1,165 research outputs found

    Legislative Malapportionment and the Politicization of Germany’s Intergovernmental Transfer System

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    Legislative bargaining theory suggests that fiscal transfers among member states of a federation are determined to a substantial degree by political bargaining powers. Malapportionment of the states' population in the legislature is claimed to lead to disproportionally higher benefits to overrepresented states. The present paper analyses empirically the distribution of fiscal transfers in Germany's intergovernmental transfer system over the period 1970-2002. It can be shown that overrepresented states in the upper house receive disproportionate shares of transfers, while malapportionment in the lower house does not seem to matter. We also find empirical evidence that overrepresentation became more important over time.legislative bargaining, overrepresentation, fiscal transfer system, Germany

    Giant formation rates of ultracold molecules via Feshbach Optimized Photoassociation

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    Ultracold molecules offer a broad variety of applications, ranging from metrology to quantum computing. However, forming "real" ultracold molecules, {\it i.e.} in deeply bound levels, is a very difficult proposition. Here, we show how photoassociation in the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance enhance molecular formation rates by several orders of magnitude. We illustrate this effect in heteronuclear systems, and find giant rate coefficients even in deeply bound levels. We also give a simple analytical expression for the photoassociation rates, and discuss future applications of the Feshbach Optimized Photoassociation, or FOPA, technique

    On the politicization of intergovernmental fiscal relations in Germany after unification

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    A recent decision of the German Constitutional Court requires political decision makers to revise the system of intergovernmental transfers in order to limit free bargaining among state and federal government officials. The present paper provides empirical support for the thesis that political discretion has become increasingly important in the transfer negotiations after Unification. We attempt to show why political influences gained weight relative to economic considerations in the determination of net gains. This politicization of the fiscal transfer system appears to be a consequence of the inability of policy makers to agree on a fundamental reform in the early 1990's.

    Baltic cod reproduction in the Gotland Basin: annual variability and possible causes

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    Baltic cod spawning takes place in the deep basins and reproduction success is mainly related to environmental conditions (salinity and oxygen regimes, i.e. the 'reproduction volume'). Due to the Baltic Sea heterogeneity, cod reproduction success in the Southem and Centrat Baltic spawning grounds can differ significantly. Recent oceanographic changes i.e. decrease of water exchange and stagnation, as weil as a strong reduction of spawning stock caused the diminishing of the reproduction potential of the Gotland spawning grounds. The Gotland spawning grounds belong to four main cod spawning sites in the Baltic and historical analyses revealed that abundant generations of Baltic cod were produced when successful cod reproduction took place also in the Gotland Basin. Analyses of revised reproduction volume estimates for the Gotland Basin taking into account the spatial structure of hydrology in the basin during stagnation and aeration periods reveals high seasonal and inter-annual variability. To describe changes of abundance and distribution of the spawning stock and the recruits in relation to hydrographic conditions, results from trawl surveys carried out in 1975-1998 in the Gotland Deep are analyzed. In this analysis, the reproduction volume is used as a proxy for the environmental conditions

    Situativity – Textuality – Virtuality

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    Electronic virtuality is a component of a new level in the evolution of mankind. Who knows the past will form a different future. Therefore it is useful to look at the patterns of development, applying different evaluation criteria. This text focuses on situativity, textuality and virtuality