423 research outputs found

    A new look at old debates about the Corbières (NE-Pyrenees) geology: salt tectonics and gravity gliding

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    In the Corbières area, a large-scale nappe has been identified at the beginning of the 20th century: the “Nappe des Corbières Orientales” (NCO) resting over a thick Triassic sole. This geological object is located at the NE of the Pyrenees, close to the Gulf of Lions. At this place, the chain changes in orientation from E-W to NE-SW and presents in detail, a great complexity. The existence of the nappe itself has never been contested. However, due to its overall complexity, several controversies exist regarding the style and chronology of deformation of its substratum in the so-called the “Pinède de Durban” in particular. We show that the new concepts of salt tectonics can clarify these old debates. Indeed, the rise of the Triassic salt during Mesozoic rifting episodes results in the development of characteristic sedimentary sequences (halokinetic sequences) on top of salt walls. It is along one of these, coinciding with the prolongation of the Cévenole Fault System, that the NCO has been individualized. During its Cenozoic emplacement, a gravity-gliding component, explaining the importance of the observed translation, could result from an uplift preceding the rifting at the origin of the Gulf of Lions

    Extensional vs contractional Cenozoic deformation in Ibiza (Balearic Promontory, Spain): Integration in the West Mediterranean back-arc setting

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    Based on field work and seismic reflection data, we investigate the Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution offshore and onshore Ibiza allowing the proposal of a new tectonic agenda for the region and its integration in the geodynamic history of the West Mediterranean. The late Oligocene-early Miocene rifting event, which characterizes the Valencia Trough and the Algerian Basin, located north and south of the study area respectively, is also present in Ibiza and particularly well-expressed in the northern part of the island. Among these two rifted basins initiated in the frame of the European Cenozoic Rift System, the Valencia Trough failed rapidly while the Algerian Basin evolved after as a back-arc basin related to the subduction of the Alpine-Maghrebian Tethys. The subsequent middle Miocene compressional deformation was localized by the previous extensional faults, which were either inverted or passively translated depending on their initial orientation. Despite the lateral continuity between the External Betics and the Balearic Promontory, it appears from restored maps that this tectonic event cannot be directly related to the Betic orogen, but results from compressive stresses transmitted through the Algerian Basin. A still active back-arc asthenospheric rise likely explains the stiff behavior of this basin, which has remained poorly deformed up to recent time. During the late Miocene a new extensional episode reworked the southern part of the Balearic Promontory. It is suggested that this extensional deformation developed in a trans-tensional context related to the westward translation of the Alboran Domain and the coeval right-lateral strike-slip movement along the Emile Baudot Escarpment bounding the Algerian Basin to the north. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Extreme Mesozoic crustal thinning in the Eastern Iberia margin: The example of the Columbrets Basin (Valencia Trough)

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    Eastern Iberia preserves a complex succession of Mesozoic rifts partly or completely inverted during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in relation with Africa-Eurasia convergence. Notably, the Valencia Trough, classically viewed as part of the Cenozoic West Mediterranean basins, preserves in its southwestern part a thick Mesozoic succession (locally ≈10 km thick) over a highly thinned continental basement (locally only ≈3.5 km thick). This subbasin, referred to as the Columbrets Basin, represents a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous hyperextended rift basin weakly overprinted by subsequent events. Its initial configuration is well preserved allowing us to unravel its 3-D architecture and tectonostratigraphic evolution in the frame of the Mesozoic evolution of eastern Iberia. The Columbrets Basin benefits from an extensive data set combining high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, drill holes, seismic refraction data, and expanding spread profiles. The interactions between halokinesis, involving the Upper Triassic salt, and extensional deformation controlled the architecture of the Mesozoic basin. The thick uppermost Triassic to Cretaceous succession displays a large-scale 'syncline' shape, progressively stretched and dismembered toward the basin borders. We propose that the SE border of the basin is characterized by a large extensional detachment fault acting at crustal scale and interacting locally with the Upper Triassic décollement. This extensional structure accommodates the exhumation of the continental basement and part of the crustal thinning. Eventually, our results highlight the complex interaction between extreme crustal thinning and occurrence of a prerift salt level for the deformation style and tectonostratigraphic evolution of hyperextended rift basins

    Kinematic and thermal evolution of the Moroccan rifted continental margin: Doukkala-High Atlas Transect

