409 research outputs found

    Job matching and propagation

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    In the U.S. labor market, the vacancy-unemployment ratio and employment react sluggishly to productivity shocks. The authors show that the job matching model in its standard form cannot reproduce these patterns due to excessively rapid vacancy responses. Extending the model to incorporate sunk costs for vacancy creation yields highly realistic dynamics. Creation costs induce entrant firms to smooth the adjustment of new openings following a shock, leading the stock of vacancies to react sluggishly.Job creation ; Employment ; Unemployment


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    The farm labor conflict has been volatile for over three quarters of a century in California\u27s rich agriculture valleys. The most recent years of this struggle have been associated with Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Worker’s Union (UFW). A new element, the Nisei Farmers League (NFL), also emerged during the same time period. The NFL was formed in 1971 after some Japanese American farmers were picketed and their property damaged by persons sympathetic to the UFW. These growers charged that they had been singled out by the UFW in their area. Their ranches are located in central San Joaquin Valley in Fresno and Tulare Counties. The group was formed to counter the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee\u27s efforts to unionize local farm laborers

    Proposta de um referencial de empresa inovadoras e de alto desempenho do setor de energia

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    As distorções do modelo econômico-financeiro do setor elétrico e as medidas casuísticas adotadas pelo poder concedente, associados a uma excessiva regulamentação e centralização do Governo Federal, não tem permitido a auto-suficiência do setor, colocando em risco os bons serviços que as concessionárias vem prestando. Conjunturalmente, a elevada taxa de juros dos empréstimos em moeda estrangeira, a política cambial e as tarifas irreais que vem sendo impostas, provocaram a deterioração da saúde financeira das empresas do setor elétrico, com sérios reflexos na econômia do país uma vez que esse segmento contribui de forma marcante na geração de empregos, quer diretamente na execução de suas obras, quer indiretamente através de encomendas de equipamentos, ativando o setor secundário. O autor defende a tese de que, não obstante a relevância dos fatores incontroláveis, as concessionárias de energia elétrica estão sendo inadequadamente administradas. Acredita que a modernização da gestão dos negócios poderá melhorar sensivelmente o desempenho dessas Organizações. É neste sentido que propõe um referencial de empresas inovadoras e de alto desempenho

    Empresas de alto padrão

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    Brief Note Multiple Linear Regression Models Which More Closely Reflect Bayesian Concerns

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    Author Institution: Educational Foundations, The University of Akron; Guidance and Educational Psychology, Southern Illinois University; National Testing Service; Department of Psychology, University of Akro

    Nado Sincronizado: características da modalidade e aspectos para ensino.

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    O nado sincronizado um esporte olmpico com alto grau de exigncia fsica e caractersticas estticas que favorecem a sua veiculao pela mdia, porm, embora divulgado, ainda pouco praticado no pas. Poucos locais de prtica e mtodos voltados para a competio so alguns dos fatores interferentes. Esse artigo objetiva apresentar a modalidade e as exigncias tcnicas, as quais influenciam o processo de ensino. Visando adequar o ensino ao desenvolvimento das iniciantes, foram mostrados os resultados de um estudo que apontou a sequncia de aquisio de uma habilidade e a eficcia do ensino com vdeo, utilizando modelo humano e boneca

    Maternal expectations about breastfeeding: a prospective observational study of pre-partum and post-partum evaluation

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    Introduction: Breastfeeding is one of the main experiences that occur in the relationship between mother and baby. As stated in the Child Health Manual, breastfeeding is much more than nurturing the child, it is a process that involves deep interaction between mother and child. The view or psychological reading of the pregnant mother about the act of breastfeeding her baby and the socio-cultural image of the mother/woman who breastfeeds impact the sphere of the future personality of the newborn. Objectives: to map the set of intervening factors that interfere in the breastfeeding process, taking into account the expectations conceived by the pregnant woman before breastfeeding, in addition to the analysis of the positive and negative experiences of nursing mothers during breastfeeding in the postpartum period. Methods: an exploratory and descriptive cohort study, using qualitative and quantitative variables resulting from a questionnaire applied to 35 pregnant women during pregnant women and subsequently interviewed with them in postpartum situations. Results: Regarding the age group, the highest concentration of age was between 26 and 33 years old, but there was the participation of women in the extremes of reproductive life; the association between the time of pregnancy and the search for content/guidance on breastfeeding, most participants were between the 20th and 30th week of the pregnancy period, when they sought information on the subject; to the level of education and information on when breastfeeding should be started, among the 19 pregnant women who had higher education, 17 said it should be started during the baby's first hour of life and 02 said it should be after the first hour; among the 15 participants who had completed high school, 14 responded that it should be in the first hour and only 01 responded after the first hour, and 01 participants who reported having completed elementary school, responded that breastfeeding should be started after the first hour of life. of the baby; when asked if they were breastfed and if they had breastfed previously, 04 pregnant women answered that they had not received breast milk and of these, 03 had already breastfed children before the current pregnancy, among the 31 participants who had been breastfed, 27 said they had not yet breastfed and 04 informed that who had already lived the experience with other children. When approached in the puerperium, the most frequent findings were: 14 reported having received professional help; 13 intended to breastfeed exclusively until the 6th month; 15 had already started formula milk; 17 intended to continue breastfeeding after the baby was six months old and 09 were unable to latch on. Conclusion: Breastfeeding is shown to be one of the biggest factors of doubt and insecurity for pregnant women who enter the puerperium in search of humanized and comprehensive care. Thus, the participation of the health professional becomes essential for the success of breastfeeding and the effective dissemination of concrete and assertive knowledge, both prepartum and postpartum


