294 research outputs found

    Brain areas involved in spatial working memory

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    Spatial working memory entails the ability to keep spatial information active in working memory over a short period of time. To study the areas of the brain that are involved in spatial working memory, a group of stroke patients was tested with a spatial search task. Patients and healthy controls were asked to search through a number of boxes shown at different locations on a touch-sensitive computer screen in order to find a target object. In subsequent trials, new target objects were hidden in boxes that were previously empty. Within-search errors were made if a participant returned to an already searched box; between-search errors occurred if a participant returned to a box that was already known to contain a target item. The use of a strategy to remember the locations of the target objects was calculated as well. Damage to the right posterior parietal and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex impaired the ability to keep spatial information [`]on-line', as was indicated by performance on the Corsi Block-Tapping task and the within-search errors. Moreover, patients with damage to the right posterior parietal cortex, the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the hippocampal formation bilaterally made more between-search errors, indicating the importance of these areas in maintaining spatial information in working memory over an extended time period.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T0D-4HM7WH2-2/1/b6b13c7b404377bae2b8cf632eb61fe

    Sneddon syndrome: a comprehensive clinical review of 53 patients

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of livedo reticularis in patients with ischaemic stroke is associated with Sneddon syndrome (SS). Our objective was to present the clinical features of SS patients and to assess the role of antiphospholipid antibodies (APL). METHODS: Consecutive patients, diagnosed with SS between 1996 and 2017, were retrospectively reviewed for their demographic, neurological, dermatological, cardiac and extracerebral vascular features. Diagnosis of SS was made only if other causes of stroke were excluded. Patients with and without APL were included and compared for their clinical features. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients (79% female) were included, of whom 14 patients were APL-positive. Median age at diagnosis was 40 years. Approximately 60% of the patients had ≥ 3 cardiovascular risk factors. There were 129 previous vascular events (66 ischaemic strokes, 62 TIAs and 1 amaurosis fugax) during a median period of 2 years between the first event and diagnosis of SS. Skin biopsy was positive for SS in 29 patients (67%), mostly showing a thickened vessel wall with neovascularization in the deep dermis. After a median follow-up of 28 months, 4 patients, either on antiplatelet or oral anticoagulation therapy, had a recurrent stroke. There were few statistically significant differences between APL-negative and APL-positive patients, including the number of vascular events before diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: SS predominantly affects young women with a relatively large number of cardiovascular risk factors. Clinical features of SS are comparable across different studies. We found no differences in the main clinical features between APL-positive and APL-negative patients

    Cognitive radio network in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET): a survey

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    Cognitive radio network and vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are recent emerging concepts in wireless networking. Cognitive radio network obtains knowledge of its operational geographical environment to manage sharing of spectrum between primary and secondary users, while VANET shares emergency safety messages among vehicles to ensure safety of users on the road. Cognitive radio network is employed in VANET to ensure the efficient use of spectrum, as well as to support VANET’s deployment. Random increase and decrease of spectrum users, unpredictable nature of VANET, high mobility, varying interference, security, packet scheduling, and priority assignment are the challenges encountered in a typical cognitive VANET environment. This paper provides survey and critical analysis on different challenges of cognitive radio VANET, with discussion on the open issues, challenges, and performance metrics for different cognitive radio VANET applications

    Environmental Particle Emissions due to Automated Drilling of Polypropylene Composites and Nanocomposites Reinforced with Talc, Montmorillonite and Wollastonite

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    In this study, the effect on nanoparticle emissions due to drilling on Polypropylene (PP) reinforced with 20% talc, 5% montmorillonite (MMT) and 5% Wollastonite (WO) is investigated. The study is the first to explore the nanoparticle release from WO and talc reinforced composites and compares the results to previously researched MMT. With 5% WO, equivalent tensile properties with a 10 % weight reduction were obtained relative to the reference 20% talc sample. The materials were fabricated through injection moulding. The nanorelease studies were undertaken using the controlled drilling methodology for nanoparticle exposure assessment developed within the European Commission funded SIRENA Life 11 ENV/ES/506 project. Measurements were taken using CPC and DMS50 equipment for real-time characterization and measurements. The particle number concentration (of particles <1000nm) and particle size distribution (4.87nm - 562.34nm) of the particles emitted during drilling were evaluated to investigate the effect of the silicate fillers on the particles released. The nano-filled samples exhibited a 33% decrease (MMT sample) or a 30% increase (WO sample) on the average particle number concentration released in comparison to the neat polypropylene sample. The size distribution data displayed a substantial percentage of the particles released from the PP, PP/WO and PP/MMT samples to be between 5-20nm, whereas the PP/talc sample emitted larger particle diameters.The work is funded by and part of the European Commission Life project named Simulation of the release of nanomaterials from consumer products for environmental exposure assessment (SIRENA, Pr. No. LIFE 11 ENV/ES/596). The access and use of the facilities at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) was funded by QualityNano Project through Transnational Access (TA Application VITO-TAF-382 and VITO-TAF-500) under the European Commission, Grant Agreement No: INFRA-2010-262163. Kristof is also thankful for partial funding by the School of Engineering at Robert Gordon University for his studentship

