276 research outputs found

    Le Corbusier et le problème du vêtement. De quoi “rhabiller” la théorie

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    [ES] A finales de la década de 1920, Le Corbusier mostró un interés por la vestimenta moderna femenina, hasta el punto de proclamar que de la revolución vestimentaria dependía la revolución de la arquitectura. Esta afirmación causa sorpresa, porque las teorías de la arquitectura moderna y el diseño han rechazado o soslayado la cuestión vestimentaria. Por lo demás, la idea de Le Corbusier ha sido considerada ambigua. ¿Cómo, por qué, en pleno avance industrial, en la era de la máquina, basar la arquitectura en la vestimenta ?  Sus escritos diversos sobre la cuestión, desde los años 1910 hasta la década de 1940, permiten apreciar dos puntos de vista opuestos que se hacen eco de las controversias y de las divergencias ideológicas características de esa época: estándar contra individualidad, teoría protética contra teoría rítmica. Es así como, concentrándonos en un diseño de vestimenta que esbozó en los años cincuenta, ponemos de manifiesto su posición positivamente paradójica y en qué medida esta es adecuada para «revestir» la teoría –su teoría–, así como ciertas teorías que le convocan.[EN] At the end of the 1920s, Le Corbusier showed interest in modern feminine clothing to the point of proclaiming that the revolution in architecture depended on the dress revolution. This assertion is surprising since the theories of modern architecture and design have rejected or neglected the issue of clothing. The corbusean conception is moreover considered ambiguous. How, why, in the midst of industrial change, in the age of the machine, found architecture in clothing? His scattered writings on the subject, from the 1910s to the 1940s, brought to light two opposing points of view which turned out to echo the controversies and ideological divergences characteristic of this era : standard versus individuality, prosthetic theory versus rhythmic theory. It is then by focusing on a dress design that he sketched in the 1950s that we reveal his positively paradoxical position, and how it is suitable for «dressing» the theory –his theory–, as well than certain theories that involve it.[FR] A la fin des années 1920, Le Corbusier a exprimé un intérêt pour le vêtement moderne féminin au point de proclamer que de la révolution vestimentaire dépendait la révolution de l’architecture. Cette assertion étonne puisque les théories de l’architecture moderne et du design ont rejeté ou délaissé la question vestimentaire. La conception corbuséenne, d’ailleurs, est jugée comme ambiguë. Comment, pourquoi, en plein tournant industriel, à l’âge de la machine, fonder l’architecture dans le vêtement ? Ses écrits épars sur le sujet, depuis les années 1910 aux années 1940, permettent de mettre au jour deux points de vue opposés qui s’avèrent faire écho à des controverses et à des divergences idéologiques caractéristiques de cette époque : standard contre individualité, théorie prothétique contre théorie rythmique. C’est dès lors en nous penchant sur un design de vêtement qu’il a esquissé dans les années 1950 que nous révélons sa position positivement paradoxale, et en quoi elle est propre de la sorte à « rhabiller » la théorie —sa théorie–, ainsi que certaines théories qui la convoquent.Félix-Fromentin, C. (2020). Le Corbusier et le problème du vêtement. De quoi “rhabiller” la théorie. LC. Revue de recherches sur Le Corbusier. 1(1):38-57. https://doi.org/10.4995/lc.2020.13372OJS385711Banham, Peter Reyner. Théorie et design à l'ère industrielle. Orléans: Edition HYX, 2009.Boissière, Anne. Musique Mouvement. Paris: Manucius, 2014.Cinqualbre, Olivier et Frédéric Migayrou, dir. Le Corbusier - Mesures de l'homme. Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou, 2015. Catalogue de l'exposition tenue du 29 avril au 3 août 2015 au Centre Pompidou à Paris.Fabbri, Véronique. «De la structure au rythme. L'appareillage des corps dans la danse». Dans L'art au temps des appareils, sous la direction de Pierre-Damien Huyghe, 93-121. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.Forty, Adrian. «Industrial design and prosthesis ». Ottagono, n° 16 (septembre 1990): 114-129.Guillaume, Valérie, dir. Europe 1910-1933, Quand l'art habillait le vêtement. Paris: Edition Paris Musées, 1997.Jeanneret, Charles-Édouard et Amédée Ozenfant. Après le cubisme. Paris: Éditions des Commentaires, 1918.Le Corbusier. «Note». Formes et Vie, n° 2 (1952): 11.Le Corbusier. La Charte d'Athènes. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 1957.Le Corbusier. L'art décoratif d'aujourd'hui. Pari : Flammarion, 1996. 1ère éd. G. Crès et Cie, 1925.Le Corbusier. Précisions sur un état présent de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme. Paris: Edition Altamira, 1994. 1ère éd. G. Crès et Cie, 1930.Le Corbusier. Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches - Voyage au pays des timides. Paris: Plon, 1937.Le Corbusier. Vers une architecture. Paris: Flammarion, 1995. 1ère éd. G. Crès et Cie, 1923.Loos, Adolf. Paroles dans le vide - Malgré tout. Paris: Éditions Ivrea, 1994.Michaud, Eric. Théâtre au Bauhaus. Lausanne: L'âge d'homme, 1978.Midal, Alexandra. Design - L'anthologie. St Etienne - Genève: ESADSE, Cité Du Design Cité du design - HEAD, 2013.Petit, Jean. Le Corbusier parle. Paris: Editions Forces Vives, 1967.Stern, Radu. Against Fashion, Clothing as Art, 1850-1930 (2nd ed.). Cambridge (Massachusetts) - London (England) : The MIT Press, 2004.Valéry, Paul. Oeuvres I. Paris: La Pléiade, 1957.Wigley, Mark. White Walls. Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture. Cambridge (Massachusetts) - London (England): The MIT Press, 2001

