96 research outputs found

    Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on the levels of placental growth factor (PlGF) and their value for predicting short-term adverse outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Background Placental growth factor (PlGF) induces angiogenesis and promotes tissue repair, and plasma PlGF levels change markedly during acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Currently, the impact of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients with AMI is a subject of debate. Our objective was to evaluate the relationships between PlGF levels and both the severity of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and short-term outcomes after ACS in patients with and without OSA. Methods A total of 538 consecutive patients (312 OSA patients and 226 controls) admitted for ACS were included in this study. All patients underwent polygraphy in the first 72 hours after hospital admission. The severity of disease and short-term prognoses were evaluated during the hospitalization period. Plasma PlGF levels were measured using an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. Results Patients with OSA were significantly older and more frequently hypertensive and had higher BMIs than those without OSA. After adjusting for age, smoking status, BMI and hypertension, PlGF levels were significantly elevated in patients with OSA compared with patients without OSA (19.9 pg/mL, interquartile range: 16.6–24.5 pg/mL; 18.5 pg/mL, interquartile range: 14.7–22.7 pg/mL; p<0.001), and a higher apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was associated with higher PlGF concentrations (p<0.003). Patients with higher levels of PlGF had also an increased odds ratio for the presence of 3 or more diseased vessels and for a Killip score>1, even after adjustment. Conclusions The results of this study show that in patients with ACS, elevated plasma levels of PlGF are associated with the presence of OSA and with adverse outcomes during short-term followup. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0133508

    Abordagem por Competências no Currículo Escolar em Cabo Verde: Desfazendo Equívocos para uma Mudança Significativa nas Políticas e Práxis Educacionais

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    A abordagem curricular por competências, enquanto fenómeno recente no discurso educativo em Cabo Verde, corre o risco de não passar de mero modismo, sem se traduzir numa inovação efectiva ao nível das práxis educacionais, se não for correctamente compreendida pelos diversos actores envolvidos na obra educativa e, em particular, nos processos de deliberação, gestão e realização dos currículos escolares. O presente artigo procura esclarecer alguns equívocos que em Cabo Verde, como em outras latitudes, acompanham a defesa da pedagogia por competências. Assim, importa elucidar que a abordagem curricular por competências vem aprofundar, entre outras, as abordagens por conteúdos e por objectivos e não, pura e simplesmente, substituí-las, por serem, alegadamente, tradicionais. Outrossim, no contexto da educação escolar, as competências não devem ser encaradas numa perspectiva redutora, focalizada na transferibilidade de conhecimentos para o mercado de trabalho, mas, fundamentalmente, no sentido da mobilização do conhecimento escolar para a resolução dos problemas nos diversos contextos ou situações da vida, que não se esgota no mercado

    Strategy to achieve biomarker-driven immunosuppression after solid organ transplantation by an academic-industry partnership within the European BIO-DrIM consortium

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    Solid organ transplantation has emerged as the “gold standard” therapy for end-stage organ failure as it improves both quality of life and survival. Despite the progress in short-term graft survival, that is closely associated with the impressive reduction of acute rejections within the first year, long-term graft and patient survival remain almost un-changed and unsatisfactory. Incomplete control of chronic allograft injury but particularly the adverse effects of long-term immunosuppression, such as graft toxicity, diabetes, cardiovascular events, infections, and tumours continue to challenge the long-term success. In general, immunosuppression is applied as one-size-fits-all strategy. This can result in over- and under-immunosuppression of patients with low and high alloresponsiveness, respectively. Trial- and -error strategies to minimize or even completely wean of immunosuppression have a high failure rate. Consequently, there is an unmet medical need to develop biomarkers allowing objective risk stratification of transplant patients. To achieve this goal, we engaged in an academic-industrial partnership. The central focus of the European-wide BIO-DrIM consortium (BIOmarker-Driven IMmmunosuppression) is the implementation of biomarker-guided strategies for personalizing immunosuppression to improve the long-term outcome and to decrease the adverse effects and costs of chronic immunosuppression in solid organ transplant patients. The concept includes four innovative investigator-driven clinical trials designed by the consortium

    Banff 2022 liver group meeting report: monitoring long term allograft health.

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    The Banff Working Group on Liver Allograft Pathology met in September 2022. Participantsincluded hepatologists, surgeons, pathologists, immunologists and histocompatibility specialists.Presentations and discussions focused on the evaluation of long-term allograft health, including noninvasive and tissue monitoring, immunosuppression optimisation and long-term structural changes.Potential revision of the rejection classification scheme to better accommodate and communicate lateT cell-mediated rejection patterns and related structural changes, such as nodular regenerativehyperplasia, were discussed. Improved stratification of long-term maintenance immunosuppression tomatch the heterogeneity of patient settings will be central to improving long-term patient survival.Such personalised therapeutics are in turn contingent on better understanding and monitoring ofallograft status within a rational decision-making approach, likely to be facilitated in implementationwith emerging decision support tools. Proposed revisions to rejection classification emerging fromthe meeting include incorporation of interface hepatitis and fibrosis staging. These will be opened toonline testing, modified accordingly and subject to consensus discussion leading up to the next Banffconference

    Immune-Mediated Liver Disease in the Transplanted Liver

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    Liver transplantation has evolved as the treatment of choice for many patients with end-stage liver disease. Currently, survival posttransplant is excellent, with 10-year survival exceeding 65%. Causes of graft failure include recurrent disease, in particular autoimmune disease, alcoholic liver disease, and NAFLD. Immune-mediated injury is also a cause for graft failure, but this cause has proved to be less common nowadays. With the actual range of potent immunosuppressive agents and a greater use of a tailored approach, rejection is seen less frequently. Rejection may take the form of T-cell-mediated rejection (TCMR), antibody-mediated rejection (AMR), and plasma cell-rich hepatitis. On the opposite end of the spectrum, operational tolerance develops in a small proportion of liver transplant recipients. Finally, as indicated earlier, some autoimmune diseases can recur in the allograft

    Biomarkers and immunopathology of tolerance

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    Emergent transcriptomic technologies and their role in the discovery of biomarkers of liver transplant tolerance

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    Liver transplantation offers a unique window into transplant immunology due, in part, to the considerable proportion of recipients who develop immunological tolerance to their allograft. Biomarkers able to identify and predict such a state of tolerance, and thereby able to establish suitable candidates for the minimisation of hazardous immunosuppressive therapies, are not only of great potential clinical benefit, but might also shed light on the immunological mechanisms underlying tolerance and rejection. Here we review the emergent transcriptomic technologies serving as drivers of biomarker discovery, we appraise efforts to identify a molecular signature of liver allograft tolerance, and we consider the implications of this work on the mechanistic understanding of immunological tolerance

    Immunotolerance in Liver Transplantation

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    AbstractThe burden of life-long immunosuppressive medication must be overcome if progress is to be made in long-term outcomes following transplantation. The liver exhibits intrinsic tolerogenic properties that contribute to a unique propensity toward spontaneous acceptance when transplanted. Hence, a proportion of liver transplant recipients develop a state of immunotolerance and display persistently normal allograft function despite the discontinuation of immunosuppression. However, this phenomenon remains elusive for the majority of recipients. Investigations performed in experimental models of spontaneous liver allograft tolerance and in clinical cases of immunosuppression-free liver transplant acceptance have yielded mechanistic insights at the heart of recent strategies toward tolerance prediction and promotion. Results from recent clinical trials signal a shift in how liver allograft tolerance is viewed—not an elusive rarity of academic interest, but a potentially relevant clinical opportunity, which can be safely pursued if appropriately targeted.</jats:p