15,774 research outputs found

    Personal Values of Japanese Business Managers

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    Researchers have spent many years examining the Japanese business culture, but there is limited empirical evidence about the personal values of Japanese business managers. The research of these authors confirms some previous conclusions, but also might detect new attitudes in Japan at the dawn of the 21st century

    Satellite-tracked cumulus velocities

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    The research indicates that extreme caution must be exercised in converting cloud velocities into winds. The motion of fair-weather cumuli obtained by tracking their shadows over Springfield, Missouri revealed that the standard deviation in the individual cloud motion is several times the tracking error. The motion of over-ocean cumuli near Barbados clearly indicated the complicated nature of cumulus velocities. Analysis of whole-sky images obtained near Tampa, Florida failed to show significant continuity and stability of cumulus plumes, less than 0.3 mile in diameter. Cumulus turrets with 0.3 to 2 mile in size appear to be the best target to infer the mean wind within the subcloud layers. Cumulus or stratocumulus cells consisting of x number of turrets do not always move with wind. The addition and deletion of turrets belonging to a specific cell appear to be the cause of the erratic motion of a tracer cell. It may by concluded that the accuracy of wind estimates is unlikely to be better than 2m/sec unless the physical and dynamical characteristics of cumulus motion is futher investigated

    Environmental effects on star formation in dwarf galaxies and star clusters

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    We develop a simple analytical criterion to investigate the role of the environment on the onset of star formation. We will consider the main external agents that influence the star formation (i.e. ram pressure, tidal interaction, Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities) in a spherical galaxy moving through an external environment. The theoretical framework developed here has direct applications to the cases of dwarf galaxies in galaxy clusters and dwarf galaxies orbiting our Milky Way system, as well as any primordial gas-rich cluster of stars orbiting within its host galaxy. We develop an analytic formalism to solve the fluid dynamics equations in a non-inertial reference frame mapped with spherical coordinates. The two-fluids instability at the interface between a stellar system and its surrounding hotter and less dense environment is related to the star formation processes through a set of differential equations. The solution presented here is quite general, allowing us to investigate most kinds of orbits allowed in a gravitationally bound system of stars in interaction with a major massive companion. We present an analytical criterion to elucidate the dependence of star formation in a spherical stellar system (as a dwarf galaxy or a globular cluster) on its surrounding environment useful in theoretical interpretations of numerical results as well as observational applications. We show how spherical coordinates naturally enlighten the interpretation of the two-fluids instability in a geometry that directly applies to astrophysical case. This criterion predicts the threshold value for the onset of star formation in a mass vs. size space for any orbit of interest. Moreover, we show for the first time the theoretical dependencies of the different instability phenomena acting on a system in a fully analytical way.Comment: ACCEPTED in A&A the 09/09/2014. Changes from ver 1: the non-inertial linear-response theory for gas instabilities in spherical coordinates is moved to the Appenidx and will be available only on-lin

    Optical Constants of Silver and Barium in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectral Region

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    Optical constants of silver and barium in vacuum ultraviolet spectral regio

    Strong Turbulence in the Cool Cores of Galaxy Clusters: Can Tsunamis Solve the Cooling Flow Problem?

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    Based on high-resolution two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we show that the bulk gas motions in a cluster of galaxies, which are naturally expected during the process of hierarchical structure formation of the universe, have a serous impact on the core. We found that the bulk gas motions represented by acoustic-gravity waves create local but strong turbulence, which reproduces the complicated X-ray structures recently observed in cluster cores. Moreover, if the wave amplitude is large enough, they can suppress the radiative cooling of the cores. Contrary to the previous studies, the heating is operated by the turbulence, not weak shocks. The turbulence could be detected in near-future space X-ray missions such as ASTRO-E2.Comment: Movies are available at http://th.nao.ac.jp/tsunami/index.ht

    Quantitative Estimates of Environmental Effects on the Star Formation Rate of Disk Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies

