82 research outputs found

    Atmospheric optical-turbulence at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory: database and recalibration of the generalized-SCIDAR data

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    We present the largest database so far of atmospheric optical-turbulence profiles (197035 individual CN2(h)) for an astronomical site, the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Spain). This C2 (h) database was obtained through generalized-SCIDAR observations at the 1 meter Jacobus Kapteyn telescope from Febrary 2004 to August 2009, obtaining useful data for 211 nights. The overestimation of the turbulence strength induced during the generalized SCIDAR data processing has been analyzed for the different observational configurations. All the individual C2 (h) have been recalibrated to compensate the introduced errors during data treatment following (Avila & Cuevas 2009). Comparing results from profiles before and after the recalibration, we analyze its impact on the calculation of relevant parameters for adaptive optics.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Migraciones internas hacia la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile: una comparación con planteamientos teóricos

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    The orientations of migrations movement pattems in Chile are analyzed, with special reference to the causes of the demographic growth of the Greater Santiago Area. On the one hand, these are related to the degree of attraction that the area still has within the country, and on the other, with a predominant nonselective emigrant typology. It was determinate, in a communal level of resolution, the impact of the regional migrations movements in the city growth, by means of the identification of the 1980's immigrant profile. The results indicate that the influx from other regions is definitely less significant than the intra-regional movements in the same period. Spatial interaction reveals a strong relationship with the central regions of the country, as well as a diffuse destiny pattem central - penpheral within the metropolis. Associated attributes indicate a ves, selective movement trend that stands out in the wealthier communes. The results identify a behavioral pattem already analyzed in an urbanization paradigm for Latin America. The Metropolitan Region of Santiago has lost the historical polarizing role of movements. Nevertheless, the tendency to the agglomeration continues, in a new functional hierarchic framework: the dynamism of the mid size cities.Se analiza la orientación de los movimientos migratorios en Chile, los cuales estan implícitos en el debate actual sobre las causas del crecimiento demográfico del Gran Santiago. En este se resalta, por un lado, la atracción que puede continuar presentando la metrópolis y por otro, una tipología de inmigrante poco selectiva. Se determina y evalúa, con una resolución espacial comunal, el impacto de los movimientos migratorios regionales en el crecimiento de la ciudad, identificando el perfil que caracteriza al inmigrante hacia fines de la década de los 80. Los resultados muestran que el aporte poblacional desderegiones, en términos cuantitativos, resulta ser menos significativo que los movimientos intraurbanos registrados en el mismo período. La interacción espacial, se manifiesta en una fuerte asociación con las regiones centrales del país y un patrón de destino metropolitano difuso, centro-periferia. Se trata de una migración selectiva, que se manifiesta con particular fuerza en las comunas de mayor status socioeconómico. Corresponde a un modelo de comportamiento ya encontrado para Latinoamérica y sistematizado en un paradigma de la urbanización. La Región Metropolitana de Santiago ha perdido peso en surol histórico, polarizador de movimientos; sin embargo, prosigue la tendencia a la aglomeración, en el marco de una nueva jerarquía funcional: el dinamismo experimentado por las ciudades intermedias

    Centros Integrados de Formación Profesional

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    Integrated Vocational Training Centres are the last link upon which all the actions and instruments laid out by the Organic Act on Qualifications and Vocational Training must be materialized. These centres are regarded in the Organic Act as those which implement their vocational training offer with some training activities aiming at the acquisition of Diplomas and Certificates of occupational standards referring to the National Catalogue of Occupational Qualifications. The Act also lays upon the hands of the Educational Administrations of Spanish autonomous regions the responsibility for the creation and official permission of these centres, under the legal requirements they settle. Nevertheless, the flexible and open approach of this article to the creation of this type of centres is quite suitable, though the vital importance of these centres to develop all the formative actions scheduled in the Act is not clearly enough pointed out. The main objectives of the integrated Vocational Training Centres are two: first, the qualification and even re-qualification of people as part of the drawing-up of their personal lifelong learning process, and second, the creation of a space for cooperation, dialogue and interaction between the Vocational Training System and the production system.Los centros integrados de Formación profesional son el último eslabón donde deben plasmarse todas las acciones e instrumentos que fueron determinados en la Ley Orgánica de las Cualificaciones y la Formación Profesional. En la Ley se determinan los centros integrados como aquellos  que implementen en su oferta acciones de formación profesional conducentes a la obtención de títulos de formación profesional y certificados profesionales además de las ofertas referidas al Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales, y  deja en manos de las distintas administraciones su creación y/ o autorización con las condiciones y requisitos que éstas determinen. No obstante es adecuada la flexibilidad y el carácter abierto con que se trata en este contexto la creación de los centros integrados, aunque no se determina implícitamente el fundamental valor que tienen para desarrollar las diferentes acciones presentes en la Ley. Dos son los grandes objetivos que pretenden alcanzarse con ellos: en primer lugar la cualificación y recualificación de las personas en la permanente construcción de su itinerario de formación a lo largo de la vida, y en segundo lugar la articulación de un "espacio de cooperación, diálogo y gestión conjunta" entre el sistema de formación profesional y el entorno productivo sectorial

