223 research outputs found

    Hairpins in the conformations of a confined polymer

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    If a semiflexible polymer confined to a narrow channel bends around by 180 degrees, the polymer is said to exhibit a hairpin. The equilibrium extension statistics of the confined polymer are well understood when hairpins are vanishingly rare or when they are plentiful. Here we analyze the extension statistics in the intermediate situation via experiments with DNA coated by the protein RecA, which enhances the stiffness of the DNA molecule by approximately one order of magnitude. We find that the extension distribution is highly non-Gaussian, in good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of confined discrete wormlike chains. We develop a simple model that qualitatively explains the form of the extension distribution. The model shows that the tail of the distribution at short extensions is determined by conformations with one hairpin.Comment: Revised version. 22 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, supplementary materia

    Direct identification of antibiotic resistance genes on single plasmid molecules using CRISPR/Cas9 in combination with optical DNA mapping.

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    Bacterial plasmids are extensively involved in the rapid global spread of antibiotic resistance. We here present an assay, based on optical DNA mapping of single plasmids in nanofluidic channels, which provides detailed information about the plasmids present in a bacterial isolate. In a single experiment, we obtain the number of different plasmids in the sample, the size of each plasmid, an optical barcode that can be used to identify and trace the plasmid of interest and information about which plasmid that carries a specific resistance gene. Gene identification is done using CRISPR/Cas9 loaded with a guide-RNA (gRNA) complementary to the gene of interest that linearizes the circular plasmids at a specific location that is identified using the optical DNA maps. We demonstrate the principle on clinically relevant extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing isolates. We discuss how the gRNA sequence can be varied to obtain the desired information. The gRNA can either be very specific to identify a homogeneous group of genes or general to detect several groups of genes at the same time. Finally, we demonstrate an example where we use a combination of two gRNA sequences to identify carbapenemase-encoding genes in two previously not characterized clinical bacterial samples

    Panorametry: suggestion of a method for mandibular measurements on panoramic radiographs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthopantomography (panoramic radiography) has been used for the study of measurements involving particularly the prediction of the eruption of impacted lower third molars and analyses of measurements of the ramus and head of mandible. The discrepancies involved with the projection of this radiographic image has stimulated the search for further ways to use it, particularly in orthodontic treatments and oral and maxillofacial surgeries. The author proposes a graphimetric method for the mandible, based on panoramic radiography. The results are expressed in linear and angular measurements, aiming at bilateral comparisons as well as the determination of the proportion of skeletal and dental structures, individually and among themselves as a whole. The method has been named Panorametry, and allows measurement of the mandible (Mandibular Panorametry) or the posterior mandibular teeth (Dental Panorametry). When combining mandible and maxilla, it should be referred to as Total Panorametry. It may also be used, in the future, with Cone Beam computed tomography (CT) images, and in this case it may be mentioned as CT Panorametry.</p

    Alpha-Synuclein Modulates the Physical Properties of DNA

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    Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &amp; Co. KGaA. Fundamental research on Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) most often focuses on the ability of α-synuclein (aS) to form oligomers and amyloids, and how such species promote brain cell death. However, there are indications that aS also plays a gene-regulatory role in the cell nucleus. Here, the interaction between monomeric aS and DNA in vitro has been investigated with single-molecule techniques. Using a nanofluidic channel system, it was discovered that aS binds to DNA and by studying the DNA–protein complexes at different confinements we determined that aS binding increases the persistence length of DNA from 70 to 90 nm at high coverage. By atomic force microscopy it was revealed that at low protein-to-DNA ratio, the aS binding occurs as small protein clusters scattered along the DNA; at high protein-to-DNA ratio, the DNA is fully covered by protein. As DNA-aS interactions may play roles in PD, it is of importance to characterize biophysical properties of such complexes in detail

    Monoclonal antibody A7-superparamagnetic iron oxide as contrast agent of MR imaging of rectal carcinoma

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)-based colloid has been used clinically as a tissue-specific magnetic resonance contrast agent. We coupled monoclonal antibody A7 (Mab A7), which reacts specifically with human colorectal carcinoma, to Ferumoxides (SPIO) and examined the accumulation of this conjugate in xenografted tumours in nude mice. We examined in vitro immunoreactivity of Mab A7 coupled to Ferumoxides and its in vivo distribution in nude mice with human colorectal carcinoma. Magnetic resonance imaging of tumour-bearing nude mice was performed 72 h after injection of A7-Ferumoxides. A7-Ferumoxides retained binding activities that were nearly identical to intact Mab A7. More of the radiolabelled A7-Ferumoxides accumulated in the tumour than normal mouse IgG-Ferumoxides from 12 h onwards after injection (P<0.05). Both A7-Ferumoxides and normal mouse IgG-Ferumoxides disappeared from blood linearly over time. The accumulation levels in normal tissue decreased linearly over time but were lower than levels in tumours from 6 h. In magnetic resonance T2-weighted imaging of the tumour-bearing nude mice, signal intensity was reduced at the margin of the tumour by injection of A7-Ferumoxides. Mab A7 coupled to Ferumoxides is potentially suitable as a magnetic resonance contrast agent for detecting local recurrence of rectal carcinoma

    Substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidity as predictors of premature mortality in Swedish drug abusers a prospective longitudinal study 1970 - 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Few longitudinal cohort studies have focused on the impact of substances abused and psychiatric disorders on premature mortality. The aim of the present study was to identify predictors of increased risk of drug related death and non drug related death in substance abusers of opiates, stimulants, cannabis, sedatives/hypnotics, hallucinogens and alcohol over several decades.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Follow-up study of a consecutive cohort of 561 substance abusers, admitted to a detoxification unit January 1970 to February 1978 in southern Sweden, and followed up in 2006. Demographic and clinical data, substance diagnoses and three groups of psychiatric diagnoses were identified at first admission. Causes of death were coded according to ICD-10 and classified as drug related deaths or non drug related deaths. To identify the incidence of some probable risk factors of drug related premature death, the data were subjected to a competing risks Cox regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 561 patients in the cohort, 11 individuals had either emigrated or could not be located, and 204/561 patients (36.4%) were deceased by 2006. The cumulative risk of drug related death increased more in the first 15 years and leveled out later on when non drug related causes of death had a similar incidence. In the final model, male gender, regular use of opiates or barbiturates at first admission, and neurosis were associated with an increased risk of drug related premature death, while cannabis use and psychosis were associated with a decreased risk. Neurosis, mainly depression and/or anxiety disorders, predicted drug related premature death while chronic psychosis and personality disorders did not. Chronic alcohol addiction was associated with increased risk of non drug related death.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The cohort of drug abusers had an increased risk of premature death to the age of 69. Drug related premature death was predicted by male gender, the use of opiates or barbiturates and depression and anxiety disorders at first admission. The predicted cumulative incidence of drug related death was significantly higher in opiate and barbiturate abusers over the observed period of 37 years, while stimulant abuse did not have any impact. Alcohol contributed to non drug related death.</p

    A phase I/II study of irinotecan when added to 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin and pelvic radiation in locally advanced rectal cancer: a Colorectal Clinical Oncology Group Study

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended dose of irinotecan administered as a 5-day schedule synchronously with 5-fluorouracil (5FU), leucovorin (LV) and preoperative pelvic radiation (45 Gy) for primary borderline/unresectable, locally advanced rectal cancer. The study used escalating doses of intravenous irinotecan (6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 mg m−2) administered on days 1–5 and 29–33 followed by low dose LV (20 mg m−2) and 5FU (350 mg m−2 over 1 h) in sequential cohorts. Preoperative pelvic radiotherapy using a three- or four-field technique and megavoltage photons comprised 45 Gy given in 25 fractions, 1.8 Gy per fraction. Surgery in the form of mesorectal excision was performed 6–10 weeks later. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen was performed according to techniques of Quirke, and compared with clinical staging. A distance of 1 mm or less between the peripheral extent of the tumour and the radial resection margin defined an involved circumferential resection margin (CRM). The MTD was determined as the dose causing more than a third of patients to have a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) defined as specific grade 3 or 4 toxicities. Once the MTD was reached, a further 14 patients were treated at the dose level below the MTD. In total, 57 patients received irinotecan at the eight dose levels. The final cohort reached DLT after only four patients had been enrolled. The median age was 62 years (range 26–75), 37 male and 20 female subjects. The MTD of irinotecan in this schedule was 20 mg m−2 when three out of four patients experienced DLT. Dose limiting grade 3 or 4 diarrhoea was reported in seven out of 57 patients, three at the 20 mg m−2 dose level. Serious haematological toxicity (grade 3) was minimal and reported in only three patients; one grade 3 neutropaenia, one grade 4 neutropaenia and one grade 3 febrile neutropaenia and anaemia. Compliance was good with 93 and 89% of patients completing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, respectively. The remaining patients had only minor deviations from protocol therapy. Eight patients did not proceed to surgery, in six cases because they remained unresectable or had developed metastatic disease, one patient was unfit for surgery and one died as a result of complications from radiotherapy. Forty-nine patients underwent a potentially curative surgical resection. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen demonstrated pCR 12 out of 49 (24%) and 12 out of 57 (21%) overall. A histologically confirmed clear circumferential resection margin (CRM) was achieved in 39 out of 49 (80%) of those resected, and 39 out of 57 (68%) overall. In conclusion, MTD with this scheduled regimen of irinotecan is 20 mg m−2 (days 1–5 and 29–33). The acceptable toxicity and compliance at 18 mg m−2 recommend testing this dose in future phase III studies. The tumour downstaging and complete resection rates (negative CRM) are encouragingly high for this very locally advanced group

    A Systems Approach for Tumor Pharmacokinetics

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    Recent advances in genome inspired target discovery, small molecule screens, development of biological and nanotechnology have led to the introduction of a myriad of new differently sized agents into the clinic. The differences in small and large molecule delivery are becoming increasingly important in combination therapies as well as the use of drugs that modify the physiology of tumors such as anti-angiogenic treatment. The complexity of targeting has led to the development of mathematical models to facilitate understanding, but unfortunately, these studies are often only applicable to a particular molecule, making pharmacokinetic comparisons difficult. Here we develop and describe a framework for categorizing primary pharmacokinetics of drugs in tumors. For modeling purposes, we define drugs not by their mechanism of action but rather their rate-limiting step of delivery. Our simulations account for variations in perfusion, vascularization, interstitial transport, and non-linear local binding and metabolism. Based on a comparison of the fundamental rates determining uptake, drugs were classified into four categories depending on whether uptake is limited by blood flow, extravasation, interstitial diffusion, or local binding and metabolism. Simulations comparing small molecule versus macromolecular drugs show a sharp difference in distribution, which has implications for multi-drug therapies. The tissue-level distribution differs widely in tumors for small molecules versus macromolecular biologic drugs, and this should be considered in the design of agents and treatments. An example using antibodies in mouse xenografts illustrates the different in vivo behavior. This type of transport analysis can be used to aid in model development, experimental data analysis, and imaging and therapeutic agent design.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant T32 CA079443