361 research outputs found
Demokratiebildungspotentiale beim FC United of Manchester - Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie zur hauptamtlichen Jugendarbeit in einem "Community Owned Sports Club"
Die aktuelle politische Spaltung der Gesellschaft hebt die Notwendigkeit von Demokratiebildung hervor und es wird vermehrt nach ihrer Verortung gefragt. In verschiedenen BeitrĂ€gen wird immer wieder die zentrale Stellung von Sportvereinen als "Schulen der Demokratie" betont. Allerdings steht insbesondere der FuĂball unter starkem kommerziellen Druck und die Vereine können ihre demokratischen Potentiale nicht aus-schöpfen. Die britischen "Community Owned Sports Clubs" sind ein nicht-kommerzielles Alternativmodell, der "FC United of Manchester" ist das bekannteste Beispiel. Unter der BerĂŒcksichtigung der Idee von Demokratie als Lebensform und der Annahme, dass Demokratie nur im demokratischen Handeln gelernt werden kann, stellt der vorliegende Artikel aus sozialpĂ€dagogischer Sichtweise dar, inwieweit dieser Verein ĂŒber Potentiale zur Demokratiebildung in seiner Jugendarbeit verfĂŒgt und wo seine Grenzen liegen. Dazu werden nach der ErschlieĂung des allgemeinen Forschungsstandes die Erkenntnisse einer explorativen Studie beim Verein aus Manchester vorgestellt und es wird verdeutlicht, wie in diesem Feld vertieft geforscht werden könnte.The current situation supports the view of a divide in society. This raises the question of where and how democratic citizenship education can succeed. The preliminary assumption in the question posed is that democracy must be actively learned by doing. This can and should be achieved by means of implementation of fundamental democratic practices in associations and communities. The central position of sports clubs as "schools of democracy" is repeatedly stressed in various articles. However, sports and football in particular are under enormous commercial pressure and cannot use their democratic potential. The British model of "Community Owned Sports Clubs" is a non-commercial counter-trial. The focus is on "FC United of Manchester" as the best known of these clubs. From a social pedagogical point of view, this article presents the potentials and limits of this association for democratic citizenship education. After the general state of re-search the findings of an explorative study on the Manchester based club will be presented and it will be suggested how further research could be done in this field
Optimal system design for energy communities in multi-family buildings : the case of the German Tenant Electricity Law
Funding Information: The second author (MK) appreciates the support of the Helmholtz Association under the Joint Initiative Energy Systems Integration (funding reference: ZT-0002 ). The fourth author (FS) kindly acknowledges the financial support of the European Unionâs Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 713683 (COFUNDfellowsDTU). The fifth author (RM) gratefully acknowledges the support of the European Commissionâs DG ENER for project ENER/C3/2019-487 . Finally, the authors are grateful for the helpful comments of two anonymous reviewers during earlier revisions of this manuscript. The usual disclaimer applies. Funding Information: The second author (MK) appreciates the support of the Helmholtz Association under the Joint Initiative Energy Systems Integration (funding reference: ZT-0002). The fourth author (FS) kindly acknowledges the financial support of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 713683 (COFUNDfellowsDTU). The fifth author (RM) gratefully acknowledges the support of the European Commission's DG ENER for project ENER/C3/2019-487. Finally, the authors are grateful for the helpful comments of two anonymous reviewers during earlier revisions of this manuscript. The usual disclaimer applies. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier LtdPeer reviewedPostprin
Enantioselektive Synthese von (1S,4R)-4-Hydroxycyclopent-2-enyl-acetat durch enzym-katalysierte Veresterung von cis-Cyclopent-2-en-1,4-diol mit Acetanhydrid. Gaschromatographische Untersuchungen zum Reaktionsmechanismus
(1S,4R)-4-Hydroxycyclopent-2-enyl-acetate (1), an attractive starting material for the synthesis of prostaglandins, was readily prepared by an enzyme-catalyzed interesterification procedure using acetic anhydride as acylation agent. As the chemical yield of the chiral monoacylation product is rather low (45%), we investigated the acylation mechanism of this reaction to optimize the product output. Kinetic measurements were carried out by means of gas chromatography on a chiral stationary phase, synthesized by methylation of ÎČ-cyclodextrin
LagrangeBench: A Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics Benchmarking Suite
Machine learning has been successfully applied to grid-based PDE modeling in
various scientific applications. However, learned PDE solvers based on
Lagrangian particle discretizations, which are the preferred approach to
problems with free surfaces or complex physics, remain largely unexplored. We
present LagrangeBench, the first benchmarking suite for Lagrangian particle
problems, focusing on temporal coarse-graining. In particular, our contribution
is: (a) seven new fluid mechanics datasets (four in 2D and three in 3D)
