810 research outputs found

    Mercadona, éxito y bases de la estrategia de la mayor empresa española

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    Este trabajo analiza la estrategia empresarial de Mercadona, modelo estudiado en escuelas de negocios y universidades de todo el mundo. Se analiza su evolución y se esboza una metodología de medida del éxito que abarque la manera de dar respuesta a los principales stakeholders de la empresa. Mercadona es hoy día líder en ventas y cuota de mercado en su sector. Su estrategia en las últimas décadas se basa en una cultura empresarial que aúna las expectativas de grupos de interés, creando un grupo cuasiintegrado con sus principales proveedores, con rasgos de keiretsu nipón adaptado al sector de la distribución, pero que aúna a empresas independientes jurídicamente y acaso con culturas empresariales diferentes 

    Auditoría del clima laboral. La influencia de factores externos

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    En este trabajo se destaca la importancia de conocer el clima laboral en las organizaciones y las metodologías que se utilizan en su evaluación. Aportamos también las conclusiones de una investigación donde se analiza cómo diversos condicionantes contextuales pueden tener también influencia en la percepción del trabajador sobre su situación laboral. Se pone de manifiesto que los trabajadores pasan en su ciclo vital por fases ilusionantes, con retos importantes como la consecución de un trabajo fijo, o los desafíos que siguen a una promoción y momentos de menor ilusión (a pesar de desempeñar idéntica tarea), además, se estudian otras diversas variables como situación familiar, sexo, estado civil, ocupación de la pareja, localidad de residencia, tamaño del centro de trabajo, etc., en relación con la valoración de determinados factores de higiene y motivación según la definición de Herzberg. Se demuestran diferencias significativas que evidencian la necesidad de que los análisis transversales de clima laboral deberían incorporar factores de ajuste por el impacto de determinados factores contextuales externos a la ocupación pero que pueden afectar a la percepción de satisfacción del empleado

    Analyzing job satisfaction from a gender point of view: empirical application with logit and probit models

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    La influencia que las características individuales del personal de una empresa ejercen sobre su nivel de satisfacción laboral ha sido ampliamente analizada en la literatura al respecto, dedicando una especial atención a la variable edad pero también al género como un elemento determinante de los niveles de satisfacción de los recursos humanos. En numerosas investigaciones se constata que las mujeres presentan un nivel superior de satisfacción al de los varones. El presente trabajo analiza la influencia del género sobre la satisfacción laboral sobre una muestra de 1.804 personas empleadas en centros de enseñanza concertada en Andalucía, confirmando este resultado. Asimismo, se revisan las diferencias entre varones y mujeres respecto a la influencia de otras variables sociodemográficas, del puesto y de la organización sobre la satisfacción con el trabajo, detectando diferencias notables entre ambos sexos en algunos aspectos como el estado civil, el nivel educativo o la presencia o no en cargos directivosThe influence that the individual characteristics of the personnel of a company exercise on their level of job satisfaction has been largely analyzed in specialized literature, dedicating more attention to the age but also to the gender like a determining element of the levels of satisfaction on human resources. Numerous investigations verify the fact that women present a superior level of satisfaction to the one belonging to males. This paper examines the influence of the gender on job satisfaction on a sample of 1,804 people working in private educational centres in Andalusia, confirming this result. Furthermore, it revises the differences between men and women considering the influence over job satisfaction of other sociodemographic characteristics as well as variables about the job and the organization, detecting remarkable differences between both sexes in some aspects like the marital status, the educational level or the presence in managerial position

    La problemática de cálculo del Impuesto sobre Sociedades en las cooperativas de ámbitos estatal y andaluz. Un caso práctico de análisis comparativo

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    Three basic regulations determine the tax levied on co-operative companies, which makes it extremely difficult to calculate as, according to the Law that regulates co-operative tax, sums that are obligatorily destined for social funds are deductible from taxable income. Moreover, the co-operative law to be applied in each case has a decisive effect on taxing aspects, regulating as it does not only the specific procedure to be followed in determining the obligatory funding, but also whether to consider co-operative tax itself as a deductible expense. This influences the complexity in calculating co-operative taxation, as far as quantity is concerned and also the sums finally destined to social funds. This study evaluates the practical repercussions inherent in considering co-operative tax as a deductible expense for co-operatives, with a comparative analysis between the general legal framework and Andalusian autonomic legislation.Co-operatives, corporate tax, case study, co-operative laws, Andalusia.

