1,376 research outputs found

    Rapid asymmetric transfer hydroformylation (ATHF) of disubstituted alkenes using paraformaldehyde as a syngas surrogate

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    The authors thank Dr. Reddys (UK) and the Royal Society for an Industry Fellowship in the early stage of this work (2012–2014), and the EPSRC for funding (EP/M003868/1).As an alternative to conventional asymmetric hydroformylation (AHF), Asymmetric Transfer Hydroformylation (ATHF) using formaldehyde as a surrogate for syngas is reported. A catalyst derived from commercially available [Rh(acac)(CO)2] and Ph-BPE stands out in terms of both activity and enantioselectivity. Remarkably, not only are high selectivities achievable, the reactions are very simple to carry out, and can give higher enantioselectivity (up to 96% e.e.) and/or turnover frequencies than those that are achievable using the same catalyst (or other leading catalysts) using typical conditions for AHF.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Elasto-plastic hardening models adjustment to ferritic, austenitic and austenoferritic Rebar

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    The elastoplastic behaviour of steel used for structural member fabrication has received attention to facilitate a mechanical-resistant design. New Zealand and South African standards have adopted various theoreti-cal approaches to describe such behaviour in stainless steels. With respect to the building industry, describing the tensile behaviour of steel rebar used to produce reinforced concrete structures is of interest. Differences compared with the homogenous material described in the above mentioned standards and related literatures are discussed in this paper. Specifically, the presence of ribs and the TEMPCORE® technology used to produce carbon steel rebar may alter the elastoplastic model. Carbon steel rebar is shown to fit a Hollomon model giving hardening exponent values on the order of 0.17. Austenitic stainless steel rebar behaviour is better described using a modified Rasmussen model with a free fitted exponent of 6. Duplex stainless steel shows a poor fit to any previous model.Ajuste de los aceros corrugados ferríticos, austeníticos y austenoferríticos a los modelos de endureci-miento elastoplástico por deformación. Uno de los principales factores tenidos en cuenta en la fabricación de aceros estructurales es su comportamiento durante la fase elastoplástica o de endurecimiento por deformación. Normas neozelandesas y sudafricanas plantean diversas aproximaciones teóricas para describir dicho comportamiento en el caso de los aceros inoxidables. En el campo de la construcción resulta de interés la descripción del comporta-miento tenso-deformacional de los aceros corrugados utilizados en las estructuras de hormigón armado. En este artículo se discuten los modelos planteados en las normas citadas anteriormente así como los existentes en la litera-tura tanto para los aceros corrugados inoxidables como para los aceros al carbono fabricados mediante el proceso denominado TEMPCORE® Los aceros TEMPCORE® analizados arrojan un valor del exponente de endureci-miento por deformación según el modelo de Hollomon de 0.17. Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos se ajustan mejor al modelo de Rasmussen presentando un exponente de valor 6 realizando un ajuste libre de la función correspondiente. Para los aceros inoxidables Dúplex se obtienen muy bajos ajustes para los dos modelos citados

    Path and speed of spectrum management reform under uncertain costs and benefits

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    The unsolved question in spectrum management is no longer if a reform is necessary to enable higher market participation but the optimal path and speed of reform. We offer an expression to determine when to choose a gradual or big bang reform depending on current and expected technology and an expression to determine whether to wait or not for new technology. Gradual is better if the technological advance coefficient is high, the reversibility of the reforms is costly, the duration of the second reform is long, the probability of an outcome lower than expected is considerable or the reforms are not too complementary

    What students with intellectual disabilities know about writing planning

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    Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spain, Grant/Award Number: [OFRD. 2020-256Background: Studies on the writing of students with intellectual disabilities have been scarce and unrepresentative. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyse this group of students' abilities to plan their texts Method: A collective case study was carried out, with an eminently qualitative approach, although aided by an initial quantitative analysis. Fifteen students with unspecified intellectual disabilities were interviewed using open-ended questions. For data interpretation, content analysis and quantification of responses were used. Results: The results revealed the abilities and limitations of these students regarding the knowledge and use of one of the key processes of written expression (writing planning). Conclusion: The cognitive operations of planning, in which these students admitted the greatest problems, were the ordering and recording of ideas, and textual structuring.University of Granada, Spain OFRD. 2020-25

    Expanding borders of communication and collaboration through the network: digital competence as a means to promote academic interculturality

