153 research outputs found

    A fenntartható információs társadalom ideológiai tájképe

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    A tanulmány a fenntartható információs társadalom eszméjének elméleti és ideológiai aspektusait tárgyalja, mérlegre téve Robin Mansell, Lorenz Hilty és Franz Josef Radermacher ezzel kapcsolatban megfogalmazott gondolatainak ideológiai implikációit. A mai társadalom ökológiai, gazdasági-társadalmi, politikai és kulturális alrendszereinek fenntartható vagy nem fenntartható fejlődésére, illetve a fenntarthatóság mértékére vonatkozóan rendelkezésre álló adatok elemzése alapján megpróbálja kimutatni, hogy a fenntarthatóság, a felelősség, a részvétel és a befogadás vagy az együttműködés eszméi – az információs társadalom fogalmával kombinálva – gyakran ideológiai köntösbe bújtatva jelennek meg. A szerző következtetése szerint az olyan célképzetek körvonalazásakor, mint például a fenntartható információs társadalom, óvatosan kell eljárni

    Criticizing the Lucas Critique: Macroeconometricians’ Response to Robert Lucas

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    The standard history of macroeconomics considers Lucas (1976)– “the Lucas Critique”–as a path-breaking innovation for the discipline. According to this view Lucas’s article dismissed the traditional macroeconometric practice calling for new ways of conceiving the quantitative evaluation of economic policies. The Lucas Critique is considered, nowadays, as a fundamental principle of macroeconomic modeling (Woodford, 2003). The interpretation and the application of the Critique, however, represent still unsolved issues in economics (Chari et al., 2008). Even if the influence of Lucas’s contribution cannot be neglected, something seems to be missing in the narrative: the reactions of the economists that were directly targeted by the Critique. Modeling practices of economic policy evaluation were not overthrown immediately after Lucas (1976), creating a divide between theoretical and applied macroeconomics (Brayton et al., 1997). In the first section we propose a careful account of Lucas’s argument and of some of the previous works anticipating the substantial outline of the Critique (like Frisch’s notion of autonomy). Second, we bring our own interpretation of Lucas (1976). We find two points of view in Lucas's paper: a prescriptive one that tell how to build a good macroeconometric model (it is the standard interpretation of the article); a positive one that relies on the fact that the Lucas critique could be seen as an attempt to explain a real-world phenomenon: stagflation. Third, we classify the reactions of the Keynesian macroeconometricians following this line of interpretation. On the prescriptive side, the Keynesians protested against the New Classical solution to the Lucas critique (the use of the rational expectation hypothesis among other things). Klein, for instance, proposed an alternative microfoundational program to empirically study the formation of expectations. On the positive side, the Keynesians put into question the relevance of the Lucas Critique to explain the rise of both unemployment and inflation in the 1970s. They tried to test the impact of policy regime changes and of shifts in agents' behavior. We argue that the explanation of the stagflation was elsewhere. The purpose of this paper is to study the reactions of the macroeconometricians criticized by Lucas. We focus especially on those macroeconometricians who worked on policy evaluation and who held an expertise position in governmental institutions. We categorize the different reactions to the Critique, in order to enrich the understanding of the evolution of modeling and expertise practices through the analysis of the debates–which have not yet been completely solved

    On the oxygen isotopic composition of the Solar System

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    The 18O/17O ratio of the Solar System is 5.2 while that of the interstellar medium (ISM) and young stellar objects is ~4. This difference cannot be explained by pollution of the Sun's natal molecular cloud by 18O-rich supernova ejecta because (1) the necessary B-star progenitors live longer than the duration of star formation in molecular clouds; (2) the delivery of ejecta gas is too inefficient and the amount of dust in supernova ejecta is too small compared to the required pollution (2% of total mass or ~20% of oxygen); and (3) the predicted amounts of concomitant short-lived radionuclides (SLRs) conflicts with the abundances of 26Al and 41Ca in the early Solar System. Proposals for the introduction of 18O-rich material must also be consistent with any explanation for the origin of the observed slope-one relationship between 17O/16O and 18O/16O in the high-temperature components of primitive meteorites. The difference in 18O/17O ratios can be explained by enrichment of the ISM by the 17O-rich winds of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, the sequestration of comparatively 18O-rich gas from star-forming regions into long-lived, low-mass stars, and a monotonic decrease in the 18O/17O ratio of interstellar gas. At plausible rates of star formation and gas infall, Galactic chemical evolution does not follow a slope-one line in an three-isotope plot, but instead moves along a steeper trajectory towards an 17O-rich state. Evolution of the ISM and star-forming gas by AGB winds also explains the difference in the carbon isotope ratios of the Solar System and ISM.Comment: accepted to ApJ Letter

    This study measured the effect of music therapy on the spectral characteristics of the electroencephalogram

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    Експериментально досліджено особливості спектральних характеристик електроенцефалограми. Виявлено зміни параметрів спектру під впливом заспокійливої музики та рок-музики у вигляді зниження середньої величини спектральної потужності в частотному діапазоні: -альфа, -бета, -дельта у всіх відведеннях.The features of the spectral characteristics of EEG have been experimentally investigated. The changes in the parameters under the influence of soothing music and rock music in the form of reducing the average power spectral density in the frequency range: alpha, -beta, -delta all leads have been identified