generated with the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method including the
Taylor-Green vortex, lid-driven cavity, reverse Poiseuille flow, and dam break,
each of which includes different physics like solid wall interactions or free
surface, (b) efficient JAX-based API with various recent training strategies
and three neighbor search routines, and (c) JAX implementation of established
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) like GNS and SEGNN with baseline results. Finally,
to measure the performance of learned surrogates we go beyond established
position errors and introduce physical metrics like kinetic energy MSE and
Sinkhorn distance for the particle distribution. Our codebase is available at
https://github.com/tumaer/lagrangebench .Comment: Accepted at 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
(NeurIPS 2023) Track on Datasets and Benchmark
Die Ultra-Bewegung - Mehr als GewalttĂ€ter:innen und Eventpublikum?! Ein PlĂ€doyer fĂŒr eine bildungs- und jugendarbeitsorientierte Perspektive auf sozialpĂ€dagogische Fanprojektarbeit
Ziel des Beitrages ist es, zu einer Conclusio zu kommen, inwieweit UltrĂ -Gruppen als soziale Bewegung Herausforderungen an die sozialpĂ€dagogische Fanprojektarbeit stellen. Dabei wird ein historisch gewachsenes Spannungsfeld zwischen Praxis und wissenschaftlicher Forschung sichtbar, in dem Ultras negative Rahmungen erfahren, progressive Perspektiven wenig Beachtung finden und einseitige Foki auf sozialpĂ€dagogische Fanprojektarbeit zu beobachten sind, die diskutiert und neu verhandelt werden mĂŒssen
Nanoscale X-ray investigation of magnetic metallofullerene peapods
Endohedral lanthanide ions packed inside carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in a
one-dimensional assembly have been studied with a combination of high
resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning transmission
X-ray microscopy (STXM), and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). By
correlating HRTEM and STXM images we show that structures down to 30 nm are
resolved with chemical contrast and record X-ray absorption spectra from
endohedral lanthanide ions embedded in individual nanoscale CNT bundles. XMCD
measurements of an ErN@C bulk sample and a macroscopic assembly of
filled CNTs indicates that the magnetic properties of the endohedral Er3+ ions
are unchanged when encapsulated in CNTs. This study demonstrates the
feasibility of local magnetic X-ray characterization of low concentrations of
lanthanide ions embedded in molecular nanostructures
Anisotropic Strain Induced Soliton Movement Changes Stacking Order and Bandstructure of Graphene Multilayers
The crystal structure of solid-state matter greatly affects its electronic
properties. For example in multilayer graphene, precise knowledge of the
lateral layer arrangement is crucial, since the most stable configurations,
Bernal and rhombohedral stacking, exhibit very different electronic properties.
Nevertheless, both stacking orders can coexist within one flake, separated by a
strain soliton that can host topologically protected states. Clearly, accessing
the transport properties of the two stackings and the soliton is of high
interest. However, the stacking orders can transform into one another and
therefore, the seemingly trivial question how reliable electrical contact can
be made to either stacking order can a priori not be answered easily. Here, we
show that manufacturing metal contacts to multilayer graphene can move solitons
by several m, unidirectionally enlarging Bernal domains due to arising
mechanical strain. Furthermore, we also find that during dry transfer of
multilayer graphene onto hexagonal Boron Nitride, such a transformation can
happen. Using density functional theory modeling, we corroborate that
anisotropic deformations of the multilayer graphene lattice decrease the
rhombohedral stacking stability. Finally, we have devised systematics to avoid
soliton movement, and how to reliably realize contacts to both stacking
The Spartan 1 mission
The first Spartan mission is documented. The Spartan program, an outgrowth of a joint Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) development effort, was instituted by NASA for launching autonomous, recoverable payloads from the space shuttle. These payloads have a precise pointing system and are intended to support a wide range of space-science observations and experiments. The first Spartan, carrying an NRL X-ray astronomy instrument, was launched by the orbiter Discovery (STS51G) on June 20, 1985 and recovered successfully 45 h later, on June 22. During this period, Spartan 1 conducted a preprogrammed series of observations of two X-ray sources: the Perseus cluster of galaxies and the center of our galaxy. The mission was successful from both on engineering and a scientific viewpoint. Only one problem was encountered, the attitude control system (ACS) shut down earlier than planned because of high attitude control system gas consumption. A preplanned emergency mode then placed Spartan 1 into a stable, safe condition and allowed a safe recovery. The events are described of the mission and presents X-ray maps of the two observed sources, which were produced from the flight data
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