1,505 research outputs found

    El análisis narrativo en la educación física y el deporte

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    Este artículo complementa otro anterior publicado en esta mis ma revista ( v. 17, n.1, 2011) en el que se reflexionaba sobre las cuestiones de qué es la investigación narrativa y qué puede ofrecer al estudio de la educación física y el deporte. Este trabajo se ocupa de la vertiente metodológica de la investigación narrativa, concretamente del análisis narrativo. En primer lugar se expone qué se entiende por análisis narrativo. En segundo lugar, se distingue entre dos grandes estrategias utilizadas para analizar narrativas: las que enfatizan la historia y las que enfatizan el análisis. La tipología se completa con una revisión de varios estudios que centran su foco de análisis en el Qué y/o el Cómo de los relatos. Finalizamos con una serie de consideraciones para animar y, a la vez, invitar a los investigadores a ser prudentesa la hora de analizar narrativa

    Digital coronagraphy: application to space telescope images

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    Optical coronagraphy is a high contrast image technique used in astronomy to reduce light around a host star and make viable the detection of faint companions and the exploration of circumstellar disks. Digital coronagraphy consists of the digital processing of non-coronagraphic images acquired by space telescopes in order to reproduce the operation of a standard optical coronagraph. Digital coronagraphy presents significant advantages as no real coronagraph or extra device has to be manufactured and sent to space. In this paper, comparison of digital and optical coronagraph performances is accomplished both by numerical simulations that include detection noise and the use of archived images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Our analysis indicates that the attainable contrast with both techniques is comparable, though the required Lyot stop in digital coronagraphy differs from the standard one. Furthermore, the evolution of contrast as a function of the distance to the main star that we have encountered with the optical coronagraph is similar to that shown by different authors for the optical NIC2/COR coronagraph. Finally, although digital coronagraphy cannot substitute optical coronagraphs, it can be considered as an interesting tool for the analysis of actual system performance.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España (AYA2016-78773-C2-1-P).This research has made use of data reprocessed as part of the ALICE program, which was supported by NASA through grants HST-AR-12652 (PI: R. Soummer), HST-GO-11136 (PI: D. Golimowski), HST-GO-13855 (PI: E. Choquet), HST-GO-13331 (PI: L. Pueyo), and STScI Director’s Discretionary Research funds, and was conducted at STScI which is operated by AURA under NASA contrast NAS5-26555

    Evaluation of clinical practice competencies in orthopedicmanual therapy students through the Objective StructuredClinical Examination (OSCE): A pilot experience at theEuropean University of the Canary Islands

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    El ECOE es una herramienta de evaluación de competencias clínicasprácticas que, en Fisioterapia, no ha sido empleada para examinar las habilidades de losespecialistas en Terapia Manual Ortopédica. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar lacompetencia a través de las calificaciones, la satisfacción y el desempeño percibido de losestudiantes del Máster de Terapia Manual Ortopédica en el Tratamiento del Dolor de laUniversidad Europea de Canarias. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en una muestra deestudiantes de posgrado (n=21) durante el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de febrero y el 31 dejulio de 2023 en el Hospital Simulado de la Universidad Europea de Canarias, en Tenerife(España), utilizando la metodología ECOE. Resultados: Las calificaciones obtenidas por losparticipantes fueron mayoritariamente altas (media = 8,54 /10, DT= 0,612), aunque en Anatomía einterpretación de pruebas complementarias registraron los resultados más bajos. El 95,1% (n=20)expresó una alta satisfacción con el ECOE. Respecto a la interpretación de pruebas complementarias, un 19,1% (n=4) consideró su desempeño como deficiente y un 4,8% (n=1) muy deficiente. Conclusión: En síntesis, a pesar de las calificaciones más bajas en ciertas áreas, los resultados de la evaluación de competencias clínicas prácticas a través del ECOE son positivos. Además, se observa un elevado grado de satisfacción y percepción positiva del desempeño por parte del especialista.ntroduction: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a practicalclinical competency assessment tool that, in Physical Therapy, has not yet been used to evaluateOrthopedic Manual Therapy specialists. Objective: This study aims to evaluate competencythrough grades, satisfaction and perceived performance of students enrolled in the Master’s inOrthopaedic Manual Therapy for Pain Treatment at the European University of the CanaryIslands. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on a postgraduate student sample (n=21)between February 1 and July 31, 2023 at the Simulated Hospital of the European University of theCanary Islands (Tenerife, Spain). Results: Participants received predominantly high scores (mean= 8,54 /10, SD= 0.612), although Anatomy and interpretation of complementary test, 19.1% (n=4)perceived their performance as deficient, and 4.8% (n=1) as very deficient. Conclusions: Insummary, despite lower scores in certain areas, the results of the practical clinical competencyassessment through the OSCE are positive. Furthermore, a high degree of satisfaction and positiveperformance perception are observed among specialist

