113 research outputs found

    Dynamic Clustering in Object-Oriented Databases: An Advocacy for Simplicity

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    International audienceWe present in this paper three dynamic clustering techniques for Object-Oriented Databases (OODBs). The first two, Dynamic, Statistical & Tunable Clustering (DSTC) and StatClust, exploit both comprehensive usage statistics and the inter-object reference graph. They are quite elaborate. However, they are also complex to implement and induce a high overhead. The third clustering technique, called Detection & Reclustering of Objects (DRO), is based on the same principles, but is much simpler to implement. These three clustering algorithm have been implemented in the Texas persistent object store and compared in terms of clustering efficiency (i.e., overall performance increase) and overhead using the Object Clustering Benchmark (OCB). The results obtained showed that DRO induced a lighter overhead while still achieving better overall performance

    Unraveling the potential of breath and sweat VOC capture devices for human disease detection: a systematic-like review of canine olfaction and GC-MS analysis

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    The development of disease screening methods using biomedical detection dogs relies on the collection and analysis of body odors, particularly volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in body fluids. To capture and analyze odors produced by the human body, numerous protocols and materials are used in forensics or medical studies. This paper provides an overview of sampling devices used to collect VOCs from sweat and exhaled air, for medical diagnostic purposes using canine olfaction and/or Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Canine olfaction and GC-MS are regarded as complementary tools, holding immense promise for detecting cancers and infectious diseases. However, existing literature lacks guidelines for selecting materials suitable for both canine olfaction and GC-MS. Hence, this review aims to address this gap and pave the way for efficient body odor sampling materials. The first section of the paper describes the materials utilized in training sniffing dogs, while the second section delves into the details of sampling devices and extraction techniques employed for exhaled air and sweat analysis using GC-MS. Finally, the paper proposes the development of an ideal sampling device tailored for detection purposes in the field of odorology. By bridging the knowledge gap, this study seeks to advance disease detection methodologies, harnessing the unique abilities of both dogs and GC-MS analysis in biomedical research

    Unexpected Modulation of Recall B and T Cell Responses after Immunization with Rotavirus-like Particles in the Presence of LT-R192G

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    LT-R192G, a mutant of the thermolabile enterotoxin of E. coli, is a potent adjuvant of immunization. Immune responses are generally analyzed at the end of protocols including at least 2 administrations, but rarely after a prime. To investigate this point, we compared B and T cell responses in mice after one and two intrarectal immunizations with 2/6 rotavirus-like particles (2/6-VLP) and LT-R192G. After a boost, we found, an unexpected lower B cell expansion measured by flow cytometry, despite a secondary antibody response. We then analyzed CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD4+CD25+Foxp3− helper T cells after in vitro (re)stimulation of mesenteric lymph node cells with the antigen (2/6-VLP), the adjuvant (LT-R192G) or both. 2/6-VLP did not activate CD4+CD25+Foxp3− nor Foxp3+ T cells from non-immunized and 2/6-VLP immunized mice, whereas they did activate both subsets from mice immunized with 2/6-VLP in the presence of adjuvant. LT-R192G dramatically decreased CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells from non-immunized and 2/6-VLP immunized mice but not from mice immunized with 2/6-VLP and adjuvant. Moreover, in this case, LT-R192G increased Foxp3 expression on CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells, suggesting specific Treg activation during the recall. Finally, when both 2/6-VLP and LT-R192G were used for restimulation, LT-R192G clearly suppressed both 2/6-VLP-specific CD4+CD25+Foxp3− and Foxp3+ T cells. All together, these results suggest that LT-R192G exerts different effects on CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells, depending on a first or a second contact. The unexpected immunomodulation observed during the recall should be considered in designing vaccination protocols

    Les pansements secondaires

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    Study of the bacterial flora in breast malignant wounds : Incidence of biofilm on wound evolution and development of foul-smelling

