201 research outputs found

    Model Order Reduction of Cage Induction Motor With Skewed Rotor Slots Using Multiport Cauer Ladder Network Method

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    A method for efficiently deriving a reduced-order model of a cage induction motor (IM) with skewed rotor slots is proposed based on the multiport Cauer ladder network (CLN) method. This article presents several formulations of the multiport CLN method for the skewed rotor, in which the continuity of the bar currents and the space harmonics included in the air-gap flux density waveform are treated differently. The effectiveness of the developed methods was verified from the viewpoints of computational accuracy and cost through application to a practical cage IM with skewed rotor slots

    I^+ states of ^<26>Mg through the (α, ^3He) reaction at 81MeV

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    The ^Mg (α, ^3He) ^Mg reaction leading to seven 1^+ states, proposed previously by proton scattering at 201 MeV and by the (α, ^3He) reaction at 50MeV, was measured at E_α=80.9MeV. The cross sections obtained were analyzed within the framework of the exact-finite-range distorted wave Born approximation. The spectroscopic factors for a d_ transfer to 1^+ states were compared with those predicted by sd shell model calculations. Two of the 1^+ states were found to have a simple (d_d_) structure consistent with the shell model picture. Others with too large d_ transfer strength were ascribed owing to a mixture of other nearby states with J^π values other than 1^+ in referring to a recent compilation

    保健体育科からみた学校週五日制に関する研究 (3) : A県公立中学校における選択制体育の導入と課題

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    In recent years Japan has reduced the school week to five-days, in line with the majority of educational systems elsewhere. This has brought about changes in the design of the school curriculum and much re-thinking of the nature of pupil attainment and the professional development needs of teachers. The process of change has also embraced teaching and learning in physical education. Special attention has been paid to the problems associated with the elective aspect of the physical education curriculum, which is the subject matter of this paper. On the basis of studies of pupil participation in different kinds of elective physical activities (ball games, track and field, dance and other electives) the responses of teachers to their voluntary choices pinpointed a need for more focused professional development. Although there was a sound appreciation of the attainment goals of the new curriculum design in elective physical education (notably the emphasis on pupil setting their own attainment goals), there was some confusion as to how vest to teach in such a different environment of self-learning and individual motivation. Teachers had observed that the introduction of elective choice in the curriculum had resulted in a decline in both physical strength and dexterity skills. Moreover, they had difficulty in accurately judging pupil\u27s capacity for self-learning. Teachers also pointed out that the implementation of the five-day school week had reduced the hours available for teaching and learning without any change in the amount of curriculum content. Finally, the old system of educational examination remained with no account taken of the new approach to pupil attainment and self-1earning, adding to the confusion brought about by a major change in curriculum philosophy and practice


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    We Japanese are living in an unexperienced society that is constantly changing. The changing social structure through the future changes of the population structure in our society means the changing of the human being himself, and the cohesive relations of human beings are one of the biggest changes in the aging society. That is to say, the changing social structure may effect the changing human being himself. The function of the human physical excercise has been showed as features in the historical process of human beings, and a change of the meaning of the human physical excercise must have occured in the aging society. The function of physical education nnd sport in the aging society must be useful to the human being himself, not only to the productivity. This point is the new meaning of the human physical movement in the aging society. Human beings have to realize the function of the physical movement in actuality, not only as the possibility and the expectation of it. It is so important that the function of physical movement must be put into process, not only as a result of it. This means the problem of human nature. Also, the function of the physical movement makes humans healthy in the aging society. The decline in physical health due to aging is unavoidable, and this problem leads the decline in spirit, and also in human relations. These problems have to be solved as a social problem. According to these view points we have to take recognition of the increase aged in our social system and the sport for all. Everyone can enjoy the physical movement, and realize its effects. In short, it is to secure of pleasure of the physical movement. The question resolves itself into the three points (area service, program service, consultant service) from the view point of life time physical movement or life time sport in the aging society. Especially the consultant service must be secured in the aging society. In this monograph, the author disscussed only health problems with relation to the physical education and sport in the aging society. The physical movement is shown with its real meaning to the human being himself, especially in the homogeneous combination in the aging society

    新科目「公共」がはらむ問題点と公民科教育のあるべき方向性 : 社会・地理歴史・公民ワーキンググループの審議の経過を通して

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    Keywords: New subject “Public” / Working Group on Social Studies, Geography, History, and Citizens / “individual” / “nation” / independent entit


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    Sport, especially the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement, is emerging as an exceptionally widespread and forceful social phenomenon in contemporary world. That\u27s to say, the problems of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement are social, economic, and even political. It is clear that the Olympic Games, as one of the most powerful expression of sport had been and has been used by every nation to some degree as an instrument of national prestige, nationalism, national integration, political propaganda, economic growth, commercialism, and so on. The political problems of the modern Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement have often been perceived as being derived from Pierre de Fredi Baron de Coubertin in its history. In this monograph, the author pointed out that the modern Olympic Games had been engaged and has been engaged in many international political problems since its started in the 1896 Athens Games. These points were described in the economic and political backgrounds, and also, were discussed these problems in the international political structure


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    Political socialization is the deliberate inculcation of the information for politics, social norm and value, and practices by instructional agents, that is to say, politicians. However, in the sense of more broader conception would encompass all political learning, formal and informal, deliberate and unplanned in the daily life. This means both explicitly political learning and nominally nonpolitical learning which would be affect any kinds of political behavior : such as the learning of political social attitudes and the acquisition of politically relevant personality characteristics. This author, for the present purposes, took of political socialization in the later one. There are many kinds of the agent of political socialization : school, family, peer group, mass communication, sport and so on. Especially, in this paper, the present author surveyed the influences of sport into the potitical socialization, and discussed its backgrounds in the view of sociology. The data was collected by the social survey : a 69 item questionnaire designed to 800 respondents during 10, Jun. -5, Jly., 1980. The main dindings of this study appeared as follows : There were no significant distinctions between the political socialization and sport participation. This conclusion suggests that sport has no any function for political socialization. However, the present author could say, political socialization is a potential source of change. And, the seeds of change are present