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    Este artigo envolve uma pesquisa teórica que tem por objeto a análise do princípio de proibição de retrocesso social, por meio da reflexão sobre a compensação exigida por esse princípio no intuito de saber se a supressão ou alteração de um direito fundamental social, desde que devidamente justificada, pode ser compensada em outro direito social ou se deve ocorrer no mesmo direito objeto de alteração ou supressão. Além disso, antes dessa questão faz-se necessário discorrer sobre a jusfundamentalidade dos direitos sociais e a sua multifuncionalidade. Diversos dispostitivos legais e várias lições de juristas foram utilizadas para chegar a conclusão de que a compensação de um direito fundamental social em sentido estrito objeto de alteração ou supressão deve ocorrer em relação ao direito fundamental social como um todo, diante da inviabilidade de exigir que haja uma compensação no mesmo direito em sentido estrito

    Current practices in the management of patients with ureteral calculi in the emergency room of a university hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: Urinary lithiasis is a common disease. The aim of the present study is to assess the knowledge regarding the diagnosis, treatment and recommendations given to patients with ureteral colic by professionals of an academic hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-five physicians were interviewed about previous experience with guidelines regarding ureteral colic and how they manage patients with ureteral colic in regards to diagnosis, treatment and the information provided to the patients. RESULTS: Thirty-six percent of the interviewed physicians were surgeons, and 64% were clinicians. Forty-one percent of the physicians reported experience with ureterolithiasis guidelines. Seventy-two percent indicated that they use noncontrast CT scans for the diagnosis of lithiasis. All of the respondents prescribe hydration, primarily for the improvement of stone elimination (39.3%). The average number of drugs used was 3.5. The combination of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids was reported by 54% of the physicians (i.e., 59% of surgeons and 25.6% of clinicians used this combination of drugs) (p = 0.014). Only 21.3% prescribe alpha blockers. CONCLUSION: Reported experience with guidelines had little impact on several habitual practices. For example, only 21.3% of the respondents indicated that they prescribed alpha blockers; however, alpha blockers may increase stone elimination by up to 54%. Furthermore, although a meta-analysis demonstrated that hydration had no effect on the transit time of the stone or on the pain, the majority of the physicians reported that they prescribed more than 500 ml of fluid. Dipyrone, hyoscine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids were identified as the most frequently prescribed drug combination. The information regarding the time for the passage of urinary stones was inconsistent. The development of continuing education programs regarding ureteral colic in the emergency room is necessary


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    The article discusses the role of professional in adolescents in conflict with the law and presents some aspects of the work of the multidisciplinary team (Psychologist and Social Worker) at the Court of the State of São Paulo. It focus the action with the adolescents and their families and discuss the issue considering the acenery of the service and reflects on the phenomenon “minority”, considering the situations of social exclusion in which the adolescents and their families live: early work, the boy escaped from school, child prostitution, begging, the boy living on the streets, abandoned, starved, which commits crimes, the family set in a context of denial of rights and no access to public policies and their vulnerability and social risk. The adolescent is recognized as a subject that develops from certain natural and historical circumstances, considering the economic, social and cultural context, and the approach to understand then should consider the intense physical, biological and psychological changes, related to their belonging groups, the social environment and its transit in the world of culture, especially in times of absence geographical boundaries and new communication technologies that build new patterns of sociability. http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v26i1.3822El artículo analiza el papel de autores profesionales de los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley presenta algunos aspectos del trabajo del equipo multidisciplinario (Psicóloga y Trabajadora Social) en la Corte del Estado de São Paulo y se centra en la acción con el adolescentes y sus familias. Analiza la cuestión teniendo en cuenta el servicio de los paisajes y reflexiona sobre el fenómeno de la “minoría”, teniendo en cuenta las situaciones de exclusión social en la que viven muchas familias: trabajo temprano, el niño se escapó de la escuela, la prostitución infantil, la mendicidad, el muchacho calle, abandonados, muertos de hambre, que compromete a los crímenes, la familiar situado en un contexto de negación de los derechos y no tienen acceso a las políticas públicas y su vulnerabilidad y riesgo social. El adolescente es reconocido como un tema que se desarrolla a partir de ciertas circunstancias naturales e históricos, teniendo en cuenta el contexto económico, social y cultural, y el enfoque para entenderlo debe considerar la intensa física, biológica y psicológica, relacionada con su perteneciente grupos, el entorno social y su tránsito en el mundo de la cultura, especialmente en tiempos de los límites geográficos de ausencia y las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación que construyen nuevas formas de sociabilidad. http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v26i1.3822Este artigo discute a atuação das profissionais autoras no atendimento de adolescentes em conflito com a Lei. Apresenta alguns aspectos sobre o trabalho da equipe interprofissional (Psicólogo e Assistente Social) no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo e enfoca a atuação junto aos adolescentes e a suas famílias. Discute a questão considerando o cenário do atendimento e reflete sobre o fenômeno “menoridade”, considerando as situações de exclusão social em que vivem muitas famílias: o trabalhador precoce, o menino evadido da escola, a prostituição infanto-juvenil, a mendicância, o menino de rua, abandonado, carente, o que comete delitos, a família inserida em um contexto de negação de direitos e sem acesso a políticas públicas e sua vulnerabilidade e risco social. O adolescente é reconhecido como um sujeito que se desenvolve a partir de determinadas circunstâncias singulares e históricas, considerando o contexto econômico, social e cultural, visto que a abordagem para compreendê-lo deve considerar as intensas mudanças físicas, biológicas e psicológicas, relativas a seus grupos de pertencimento, seu meio social e seu trânsito no mundo da cultura, sobretudo em tempos de ausência de fronteiras geográficas e novas tecnologias de comunicação que constroem novos padrões de sociabilidade. http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v26i1.382