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación han permitido el establecimiento de espacios virtuales que modifican el modo de interacción social. En este trabajo se analiza la percepción de los futuros docentes del grado de Educación Infantil sobre el uso de redes digitales para fomentar la interculturalidad académica. Se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, basada en la aplicación de un cuestionario construido ad hoc. Entre los resultados se resalta principalmente el uso social que los estudiantes hacen de las redes digitales por encima del académico para la comunicación y colaboración entre iguales. Finalmente se constata que el uso de las redes digitales en la actividad docente favorece la interculturalidadInformation and Communication Technologies allow the establishment of virtual spaces that modify the way people interacts between themselves. This paper analyzes the perception of future teachers who are studying Preschool Education on the use of digital networks to promote academic interculturality. For this, we carry out a quantitative methodology by applying an ad hoc questionnaire. Among the results, it is highlighted the social use that students make of digital networks over academic use for communication and collaboration among equals. Finally, we found that the use of digital networks in teaching bring on interculturalit

    Bullying among Teens: Are Ethnicity and Race Risk Factors for Victimization? A Bibliometric Research

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    Bullying is a problematic situation that negatively affects thousands of children and adolescents in today’s world. The multicultural society resulting from globalization has caused different reactions throughout society. In the school context, some authors indicate that ethnicity and race are risk factors for being victims of bullying. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to analyze the scientific production on racial or ethnic bullying with the greatest impact at present, considering nine variables: Publication date, authors, organizations, countries, journals, type of document, area of research, language, and reference with more impact (cites). We conducted a bibliometric study through systematic review, documentary quantification, and data visualization techniques. We analyzed 831 documents, with a notable increase in recent years (2011–2019), highlighting the production from Dewey Cornell (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA). On the other hand, the results showed that ethnic identity constitutes a differential factor in harassment appearing, accompanied by very poor socio-economic and cultural levels favoring depressive tendencies and drug consumption in the ethnic harassed. In short, bullying has a negative impact both physically and psychologically on the victims. For this reason, we must continue to work from the school context to eradicate the situation that is affecting more and more people

    Aproximación a la tipología del "turismo paisano" en las comarcas rurales de procedencia : el caso de Extremadura

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    El "turistas paisanos" es una categoría que ha sido consideradas de poca entidad por estudiosos y responsables de las políticas de desarrollo rural, sin embargo, en el proceso de identificación de los actores en la escena del modelo de ¿ruralidad móvil¿ se hace necesario su identificación y la especificación de las funciones que desempeñan. Últimamente, han tomado gran importancia los estudios sobre la movilidad laboral (el fenómeno del ¿commuting¿), los procesos de instalación en el medio rural de inmigrantes de origen urbano (el fenómeno de la contraurbanización, los neorrurales emprendedores), el fenómeno de la ¿gentrificación¿ de los espacios rurales cercanos o alejados de las grandes metrópolis. En el caso de estos últimos, la explicación de los motivos ha girado entorno al atractivo ambiental y a la calidad de vida como palancas que han determinado la estrategia residencial recurriendo a variables como el nivel de estudios y estatus social (por aquello de que la contraurbanización es esencialmente un fenómeno relacionado con las clases medias urbanas). Ahora bien, tanto la experiencia residencial de los retornados como la visita de los turistas paisanos tienen que ver más con la ¿lógica de los sentimientos¿ y la ¿llamada de la tierra¿. Ambos buscan el hábitat imaginado a partir de la experiencia personal vivida y donde la convivencia familiar es esencial para la repetición de la visita o la continuidad de la residencia en el medio rural. De otra parte, la estancia en las comarcas rurales de las que son originarios está caracterizada por una práctica de consumo que, de un lado, ayuda al mantenimiento de la economía rural; de otro lado, presenta matices diferentes en cuanto a pautas de consumo, de otros tipos de turismo, que que el turismo paisano lleva a cabo la mayor parte de su gasto (alojamiento, compras,restauración y diversión) en los rublos y comarcas donde se asienta."Countryman tourist" is a tourist category that was considered insignificant by researchers and heads of rural development policies in the past. However, identification and specification of their roles in the process of identifying the actors on the stage of the "mobile rurality" model is necessary. Lately, studies on job mobility ("commuting" phenomenon), the process of installation in the rural of immigrants of urban origin (counter-urbanization phenomenon, the entrepreneur neo-rural men), and on the gentrification phenomenon of rural areas near or far from major cities, have become very important. In this case, the explanation of the reasons has revolved around the environmental attractiveness and quality of life as levers that have determined the residential strategy, using variables such as education level and social status (counter-urbanization is, essentially, a phenomenon related to the urban middle classes). However, both the residential experience of returnees as the visit of “countrymen tourists” is more related to "the logic of the feelings" and "the call of the earth." Both, the returnees and the “countryman tourist” seek the imagined habitat from personal experience. So, family life is essential to repeat the visit or to continue living in rural areas. On the other hand, their stay in the rural native areas is characterized by a consumer practice that: a) helps to the support of rural economy; b) has different meanings in terms of consumption patterns than the other types of tourism, because “countryman tourist” make most of their spending (accommodation, shopping, restaurants and entertainment) in rubles and counties where he sits. The subject of this communication is to describe the role of this type of tourist in rural communities, to identify and to define their motivations, expectations and idiosyncrasies

