79 research outputs found

    Factors affecting phage D29 infection: a tool to investigate different growth states of mycobacteria

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    Bacteriophages D29 and TM4 are able to infect a wide range of mycobacteria, including pathogenic and non pathogenic species. Successful phage infection of both fast- and slow-growing mycobacteria can be rapidly detected using the phage amplification assay. Using this method, the effect of oxygen limitation during culture of mycobacteria on the success of phage infection was studied. Both D29 and TM4 were able to infect cultures of M. smegmatis and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) grown in liquid with aeration. However when cultures were grown under oxygen limiting conditions, only TM4 could productively infect the cells. Cell attachment assays showed that D29 could bind to the cells surface but did not complete the lytic cycle. The ability of D29 to productively infect the cells was rapidly recovered (within 1 day) when the cultures were returned to an aerobic environment and this recovery required de novo RNA synthesis. These results indicated that under oxygen limiting conditions the cells are entering a growth state which inhibits phage D29 replication, and this change in host cell biology which can be detected by using both phage D29 and TM4 in the phage amplification assay

    Inositol Hexakisphosphate-Induced Autoprocessing of Large Bacterial Protein Toxins

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    Large bacterial protein toxins autotranslocate functional effector domains to the eukaryotic cell cytosol, resulting in alterations to cellular functions that ultimately benefit the infecting pathogen. Among these toxins, the clostridial glucosylating toxins (CGTs) produced by Gram-positive bacteria and the multifunctional-autoprocessing RTX (MARTX) toxins of Gram-negative bacteria have distinct mechanisms for effector translocation, but a shared mechanism of post-translocation autoprocessing that releases these functional domains from the large holotoxins. These toxins carry an embedded cysteine protease domain (CPD) that is activated for autoprocessing by binding inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6), a molecule found exclusively in eukaryotic cells. Thus, InsP6-induced autoprocessing represents a unique mechanism for toxin effector delivery specifically within the target cell. This review summarizes recent studies of the structural and molecular events for activation of autoprocessing for both CGT and MARTX toxins, demonstrating both similar and potentially distinct aspects of autoprocessing among the toxins that utilize this method of activation and effector delivery

    Characterisation and genome sequence of the lytic Acinetobacter baumannii bacteriophage vB-AbaS-Loki

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    Β© 2017 Turner et al.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen in healthcare and community settings. While over 100 of Acinetobacter phages have been described in the literature, relatively few have been sequenced. This work describes the characterisation and genome annotation of a new lytic Acinetobacter siphovirus, vB-AbaS-Loki, isolated from activated sewage sludge. Sequencing revealed that Loki encapsulates a 41,308 bp genome, encoding 51 predicted open reading frames. Loki is most closely related to Acinetobacter phage IME-AB3 and more distantly related to Burkholderia phage KL1, Paracoccus phage vB-PmaS-IMEP1 and Pseudomonas phages vB-Pae-Kakheti25, vB-PaeS-SCH-Ab26 and PA73. Loki is characterised by a narrow host range, among the 40 Acinetobacter isolates tested, productive infection was only observed for the propagating host, A. baumannii ATCC 17978. Plaque formation was found to be dependent upon the presence of Ca2+ ions and adsorption to host cells was abolished upon incubation with a mutant of ATCC 17978 encoding a premature stop codon in lpxA. The complete genome sequence of vB-AbaS-Loki was deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the accession number LN890663. Copyright

    Identification of Surprisingly Diverse Type IV Pili, across a Broad Range of Gram-Positive Bacteria