    Variables psicosociales del consumo de cánnabis en adolescentes

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    Objetivo. Profundizar en el conocimiento de aquellas variables psicosociales que pueden ejercer una función mediadora en el consumo de cánnabis de los adolescentes.Material y métodos. Se ha utilizado una muestra de 2.401 sujetos de 2º y 3º de la ESO, con una media de edad de 13,96 años, realizándose un análisis comparativo entre los tres grupos en los que se ha dividido la misma: No consumo; Alguna vez y Último Mes.Resultados. Desde un análisis global de los datos es el grupo de consumidores del último mes quien mantiene unas actitudes más favorables, una intención mayor de consumo y una baja percepción de riesgo frente al mismo. Se confirma la importancia del grupo de iguales como variable mediadora del propio consumo, así como la influencia del contexto familiar y se observa como la relación con el entorno familiar y educativo empeora a medida que aumenta la utilización de esta sustancia.Conclusiones. Es necesario intervenir lo antes posible y hacerlo con la puesta en marcha de estrategias diferenciadas, dependiendo de las características del grupo con el que se va a trabajar. Las medidas preventivas que se lleven a cabo deberán enmarcarse dentro de una política más amplia de actuación, que permita contrarrestar la información sesgada que la población esta recibiendo sobre el cánnabis y que podría explicar parte del descenso en la percepción de riesgo asociado al consumo de esta sustancia

    Optical Turbulence Measurements and Models for Mount John University Observatory

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    Site measurements were collected at Mount John University Observatory in 2005 and 2007 using a purpose-built scintillation detection and ranging system. Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) profiling indicates a weak layer located at 12 - 14 km above sea level and strong low altitude turbulence extending up to 5 km. During calm weather conditions, an additional layer was detected at 6 - 8 km above sea level. V(h)V(h) profiling suggests that tropopause layer velocities are nominally 12 - 30 m/s, and near-ground velocities range between 2 -- 20 m/s, dependent on weather. Little seasonal variation was detected in either Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) and V(h)V(h) profiles. The average coherence length, r0r_0, was found to be 7±17 \pm 1 cm for the full profile at a wavelength of 589 nm. The average isoplanatic angle, θ0\theta_0, was 1.0±0.11.0 \pm 0.1 arcsec. The mean turbulence altitude, h0ˉ\bar{h_0}, was found to be 2.0±0.72.0\pm0.7 km above sea level. No average in the Greenwood frequency, fGf_G, could be established due to the gaps present in the \vw\s profiles obtained. A modified Hufnagel-Valley model was developed to describe the Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) profiles at Mount John, which estimates r0r_0 at 6 cm and θ0\theta_0 at 0.9 arcsec. A series of V(h)V(h) models were developed, based on the Greenwood wind model with an additional peak located at low altitudes. Using the Cn2(h)C_n^2(h) model and the suggested V(h)V(h) model for moderate ground wind speeds, fGf_G is estimated at 79 Hz.Comment: 14 pages; accepted for publication in PAS

    Re-calibrated Generalized-Scidar measurements at Cerro Paranal (VLT's site)

