597 research outputs found

    3D Printed Shape Matching Game

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    This is a project to help children learn their shapes and work on their memory. Based on the classic toy used by children, this is made with LED lights and mechanical movement to enhance the toy. Once the child correctly fits the shapes into each hole, the LEDs will start to blink colors to reinforce the child\u27s actions and to catch their eyes so they are motivated to continue to practice. Additionally, this toy features a mechanically operated drawer to provide easy access to the blocks once each is inserted into the hole. This is also a great method to avoid messes

    Design of experiments and manufacturing design space for multi‐step processes

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    Most industrial processes are composed of multiple subsequent steps. In this article, we provide a statistical approach to design experiments and to define the manufacturing design space of multi-step processes by taking into account the complex system of interactions among steps. We consider each intermediate outcome as an additional input factor in the next step and we plan experiments following a particular sequential structure. To encompass the potential deviations from the target levels of such input factors, designs are selected according to the D-optimality in average criterion and, in order to assess their prediction capabilities, a suitable extension of the fraction of design space technique has been proposed. The manufacturing design space of the process is then defined by combining the interconnected manufacturing design spaces of the process steps and by deriving the linear combination of the process inputs that ensures the required quality standard for the final outcome. Appealing properties of this approach are also shown by the application to a three-steps biochemical process of expression and purification of a recombinant protein in which 10 input factors are included in the design

    Role of Mucosal Inflammation in Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Review of the Literature

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    Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is increasingly recognized in adults. It is an inflammatory disease of the esophageal mucosa, with variable presentation, unresponsive to acid suppression therapy. The diagnosis requires histological confirmation of intense eosinophilic infiltration on esophageal biopsy specimen, however exact criteria required to make a diagnosis of EE is still being debated and a clear differentiation from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is important. Allergen elimination or anti-inflammatory therapy may be effective in such patients. The imperfect diagnostic criteria for EE mandate an understanding of the immunology and the pathophysiology of the disease. It may facilitate the introduction of novel treatment modalities in an individual unresponsive to acid suppression therapy. This paper describes basic elements of the immune-mediated injury to the esophageal mucosa and management aspects to provide a better understanding of the condition

    Accesibilidad aplicada a embarcaciones, caso de estudio Centro de Atención Ambulatoria Fluvial (CAAF)

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    Accessibility as a design concept is generally applied in land constructions; however, the medical character of the case study requires it to be considered in the design process as of its conceptual stage. The riverine ambulatory care center (RACC) is a mobile health unit to carry out medical missions in populations located on the riverbanks; given the RACC dimensions, these have limited medical services to primary care and health brigades. Physical barriers1 are the causes for an environment being inaccessible; to eliminate them, from the RACC, an analysis and redesign was performed of the conceptual proposal, based on standards for accessibility, medical spaces, and ships. Two basic moments were taken for intervention, access and interior circulation, yielding as a result the design of an integrated system of products that eliminate the physical barriers from the environment, permitting boarding and offering medical services under equal, comfortable, and safe conditions. Accessibility as modifier of the environment to improve the quality of life of users should not only be applied in medical ships, this study opens an opportunity for industry to optimize the physical environment of other types of ships by applying this concept.La accesibilidad como concepto de diseño se aplica generalmente en las construcciones en tierra, sin embargo, el carácter médico del caso de estudio requiere que sea considerado en el proceso de diseño desde su etapa conceptual. El Centro de Atención Ambulatoria Fluvial (CAAF) es una unidad sanitaria móvil para realizar misiones médicas en poblaciones ubicadas en la ribera de los ríos, por las dimensiones del CAAF han limitado los servicios médicos a atención primaria y brigadas de salud. Las barreras físicas1 son las causantes de que un entorno no sea accesible, para eliminarlas del CAAF, se realizó un análisis y rediseño de la propuesta conceptual, apoyado en la normativa para accesibilidad, espacios médicos y embarcaciones. Se tomaron dos momentos básicos a intervenir, el acceso y la circulación interior, dando como resultado el diseño de un sistema integrado de productos que eliminan las barreras físicas del entorno, permitiendo un abordaje y prestación de los servicios médicos en condiciones iguales, confortables y seguras. La accesibilidad como modificador del entorno para mejorar la calidad de vida de los usuarios no debe ser aplicado solamente en embarcaciones médicas, con este estudio se abre una oportunidad para la industria de optimizar el entorno físico de otros tipos de embarcaciones, por medio de la aplicación de este concepto

    New insights into adaptive enrichment designs

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    The transition towards personalized medicine is happening and the new experimental framework is raising several challenges, from a clinical, ethical, logistical, regulatory, and statistical perspective. To face these challenges, innovative study designs with increasing complexity have been proposed. In particular, adaptive enrichment designs are becoming more attractive for their flexibility. However, these procedures rely on an increasing number of parameters that are unknown at the planning stage of the clinical trial, so the study design requires particular care. This review is dedicated to adaptive enrichment studies with a focus on design aspects. While many papers deal with methods for the analysis, the sample size determination and the optimal allocation problem have been overlooked. We discuss the multiple aspects involved in adaptive enrichment designs that contribute to their advantages and disadvantages. The decision-making process of whether or not it is worth enriching should be driven by clinical and ethical considerations as well as scientific and statistical concerns

    No effect of albumin infusion on the prevention of hepatic encephalopathy after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt

