1,373 research outputs found

    El valle del Tiétar en fiestas

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    En número dedicado a: Avila: Valle del Tiéta

    The Distribution Function of a Probability Measure on a Linearly Ordered Topological Space

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    In this paper, we describe a theory of a cumulative distribution function on a space with an order from a probability measure defined in this space. This distribution function plays a similar role to that played in the classical case. Moreover, we define its pseudo-inverse and study its properties. Those properties will allow us to generate samples of a distribution and give us the chance to calculate integrals with respect to the related probability measure

    Viaje por la toponimia de los pueblos del valle del Tiétar

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    En número dedicado a: Avila: Valle del Tiéta

    Validation of a global satellite rainfall product for real time monitoring of meteorological extremes

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    The real time monitoring of storms is important for the management and prevention of flood risks. However, in the southeast of Spain, it seems that the density of the rain gauge network may not be sufficient to adequately characterize the rainfall spatial distribution or the high rainfall intensities that are reached during storms. Satellite precipitation products such as PERSIANN-CCS (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks - Cloud Classification System) could be used to complement the automatic rain gauge networks and so help solve this problem. However, the PERSIANN-CCS product has only recently become available, so its operational validity for areas such as south-eastern Spain is not yet known. In this work, a methodology for the hourly validation of PERSIANN-CCS is presented. We used the rain gauge stations of the SIAM (Sistema de Información Agraria de Murcia) network to study three storms with a very high return period. These storms hit the east and southeast of the Iberian Peninsula and resulted in the loss of human life, major damage to agricultural crops and a strong impact on many different types of infrastructure. The study area is the province of Murcia (Region of Murcia), located in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, covering an area of more than 11,000 km2 and with a population of almost 1.5 million. In order to validate the PERSIANN-CCS product for these three storms, contrasts were made with the hyetographs registered by the automatic rain gauges, analyzing statistics such as bias, mean square difference and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Although in some cases the temporal distribution of rainfall was well captured by PERSIANN-CCS, in several rain gauges high intensities were not properly represented. The differences were strongly correlated with the rain gauge precipitation, but not with satellite-obtained rainfall. The main conclusion concerns the need for specific local calibration for the study area if PERSIANN-CCS is to be used as an operational tool for the monitoring of extreme meteorological phenomena.This work is the result of a postdoctoral contract funded by Saavedra Fajardo programme (Ref. 20023/SF/16) of the Consejería de Educación y Universidades of CARM (Autonomous Community of Murcia Region), by the Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia. The support and availability of information from the Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing of University of California-Irvine (USA), and from Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA) of CARM are also acknowledged

    Can Winnicott’s psychoanalysis be the accomplishment of a phenomenologically oriented scientific psychology project?

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    The purpose of this article is to develop the assumption that Winnicott’s work can correspond to a possible realization of the elaboration project of a non-naturalistic scientific psychology, as it is found in phenomenology and modern existentialism philosophical conceptions. After distinguishing the clinical aspects of these philosophical propositions, I try to show that Winnicott, on one hand, rejects the use of naturalistic metapsychological speculations, on the other hand, reformulates the ontological model of psychoanalysis, introducing the notion of being; additionally, he introduced a notion of health and redescribed the theory of socioemotional development of the human being, focusing on dependency relationships. Such changes would place psychoanalysis in a non-naturalistic epistemological framework, in accordance with the philosophical influences above mentioned, changing at the same time the psychoanalytical practice itself, both in its objectives and handling.Neste artigo pretendo desenvolver a hipótese de que a obra de Winnicott pode corresponder a uma realização possível do projeto de elaboração de uma psicologia científica não naturalista, tal como indicado nas concepções filosóficas da fenomenologia e do existencialismo moderno. Depois de distinguir o que seriam os aspectos clínicos destas propostas filosóficas, procuro mostrar que Winnicott, por um lado, rejeita o uso de especulações metapsicológias naturalistas, e por outro, reformula o modelo ontológico da psicanálise, com a introdução da noção de ser; além de introduzir uma noção de saúde e redescrever a teoria do desenvolvimento socioemocional do ser humano focando-a nas suas relações de dependêndia.Tais modificações colocariam a psicanálise num quadro epistemológico não naturalista, mais de acordo com essas influências filosóficas citadas, modificando também a própria prática psicanalítica, seja em termos dos seus objetivos seja em termos do seu manejo

    EDUAGORA. Una visión colaborativa de las TIC en la educación

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    El presente artículo pretende dar a conocer Eduagora (www.eduagora.com) y su concreción en CERM (Comunidad Educativa de la Región de Murcia). Una nueva propuesta de plataforma educativa creada por profesores de informática a partir de un análisis profundo de la tecnología disponible y de la realidad educativa. La plataforma se diseña para albergar una red extensa de centros educativos de primaria y secundaria. Se fundamenta en los principios de la Web 2.0, implementa una visión propia de red social educativa que permite la gestión de comunidades de aprendizaje e investigación, el trabajo colaborativo, el uso de herramientas de comunicación y publicación, la creación de contenidos multimedia para el aula, y la gestión de cursos y cuadernos virtuales. Con esta solución pretendemos hacer una gestión del conocimiento más eficiente, contribuir al desarrollo de contenidos abiertos, y mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    The political context of intra-southern African migration: reflections on post-war Mozambique and post-apartheid South Africa

