5 research outputs found

    An economic and logistical analysis of increased storage capacity and structuring of storage at Domsjö Fiber AB : a design of Domsjö Fibers bearing surfaces

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    Skogsbrukets industrier kräver ofta en stor lagerhållningskapacitet. Kostnaderna för dessa lager är ofta höga och inte sällan är lagringsplatserna för virket inte genomtänkta, vilket leder till att allt fler företag börjar se över sin internlogistik. Domsjö Fibers huvudsakliga uppgift är att försörja ägarbolagen med råvara. Företaget har uppmärksammat att inlåsningseffekter förekommer på lagerytorna och vill undersöka hur dessa effekter kan minimeras utan att minska lagerkapacitet. Syftet med studien var att ta fram ett antal handlingsalternativ för en ny lagerstruktur åt Domsjö Fiber AB och även göra en ekonomisk redovisning för upprustningskostnader av nya lagerytor för att kompensera för omstruktureringen av deras befintligt lager. I studien utformades med hjälp av inmätningar i ArcMap tre handlingsalternativ för att tillgodose Domsjö Fiber ABs behov med varierande prioriteringar. Det första alternativet prioriterade att lösa de inlåsningseffekter som Domsjö Fiber AB hade, det andra alternativet fokuserade på att lagra så stora virkesarealer som möjligt på virkesplanen. Det tredje alternativet hade samma fokus som alternativ ett, bortsett från att man inte skulle ta bort den tågräls som finns på virkesplan idag. Alternativen medförde kostnadsförändringar för truckarna. Studien visar då att de största besparingarna i transportkostnader för timmertruckarna resulterade i 99788kr/år p.g.a. minskade transportsträckor. Det alternativ som ansågs som det val som ger bäst resultat är efter undersökning alternativ ett, med den lilla verkstaden som finns på virkesplanen borttagen. Detta för att man då utan lagerförluster kan lagra virket utan inlåsningseffekter och minska sina transportkostnader. Efter upprättande av en ekonomisk kalkyl bedöms kostnaden för att upprusta de idag delvis obrukbara lagerytorna till 5,7 milj.kr, förutsatt att detta görs internt av Domsjö Fiber AB.De osäkerheter som bör klargöras i praktiken av Domsjö Fiber AB är hur mycket en saneringsutredning kan komma att påverka priset för upprustningen.Forestry industries often require a large storage capacity. The cost of these stocks are often high and the wood yard surfaces are often not very well planned, and because of this more companies start to review their internal logistics. Domsjö Fiber AB is owned by Övik Energi AB and Domsjö Fabriker AB and their main purpose is to support the holding companies with raw material. The company has noted that lock-in effects occur on the bearing surfaces and would like to examine how these effects can be minimized without reducing storage capacity. The purpose of the study was to develop a number of options for a new stock structure to Domsjö Fiber AB, and also to make a financial report for the renovation costs of new storage surfaces to compensate for the restructuring of the existing stock surfaces. Three different options was designed with the tool ArcMap, to meet Domsjö Fiber AB’s needs with varying priorities. The first option prioritized solving the lock-in effects Domsjö Fiber AB was having, the second option focused on storing as much timber as possible in the timber field, without lock-in effects taken into account. The third option had the same focus as the first option, except that it would not remove the railroad available on the wood yard today. The different options entailed changes in costs for the log-handlers, the study will show that the largest savings in transportation costs for log-handlers resulted in 99788kr/year due to reduced transportation distances. The option that’s considered as the choice that gives the best results are after studying the different alternatives option one, with the small workshop located in the timber field deleted. This because you can store the timber without the lock-in effects and reduce their transportation costs without any losses of inventory. After establishing an economic analysis the cost to renovate the now partly unusable bearing surfaces ended up at a cost of 5700 000 kr , provided that this is done internally by Domsjö Fiber AB. The uncertainties that should be made clear in the practice of Domsjö Fiber AB is to do a clean-up inquiry, which may come to affect the price of rearmament

    Permeability of Psoralen Derivatives in Lipid Membranes

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to explore the distribution and translocation of a set of furocoumarins (psoralen derivatives) inside saturated and partially unsaturated lipid membranes. Within the simulations, strong accumulation of the photodynamic drugs is observed near the polar headgroup region, although the populations also extend out into the membrane/water interface as well as to the membrane center. The computed transverse (D(z)) diffusion coefficients are in the range 0.01–0.03 × 10(−5) cm(2) s(−1)—significantly slower than those reported for small molecules like water, ethane, and ammonia—and are related to the low mobility inside the polar headgroup region. Trimethylpsoralen (TMP) has a very low free energy barrier to transversion, only ∼10 kJ/mol, whereas 5- and 8-methoxy psoralens (5-MOP, 8-MOP) have the largest barriers of the compounds studied—between 25 and 40 kJ/mol. Upper bounds to the permeation coefficients, obtained by integrating the resistance profiles across the bilayers, range from 5.2 × 10(−8) cm s(−1) for TMP to 4.1 × 10(−12) cm s(−1) for 5-MOP. The current simulations explain the high level of furocoumarin-lipid membrane complexes found in experimental studies of albino Wistar rats exposed to topical application of 8-MOP, and points to the possibility of membrane photodamage as a viable mechanism in psoralen ultraviolet-A treatment

    Proton/Hydrogen Transfer Mechanisms in the Guanine-\u80\u93Cytosine Base Pair : Photostability and Tautomerism

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    Proton/hydrogen-transfer processes have been broadly studied in the past 50 years to explain the photostability and the spontaneous tautomerism in the DNA base pairs. In the present study, the CASSCF/CASPT2 methodology is used to map the two-dimensional potential energy surfaces along the stretched NH reaction coordinates of the guanine–cytosine (GC) base pair. Concerted and stepwise pathways are explored initially in vacuo, and three mechanisms are studied: the stepwise double proton transfer, the stepwise double hydrogen transfer, and the concerted double proton transfer. The results are consistent with previous findings related to the photostability of the GC base pair, and a new contribution to tautomerism is provided. The C-based imino-oxo and imino-enol GC tautomers, which can be generated during the UV irradiation of the Watson–Crick base pair, have analogous radiationless energy-decay channels to those of the canonical base pair. In addition, the C-based imino-enol GC tautomer is thermally less stable. A study of the GC base pair is carried out subsequently taking into account the DNA surroundings in the biological environment. The most important stationary points are computed using the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach, suggesting a similar scenario for the proton/hydrogen-transfer phenomena in vacuo and in DNA. Finally, the static model is complemented by ab initio dynamic simulations, which show that vibrations at the hydrogen bonds can indeed originate hydrogen-transfer processes in the GC base pair. The relevance of the present findings for the rationalization of the preservation of the genetic code and mutagenesis is discussed

    Physics and technology of the Next Linear Collider: a report submitted to Snowmass '96

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    We present the current expectations for the design and physics program of an e+e- linear collider of center of mass energy 500 GeV -- 1 TeV. We review the experiments that would be carried out at this facility and demonstrate its key role in exploring physics beyond the Standard Model over the full range of theoretical possibilities. We then show the feasibility of constructing this machine, by reviewing the current status of linear collider technology and by presenting a precis of our `zeroth-order' design

    Proton/Hydrogen Transfer Mechanisms in the Guanine–Cytosine Base Pair: Photostability and Tautomerism

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