotics and pathogens growth was evaluated based on the optical densities measured with a microplate reader. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Probiotics were able to grow in minimum medium using water soluble extracts as nutrient source. On the other hand, P. damselae subsp. piscicida and V. harveyistrains were also able to grow with Ulvaextracts as nutrient source. However, incubation time to reach maximum growth was longer. Although Ulva extract may support growth of both probiotics and pathogen bacteria, faster growth of probiotics may help for the establishment of probiotic populations in the intestinal environment. In addition, beneficial effects on growth performance, gut microbiota, immunity and disease resistance of Ulva for Solea senegalensisare being studied. This work was funded by INIA, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER (RTA201400023 C0202).This work was funded by INIA, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER (RTA201400023 C0202).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evolución cuaternaria del drenaje en un corredor intramontano: La Canal de Navarrés (Valencia, Spain)

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    [Resumen] Este artículo analiza la evolución actual y del Cuaternario reciente de la red de drenaje en una fosa intramontana del macizo del Caroig (Valencia). De la información bibliográfica, el análisis geomorfológico y el registro sedimentario obtenido por sondeo mecánico, acompañado de dataciones absolutas C14 y TL, se concluye que claros signos de precariedad en la organización de la red han perdurado, si bien a menor escala, hasta la actualidad[Abstract] This paper is about the drainage network evolution during the Holocene and Late Quaternary in the rift valley of the Caroig massif (Valencia). Geological and geomorphological studies showed halocinesis movements in this graben. Sorne other processes, for instance, aIluvial and coIluvial deposition, moreover lithochemical and biochemical sedimention occured at the same time. The core sediment analysis and C14 and TL datations, allow us to conclude that in this zone, the disruption of the quaternary drainage network persists at the present time, eventhough it is less evident.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica; PB91-089

    Propuesta de Intervención en el Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje en una Unidad de Educación Especial

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    El presente trabajo fin de grado plantea una propuesta de intervención adaptada a un niño con Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje que se encuentra en una escuela ordinaria dentro de una Unidad de Educación Especial. Cada vez más nos encontramos en las aulas ordinarias con niños con este tipo de trastorno y la mayoría de las veces no se sabe cómo abordar esta situación. Los profesores, no tienen la suficiente información y/o formación para poder ayudar a estos niños a obtener un aprendizaje óptimo y por ello existe una gran necesidad hoy en día de mejorar la calidad y la inclusión de estos niños en la escuela. Es por ello por lo que plantea una propuesta de intervención en la que se presentan posibles recursos asequibles, fáciles de utilizar y llevar a cabo, adaptados y personalizados, con el objetivo de poder integrar a estos niños en el ritmo habitual de un aula ordinaria. El hecho de haber sido diseñada pensando en un caso concreto, hace que ésta pueda ser útil en un futuro inmediato