    The diagnostic value of skin biopsies in Sneddon syndrome

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    Background Sneddon syndrome (SS) is defined by widespread livedo reticularis (LR) and stroke. There is no single diagnostic test for SS and diagnosis can be solely based on clinical features. This cross-sectional case-control study aimed to determine the diagnostic value of skin biopsies in SS patients. Materials and methods We studied skin biopsies from patients with a clinical diagnosis of SS or isolated LR. We also studied controls with vitiligo or normal skin. Biopsies were considered standardized if 3 biopsies were taken from the white centre of the livedo and reached until the dermis-subcutis border. Biopsies were scored for features of an occlusive microangiopathy without knowledge of the clinical features. Sensitivity and specificity of the biopsy findings were calculated with the clinical criteria as the reference standard. Results We included 34 SS patients, 14 isolated LR patients and 41 control patients. Biopsies of 17 patients with SS (50%), 4 with isolated LR (31%) and 10 control patients (24%) showed at least one artery in the deep dermis with a thickened vessel wall combined with recanalization or neovascularization (sensitivity 50% and specificity 69% with LR as reference). Standardized biopsies increased the sensitivity to 70%. In a post hoc analysis the combination of an occlusive microangiopathy and the presence of a livedo pattern in the superficial dermis increased the specificity to 92%. Conclusions Standardized skin biopsies can support the clinical diagnosis of SS. An occlusive microangiopathy as the only positive criterion for the diagnosis of SS had insufficient specificity for a definite diagnosis

    No Difference in Behavioral and Self-Reported Outcomes for Simultaneous and Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation: Evidence From a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: The primary aim of this study was to longitudinally compare the behavioral and self-reported outcomes of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation (simBiCI) and sequential BiCI (seqBiCI) in adults with severe-to-profound postlingual sensorineural hearing loss.Design: This study is a multicenter randomized controlled trial with a 4-year follow-up period after the first moment of implantation. Participants were allocated by randomization to receive bilateral cochlear implants (CIs) either, simultaneously (simBiCI group) or sequentially with an inter-implant interval of 2 years (UCI/seqBiCI group). All sequential patients where encouraged to use their hearing aid on the non-implanted ear over of the first 2 years. Patients were followed-up on an annual basis. The primary outcome was speech perception in noise coming from a source directly in front of the patient. Other behavioral outcome measures were speech intelligibility-in-noise from spatially separated sources, localization and speech perception in quiet. Self-reported outcome measures encompassed questionnaires on quality of life, quality of hearing and tinnitus. All outcome measures were analyzed longitudinally using a linear or logistic regression analysis with an autoregressive residual covariance matrix (generalized estimating equations type).Results: Nineteen participants were randomly allocated to the simBiCI group and 19 participants to the UCI/seqBiCI group. Three participants in the UCI/seqBiCI group did not proceed with their second implantation and were therefore unavailable for follow-up. Both study groups performed equally well on speech perception in noise from a source directly in front of the patient longitudinally. During all 4 years of follow-up the UCI/seqBiCI group performed significantly worse compared to the simBiCI group on spatial speech perception in noise in the best performance situation (8.70 dB [3.96 – 13.44], p &lt; 0.001) and localization abilities (largest difference 60 degrees configuration: -44.45% [-52.15 – -36.74], p &lt; 0.0001). Furthermore, during all years of follow-up, the UCI/seqBiCI group performed significantly worse on quality of hearing and quality of life questionnaires. The years of unilateral CI use were the reason for the inferior results in the UCI/SeqBiCI group. One year after receiving CI2, the UCI/seqBiCI group performance did not statistically differ from the performance of the simBiCI group on all these outcomes. Furthermore, no longitudinal differences were seen in tinnitus burden prevalence between groups. Finally, the complications that occurred during this trial were infection, dysfunction of CI, facial nerve palsy, tinnitus and vertigo.Conclusion: This randomized controlled trial on bilaterally severely hearing impaired participants found a significantly worse longitudinal performance of UCI/seqBiCI compared to simBiCI on multiple behavioral and self-reported outcomes regarding speech perception in noise and localization abilities. This difference is associated with the inferior performance of the UCI/seqBiCI participants during the years of unilateral CI use. After receiving the second CI however, the performance of the UCI/seqBiCI group did not significantly differ from the simBiCI group.Trial Registration: Dutch Trial Register NTR1722

    Secondary infarction in single or in multiple vascular territories: two different entities following subarachnoid hemorrhage?