    Percepción global de estrés y cambios de estilo de vida en universitarios de la carrera de psicología durante el 2022

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    Los estudiantes se ven diariamente sometidos a un entorno, dentro del cual, existe interacción constante con diferentes factores, los cuales, en algunos casos pueden convertirse en estresores, situación que impacta sobre su el estilo de vida de los mismos, ocasionado consecuencias negativas, La relevancia de la investigación se centra en la ampliación de las bases teóricas del fenómeno de estudio, asimismo, del desarrollo de estrategias que permitan la solución de la problemática. La metodología empleada fue de tipo cuantitativa, nivel correlacional y diseño transversal. Los resultados indicaron la significación (p-valor) fue menor a .050 lo que indica que se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis de investigación, la cual indica que sí se encontraron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre cambios de estilo de vida y percepción global del estrés. Se concluyó que el estrés genera un impacto negativo sobre el consumo de alimentos, la actividad física, generación de hábitos nocivos y el uso de medios de comunicación

    The influence of cluster emission and the symmetry energy on neutron-proton spectral double ratios

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    Emissions of free neutrons and protons from the central collisions of 124Sn+124Sn and 112Sn+112Sn reactions are simulated using the Improved Quantum Molecular Dynamics model with two different density dependence of the symmetry energy in the nuclear equation of state. The constructed double ratios of the neutron to proton ratios of the two reaction systems are found to be sensitive to the symmetry terms in the EOS. The effect of cluster formation is examined and found to affect the double ratios mainly in the low energy region. In order to extract better information on symmetry energy with transport models, it is therefore important to have accurate data in the high energy region which also is affected minimally by sequential decays.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Метод та алгоритм обробки електроенцефалографічних сигналів у комп’ютерних медичних діагностичних системах для виявлення психоемоційних показників людини

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    The method and algorithm for electroencephalographic signals processing during psychoemotional stress are developed to increase the informativeness of computer medical diagnostic systems in order to detect temporal transitions between various psychoemotional states in people. The method and algorithm for electroencephalographic signals processing is based on a mathematical model in the form of a periodically correlated random process and the synphase processing method without taking into account the relationship between correlation components as psycho-emotional indicators of a human. Such the model and method provide detection of the appearance of changes in the temporal structure of the electroencephalographic signal based on the data of changes in the periodic component in the form of averaged correlation components obtained within time-shift windows, which quantitatively reflect psycho-emotional changes in a humanin stressful situations.It is found that during the period of background exposure, there is a gradual decrease in the power level of the averaged correlation components of the electroencephalographic signal, during the period of negative influence, there is an increase in power, and during the recovery period, there is a decrease in the power of the components in relation to the two previous impacts.Software are developed based on the synphase method for electroencephalographic signals processing during psycho-emotional stress in the Matlab software environment.Розроблено метод та алгоритм обробки електроенцефалографічних сигналів при психоемоційному навантаженні для підвищення інформативності комп’ютерних медичних діагностичних систем з метою виявлення часових переходів між різними психоемоційними станами у людей. Метод та алгоритм обробки електроенцефалографічних сигналів базується на математичній моделі у вигляді періодично корельованого випадкового процесу та синфазному методі обробки без урахування взаємозв’язку між кореляційними компонентами як психоемоційними показниками людини. Така модель та метод забезпечують виявлення появи змін у часовій структурі електроенцефалографічного сигналу за даними зміни періодичної складової у вигляді усереднених кореляційних компонент отриманих в межах часо-зсувних вікон, які кількісно відображають психоемоційні зміни у людини при стресових ситуаціях. Встановлено, що в період фонового впливу спостерігається поступове зниження рівня потужності усереднених кореляційних компонент електроенцефалографічного сигналу, в період негативного впливу спостерігається приріст потужності та в період відновлення відбувається зменшення потужності компонент по відношенню до двох попередніх впливів. Розроблено програмне забезпечення на основі синфазного методу для обробки електроенцефалографічних сигналів при психоемоційному навантаженні в програмному середовищі Matlab

    Temperature Modulation of Electric Fields in Biological Matter

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    Pulsed electric fields (PEF) have become an important minimally invasive surgical technology for various applications including genetic engineering, electrochemotherapy and tissue ablation. This study explores the hypothesis that temperature dependent electrical parameters of tissue can be used to modulate the outcome of PEF protocols, providing a new means for controlling and optimizing this minimally invasive surgical procedure. This study investigates two different applications of cooling temperatures applied during PEF. The first case utilizes an electrode which simultaneously delivers pulsed electric fields and cooling temperatures. The subsequent results demonstrate that changes in electrical properties due to temperature produced by this configuration can substantially magnify and confine the electric fields in the cooled regions while almost eliminating electric fields in surrounding regions. This method can be used to increase precision in the PEF procedure, and eliminate muscle contractions and damage to adjacent tissues. The second configuration considered introduces a third probe that is not electrically active and only applies cooling boundary conditions. This second study demonstrates that in this probe configuration the temperature induced changes in electrical properties of tissue substantially reduce the electric fields in the cooled regions. This novel treatment can potentially be used to protect sensitive tissues from the effect of the PEF. Perhaps the most important conclusion of this investigation is that temperature is a powerful and accessible mechanism to modulate and control electric fields in biological tissues and can therefore be used to optimize and control PEF treatments