56 research outputs found

    Effect of temperature induced excess pore water pressure on the shaft bearing capacity of geothermal piles

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    Differences in morbidity rates between men and women

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    La ciencia médica no ha tenido en cuenta hasta finales del siglo XX que existen diferencias en el modo de enfermar y en el tipo de enfermedades más frecuentes entre mujeres y hombres. Existen sesgos de género en la escasa valoración de las diferencias tanto biológicas, como psicológicas y sociales. Nuestro grupo ha definido el término “morbilidad femenina diferencial” para describir y visibilizar estas diferencias. Los factores de riesgo diferenciales destacables para la mortalidad prematura diferencial son los problemas cardiovasculares, el cáncer de mama y el de colon. En cuanto a la morbilidad, la menstruación y sus trastornos es el primer factor diferencial por edad, y las enfermedades endocrinas y el dolor osteomuscular los que causan los problemas más prevalentes. También son importantes la deficiencia de hierro y las carencias de vitamina D.Until the end of the 20th century, medical science did not take into consideration the existence of gender differences in the ways in which people fall ill, and in the types of the most frequent diseases. A significant gender bias underlies the relative neglect of these biological, psychological and social differences. Our group has defined the expression “differential female morbidity” to describe and draw attention to these differences. The predominant differential risk factors for premature mortality are cardiovascular problems, breast cancer and colon cancer. As regards morbidity, menstruation and related disorders represent the main differential factor according to age, and endocrine diseases and muscular-skeletal pain are the ones that cause the most prevalent problems. Iron deficiency and low vitamin D levels are also important factors

    Effect of temperature induced excess pore water pressure on the shaft bearing capacity of geothermal piles

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    Differences in morbidity rates between men and women

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    La ciencia médica no ha tenido en cuenta hasta finales del siglo XX que existen diferencias en el modo de enfermar y en el tipo de enfermedades más frecuentes entre mujeres y hombres. Existen sesgos de género en la escasa valoración de las diferencias tanto biológicas, como psicológicas y sociales. Nuestro grupo ha definido el término “morbilidad femenina diferencial” para describir y visibilizar estas diferencias. Los factores de riesgo diferenciales destacables para la mortalidad prematura diferencial son los problemas cardiovasculares, el cáncer de mama y el de colon. En cuanto a la morbilidad, la menstruación y sus trastornos es el primer factor diferencial por edad, y las enfermedades endocrinas y el dolor osteomuscular los que causan los problemas más prevalentes. También son importantes la deficiencia de hierro y las carencias de vitamina D.Until the end of the 20th century, medical science did not take into consideration the existence of gender differences in the ways in which people fall ill, and in the types of the most frequent diseases. A significant gender bias underlies the relative neglect of these biological, psychological and social differences. Our group has defined the expression “differential female morbidity” to describe and draw attention to these differences. The predominant differential risk factors for premature mortality are cardiovascular problems, breast cancer and colon cancer. As regards morbidity, menstruation and related disorders represent the main differential factor according to age, and endocrine diseases and muscular-skeletal pain are the ones that cause the most prevalent problems. Iron deficiency and low vitamin D levels are also important factors

    Docosahexaenoic Acid and Melatonin Prevent Impaired Oligodendrogenesis Induced by Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

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    In this study, our aims were to characterize oligodendrogenesis alterations in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and to find therapeutic strategies to prevent/treat them using a novel rabbit in vitro neurosphere culture. IUGR was surgically induced in one uterine horn of pregnant rabbits, while the contralateral horn served as a control. Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) were obtained from pup's whole brain and cultured as neurospheres mimicking the basic processes of brain development including migration and cell differentiation. Five substances, chosen based on evidence provided in the literature, were screened in vitro in neurospheres from untreated rabbits: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), melatonin (MEL), zinc, 3,3',5-Triiodo-L-thyronine (T3), and lactoferrin (LF) or its metabolite sialic acid (SA). DHA, MEL and LF were further selected for in vivo administration and subsequent evaluation in the Neurosphere Assay. In the IUGR culture, we observed a significantly reduced percentage of oligodendrocytes (OLs) which correlated with clinical findings indicating white matter injury in IUGR infants. We identified DHA and MEL as the most effective therapies. In all cases, our in vitro rabbit neurosphere assay predicted the outcome of the in vivo administration of the therapies and confirmed the reliability of the model, making it a powerful and consistent tool to select new neuroprotective therapies

    A UPC innovation teaching project for the incorporation of the gender perspective in nautical, marine and naval engineering

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    There has been a rising awareness in recent years of the gender inequalities within STEM-related programmes and the need to overcome them and so bridge the gender gap in these academic disciplines. Different initiatives have arisen, among which there are gender equality policies, regulations and programmes. In line with this, the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU) promoted a regulation for the incorporation of the gender perspective in all the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in tertiary education in Catalonia by 2021. To comply with this regulation and also to promote a culture of equity and equality of opportunities for women, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) fostered different projects within its community. One of these projects has been developed by the Gender Equality Commission at Barcelona School of Nautical Studies and consists in the development of a web platform with resources for lecturers to incorporate this new transversal competence of gender perspective in the nautical, marine and naval engineering study plans. The main objective of this teaching innovation project is to aid teachers with the incorporation of this competence not only by providing online tools and resources but also gender-focused teacher training to allow them to design tailor-made activities and strategies. Some tests were also administered to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of these newly-designed gender equality teaching practices and some sample study plans and activities were developed to serve as a model and example of good practices for the incorporation of gender mainstreaming in the disciplines of nautical, marine and naval engineering

    La construcció conjunta d'una guia per a la implementació de la carpeta d'aprenentatge en l'àmbit de l'educació superior

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    Els autors d'aquesta comunicació formen part del grup GI-CAES 1(Carpetes d'Aprenentatge en l'Educació Superior) emmarcat en l'IDES des de l'any 2004. En l'actualitat el configuren 14 professors i professores de 7 departaments diferents i una professora d'una Escola Normal de Mèxic. Aquest grup s'estructura com una plataforma de recerca sobre les innovacions docents que pot generar la incorporació de les carpetes d'aprenentatge en els processos d'ensenyament /aprenentatge a la formació universitària. Alhora, es promou la difusió dins i fora de la UAB de les experiències, que en el marc del grup, es van generalitzant d'una manera estable. Aquest àmbit d'innovació repensa la metodologia docent i l'avaluació dels aprenentatges a través de la gradual incorporació de les carpetes d'aprenentatge en la formació dels estudiants. Això suposa prendre decisions sobre el què, el com, el quan i el amb què, de l'ús de les CAES. El treball d'actualització permanent permet explorar tant els aspectes teòrics com els operatius del professorat participant i així poder implementar experiències pràctiques a les aules i aportar elements per a la reflexió/revisió d'altres docents.The authors of this communication are members of the GI-CAES (Learning Portfolios in Higher Education) group within IDES (Teaching Innovation Unit in Higher Education) framework since 2004. Nowadays, in GI-CAES there are 14 professors from 7 different departments in this University (UAB) besides from a teacher based in a Mexican school. Our group is structured as a research platform for teaching innovations, which can lead to the implementation of teaching/learning portfolios in University training. At the same time, we also promote (inside and outside UAB) all the experiencies carried out in the group, which appear to generalize steadily. This innovation context implies rethinking teaching methodologies and learning assessment through the continuous implementation of learning portfolios in students' training. This makes us take decisions on what, how, when and in which way should these portfolios be used. Our constant updating work allows us to explore both the theoretical aspects and the intervention of the teaching staff involved in the experimentation. Thus, implementing practical experiences in the classroom and bringing reflective/revising elements to other professors at University