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    Following the ends of both the war in Mozambique in 1992 and apartheid in South Africa in 1994, migration within the southern African region has gained new shapes as well as new border control responses. This paper analyses border control arrangements that have been put in place to address the escalation in migration across the Mozambique-South Africa border. It is based on in-depth interviews with border police patrollers, immigration officials and customs officers in Mozambique, together with analysis of annual reports from these border divisions. Findings indicate that Mozambique and South Africa have unilaterally prioritized anti-criminal aspects of border control and migration management, and have not prioritized integration of immigrants. Thus, it appears that Mozambique and South Africa have been failing to explore potential advantages anchored in intra-southern African migration, even though these could embody an alternative method for addressing migration, human mobility and border control in the Southern Africa region

    Combining local features and region segmentation: methods and applications

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: 23-01-2020Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 23-07-2021Muchas y muy diferentes son las propuestas que se han desarrollado en el área de la visión artificial para la extracción de información de las imágenes y su posterior uso. Entra las más destacadas se encuentran las conocidas como características locales, del inglés local features, que detectan puntos o áreas de la imagen con ciertas características de interés, y las describen usando información de su entorno (local). También destacan las regiones en este área, y en especial este trabajo se ha centrado en los segmentadores en regiones, cuyo objetivo es agrupar la información de la imagen atendiendo a diversos criterios. Pese al enorme potencial de estas técnicas, y su probado éxito en diversas aplicaciones, su definición lleva implícita una serie de limitaciones funcionales que les han impedido exportar sus capacidades a otras áreas de aplicación. Se pretende impulsar el uso de estas herramientas en dichas aplicaciones, y por tanto mejorar los resultados del estado del arte, mediante la propuesta de un marco de desarrollo de nuevas soluciones. En concreto, la hipótesis principal del proyecto es que las capacidades de las características locales y los segmentadores en regiones son complementarias, y que su combinación, realizada de la forma adecuada, las maximiza a la vez que minimiza sus limitaciones. El principal objetivo, y por tanto la principal contribución del proyecto, es validar dicha hipótesis mediante la propuesta de un marco de desarrollo de nuevas soluciones combinando características locales y segmentadores para técnicas con capacidades mejoradas. Al tratarse de un marco de combinación de dos técnicas, el proceso de validación se ha llevado a cabo en dos pasos. En primer lugar se ha planteado el caso del uso de segmentadores en regiones para mejorar las características locales. Para verificar la viabilidad y el éxito de esta combinación se ha desarrollado una propuesta específica, SP-SIFT, que se ha validado tanto a nivel experimental como a nivel de aplicación real, en concreto como técnica principal de algoritmos de seguimiento de objetos. En segundo lugar, se ha planteado el caso de uso de características locales para mejorar los segmentadores en regiones. Para verificar la viabilidad y el éxito de esta combinación se ha desarrollado una propuesta específica, LF-SLIC, que se ha validado tanto a nivel experimental como a nivel de aplicación real, en concreto como técnica principal de un algoritmo de segmentación de lesiones pigmentadas de la piel. Los resultados conceptuales han probado que las técnicas mejoran a nivel de capacidades. Los resultados aplicados han probado que estas mejoras permiten el uso de estas técnicas en aplicaciones donde antes no tenían éxito. Con ello, se ha considerado la hipótesis validada, y por tanto exitosa la definición de un marco para el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas específicas con capacidades mejoradas. En conclusión, la principal aportación de la tesis es el marco de combinación de técnicas, plasmada en sus dos propuestas específicas: características locales mejoradas con segmentadores y segmentadores mejorados con características locales, y en el éxito conseguido en sus aplicaciones.A huge number of proposals have been developed in the area of computer vision for information extraction from images, and its further use. One of the most prevalent solutions are those known as local features. They detect points or areas of the image with certain characteristics of interest, and describe them using information from their (local) environment. The regions also stand out in the area, and especially this work has focused on the region segmentation algorithms, whose objective is to group the information of the image according to di erent criteria. Despite the enormous potential of these techniques, and their proven success in a number of applications, their de nition implies a series of functional limitations that have prevented them from exporting their capabilities to other application areas. In this thesis, it is intended to promote the use of these tools in these applications, and therefore improve the results of the state of the art, by proposing a framework for developing new solutions. Speci cally, the main hypothesis of the project is that the capacities of the local features and the region segmentation algorithms are complementary, and thus their combination, carried out in the right way, maximizes them while minimizing their limitations. The main objective, and therefore the main contribution of the thesis, is to validate this hypothesis by proposing a framework for developing new solutions combining local features and region segmentation algorithms, obtaining solutions with improved capabilities. As the hypothesis is proposing to combine two techniques, the validation process has been carried out in two steps. First, the use case of region segmentation algorithms enhancing local features. In order to verify the viability and success of this combination, a speci c proposal, SP-SIFT, was been developed. This proposal was validated both experimentally and in a real application scenario, speci cally as the main technique of object tracking algorithms. Second, the use case of enhancing region segmentation algorithm with local features. In order to verify the viability and success of this combination, a speci c proposal, LF-SLIC, was developed. The proposal was validated both experimentally and in a real application scenario, speci cally as the main technique of a pigmented skin lesions segmentation algorithm. The conceptual results proved that the techniques improve at the capabilities level. The application results proved that these improvements allow the use of this techniques in applications where they were previously unsuccessful. Thus, the hypothesis can be considered validated, and therefore the de nition of a framework for the development of new techniques with improved capabilities can be considered successful. In conclusion, the main contribution of the thesis is the framework for the combination of techniques, embodied in the two speci c proposals: enhanced local features with region segmentation algorithms, and region segmentation algorithms enhanced with local features; and in the success achieved in their applications.The work described in this Thesis was carried out within the Video Processing and Understanding Lab at the Department of Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (from 2014 to 2019). It was partially supported by the Spanish Government (TEC2014-53176-R, HAVideo)