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    A simple model is constructed to evaluate the change of star formation rate of a disk galaxy due to environmental effects in clusters of galaxies. Three effects, (1) tidal force from the potential well of the cluster, (2) increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium, (3) high-speed encounters between galaxies, are investigated. General analysis indicates that the star formation rate increases significantly when the pressure of molecular clouds rises above ∼3×105cm−3K\sim 3\times 10^5 cm^{-3} K in ∼108\sim 10^8 yr. The tidal force from the potential well of the cluster increases pressures of molecular clouds in a disk galaxy infalling towards the cluster center. Before the galaxy reaches the cluster center, the star formation rate reaches a maximum. The peak is three to four times larger than the initial value. If this is the main mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect, blue galaxies are expected to be located within ∼300\sim 300 kpc from the center of the cluster. However this prediction is inconsistent with the recent observations. The increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium does not change star formation rate of a disk galaxy significantly. The velocity perturbation induced by a single high-speed encounter between galaxies is too small to affect star formation rate of a disk galaxy, while successive high-speed encounters (galaxy harassment) trigger star formation activity because of the accumulation of gas in the galaxy center. Therefore, the galaxy harassment remains as the candidate for a mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Ap

    Antiferromagnetic domain walls in lightly doped layered cuprates

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    Recent ESR data shows rotation of the antiferromagnetic (AF) easy axis in lightly doped layered cuprates upon lowering the temperature. We account for the ESR data and show that it has significant implications on spin and charge ordering according to the following scenario: In the high temperature phase AF domain walls coincide with (110) twin boundaries of an orthorhombic phase. A magnetic field leads to annihilation of neighboring domain walls resulting in antiphase boundaries. The latter are spin carriers, form ferromagnetic lines and may become charged in the doped system. However, hole ordering at low temperatures favors the (100) orientation, inducing a pi/4 rotation in the AF easy axis. The latter phase has twin boundaries and AF domain walls in (100) planes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (1 eps). v2: no change in content, Tex shadow problem cleare

    Finite size corrections in massive Thirring model

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    We calculate for the first time the finite size corrections in the massive Thirring model. This is done by numerically solving the equations of periodic boundary conditions of the Bethe ansatz solution. It is found that the corresponding central charge extracted from the 1/L1/L term is around 0.4 for the coupling constant of g0=−π4{g_0}=-{\pi\over 4} and decreases down to zero when g0=−π3{g_0}=-{\pi\over{3}}. This is quite different from the predicted central charge of the sine-Gordon model.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Cadm1-Expressing Synapses on Purkinje Cell Dendrites Are Involved in Mouse Ultrasonic Vocalization Activity

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    Foxp2(R552H) knock-in (KI) mouse pups with a mutation related to human speech–language disorders exhibit poor development of cerebellar Purkinje cells and impaired ultrasonic vocalization (USV), a communication tool for mother-offspring interactions. Thus, human speech and mouse USV appear to have a Foxp2-mediated common molecular basis in the cerebellum. Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic adhesion molecule CADM1 (RA175/Necl2/SynCAM1/Cadm1) have been identified in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who have impaired speech and language. In the present study, we show that both Cadm1-deficient knockout (KO) pups and Foxp2(R552H) KI pups exhibit impaired USV and smaller cerebellums. Cadm1 was preferentially localized to the apical–distal portion of the dendritic arbor of Purkinje cells in the molecular layer of wild-type pups, and VGluT1 level decreased in the cerebellum of Cadm1 KO mice. In addition, we detected reduced immunoreactivity of Cadm1 and VGluT1 on the poorly developed dendritic arbor of Purkinje cells in the Foxp2(R552H) KI pups. However, Cadm1 mRNA expression was not altered in the Foxp2(R552H) KI pups. These results suggest that although the Foxp2 transcription factor does not target Cadm1, Cadm1 at the synapses of Purkinje cells and parallel fibers is necessary for USV function. The loss of Cadm1-expressing synapses on the dendrites of Purkinje cells may be associated with the USV impairment that Cadm1 KO and Foxp2(R552H) KI mice exhibit
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