    Planetary system detection by estimating the covariance of coronagraphic lucky images

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    In this paper, we review two different methods to increase image contrast and propose the combination of both to detect faint companions surrounding a host star. Coronagraphy allows us to block light coming from the host star so that the residual star light can be reduced by several orders of magnitude. On the other hand, estimating the Covariance of Lucky Images (COELI) is a proven method to detect faint companions from ground-based telescope images. The dynamic range of the detection camera limits this technique. Hence, the application of COELI to coronagraphic images may increase the magnitude range of the detectable companions. COELI only requires the existence of a reference, which can be obtained using an existing stellar companion or using a coronagraphic mask designed to create a faint image of the host star.We provide an analysis of the combination of the techniques by processing coronagraphic images obtained by the William Herschel Telescope.We acknowledge funding from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, project AYA2016-78773-C2-1-P

    Quaternary adaptive optics

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    We present a new Point Diffraction Interferometer (PDI). Binary adaptive optics (BAO) and Quaternary Adaptive Optics (QAO) can be performed with the help of this PDI as a wavefront sensor. The PDI interferogram, once binarized, is used in two consecutive steps to produce a quaternary mask with phase values 0, π/2, π and 3π/2. The addition of the quaternary mask compensates for the aberrated wavefront and allows us to reach a Strehl ratio of about 0.81. We have verified through computer simulations that the use of QAO depends on the number of actuators of the compensating device to achieve effective compensation. The technique was successfully validated through an experiment.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (AYA2016-78773-C2-1-P)

    Evaluación de las competencias clínicas prácticas en estudiantes de terapia manual ortopédica a través del Examen Clínico Objetivo Estructurado (ECOE): Experiencia piloto en la Universidad Europea de Canarias.

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    Introduction: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a practical clinical competency assessment tool in Physical Therapy that has not yet been used to evaluate Orthopedic Manual Therapy specialists. Objective: This study aims to evaluate competency through grades, satisfaction and perceived performance of students enrolled in the Master’s in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy for Pain Treatment at the European University of the Canary Islands. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was conducted on a postgraduate student sample (n=21, W=10, M=11, 24,61 yrs.) between February 1 and July 31, 2023 at the Simulated Hospital of the European University of the Canary Islands (Tenerife, Spain). Results: Participants received predominantly high scores (mean = 8,54 /10, SD= 0.612), although Anatomy and interpretation of complementary test, 19.1% (n=4) perceived their performance as deficient, and 4.8% (n=1) as very deficient. Conclusions: In summary, despite lower scores in certain areas, the results of the practical clinical competency assessment through the OSCE are positive. Furthermore, a high degree of satisfaction and positive performance perception are observed among specialists.Introducción: El ECOE es una herramienta de evaluación de competencias clínicas prácticas en Fisioterapia, hasta ahora no empleada para examinar las habilidades de los especialistas en Terapia Manual Ortopédica. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la competencia a través de las calificaciones, la satisfacción y el desempeño percibido de los estudiantes del Máster de Terapia Manual Ortopédica en el Tratamiento del Dolor de la Universidad Europea de Canarias. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en una muestra de estudiantes de posgrado (n=21, M=10, V=11, 24,61 años) entre el 1 de febrero y el 31 de julio de 2023 en el Hospital Simulado de la Universidad Europea de Canarias (Tenerife, España). Resultados: Las calificaciones obtenidas por los participantes fueron mayoritariamente altas (media = 8,54 /10, DT= 0.612), aunque en Anatomía e interpretación de pruebas complementarias registraron los resultados más bajos. El 95,1% (n=20) expresó una alta satisfacción con el ECOE. Respecto a la interpretación de pruebas complementarias, un 19,1% (n=4) consideró su desempeño como deficiente y un 4,8% (n=1) muy deficiente. Conclusión: En síntesis, a pesar de las calificaciones más bajas en ciertas áreas, los resultados de la evaluación de competencias clínicas prácticas a través del ECOE son positivos. Además, se observa un elevado grado de satisfacción y percepción positiva del desempeño por parte del especialista.