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    The pathogenesis of secondary infarctions (SI) after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is poorly understood. To assess whether SI in single (SSI) or multiple (MSI) vascular territories represent different disease entities, we compared clinical profiles of patients with these patterns of SI. CT/MRI-examinations of 448 patients were reviewed for new infarctions within 28 days after SAH, and categorized into SSI or MSI. Only patients with adequate follow-up imaging excluding any new infarctions were included for analysis (269 patients). Procedure-related infarctions were excluded. Odds ratios (ORs) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for patients with SSI or MSI versus patients without SI to analyze differences in demographic characteristics, vascular risk factors, disease-related characteristics and treatment modalities. Thirty-six patients had SSI, 53 MSI and 180 no SI. ORs in MSI-patients were >1.5 times higher compared with ORs in SSI-patients for multiple vascular risk factors [MSI:5.4 (2.3–13) versus SSI:1.2 (0.5–2.8)], poor clinical condition on admission [MSI:4.6 (2.4–8.9) versus SSI:2.4 (1.1–5.2)], initial loss of consciousness [MSI:2.6 (1.3–5.3) versus SSI:1.1 (0.5–2.3)] and large amounts of intraventricular blood [MSI:2.9 (1.4–5.8) versus SSI:1.5 (0.7–3.2)]. In multivariate analysis ORs remained higher in MSI for presence of multiple vascular risk factors [MSI:1.9 (1.2–2.9) versus SSI:1.1 (0.8–1.7)] and initial loss of consciousness [MSI:3.0 (1.0–8.9) versus SSI:1.6 (0.6–4.0)]. Our findings suggest that SSI and MSI after SAH are not distinct disease entities. MSI was related to the same characteristics as SSI but to a larger extent, specifically to the presence of multiple vascular risk factors, initial loss of consciousness, larger amounts of intraventricular blood, and poor clinical status on admission

    No Difference in Behavioral and Self-Reported Outcomes for Simultaneous and Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation:Evidence From a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: The primary aim of this study was to longitudinally compare the behavioral and self-reported outcomes of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation (simBiCI) and sequential BiCI (seqBiCI) in adults with severe-to-profound postlingual sensorineural hearing loss. Design: This study is a multicenter randomized controlled trial with a 4-year followup period after the first moment of implantation. Participants were allocated by randomization to receive bilateral cochlear implants (Cis) either, simultaneously (simBiCKI group) or sequentially with an inter-implant interval of 2 years (UCI/seqBiCI group). All sequential patients where encouraged to use their hearing aid on the non-implanted ear over of the first 2 years. Patients were followed-up on an annual basis. The primary outcome was speech perception in noise coming from a source directly in front of the patient. Other behavioral outcome measures were speech intelligibility-innoise from spatially separated sources, localization and speech perception in quiet. Self-reported outcome measures encompassed questionnaires on quality of life, quality of hearing and tinnitus. All outcome measures were analyzed longitudinally using a linear or logistic regression analysis with an autoregressive residual covariance matrix (generalized estimating equations type). Results: Nineteen participants were randomly allocated to the simBiCl group and 19 participants to the UCI/seqBiCI group. Three participants in the UCI/seqBiCI group did not proceed with their second implantation and were therefore unavailable for followup. Both study groups performed equally well on speech perception in noise from a source directly in front of the patient longitudinally. During all 4 years of follow-up the UCI/seqBiCI group performed significantly worse compared to the simBiCl group on spatial speech perception in noise in the best performance situation (8.70 dB [3.96 13.44], p <0.001) and localization abilities (largest difference 60 degrees configuration: -44.45% [-52.15 - -36.74], p <0.0001). Furthermore, during all years of follow-up, the UCI/seqBiCI group performed significantly worse on quality of hearing and quality of life questionnaires. The years of unilateral CI use were the reason for the inferior results in the UCI/SeqBiCI group. One year after receiving CI2, the UCI/seqBiCI group performance did not statistically differ from the performance of the simBiCl group on all these outcomes. Furthermore, no longitudinal differences were seen in tinnitus burden prevalence between groups. Finally, the complications that occurred during this trial were infection, dysfunction of CI, facial nerve palsy, tinnitus and vertigo. Conclusion: This randomized controlled trial on bilaterally severely hearing impaired participants found a significantly worse longitudinal performance of UCI/seqBiCI compared to simBiCI on multiple behavioral and self-reported outcomes regarding speech perception in noise and localization abilities. This difference is associated with the inferior performance of the UCI/seqBiCI participants during the years of unilateral CI use. After receiving the second CI however, the performance of the UCI/seqBiCI group did not significantly differ from the simBiCI group