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    Generalized Scidar (GS) measurements taken at the Paranal Observatory in November/December 2007 in the context of a site qualification for the future European Extremely Large Telescope E-ELT are re-calibrated to overcome the bias induced on the CN2 profiles by a not correct normalization of the autocorrelation of the scintillation maps that has been recently identified in the GS technique. A complete analysis of the GS corrected measurements as well as of the corrected errors is performed statistically as well as on individual nights and for each time during all nights. The relative errors of the CN2 profiles can reach up to 60% in some narrow temporal windows and some vertical slabs, the total seeing up to 12% and the total integrated turbulence J up to 21%. However, the statistic analysis tells us that the absolute errors of the median values of the total seeing is 0.06 arcsec (relative error 5.6%), for the boundary seeing 0.05 arcsec (relative error 5.6%) and for the seeing in the free atmosphere 0.04 arcsec (relative error 9%). We find that, in spite of the fact that the relative error increases with the height, the boundary and the free atmosphere seeing contribute in an equivalent way to the error on the total seeing in absolute terms. Besides, we find that there are no correlations between the relative errors and the value of the correspondent seeing. The absolute error of the median value of the isoplanatic angle is 0.13 arcsec (relative error 6.9%).Comment: 22 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Astronomical Site Ranking Based on Tropospheric Wind Statistics

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    We present comprehensive and reliable statistics of high altitude wind speeds and the tropospheric flows at the location of five important astronomical observatories. Statistical analysis exclusively of high altitude winds point to La Palma as the most suitable site for adaptive optics, with a mean value of 22.13 m/s at the 200 mbar pressure level. La Silla is at the bottom of the ranking, with the largest average value 200 mbar wind speed(33.35 m/s). We have found a clear annual periodicity of high altitude winds for the five sites in study. We have also explored the connection of high to low altitude atmospheric winds as a first approach of the linear relationship between the average velocity of the turbulence and high altitude winds (Sarazin & Tokovinin 2001). We may conclude that high and low altitude winds show good linear relationships at the five selected sites. The highest correlation coefficients correspond to Paranal and San Pedro Martir, while La Palma and La Silla show similar high to low altitude wind connection. Mauna Kea shows the smallest degree of correlation, which suggests a weaker linear relationship. Our results support the idea of high altitude winds as a parameter for rank astronomical sites in terms of their suitability for adaptive optics, although we have no evidence for adopting the same linear coefficient at different sites. The final value of this linear coefficient at a particular site could drastically change the interpretation of high altitude wind speeds as a direct parameter for site characterization.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Accepted in MNRA

    The best skies for astronomy

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    Seminario impartido por Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón (IAC) el 15 de noviembre de 2016 en las Oficinas del CIAI en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    Optical turbulence vertical distribution with standard and high resolution at Mt. Graham

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    A characterization of the optical turbulence vertical distribution (Cn2 profiles) and all the main integrated astroclimatic parameters derived from the Cn2 and the wind speed profiles above the site of the Large Binocular Telescope (Mt. Graham, Arizona, US) is presented. The statistic includes measurements related to 43 nights done with a Generalized Scidar (GS) used in standard configuration with a vertical resolution Delta(H)~1 km on the whole 20 km and with the new technique (HVR-GS) in the first kilometer. The latter achieves a resolution Delta(H)~20-30 m in this region of the atmosphere. Measurements done in different periods of the year permit us to provide a seasonal variation analysis of the Cn2. A discretized distribution of Cn2 useful for the Ground Layer Adaptive Optics (GLAO) simulations is provided and a specific analysis for the LBT Laser Guide Star system ARGOS (running in GLAO configuration) case is done including the calculation of the 'gray zones' for J, H and K bands. Mt. Graham confirms to be an excellent site with median values of the seeing without dome contribution epsilon = 0.72", the isoplanatic angle theta0 = 2.5" and the wavefront coherence time tau0= 4.8 msec. We find that the optical turbulence vertical distribution decreases in a much sharper way than what has been believed so far in proximity of the ground above astronomical sites. We find that 50% of the whole turbulence develops in the first 80+/-15 m from the ground. We finally prove that the error in the normalization of the scintillation that has been recently put in evidence in the principle of the GS technique, affects these measurements with an absolutely negligible quantity (0.04").Comment: 11 figures. MNRAS, accepte