5,250 research outputs found

    Low speed phaselock speed control system

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    A motor speed control system for an electronically commutated brushless dc motor is provided which includes a phaselock loop with bidirectional torque control for locking the frequency output of a high density encoder, responsive to actual speed conditions, to a reference frequency signal, corresponding to the desired speed. The system includes a phase comparator, which produces an output in accordance with the difference in phase between the reference and encoder frequency signals, and an integrator-digital-to-analog converter unit, which converts the comparator output into an analog error signal voltage. Compensation circuitry, including a biasing means, is provided to convert the analog error signal voltage to a bidirectional error signal voltage which is utilized by an absolute value amplifier, rotational decoder, power amplifier-commutators, and an arrangement of commutation circuitry

    Glassiness in a model without energy barriers

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    We propose a microscopic model without energy barriers in order to explain some generic features observed in structural glasses. The statics can be exactly solved while the dynamics has been clarified using Monte Carlo calculations. Although the model has no thermodynamic transition it captures some of the essential features of real glasses, i.e., extremely slow relaxation, time dependent hysteresis effects, anomalous increase of the relaxation time and aging. This suggests that the effect of entropy barriers can be an important ingredient to account for the behavior observed in real glasses.Comment: 11 Pages + 3 Figures, Revtex, uufiles have been replaced since figure 2 was corrupted in the previous submissio

    Climate and pest interactions pose a cross-landscape management challenge to soil and water conservation

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    Climate change and biological invasions by plant pests (weeds), agriculture and forest insect pests (insects), and microbial pests (plant pathogens) are complex interactive components of global environmental change. The influence of pest distribution and prevalence across landscapes are challenging the conservation and sustainability of natural resources, agricultural production, native biological diversity, and the valuable ecosystem services they provide (Huenneke 1997; Vitousek 1997; Juroszek and von Tiedemann 2013; Ziska and Dukes 2014). Since 2000, numerous scientific studies indicate accelerating climate change is posing substantial risks to natural and managed systems in North America (IPPC 2022). Intensified droughts, largescale wildfires, and increased demands for limited surface and groundwater water supplies in arid regions are threatening the sustainability of irrigated agriculture and contributing to economic losses (Stewart et al. 2020), while extreme rainfall events are contributing to severe riverine and urban flooding across the United States. Climate change affects crops, rangelands, forests, and natural areas directly through the immediate effects of temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and thereby impacts production and management systems. These effects are amplified by climatedriven increases in weed, insect, and plant pathogen problems that further complicate related factors such as water, nutrient, and pest management (Walthall et al. 2013). Changing climates also alter physiological, ecological, and evolutionary processes that can support increased establishment, invasiveness, local spread, and geographic range changes of weeds, insects, and plant pathogens (Chidawanyika et al. 2019; Gallego-Tevár et al. 2019; Ziska et al. 2019) that have cascading effects on soil and water quality, and human livelihoods. Joshua W. Campbell is a research ecologist studying basic insect and pollinator behavior in managed and wild ecosystems at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Pest Management Research Unit in Sidney, Montana. Michael R. Fulcher is a research plant pathologist conducting research to identify pathogenic biocontrol agents at the USDA ARS Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Brenda J. Grewell is a research plant ecologist focusing on understanding the biogeography of invasive plant species and the ecology of invaded systems at the USDA ARS Invasive Species and Pollinator Health Research Unit in Davis, California. Stephen L. Young is a national program leader in weeds and invasive pests at the USDA ARS Office of National Programs in Beltsville, Maryland. Received October 25, 2022. Thus, a need exists for cross-habitat and landscape/watershed-scale perspectives to improve understanding of mechanisms underlying pest fitness and impacts within and across integrated systems

    The CMS Tracker Readout Front End Driver

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    The Front End Driver, FED, is a 9U 400mm VME64x card designed for reading out the Compact Muon Solenoid, CMS, silicon tracker signals transmitted by the APV25 analogue pipeline Application Specific Integrated Circuits. The FED receives the signals via 96 optical fibers at a total input rate of 3.4 GB/sec. The signals are digitized and processed by applying algorithms for pedestal and common mode noise subtraction. Algorithms that search for clusters of hits are used to further reduce the input rate. Only the cluster data along with trigger information of the event are transmitted to the CMS data acquisition system using the S-LINK64 protocol at a maximum rate of 400 MB/sec. All data processing algorithms on the FED are executed in large on-board Field Programmable Gate Arrays. Results on the design, performance, testing and quality control of the FED are presented and discussed

    Thermal Time Scales in a Color Glass Condensate

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    In a model of relativistic heavy ion collisions wherein the unconfined quark-gluon plasma is condensed into glass, we derive the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann cooling law. This law is well known to hold true in condensed matter glasses. The high energy plasma is initially created in a very hot negative temperature state and cools down to the Hagedorn glass temperature at an ever decreasing rate. The cooling rate is largely determined by the QCD string tension derived from hadronic Regge trajectories. The ultimately slow relaxation time is a defining characteristic of a color glass condensate.Comment: 5 pages, ReVTeX format, nofigure

    Spacings of Quarkonium Levels with the Same Principal Quantum Number

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    The spacings between bound-state levels of the Schr\"odinger equation with the same principal quantum number NN but orbital angular momenta ℓ\ell differing by unity are found to be nearly equal for a wide range of power potentials V=λrνV = \lambda r^\nu, with ENℓ≈F(ν,N)−G(ν,N)ℓE_{N \ell} \approx F(\nu, N) - G(\nu,N) \ell. Semiclassical approximations are in accord with this behavior. The result is applied to estimates of masses for quarkonium levels which have not yet been observed, including the 2P ccˉc \bar c states and the 1D bbˉb \bar b states.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 3 uuencoded figures submitted separately (process using psfig.sty
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