983 research outputs found

    Studies on Herbicide Binding in Photosystem II Membrane Fragments from Spinach

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    The mechanism of atrazine binding and its modification by Chelex-100-induced Ca2+ depletion and proteolytic degradation by trypsin, was analyzed in PS II membrane fragments from spinach. It was found: 1) Chelex-100 treatment leads in a comparatively slow process (t1/2 = 5 - 10 min) to Ca2+ re moval from a site that is characterized by a high affinity as reflected by KD values of the order of 10-7M. The number of these binding sites was found to be almost one per PS II in samples washed twice with Ca2+ -free buffer. 2) Chelex-100 treatment does not affect the affinity of atrazine binding but increases the susceptibility to proteolytic attack by trypsin. 3) The electron transport activity is only slightly affected by Chelex-100 treatment. 4) The atrazine binding exhibits a rather small T-dependence within the physiological range of 7 °C to 27 °C. The implications of these findings for herbicide binding are discussed

    Dose, exposure time, and resolution in Serial X-ray Crystallography

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    The resolution of X-ray diffraction microscopy is limited by the maximum dose that can be delivered prior to sample damage. In the proposed Serial Crystallography method, the damage problem is addressed by distributing the total dose over many identical hydrated macromolecules running continuously in a single-file train across a continuous X-ray beam, and resolution is then limited only by the available molecular and X-ray fluxes and molecular alignment. Orientation of the diffracting molecules is achieved by laser alignment. We evaluate the incident X-ray fluence (energy/area) required to obtain a given resolution from (1) an analytical model, giving the count rate at the maximum scattering angle for a model protein, (2) explicit simulation of diffraction patterns for a GroEL-GroES protein complex, and (3) the frequency cut off of the transfer function following iterative solution of the phase problem, and reconstruction of an electron density map in the projection approximation. These calculations include counting shot noise and multiple starts of the phasing algorithm. The results indicate counting time and the number of proteins needed within the beam at any instant for a given resolution and X-ray flux. We confirm an inverse fourth power dependence of exposure time on resolution, with important implications for all coherent X-ray imaging. We find that multiple single-file protein beams will be needed for sub-nanometer resolution on current third generation synchrotrons, but not on fourth generation designs, where reconstruction of secondary protein structure at a resolution of 0.7 nm should be possible with short exposures.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Electroweak Baryogenesis in Non-minimal Composite Higgs Models

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    We address electroweak baryogenesis in the context of composite Higgs models, pointing out that modifications to the Higgs and top quark sectors can play an important role in generating the baryon asymmetry. Our main observation is that composite Higgs models that include a light, gauge singlet scalar in the spectrum [as in the model based on the symmetry breaking pattern SO(6)/SO(5)], provide all necessary ingredients for viable baryogenesis. In particular, the singlet leads to a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition and introduces new sources of CP violation in dimension-five operators involving the top quark. We discuss the amount of baryon asymmetry produced and the experimental constraints on the model.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Electronic structure investigation of CoO by means of soft X-ray scattering

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    The electronic structure of CoO is studied by resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering spectroscopy using photon energies across the Co 2p absorption edges. The different spectral contributions from the energy-loss structures are identified as Raman scattering due to d-d and charge-transfer excitations. For excitation energies close to the L3 resonance, the spectral features are dominated by quartet-quartet and quartet-doublet transitions of the 3d7 configuration. At excitation energies corresponding to the satellites in the Co 2p X-ray absorption spectrum of CoO, the emission features are instead dominated by charge-transfer transitions to the 3d8L-1 final state. The spectra are interpreted and discussed with the support of simulations within the single impurity Anderson model with full multiplet effects which are found to yield consistent spectral functions to the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.65.20510

    One-Center Charge Transfer Transitions in Manganites

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    In frames of a rather conventional cluster approach, which combines the crystal field and the ligand field models we have considered different charge transfer (CT) states and O 2p-Mn 3d CT transitions in MnO69_{6}^{9-} octahedra. The many-electron dipole transition matrix elements were calculated using the Racah algebra for the cubic point group. Simple "local" approximation allowed to calculate the relative intensity for all dipole-allowed ππ\pi -\pi and σσ\sigma -\sigma CT transitions. We present a self-consistent description of the CT bands in insulating stoichiometric LaMn3+^{3+}O3_3 compound with the only Mn3+^{3+} valent state and idealized octahedral MnO69_{6}^{9-} centers which allows to substantially correct the current interpretation of the optical spectra. Our analysis shows the multi-band structure of the CT optical response with the weak low-energy edge at 1.7 eV, associated with forbidden t1g(π)egt_{1g}(\pi)-e_{g} transition and a series of the weak and strong dipole-allowed high-energy transitions starting from 2.5 and 4.5 eV, respectively, and extending up to nearly 11 eV. The most intensive features are associated with two strong composite bands near 4.6÷4.74.6\div 4.7 eV and 8÷98\div 9 eV, respectively, resulting from the superposition of the dipole-allowed σσ\sigma -\sigma and ππ\pi -\pi CT transitions. These predictions are in good agreement with experimental spectra. The experimental data point to a strong overscreening of the crystal field parameter DqDq in the CT states of MnO69_{6}^{9-} centers.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Production of Gravitational Waves in the nMSSM