    What does a Teacher College Student think when writing? A Case Study

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    El objetivo final de esta investigación es descubrir la competencia, el conocimiento y la regulación que muestran los estudiantes de magisterio, futuros docentes, sobre su expresión por escrito. Se estudian los procesos escritores, identificados por Hayes y Flower (1980): la planificación del borrador de escritura, la transcripción del manuscrito, la revisión del texto producido y la metacognición escritora o autorregulación de todo el proceso. Se empleó el procedimiento de indagación cualitativa denominado estudio de caso, utilizando como técnica para la recogida de datos la entrevista cognitiva a los que se aplicó el análisis de contenido para su interpretación. Para facilitar la recogida de datos a través de la entrevista cognitiva semi-estructurada se utilizó un cuestionario-guía debidamente validado e incluso estandarizado sobre la composición escrita (Salvador, 2005). Los resultados apuntan que si bien estos alumnos muestran domino en algunas suboperaciones, existen dificultades, deficiencias y lagunas en otras, que requieren formación precisa, dada su importancia en nuestra sociedad, así como en el nuevo marco de los estudios superiores.The final aim of this research is to find out the competence, the knowledge and the regulation that future teachers show about their written expression. Writing processes identified by Hayes and Flower (1980) are studied in this paper, namely, writing plans, transcription, review, and metacognition or self-regulation. Data was collected through a semi-structured cognitive interview, which included a valid and standardized survey questionnaire on written expression (Salvador, 2005). Content analysis was also used. The results show that students are competent in some operations, but have certain difficulties and gaps in others. Therefore, training in such aspects is required because of their importance in society and the new curriculum framework in higher education

    Cómo planifican las tareas de escritura estudiantes universitarios españoles

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    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la expresión escrita de estudiantes universitarios españoles (futuros docentes). Su principal objetivo fue analizar el proceso de planificación de la escritura por estos estudiantes para conocer sus habilidades e identificar sus limitaciones. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa (estudio de caso), en la que se utilizó la "entrevista cognitiva" para obtener los datos y el "análisis de contenido" para interpretarlos. Los resultados revelan que estos estudiantes poseen un conocimiento limitado de las operaciones que conforman el proceso de planificación de la escritura, y que el registro de ideas, en primer lugar, y su ordenación, en segundo término, son las operaciones cognitivas en las que los entrevistados encuentran mayores dificultades.This article presents the results of a study on the written expression of Spanish university students (future teachers). The main objective was to analyze the students' process of planning their writing, in order to discover their skills and identify their limitations. The study is qualitative (a case study) in which the "cognitive interview" was used to obtain data and "content analysis" was employed to interpret the data. The results reveal that these students have limited knowledge of the operations included in the process of planning writing; the cognitive operations in which the interviewees encounter greatest difficulties are the recording of ideas, in the first place, followed by the organization of ideas

    How do Teachers in Training Review their texts?

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    En este artículo se presenta una investigación cuyo objetivo ha sido analizar el proceso cognitivo de revisión en la composición escrita de estudiantes universitarios que cursan magisterio en la Universidad de Granada, siguiendo el modelo socio-cognitivo de Hayes (1996). Es una investigación de carácter cualitativo, concebida como un “estudio de caso múltiple”, en el que se utiliza la “entrevista cognitiva” para la obtención de datos y se aplica el “análisis de contenido” para la interpretación de los mismos. Los resultados reflejan que la revisión y modificación de sus textos es una actividad que consideran propia. El tipo de revisión que realizan es de carácter formal, más que de contenido, aunque de manera casi automática comparan su texto creado con el texto pensado inicialmente. Reconocen la importancia de esta actividad y asumen la necesidad de hacerlo, a pesar de sus deficiencias ejecutivas.In this article, is presented an investigation of writing cognitive process in teaching students from Granada University, following Hayes’ model (1996). This is a qualitative investigation, known as a multiple case study. Cognitive interviews are used in order to collect data and content analysis is applied to interpret this data. Results reflect that students consider the review process as an activity of their own. They use a formal review instead of a content review, although, they compare their texts with the initial ideas almost instantly. Students recognize the importance of this activity and assume the necessity to apply it, in spite of their executive deficits