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    The Atlantic passive margin of Morocco developed during Mesozoic times in association with the opening of the Central Atlantic and the Alpine Tethys. Extensional basins formed along the future continental margin and in the Atlas rift system. In Alpine times, this system was inverted to form the High and Middle Atlas fold-and-thrust belts. To provide a quantitative kinematic analysis of the evolution of the rifted margin, we present a crustal section crossing the Atlantic margin in the region of the Doukkala Basin, the Meseta and the Atlas system. We construct a post-rift upper crustal section compensating for Tertiary to present vertical movements and horizontal deformations, and we conduct numerical modeling to test quantitative relations between amounts and distribution of thinning and related vertical movements. Rifting along the transect began in the Late Triassic and ended with the appearance of oceanic crust at 175 Ma. Subsidence, possibly related to crustal thinning, continued in the Atlas rift in the Middle Jurassic. The numerical models confirm that the margin experienced a polyphase rifting history. The lithosphere along the transect preserved some strength throughout rifting with the Effective Elastic Thickness corresponding to an isotherm of 450°C. A mid-crustal level of necking of 15 km characterized the pre-rift lithosphere. © 2010 by the American Geophysical Union

    A Miocene tectonic inversion in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): evidence from multi-channel seismic data

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    It is widely accepted that the Central and Eastern Mediterranean are remnants of the Neo-Tethys. However, the orientation and timing of spreading of this domain remain controversial. Here, we present time migrated and pre-stack depth migrated NW-SE oriented Archimede (1997) lines together with the PrisMed01 (1993) profile to constrain the evolution of the Ionian basin. Our interpretation allows us to identify a large-scale set of SW-NE striking reverse faults beneath the Ionian Abyssal Plain. These primarily NW vergent faults are characterized by a spacing comprised between 10 to 20 km and a dip ranging from 60 to 65{degree sign}. Following very recent paleogeographic reconstructions, we propose that the set of N{degree sign}55 features initially formed as normal faults during the NW-SE trending seafloor spreading of the Ionian basin after its late Triassic-early Jurassic rifting. Based on geometric comparisons with the intraplate deformation observed beneath the Central Indian Ocean, we show that the inherited oceanic normal faults were reactivated under compression as reverse faults. Well-developed Tortonian syntectonic basins developed NW of the major faults and the base of the Messinian evaporites (Mobile Unit) is slightly folded by the activity of the faults. We show that 3-4 km of total shortening occurs over a 80 km wide area beneath the Ionian Abyssal Plain, resulting in a bulk shortening of 3.5-5 %. We propose a link between the Tortonian-early Messinian inversion of the fault pattern and a plate tectonic reorganization prior to the main phase of back-arc opening of the Tyrrhenian domain

    Controls on modern tributary-junction alluvial fan occurrence and morphology: High Atlas Mountains, Morocco

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    Modern tributary-junction alluvial fans (cone-shaped depositional landforms formed in confined valley settings) were analysed from a 20-km-long reach of the Dades River in the distal part of the fold-thrust belt region in the south-central High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Here, a deeply dissected network of ephemeral tributary streams and a perennial trunk drainage characterised by an arid mountain desert climate are configured onto a folded and thrust faulted Mesozoic sedimentary sequence. Out of 186 tributary streams, only 29 (16%) generated alluvial fans at their tributary junctions. The fan-generating catchments possess higher relief, longer lengths, lower gradients, and larger areas than nonfan-generating catchments. Whilst geologically, fan-generating catchments are underlain by folded / steeply dipping weak bedrock conducive to high sediment yield. Tributary-junction fans are built from debris flow or fluvial processes into open or confined canyon trunk valley settings. The proximity of the perennial trunk drainage combined with the valley morphology produces lobate or foreshortened trimmed fan forms. Analysis of fan (area, gradient, process), catchment (area, relief, length, gradient), and tributary valley (width) variables reveals weak morphometric relationships, highlighted by residual plots that show dominance of smaller and lower gradient than expected fan forms. These morphometric relationships can be explained by interplay between the catchment and trunk drainage geology, morphology, climate, and flood regime that are combined into a conceptual ‘build and reset’ model. Ephemeral tributary-junction fans develop progressively during annual localised winter-spring storm events, attempting to build toward a morphological equilibrium. However, the fans never reach an equilibrium morphological form as they are reset by rare (>10 year) large floods along the River Dades that are linked to regional incursions of Atlantic low pressure troughs. The model highlights the spatial and temporal variability of tributary-junction fan building and illustrates the connectivity / coupling importance of such features in dryland mountainous terrains