192 research outputs found

    Forest hydrology and watershed management = hydrologie forestière et aménagement des bassins hydrologiques

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    On compare les écoulements d'une parcelle (400 m²), de bassins-versants élémentaires (environ (1.5 ha) et d'un petit bassin-versant (4.5 km²) situés sur le même substratum géologique, en forêt tropicale humide. Le ruissellement annuel de la parcelle est de 8.8 % et celui du petit bassin de 23 % (1981), différence s'expliquant par l'analyse des systèmes pédologiques. Les écoulements des bassins élémentaires peuvent être semblables à ceux de la parcelle ou du petit bassin, selon le stade d'évolution de leur couverture pédologique. (Résumé d'auteur

    Pola Interaksi Guru Dan Siswa Tunanetra Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Di Smplb a Ykab Surakarta (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa Kelas IX Smplb a Ykab Surakarta Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013)

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    With visual impairment in mathematics teaching learning on a conceptual and procedural knowledge in class IX SMPLB A YKAB Surakarta. This research was a qualitative case study, investigating deeply about the interaction of the teacher and the students in order that the interaction pattern can be described in the mathematics teaching learning. The subjects of this research were a mathematics teacher and all students of class IX SMPLB A YKAB Surakarta. The data in this study were in the form of teacher and students interactions obtained from transcriptions of the teaching learning recordings during twice observations. The transcription results were the teacher and the students\u27 conversations that are further reduced in order to obtain certain conversation related to the teaching learning of conceptual and procedural knowledge. Furthermore, labeling speech act and speech interaction was conducted in the conversation of conceptual and procedural teaching learning. Based on the labeling, speech interaction were categorized into three, namely: 1) speech interaction that was begun with speech act of giving information (BIn), 2) speech interaction that was begun with speech act of performing information (UIn), and 3) speech interaction that was begun with speech act of stimulating information (TIn). Each of the categories was analyzed so that the subjects that are interacting can be examined. The result of the analysis became the data of teacher and students interaction. The technique used to validate the data was time triangulation done by matching the data of the teacher and the students\u27 interaction taken from the first observation and the data of the teacher and the students\u27 interaction taken from the second observation.The results of the matching process were used to describe the interaction pattern. The findings of this research were: 1) the interaction pattern of the teacher and the students with visual impairment in mathematics teaching learning on a conceptual knowledge in class IX SMPLB A YKAB Surakarta was a two-way interaction pattern with inter-students interactions.Two-way interactionwith studentteachersis dominatedby theactivities ofthe teacherto giving information (BIN) and the performing information (TIN) to the students. While theinteractionbetween studentsis dominatedbythe activities ofthe studentsto performanceinformation(UIN). 2) the interaction pattern of the teacher and the students with visual impairment in mathematics teaching learning on a procedural knowledge in class IX SMPLB A YKAB Surakarta was a multiple-way interaction pattern (optimal result). Teacherinteractionwith studentsis dominatedby theactivities ofthe teacherto giving information(BIN), andstimulating information(TIN) to the students. Whilestudent interactionwith studentsspreadis dominated bythe performanceof information(UIN)

    Dielectric properties of colossal permittivity materials: An update

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    During the last 10 years, a lot of interests have been devoted to the so-called CDC (colossal dielectric constant) materials. The first materials exhibiting this behavior were the perovskite-based ceramics on the CCTO (CaCu3Ti4O12) composition. Relative dielectric permittivity can attain values up to (or even larger than) 105. Nevertheless, their dielectric losses are too high, the lower values ranging 10%, in a narrow frequency range, thus limiting their applications. The underlying physical mechanisms at the origin of the CDC are still under study. The analysis of broadband impedance spectroscopy measurements leads most of the authors to propose an interfacial polarization mechanism (at the electrodes or at internal barriers), there is a limited number of complementary electrical characterization techniques, which, up to now, comfort the proposed interfacial polarization mechanisms. In the present work, I-V and time-domain polarization are used to characterize these materials. One of the main results is the observation of a non-symmetrical response of these materials related to the direction of the polarization. These results are observed for both macroscopic level on bulk polycrystalline material and within individual grains of the same samples. These results do not fit current accepted models for polarization for CDC materials

    Red fluorescence of the triplefin Tripterygion delaisi is increasingly visible against background light with increasing depth

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    The light environment in water bodies changes with depth due to the absorption of short and long wavelengths. Below 10 m depth, red wavelengths are almost completely absent rendering any red-reflecting animal dark and achromatic. However, fluorescence may produce red coloration even when red light is not available for reflection. A large number of marine taxa including over 270 fish species are known to produce red fluorescence, yet it is unclear under which natural light environment fluorescence contributes perceptively to their colours. To address this question we: (i) characterized the visual system of Tripterygion delaisi, which possesses fluorescent irides, (ii) separated the colour of the irides into its reflectance and fluorescence components and (iii) combined these data with field measurements of the ambient light environment to calculate depth-dependent perceptual chromatic and achromatic contrasts using visual modelling. We found that triplefins have cones with at least three different spectral sensitivities, including differences between the two members of the double cones, giving them the potential for trichromatic colour vision. We also show that fluorescence contributes increasingly to the radiance of the irides with increasing depth. Our results support the potential functionality of red fluorescence, including communicative roles such as species and sex identity, and non-communicative roles such as camouflage