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    Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a major problem in patients submitted to TIPS. Previous studies identified low albumin as a factor associated to post-TIPS HE. In cirrhotics with diuretic-induced HE and hypovolemia, albumin infusion reduced plasma ammonia and improved HE. Our aim was to evaluate if the incidence of overt HE (grade II or more according to WH) and the modifications of venous blood ammonia and psychometric tests during the first month after TIPS can be prevented by albumin infusion. Twenty-three patients consecutively submitted to TIPS were enrolled and treated with 1 g/Kg BW of albumin for the first 2 days after TIPS followed by 0,5 g/Kg BW at day 4th and 7th and then once a week for 3 weeks. Forty-five patients included in a previous RCT (Riggio et al. 2010) followed with the same protocol and submitted to no pharmacological treatment for the prevention of HE, were used as historical controls. No differences in the incidence of overt HE were observed between the group of patients treated with albumin and historical controls during the first month (34 vs 31 %) or during the follow-up (39 vs 48 %). Two patients in the albumin group and three in historical controls needed the reduction of the stent diameter for persistent HE. Venous blood ammonia levels and psychometric tests were also similarly modified in the two groups. Survival was also similar. Albumin infusion has not a role in the prevention of post-TIPS HE

    Aprendizaje automático para la gestión y retención de talento en las organizaciones

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    Esta tesis se basó en la investigación de la realidad del profesional para poder crear un algoritmo predictivo de renuncias con el objeto de optimizar los recursos financieros y humanos de la organización

    Aplicación del principio de igualdad en el ejercicio del derecho de retracto en las relaciones de consumo colombianas

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    Lo que se pretende en el presente escrito es demostrar el vacío que existe en la legislación colombiana respecto de las obligaciones que surgen al consumidor durante el ejercicio de su derecho de retracto ante el productor o proveedor que le comercializó inicialmente un bien o servicio. Dicho vacío genera una inaplicación del principio de igualdad frente a las obligaciones que impone a los consumidores y proveedores la Ley 1480 de 2011 (actual Estatuto del Consumidor). Este documento resulta importante debido a que, en la actualidad, se evidencian controversias entre consumidores y proveedores con relación a determinar el término de cumplimiento de la obligación por parte del consumidor de devolver - al productor o proveedor- el producto (bien o servicio) adquirido inicialmente, una vez ejercido su derecho al retracto, puesto que, el productor o proveedor se encuentra en la obligación de realizar la devolución al consumidor del valor total pagado por éste para la adquisición del producto, dentro de los treinta (30) días calendario siguientes a partir del momento en que el consumidor hubiese ejercido su derecho de retracto, sin contar si el productor o proveedor -con anterioridad a la devolución del dinero- hubiese recibido de vuelta el producto adquirido inicialmente por el consumidor.What is intended in this writing is to demonstrate the gap that exists in Colombian legislation regarding the obligations that arise to the consumer during the exercise of his right of withdrawal towards the producer or supplier that initially marketed a good or service. Such gap generates an inapplication of the principle of equality against the obligations imposed to consumers and suppliers by the Law 1480 of 2011 (current Consumer Statute). This document is important because at the time, controversies are evident between consumers and suppliers in relation to determining the term of fulfillment of the obligation on the part of the consumer to return - to the producer or supplier - the product (good or service) purchased initially, once the right to retract has been exercised, the producer or supplier is under the obligation to return the total value paid by the consumer for the purchase of the product within the following thirty (30) calendar days from the moment in which the consumer has exercised his right of withdrawal, without counting if the producer or supplier -before the return of the money- had received back the product initially purchased by the consumer

    Interaction between an optimization model for a Multi-Level Facility Location Problem and a Machine Learning model for demand prediction

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    Presentamos un modelo iterativo de optimización y predicción que integra un Problema de Ubicación de Instalaciones con un modelo de Aprendizaje de Máquina para predicción de demanda. Creamos un lazo retroalimentado entre ambos modelos para analizar como influencian sus decisiones mutuamente. Inicialmente se fija un valor de demandas para el Problema de Ubicación de Instalaciones y, basado en la red de distribución provista por la solución, recalculamos la predicción de la demanda usando el factor de la calidad del servicio (QoS por sus siglas en Inglés), y luego se reajusta la red de distribución iterativamente observando la convergencia de las soluciones. En particular, consideramos tres diferentes formulaciones de Programación Entera Mixta para el Problema de Ubicación de Instalaciones y utilizamos una Red Neuronal Artificial como nuestro modelo de Aprendizaje de Máquina. Más allá, realizamos un conjunto de experimentos computacionales para estudiar el comportamiento de la interacción de los modelos y analizar su desempeño. Los resultados muestran la importancia del QoS al conectar ambos modelos, que en todas las instancias de prueba del lazo retroalimentado convergen a una solución. También resaltamos las características esenciales del problema y proveemos resultados para futuras investigaciones.We present an iterative Optimization-and-Prediction model that integrates a Facility Location Problem with a Machine Learning demand prediction model. We establish a feedback loop between these models to analyze how they mutually influence their decisions. We begin with an initial value for the demands of the Facility Location Problem and, based on the network provided by the solution, we recalculate the prediction of the demand using a Quality of Service (QoS) factor, and then adjust the distribution network observing convergence of the solutions. In particular, We consider three different Mixed Integer Programming formulations for a Facility Location Problem and use an Artificial Neural Network as our Machine Learning model. Furthermore, we carried out a set of computational experiments to study the behavior of the interacting models and analyze their performance. The results show the importance of QoS to connect the two models, which in all instances tests converge to a solution in the feedback loop. We also highlight the essential characteristics of the problem and provide insights for future research.Magíster en MatemáticasMaestríahttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=000183921