1,694 research outputs found

    Quantum lattice models at intermediate temperatures

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    We analyze the free energy and construct the Gibbs-KMS states for a class of quantum lattice systems, at low temperatures and when the interactions are almost diagonal in a suitable basis. We study systems with continuous symmetry, but our results are valid for discrete symmetry breaking only. Such phase transitions occur at intermediate temperatures where the continuous symmetry is not broken, while at very low temperature continuous symmetry breaking may occur.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Methods of Expressing Purpose in Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Hebrews

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate and compare the methods of expressing purpose in four letters written by the Apostle Paul and in the Epistle to the Hebrews. The four epistles of St. Paul which have been studied are the one to the Romans, both letters to the Corinthians, and the one to the Galatians. It is hoped that some light might be shed on the probability or improbability of the Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews

    3D gravity and non-linear cosmology

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    By the inclusion of an additional term, non-linear in the scalar curvature RR, it is tested if dark energy could rise as a geometrical effect in 3D gravitational formulations. We investigate a cosmological fluid obeying a non-polytropic equation of state (the van der Waals equation) that is used to construct the energy-momentum tensor of the sources, representing the hypothetical inflaton in gravitational interaction with a matter contribution. Following the evolution in time of the scale factor, its acceleration, and the energy densities of constituents it is possible to construct the description of an inflationary 3D universe, followed by a matter dominated era. For later times it is verified that, under certain conditions, the non-linear term in RR can generate the old 3D universe in accelerated expansion, where the ordinary matter is represented by the barotropic limit of the van der Waals constituent.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Let

    Non-linear terms in 2D cosmology

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    In this work we investigate the behavior of two-dimensional (2D) cosmological models, starting with the Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) theory of gravitation. A geometrical term, non-linear in the scalar curvature RR, is added to the JT dynamics to test if it could play the role of dark energy in a 2D expanding universe. This formulation makes possible, first, the description of an early (inflationary) 2D universe, when the van der Waals (vdW) equation of state is used to construct the energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational sources. Second, it is found that for later times the non-linear term in RR can generate an old 2D universe in accelerated expansion, where an ordinary matter dominated era evolves into a decelerated/accelerated transition, giving to the dark energy effects a geometrical origin. The results emerge through numerical analysis, following the evolution in time of the scale factor, its acceleration, and the energy densities of constituents.Comment: tex file plus figures in two zipped files. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Micro-optic lens for data storage

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    A new type of microlens for data storage applications that has improved off-axis performance is described. The lens consists of a micro Fresnel pattern on a curved substrate. The radius of the substrate is equal to the focal length of the lens. If the pattern and substrate are thin, the combination satisfies the Abbe sine condition. Therefore, the lens is free of coma. We analyze a 0.5 numerical aperture, 0.50 mm focal length lens in detail. A 0.16 numerical aperture lens was fabricated holographically, and results are presented

    A near-field scanning optical microscope for analysis of magneto-optic media

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    The design of a near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) is described. Applications to the study of magneto-optic media and domain detection are discussed

    Prazosin + Naltrexone Decreases Alcohol Drinking More Effectively Than Does Either Drug Alone in P Rats with a Protracted History of Extensive Voluntary Alcohol Drinking, Dependence, and Multiple Withdrawals

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    Background Prazosin (PRZ, an α1-adrenergic receptor antagonist) and naltrexone (NTX, a non-specific opioid receptor antagonist) each decrease alcohol drinking when administered to rats selectively-bred for high voluntary alcohol drinking (alcohol-preferring, or “P”), and the combination of PRZ+NTX decreases alcohol drinking more effectively than does either drug alone. Since drug responsiveness can depend on history of alcohol drinking and dependence, we investigated whether various schedules of PRZ and NTX administration, alone or in combination, are effective in decreasing alcohol drinking in male P rats with a history of protracted voluntary alcohol drinking, dependence and repeated withdrawals closely resembling human alcoholism. Methods Male P rats became alcohol-dependent during 1 year of ad libitum 24 h/day access to food, water and 20% alcohol with repetitive temporary alcohol withdrawals. Four sequential studies then addressed effects of oral PRZ (2 mg/kg) and NTX (10 mg/kg), alone or together, on alcohol drinking during: 1) daily alcohol access with daily drug treatment, 2) intermittent alcohol access with daily drug treatment, 3) intermittent alcohol access with occasional drug treatment, and 4) post-deprivation reinstatement of alcohol access. Results The combination of PRZ+NTX consistently suppressed alcohol drinking during daily or intermittent alcohol access conditions and when drug treatment was either daily or occasional. PRZ+NTX was consistently more effective than either drug alone. The reduction in alcohol drinking was not due to sedation, motor effects or malaise. Conclusions Both daily and “as-needed” treatment with PRZ+NTX are highly effective in suppressing daily, intermittent and post-deprivation alcohol drinking in male P rats with a protracted history of alcohol dependence and repeated withdrawals. This drug combination may be especially effective for treating individuals with long histories of heavy alcohol abuse, dependence and repeated relapse, as commonly encountered in clinical practice

    Nonlocal Effects on the Magnetic Penetration Depth in d-wave Superconductors

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    We show that, under certain conditions, the low temperature behavior of the magnetic penetration depth λ(T)\lambda(T) of a pure d-wave superconductor is determined by nonlocal electrodynamics and, contrary to the general belief, the deviation Δλ(T)=λ(T)λ(0)\Delta\lambda(T) = \lambda(T)-\lambda(0) is proportional to T^2 and not T. We predict that the Δλ(T)T2\Delta\lambda(T)\propto T^2 dependence, due to nonlocality, should be observable experimentally in nominally clean high-T_c superconductors below a crossover temperature T=(ξo/λo)Δo1KT^* = (\xi_o/\lambda_o)\Delta_o \sim 1 K. Possible complications due to impurities, surface quality and crystal axes orientation are discussed.Comment: REVTeX3.0; 4 pages, 1 EPS figure (included); Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    An informed thought experiment exploring the potential for a paradigm shift in aquatic food production

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    The Neolithic Revolution began c. 10000 years ago and is characterised by the ultimate, near complete transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural food production on land. The Neolithic Revolution is thought to have been catalysed by a combination of local population pressure, cultural diffusion, property rights and climate change. We undertake a thought experiment that examines trends in these key hypothesised catalysts and patters of today to explore whether society could be on a path towards another paradigm shift in food production: away from hunting of wild fish towards a transition to mostly fish farming. We find similar environmental and cultural pressures have driven the rapid rise of aquaculture, during a period that has now been coined the Blue Revolution, providing impetus for such a transition in coming decades to centuries. We also highlight the interacting and often mutually reinforcing impacts of 1)technological and scientific advancement, 2)environmental awareness and collective action and 3)globalisation and trade influencing the trajectory and momentum of the Blue Revolution. We present two qualitative narratives that broadly fall within two future trajectories: 1)a ubiquitous aquaculture transition and 20commercial aquaculture and fisheries coexistence. This scenarios approach aims to encourage logical, forward thinking, and innovative solutions to complex systems dynamics. Scenario-based thought experiments are useful to explore large scale questions, increase the accessibility to a wider readership and ideally catalyse discussion around proactive governance mechanisms. We argue the future is not fixed and society now has greater foresight and capacity to choose the workable balance between fisheries sand aquaculture that supports economic, environmental, cultural and social objectives through combined planning, policies and management