    Relationship between quadriceps femoris echotexture biomarkers and muscle strength and physical function in older adults with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background: Muscle wasting is pronounced in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The quadriceps femoris echotexture biomarkers assessed by ultrasound (US) have not been studied in these patients. Objective: To describe echotexture biomarkers assessed by the US and to assess their relationship with sex, age, body mass index (BMI), self-reported outcomes, muscle strength and physical function in older adults with HFpEF. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Patients 70 years and older with HFpEF were included. The sex, age, BMI, and self-reported outcomes were collected. The US assessed muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue contrast, correlation, energy, homogeneity, and entropy at rest and maximal voluntary isometrical contraction (MVIC). The six-minute walk test (6MWT), the short physical performance battery (SPPB), the timed up and go test (TUG), the usual pace gait speed test (UGS), and the fast pace gait speed test (FGS) were used to assess physical function. The five-repetitions sit-to-stand test (5-STS) was performed to assess muscle strength. Bivariant Pearson correlations and subsequent multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted. Results: Seventy-two older adults with HFpEF [81.06 years, 29.13 BMI, and 55.60% females] were recruited. In women, relaxed and MVIC muscle energy and entropy explained 35.40% of the TUG variance; relaxed muscle entropy and MVIC muscle energy shared 24.00% of the UGS variance; relaxed and MVIC muscle entropy, MVIC muscle contrast and MVIC muscle energy explained 32.60% of the FGS variance, adjusted all the models by age and BMI.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de málaga /CBU

    Influence of potential pulses amplitude sequence in a voltammetric electronic tongue (VET) applied to assess antioxidant capacity in aliso

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    [EN] Four signals configurations were studied, two of them built by small increases of potential and two with bigger increments. The highest current values were obtained when pulses with bigger change of potential were used although the best results were shown by the pulse sequence which included an intermediate pulse before the relevant pulse. A mathematical model based on trolox pattern was developed to predict antioxidant capacity of aliso, employing information obtained from all the electrodes, although model validation could be done only employing the information from gold electrode.Fuentes-Pérez, EM.; Alcañiz Fillol, M.; Contat-Rodrigo, L.; Baldeon-Chamorro, E.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2017). Influence of potential pulses amplitude sequence in a voltammetric electronic tongue (VET) applied to assess antioxidant capacity in aliso. Food Chemistry. 224:233-241. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.12.076S23324122

    Novel dual single sided silicon strip detector chip for radiotherapy verification

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    A novel dual single sided silicon strip detector (SSSSD) chip was designed to meet clinical requirements in radiotherapy verification. An available design from Micron Semiconductor Ltd. (BB7, 500 µ m thick) was the base of a two-dimensional detector adapted into a special configuration with the aim of uniforming and minimizing foreing materials around the active area (64 × 64 mm2). With this purpose, two independent BB7 SSSSDs were mounted in a perpendicular configuration, separated by a 500 µ m kapton dielectric film with the same dimensions as the silicon wafers, thus minimizing air gaps in between. This new configuration, called the dual SSSSD chip design, was mounted on kapton printed circuit board (PCB). Both silicon wafers were divided into 32 strips, 2 mm width each. The aim of developing this detector was to allow 2D dose measurements, improve spatial resolution and perform radiotherapy treatment verification faster than with a previous prototype. Characteristics and performance of the novel detector are presented