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    In Gram-negative bacteria, type IV pili (TFP) have long been known to play important roles in such diverse biological phenomena as surface adhesion, motility, and DNA transfer, with significant consequences for pathogenicity. More recently it became apparent that Gram-positive bacteria also express type IV pili; however, little is known about the diversity and abundance of these structures in Gram-positives. Computational tools for automated identification of type IV pilins are not currently available.To assess TFP diversity in Gram-positive bacteria and facilitate pilin identification, we compiled a comprehensive list of putative Gram-positive pilins encoded by operons containing highly conserved pilus biosynthetic genes (pilB, pilC). A surprisingly large number of species were found to contain multiple TFP operons (pil, com and/or tad). The N-terminal sequences of predicted pilins were exploited to develop PilFind, a rule-based algorithm for genome-wide identification of otherwise poorly conserved type IV pilins in any species, regardless of their association with TFP biosynthetic operons (http://signalfind.org). Using PilFind to scan 53 Gram-positive genomes (encoding >187,000 proteins), we identified 286 candidate pilins, including 214 in operons containing TFP biosynthetic genes (TBG+ operons). Although trained on Gram-positive pilins, PilFind identified 55 of 58 manually curated Gram-negative pilins in TBG+ operons, as well as 53 additional pilin candidates in operons lacking biosynthetic genes in ten species (>38,000 proteins), including 27 of 29 experimentally verified pilins. False positive rates appear to be low, as PilFind predicted only four pilin candidates in eleven bacterial species (>13,000 proteins) lacking TFP biosynthetic genes.We have shown that Gram-positive bacteria contain a highly diverse set of type IV pili. PilFind can be an invaluable tool to study bacterial cellular processes known to involve type IV pilus-like structures. Its use in combination with other currently available computational tools should improve the accuracy of predicting the subcellular localization of bacterial proteins

    Extracellular Fibrils of Pathogenic Yeast Cryptococcus gattii Are Important for Ecological Niche, Murine Virulence and Human Neutrophil Interactions

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    Cryptococcus gattii, an emerging fungal pathogen of humans and animals, is found on a variety of trees in tropical and temperate regions. The ecological niche and virulence of this yeast remain poorly defined. We used Arabidopsis thaliana plants and plant-derived substrates to model C. gattii in its natural habitat. Yeast cells readily colonized scratch-wounded plant leaves and formed distinctive extracellular fibrils (40–100 nm diameter Γ—500–3000 nm length). Extracellular fibrils were observed on live plants and plant-derived substrates by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by high voltage- EM (HVEM). Only encapsulated yeast cells formed extracellular fibrils as a capsule-deficient C. gattii mutant completely lacked fibrils. Cells deficient in environmental sensing only formed disorganized extracellular fibrils as apparent from experiments with a C. gattii STE12Ξ± mutant. C. gattii cells with extracellular fibrils were more virulent in murine model of pulmonary and systemic cryptococcosis than cells lacking fibrils. C. gattii cells with extracellular fibrils were also significantly more resistant to killing by human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) in vitro even though these PMN produced elaborate neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). These observations suggest that extracellular fibril formation could be a structural adaptation of C. gattii for cell-to-cell, cell-to-substrate and/or cell-to- phagocyte communications. Such ecological adaptation of C. gattii could play roles in enhanced virulence in mammalian hosts at least initially via inhibition of host PMN– mediated killing

    Architectures and biogenesis of non-flagellar protein appendages in Gram-negative bacteria

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    Bacteria commonly expose non-flagellar proteinaceous appendages on their outer surfaces. These extracellular structures, called pili or fimbriae, are employed in attachment and invasion, biofilm formation, cell motility or protein and DNA transport across membranes. Over the past 15 years, the power of molecular and structural techniques has revolutionalized our understanding of the biogenesis, structure, function and mode of action of these bacterial organelles. Here, we review the five known classes of Gram-negative non-flagellar appendages from a biosynthetic and structural point of view