    On finite Thurston type orderings of braid groups

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    We prove that for any finite Thurston-type ordering <T<_{T} on the braid group\ BnB_{n}, the restriction to the positive braid monoid (Bn+,<T)(B_{n}^{+},<_{T}) is a\ well-ordered set of order type ωωn2\omega^{\omega^{n-2}}. The proof uses a combi\ natorial description of the ordering <T<_{T}. Our combinatorial description is \ based on a new normal form for positive braids which we call the \C-normal fo\ rm. It can be seen as a generalization of Burckel's normal form and Dehornoy's \ Φ\Phi-normal form (alternating normal form).Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures; proof of Theorem 1 is correcte

    Validation of non-equilibrium kinetics in CO2-N2 plasmas

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    This work explores the effect of N2 addition on CO2 dissociation and on the vibrational kinetics of CO2 and CO under various non-equilibrium plasma conditions. A self-consistent kinetic model, previously validated for pure CO2 and CO2-O2 discharges, is further extended by adding the kinetics of N2. The vibrational kinetics considered include levels up to v = 10 for CO, v = 59 for N2 and up to v1 = 2 and v2 = v3 = 5, respectively for the symmetric stretch, bending and asymmetric stretch modes of CO2, and account for electron-impact excitation and de-excitation (e-V), vibration-to-translation (V-T) and vibration-to-vibration energy exchange (V-V) processes. The kinetic scheme is validated by comparing the model predictions with recent experimental data measured in a DC glow discharge operating in pure CO2 and in CO2-N2 mixtures, at pressures in the range 0.6 - 4 Torr (80.00 - 533.33 Pa) and a current of 50 mA. The experimental results show a higher vibrational temperature of the different modes of CO2 and CO and an increased dissociation fraction of CO2, that can reach values as high as 70%, when N2 is added to the plasma. On the one hand, the simulations suggest that the former effect is the result of the CO2-N2 and CO-N2 V-V transfers and the reduction of quenching due to the decrease of atomic oxygen concentration; on the other hand, the dilution of CO2 and dissociation products, CO and O2, reduces the importance of back reactions and contributes to the higher CO2 dissociation fraction with increased N2 content in the mixture, while the N2(B3Pg) electronically excited state further enhances the CO2 dissociation

    Study of vibrational kinetics of CO2 and CO in CO2-O2 plasmas under non-equilibrium conditions

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    This work explores the effect of O2 addition on CO2 dissociation and on the vibrational kinetics of CO2 and CO under various non-equilibrium plasma conditions. A self-consistent model, previously validated for pure CO2 discharges, is further extended by adding the vibrational kinetics of CO, including electron impact excitation and de-excitation (e-V), vibration-to-translation relaxation (V-T) and vibration-to-vibration energy exchange (V-V) processes. The vibrational kinetics considered include levels up to v = 10 for CO and up to v1=2 and v2=v3=5, respectively for the symmetric stretch, bending and asymmetric stretch modes of CO2, and accounts for e-V, V-T in collisions between CO, CO2 and O2 molecules and O atoms and V-V processes involving all possible transfers involving CO2 and CO molecules. The kinetic scheme is validated by comparing the model predictions with recent experimental data measured in a DC glow discharge, operating at pressures in the range 0.4 - 5 Torr (53.33 - 666.66 Pa). The experimental results show a lower vibrational temperature of the different modes of CO2 and a decreased dissociation fraction of CO2 when O2 is added to the plasma but an increase of the vibrational temperature of CO. On the one hand, the simulations suggest that the former effect is the result of the stronger V-T energy-transfer collisions with O atoms which leads to an increase of the relaxation of the CO2 vibrational modes; On the other hand, the back reactions with O2 contribute to the lower CO2 dissociation fraction with increased O2 content in the mixture.Comment: 34 pages 15 figure