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    La plaie tumorale est une infiltration par des cellules tumorales du tissu cutané, des vaisseaux sanguins et/ou lymphatiques. Ces plaies peuvent se présenter sous des aspects très différents accompagnés de symptômes variés. Outre les risques d'infection locale, les odeurs nauséabondes posent des problèmes récurrents d'isolement social, de difficultés conjugales et entrainent une sensation de dégout, de pourriture, voire de mort imminente. Elles influencent même le comportement médical. La colonisation bactérienne, les odeurs et les risques infectieux semblent intimement liés chez ces patients porteurs de plaie, dont l'immunité est le plus souvent affaiblie par l'administration de traitements anticancéreux. Ce projet a consisté à : 1) créer un fichier dynamique de données et prélever les patients porteurs de plaies tumorales, dans le cadre d'un travail de recherche clinique, 2) par une approche expérimentale personnelle et collaborative: caractériser la flore microbienne, la présence éventuelle de biofilm et les composés volatils des plaies, 3) analyser l'ensemble des données en mettant en évidence, si elles existent, les corrélations entre résultats des prélèvements et observations cliniques, 4) proposer de premières hypothèses, des pistes de solution, une adaptation des pratiques de soins.Une flore mixte composée de 54 bactéries différentes a été retrouvée sur les plaies et la présence de biofilm mise en évidence dans 35% des cas. 91 composés volatils ont été identifiés. Aucune infection n'a été relevée durant la période d'évaluation. Les conséquences de l'interactivité entre les bactéries, le biofilm et les composés volatils nous amènent à penser qu'il serait nécessaire de: 1) développer de nouvelles stratégies et topiques, 2) poursuivre les travaux sur le biofilm, 3) construire des projets en liens avec des psycho-oncologues et neuropsychiatres, 4) progresser vers la conception d'outils diagnostics et l'identification de biomarqueurs.The malignant wound is an infiltration by tumoral cells of the cutaneous tissue, the blood and/or lymphatic vessels. These wounds can appear in different forms and and be accompagnied by various symptoms. Independently of the septic risk, the presence of nauseating odors induces social, family and conjugal difficulties, expressed mostly by disgust, a sensation of dirt or decay. It influences the medical behavior.Bacterial colonisation, odors and septic risks seem to be connected and mainly occur in patients who have a chronic wound and are immunodepressed by the anticancer therapies. This projetc [was] consisted in: 1) create a case report form and sample the malignant wound (clinical research), 2) characterize the microbial flora, the biofilm, and the volatile compounds with an experimental and collaborative approach, 3) analyse the results and the potential correlation between [the] laboratory's results and the clinical aspect of the wound, 4), propose potential solutions, hypothetis, and improvements of the clinical practice.A mixed flora, composed of 54 different bacterial types was identified; a biofilm was caracterized in 35% of cases. 91 volatile compounds were identified. No infection occurred during the evaluation period. The consequences of the interactivity of the bacteria, the biofilm and the volatils compounds suggest to: 1) develop new strategies and topics, 2) continue the research on the biofilm, 3) propose a research program with psycho-oncologists and neuropsychiatrics, 4) progress toward diagnostic tests conception and biomarkers identification

    Expertise infirmière au service des soins de plaies

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    Study of the bacterial flora in breast malignant wounds : Incidence of biofilm on wound evolution and development of foul-smelling

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    La plaie tumorale est une infiltration par des cellules tumorales du tissu cutané, des vaisseaux sanguins et/ou lymphatiques. Ces plaies peuvent se présenter sous des aspects très différents accompagnés de symptômes variés. Outre les risques d'infection locale, les odeurs nauséabondes posent des problèmes récurrents d'isolement social, de difficultés conjugales et entrainent une sensation de dégout, de pourriture, voire de mort imminente. Elles influencent même le comportement médical. La colonisation bactérienne, les odeurs et les risques infectieux semblent intimement liés chez ces patients porteurs de plaie, dont l'immunité est le plus souvent affaiblie par l'administration de traitements anticancéreux. Ce projet a consisté à : 1) créer un fichier dynamique de données et prélever les patients porteurs de plaies tumorales, dans le cadre d'un travail de recherche clinique, 2) par une approche expérimentale personnelle et collaborative: caractériser la flore microbienne, la présence éventuelle de biofilm et les composés volatils des plaies, 3) analyser l'ensemble des données en mettant en évidence, si elles existent, les corrélations entre résultats des prélèvements et observations cliniques, 4) proposer de premières hypothèses, des pistes de solution, une adaptation des pratiques de soins.Une flore mixte composée de 54 bactéries différentes a été retrouvée sur les plaies et la présence de biofilm mise en évidence dans 35% des cas. 91 composés volatils ont été identifiés. Aucune infection n'a été relevée durant la période d'évaluation. Les conséquences de l'interactivité entre les bactéries, le biofilm et les composés volatils nous amènent à penser qu'il serait nécessaire de: 1) développer de nouvelles stratégies et topiques, 2) poursuivre les travaux sur le biofilm, 3) construire des projets en liens avec des psycho-oncologues et neuropsychiatres, 4) progresser vers la conception d'outils diagnostics et l'identification de biomarqueurs.The malignant wound is an infiltration by tumoral cells of the cutaneous tissue, the blood and/or lymphatic vessels. These wounds can appear in different forms and and be accompagnied by various symptoms. Independently of the septic risk, the presence of nauseating odors induces social, family and conjugal difficulties, expressed mostly by disgust, a sensation of dirt or decay. It influences the medical behavior.Bacterial colonisation, odors and septic risks seem to be connected and mainly occur in patients who have a chronic wound and are immunodepressed by the anticancer therapies. This projetc [was] consisted in: 1) create a case report form and sample the malignant wound (clinical research), 2) characterize the microbial flora, the biofilm, and the volatile compounds with an experimental and collaborative approach, 3) analyse the results and the potential correlation between [the] laboratory's results and the clinical aspect of the wound, 4), propose potential solutions, hypothetis, and improvements of the clinical practice.A mixed flora, composed of 54 different bacterial types was identified; a biofilm was caracterized in 35% of cases. 91 volatile compounds were identified. No infection occurred during the evaluation period. The consequences of the interactivity of the bacteria, the biofilm and the volatils compounds suggest to: 1) develop new strategies and topics, 2) continue the research on the biofilm, 3) propose a research program with psycho-oncologists and neuropsychiatrics, 4) progress toward diagnostic tests conception and biomarkers identification

    Mésusages des pansements

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