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    During a strongly first-order phase transition gravitational waves are produced by bubble collisions and turbulent plasma motion. We analyze the relevant characteristics of the electroweak phase transition in the nMSSM to determine the generated gravitational wave signal. Additionally, we comment on correlations between the production of gravitational waves and baryogenesis. We conclude that the gravitational wave relic density in this model is generically too small to be detected in the near future by the LISA experiment. We also consider the case of a "Standard Model" with dimension-six Higgs potential, which leads to a slightly stronger signal of gravitational waves.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures; published version, some comments adde

    Monitoring carbon dioxide concentration for early detection of spoilage in stored grain

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    Field experiments were conducted in storage silos to evaluate carbon dioxide sensors to monitor spoilage in grain prior to spoilage detection by traditional methods such as visual inspections and temperature cables. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the storage silo were monitored up to eight months and correlated to the presence of stored-product insects, molds and mycotoxin levels in the stored grain. The data showed that safe grain storage was observed at CO2 concentrations of 400 to 500 ppm. Higher concentrations of CO2 clearly showed mold spoilage or insect activity inside the grain storage silo. Carbon dioxide concentrations of 500 to 1200 ppm indicated onset of mold infection where as CO2 concentrations of 1500 to 4000 ppm and beyond clearly indicated severe mold infection or stored-product insects infestation. The percent kernel infection was in the range of 30% for CO2 concentrations of 500 to 1000 ppm to 90% for CO2 concentrations of 9000 ppm. Fungal concentrations were in the range of 2.0 ×102 colony forming units per gram (cfu/g) at 500 ppm CO2 concentration to 6.5 ×107 cfu/g at 9000 ppm CO2 concentration. Fungi of genera Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., and Fusarium spp. were isolated from spoiled grain. High concentration of fungi and presence of mycotoxins (aflatoxin: 2 ppb and Deoxynivalenol (DON): 1 ppm) were correlated with high CO2 concentration in the silos. The findings from this research will be helpful in providing more timely information regarding safe storage limits, aeration requirements and costs of spoilage mitigation measures such as turning, aerating and fumigating grain. Additionally, it will provide information on preventive stored grain quality management practices that should reduce residue levels of mycotoxins, pesticides and other foreign material in our food supply. The CO2 monitoring technology will increase the quality and quantity of stored grain, while saving the U.S. and global grain production, handling and processing industry millions of dollars annually. Keywords: Carbon dioxide, Grain storage, Stored-product insects, Mold and mycotoxi

    A Self-Consistent Model for Positronium Formation from Helium Atoms

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    The differential and total cross sections for electron capture by positrons from helium atoms are calculated using a first-order distorted wave theory satisfying the Coulomb boundary conditions. In this formalism a parametric potential is used to describe the electron screening in a consistent and realistic manner. The present procedure is self consistent because (i) it satisfies the correct boundary conditions and post-prior symmetry, and (ii) the potential and the electron binding energies appearing in the transition amplitude are consistent with the wave functions describing the collision system. The results are compared with the other theories and with the available experimental measurements. At the considered range of collision energies, the results agree reasonably well with recent experiments and theories. [Note: This paper will be published on volume 42 of the Brazilian Journal of Physics

    NEIL1 excises 3′ end proximal oxidative DNA lesions resistant to cleavage by NTH1 and OGG1

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    Base excision repair is the major pathway for the repair of oxidative DNA damage in human cells that is initiated by a damage-specific DNA glycosylase. In human cells, the major DNA glycosylases for the excision of oxidative base damage are OGG1 and NTH1 that excise 8-oxoguanine and oxidative pyrimidines, respectively. We find that both enzymes have limited activity on DNA lesions located in the vicinity of the 3′ end of a DNA single-strand break, suggesting that other enzymes are involved in the processing of such lesions. In this study, we identify and characterize NEIL1 as a major DNA glycosylase that excises oxidative base damage located in close proximity to the 3′ end of a DNA single-strand break