    Una experiencia piloto de aplicación del inglés en los estudios de Turismo y Empresariales de la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El coneixement de la llengua anglesa és bàsica en qualsevol titulació universitària, amb molta importància en els estudis de Turisme i Empresarials. Durant els cursos 2007-08 i 2008-2009 s’ha realitzat una experiència pilot en diferents assignatures d’ambdues titulacions amb l’objectiu de que els estudiants comprenguin la importància de l’anglès com element bàsic en la seva carrera professional. Per aquest motiu, i utilitzant la plataforma Moodle, s’ha construït una experiència on l’alumnat ha desenvolupat diferents activitats emmarcades en diferents nivells d’aprenentatge de l’ idioma. L’objectiu és que paulatinament s’arribés a conèixer, assimilar i definir en anglès els conceptes més importants relacionats amb els continguts acadèmics vistos en les assignatures.The knowledge of the English language is essential in any university degree, especially in Tourism and Business Studies. During courses 2007-08 and 2008-2009 we have carried out a pilot experience in several subjects of both degrees in order that students understand the importance of English as a basic element in their professional future. We have used the platform Moodle to design an experience where the student has developed different activities classified in several learning levels. The objective is that step by step they acquire, assimilate and define in English the most important concepts related to the academic contents of their subjects.El conocimiento del idioma inglés es básico en cualquier titulación universitaria, con más importancia si cabe en los estudios en Turismo y Empresariales. Durante los cursos 2007-08 y 2008-2009 se ha realizado una experiencia piloto en diversas asignaturas de ambas titulaciones con el objetivo de que los estudiantes comprendan la importancia del inglés como elemento básico en su carrera profesional. Para ello, y utilizando la plataforma Moodle, se ha vertebrado una experiencia donde el alumnado ha desarrollado distintas actividades enmarcadas en varios niveles de aprendizaje del idioma. El objetivo es que paulatinamente se llegara a conocer, asimilar y definir en inglés los conceptos más importantes relacionados con los contenidos académicos vistos en las asignaturas

    Past Themes and Tracking Research Trends in Entrepreneurship: A Co-Word, Cites and Usage Count Analysis

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    This paper examines the evolution of research in Entrepreneurship published in Web of Science, a reference database. A bibliometric content analysis has been carried out as part of this investigation, allowing for a longitudinal study of the main research topics dealt with over time, ranging from classic topics such as its conception to more recent realities that include Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship. This paper locates research trends by studying the evolution of citations and by incorporating use metrics. The results point to the existence of seven cognitive fronts that have marked the field’s growth and conceptual evolution. Furthermore, evidence is presented that shows how innovation has historically been the thread that links all the core themes. The topics and trends detected contribute specially to advancing the current discussion on entrepreneurship and coordinating future research efforts

    Analyzing job satisfaction from a gender point of view: empirical application with logit and probit model

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    The influence that the individual characteristics of the personnel of a company exercise on their level of job satisfaction has been largely analyzed in specialized literature, dedicating more attention to the age but also to the gender like a determining element of the levels of satisfaction on human resources. Numerous investigations verify the fact that women present a superior level of satisfaction to the one belonging to males. This paper examines the influence of the gender on job satisfaction on a sample of 1,804 people working in private educational centres in Andalusia, confirming this result. Furthermore, it revises the differences between men and women considering the influence over job satisfaction of other socio demographic characteristics as well as variables about the job and the organization, detecting remarkable differences between both sexes in some aspects like the marital status, the educational level or the presence in managerial positionJob satisfaction, gender differences, logit and probit models.

    Motivations for the Use of Video Game Streaming Platforms: The Moderating Effect of Sex, Age and Self-Perception of Level as a Player

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    A particularly striking new phenomenon in recent years is the live streaming of video games through popular platforms, such as Twitch. This study focuses on the motivations and types of use underlying viewer participation in live streaming platforms. Based on the uses and gratifications theory, this paper aims to analyse how three basic motivations are related to the use of video game streaming platforms. Furthermore, it examines the moderating effects that significant variables, such as the audience member’s age, sex or self-perception of level as a player may exert on this relationship. The results reveal that the three types of motivations are positively associated with use of the platform, although notable differences appear, with informational motivations outweighing entertainment and social motivations. At the same time, no moderating effects on the results of the proposed model were found for the heterogeneity stemming from sex and age. Conversely, the influence of informational motivations on the use of these platforms is moderated by the self-perception of level as a player

    Exploring the Emerging Domain of Research on Video Game Live Streaming in Web of Science: State of the Art, Changes and Trends

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    In recent years, interest in video game live streaming services has increased as a new communication instrument, social network, source of leisure, and entertainment platform for millions of users. The rise in this type of service has been accompanied by an increase in research on these platforms. As an emerging domain of research focused on this novel phenomenon takes shape, it is necessary to delve into its nature and antecedents. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive reference that allows future analyses to be addressed with greater rigor and theoretical depth. In this work, we developed a meta-review of the literature supported by a bibliometric performance and network analysis (BPNA). We used the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol to obtain a representative sample of 111 published documents since 2012 and indexed in the Web of Science. Additionally, we exposed the main research topics developed to date, which allowed us to detect future research challenges and trends. The findings revealed four specializations or subdomains: studies focused on the transmitter or streamer; the receiver or the audience; the channel or platform; and the transmission process. These four specializations add to the accumulated knowledge through the development of six core themes that emerge: motivations, behaviors, monetization of activities, quality of experience, use of social networks and media, and gender issues

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    Acercar el mundo empresarial de la provincia a la Universidad de Córdoba es el principal reto de esta iniciativa. Para ello, los docentes del área de Organización de Empresas han elaborado cuatro casos de empresas – Covap, Faasa Aviación, Esparta Desing y Cruzber- que por su cercanía despiertan la curiosidad del alumnado y ofrecen la posibilidad de conocer sus instalaciones. La difusión de los casos –la elaboración de cada uno de ellos tiene un coste de unos 2.000 euros– se ha realizado en formato papel, a través libros y revistas, y también vía Internet