    Multi-physical analysis of the electrochemical behaviour of OFHC copper surfaces obtained by orthogonal cutting

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    As mechanical, physical, and microstructural properties of metals can be significantly affected by the machining process, electrochemical properties and corrosion resistance are consequently altered. Manufacturers should control the impact of cutting conditions on surface integrity, as it will affect the component’s functional performance and life. This study addresses the case of orthogonal cutting of oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) copper. A set of experiments was performed and a statistical analysis was conducted to reveal the relationship between the cutting conditions and the surface integrity in terms of residual stresses, microstructure, plastic deformation and hardness, and the impact of those parameters on the electrochemical behavior. The physical origins of the observed phenomena are explained. The results show that the surface performance can be controlled by selecting the appropriate cutting conditions (e.g., reducing the tensile residual stress and roughness by more than 75%), such that the electrochemical behavior can be enhanced

    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

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    Hospitalizations for respiratory syncytial virus bronchioliti

    Spontaneous HIV expression during suppressive ART is associated with the magnitude and function of HIV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.

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    Spontaneous transcription and translation of HIV can persist during suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART). The quantity, phenotype, and biological relevance of this spontaneously "active" reservoir remain unclear. Using multiplexed single-cell RNAflow-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we detect active HIV transcription in 14/18 people with HIV on suppressive ART, with a median of 28/million CD4 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; T cells. While these cells predominantly exhibit abortive transcription, p24-expressing cells are evident in 39% of participants. Phenotypically diverse, active reservoirs are enriched in central memory T cells and CCR6- and activation-marker-expressing cells. The magnitude of the active reservoir positively correlates with total HIV-specific CD4 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and CD8 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; T cell responses and with multiple HIV-specific T cell clusters identified by unsupervised analysis. These associations are particularly strong with p24-expressing active reservoir cells. Single-cell vDNA sequencing shows that active reservoirs are largely dominated by defective proviruses. Our data suggest that these reservoirs maintain HIV-specific CD4 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and CD8 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; T responses during suppressive ART

    Dietary soy and meat proteins induce distinct physiological and gene expression changes in rats

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    This study reports on a comprehensive comparison of the effects of soy and meat proteins given at the recommended level on physiological markers of metabolic syndrome and the hepatic transcriptome. Male rats were fed semi-synthetic diets for 1 wk that differed only regarding protein source, with casein serving as reference. Body weight gain and adipose tissue mass were significantly reduced by soy but not meat proteins. The insulin resistance index was improved by soy, and to a lesser extent by meat proteins. Liver triacylglycerol contents were reduced by both protein sources, which coincided with increased plasma triacylglycerol concentrations. Both soy and meat proteins changed plasma amino acid patterns. The expression of 1571 and 1369 genes were altered by soy and meat proteins respectively. Functional classification revealed that lipid, energy and amino acid metabolic pathways, as well as insulin signaling pathways were regulated differently by soy and meat proteins. Several transcriptional regulators, including NFE2L2, ATF4, Srebf1 and Rictor were identified as potential key upstream regulators. These results suggest that soy and meat proteins induce distinct physiological and gene expression responses in rats and provide novel evidence and suggestions for the health effects of different protein sources in human diets

    Implementing YewPar: a framework for parallel tree search

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    Combinatorial search is central to many applications yet hard to parallelise. We argue for improving the reuse of parallel searches, and present the design and implementation of a new parallel search framework. YewPar generalises search by abstracting search tree generation, and by providing algorithmic skeletons that support three search types, together with a set of search coordination strategies. The evaluation shows that the cost of YewPar generality is low (6.1%); global knowledge is inexpensively shared between workers; irregular tasks are effectively distributed; and YewPar delivers good runtimes, speedups and efficiency with up to 255 workers on 17 localitie