    The nuclear receptor transcriptional coregulator RIP140

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    The nuclear receptor superfamily comprises ligand-regulated transcription factors that control various developmental and physiological pathways. These receptors share a common modular structure and regulate gene expression through the recruitment of a large set of coregulatory proteins. These transcription cofactors regulate, either positively or negatively, chromatin structure and transcription initiation. One of the first proteins to be identified as a hormone-recruited cofactor was RIP140. Despite its recruitment by agonist-liganded receptors, RIP140 exhibits a strong transcriptional repressive activity which involves several inhibitory domains and different effectors. Interestingly, the RIP140 gene, located on chromosome 21 in humans, is finely regulated at the transcriptional level by various nuclear receptors. In addition, the protein undergoes several post-translational modifications which control its repressive activity. Finally, experiments performed in mice devoid of the RIP140 gene indicate that this transcriptional cofactor is essential for female fertility and energy homeostasis. RIP140 therefore appears to be an important modulator of nuclear receptor activity which could play major roles in physiological processes and hormone-dependent diseases

    Bone ultrastructure and x-ray microanalysis of aluminum-intoxicated hemodialyzed patients

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    Bone ultrastructure and x-ray microanalysis of aluminum-intoxicated hemodialyzed patients. In hemodialyzed patients aluminum (Al) intoxication may induce osteomalacic lesions which are mainly observed when plasma immunoreactive parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentrations are low, and osteitis fibrosa absent. In this study, the bone tissue of eight hemodialyzed patients with elevated plasma and bone Al concentrations was examined by histomorphometry, electron microscopy, and x-ray microanalysis. Five patients (group 1) had osteomalacia and minimal osteitis fibrosa, three patients (group 2) had severe osteitis fibrosa. In group 1, Al was concentrated at the mineralizing front, in hexagonal structures measuring 200 to 1,000 Å which also contained phosphorus, but not calcium. Hydroxyapatite needles had a normal aspect. Osteoblasts appeared inactive. In group 2, Al was also present at the mineralizing layer of osteoid, but, in these cases, in small clusters next to abnormal calcium deposits. Osteoblasts appeared very active. Their mitochondria contained calcium and phosphorus granules, or amorphous material, measuring 1,500 to 2,000 Å, emitting x-rays characteristic for Al and phosphorus. These results suggest that secondary hyperparathyroidism, by stimulating the cellular activity, may increase the uptake and release of Al by the osteoblasts. The presence of Al within the mitochondria of these cells may be one of the factors inducing the mineralization defect.Ultrastructure et microanalyse x du tissu osseux de malades hémodialysés intoxiqués par l'aluminium. Chez des malades hémodialysés l'intoxication par l'aluminium (Al) peut induire des lésions ostéomalaciques qui s'observent principalement quand la concentration plasmatique de l'hormone parathyroïdienne immunoréactive (iPTH) est peu augmentée, et en l'absence d'ostéite fibreuse. Dans cette étude le tissu osseux de huit malades hémodialysés dont la concentration plasmatique et osseuse de l'Al était élevée, a été examiné par l'histomorphométrie, la microscopie électronique et la microanalyse x. Cinq malades (groupe 1) avaient une ostéomalacie et des lésions minimes d'ostéite fibreuse, trois malades (groupe 2) avaient une ostéite fibreuse sévère. Dans le groupe 1, l'Al était concentré entre ostéoïde et tissu minéralisé, dans des structures hexagonales mesurant 200 à 1000 Å, qui contenaient également du phosphore, mais pas de calcium. Les aiguilles d'hydroxyapatite avaient un aspect normal. Les ostéoblastes paraissaient peu actifs. Dans le groupe 2, l'Al était aussi présent entre ostéoïde et tissu minéralisé, mais, dans ce cas, sous forme de petits amas, près de dépôts anormaux de calcium. Les ostéoblastes semblaient très actifs. Leurs mitochondries contenaient des granules de calcium et de phosphore ou bien du matériel amorphe, mesurant 1500 à 2000 Å, dont l'émission x était caractéristique de l'Al et du phosphore. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'hyperparathyroïdie secondaire, en stimulant l'activité cellulaire, favorise la captation et le dépôt de l'Al par les ostéoblastes. La présence d'Al dans les mitochondries de ces cellules pourrait être un des facteurs à l'origine du trouble de la minéralisation

    El muro: una significación de “clase social” segregada en la ciudad

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    Cette publication électronique est une édition revue et corrigée du numéro 7 d’Enquête. Cahiers du CERCOM, publié conjointement en juin 1992 par l'EHESS, le CNRS et l'université de Nice