    An Anomalous Type IV Secretion System in Rickettsia Is Evolutionarily Conserved

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    Bacterial type IV secretion systems (T4SSs) comprise a diverse transporter family functioning in conjugation, competence, and effector molecule (DNA and/or protein) translocation. Thirteen genome sequences from Rickettsia, obligate intracellular symbionts/pathogens of a wide range of eukaryotes, have revealed a reduced T4SS relative to the Agrobacterium tumefaciens archetype (vir). However, the Rickettsia T4SS has not been functionally characterized for its role in symbiosis/virulence, and none of its substrates are known.Superimposition of T4SS structural/functional information over previously identified Rickettsia components implicate a functional Rickettsia T4SS. virB4, virB8 and virB9 are duplicated, yet only one copy of each has the conserved features of similar genes in other T4SSs. An extraordinarily duplicated VirB6 gene encodes five hydrophobic proteins conserved only in a short region known to be involved in DNA transfer in A. tumefaciens. virB1, virB2 and virB7 are newly identified, revealing a Rickettsia T4SS lacking only virB5 relative to the vir archetype. Phylogeny estimation suggests vertical inheritance of all components, despite gene rearrangements into an archipelago of five islets. Similarities of Rickettsia VirB7/VirB9 to ComB7/ComB9 proteins of epsilon-proteobacteria, as well as phylogenetic affinities to the Legionella lvh T4SS, imply the Rickettsiales ancestor acquired a vir-like locus from distantly related bacteria, perhaps while residing in a protozoan host. Modern modifications of these systems likely reflect diversification with various eukaryotic host cells.We present the rvh (Rickettsiales vir homolog) T4SS, an evolutionary conserved transporter with an unknown role in rickettsial biology. This work lays the foundation for future laboratory characterization of this system, and also identifies the Legionella lvh T4SS as a suitable genetic model

    Identification of a domain within the multifunctional Vibrio cholerae RTX toxin that covalently cross-links actin

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    The Gram-negative pathogen Vibrio cholerae causes diarrheal disease through the export of enterotoxins. The V. cholerae RTX toxin was previously identified and characterized by its ability to round human laryngeal epithelial (HEp-2) cells. Further investigation determined that cell rounding is caused by the depolymerization of actin stress fibers, through the unique mechanism of covalent actin cross-linking. In this study, we identify a domain within the full-length RTX toxin that is capable of mediating the cross-linking reaction when transiently expressed within eukaryotic cells. A structure/function analysis of the actin cross-linking domain (ACD) reveals that a 412-aa, or a 47.8-kDa, region is essential for cross-linking activity. When this domain is deleted from the full-length toxin gene, actin cross-linking, but not cell rounding, is eliminated, indicating that this toxin carries multiple dissociable activities. The ACD shares 59% amino acid identity with a hypothetical protein from V. cholerae, VC1416, and transient expression of the C-terminal domain of VC1416 also results in actin cross-linking in eukaryotic cells. The presence of this second ACD linked to an Rhs-like element suggests that V. cholerae acquired the domain by horizontal gene transfer and the ACD was inserted into the RTX toxin by gene duplication through the evolution of V. cholerae

    Temperature affects the T-DNA transfer machinery of Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

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    Early studies on Agrobacterium tumefaciens showed that development of tumors on plants following infection by A. tumefaciens was optimal at temperatures around 22 degrees C and did not occur at temperatures above 29 degrees C. To assess whether this inability to induce tumors is due to a defect in the T-DNA transfer machinery, mobilization of an incompatibility group Q (IncQ) plasmid by the T-DNA transfer machinery of A. tumefaciens was tested at various temperatures. Optimal transfer occurred when matings were performed at 19 degrees C, and transfer was not seen when matings were incubated above 28 degrees C. Transfer of the IncQ plasmid was dependent upon induction of the virB and virD operons by acetosyringone but was not dependent upon induction of the tra genes by octopine. However, alterations in the level of vir gene induction could not account for the decrease in transfer with increasing temperature. A. tumefaciens did successfully mobilize IncQ plasmids at higher temperatures when alternative transfer machineries were provided. Thus, the defect in transfer at high temperature is apparently in the T-DNA transfer machinery itself. As these data correlate with earlier tumorigenesis studies, we propose that tumor suppression at higher temperatures results from a T-DNA transfer machinery which does not function properly
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