774 research outputs found

    Nonlinear spectroscopic studies using sum- and difference-frequency generation

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    A detailed study is presented of resonant sum- and difference-frequency generation for the mixed-crystal system azulene in naphthalene. The S0 -> S1, S0 -> S2 and S1 -> S2 transitions of azulene provide the 3 needed dipoles for the existence of c(2), and a relatively small static elec. field was used to break the interference between the waves generated in the 2 crystal sublattices. Second-order nonlinear processes can occur sep. in each sublattice. All the theor. predicted resonances, except the DICE effect, were obsd. The generated field intensity satd. at higher fields, and in certain circumstances exhibited hysteresis as a function of the d.c. field strength. The line-narrowing capabilities of these new forms of spectroscopy were explored

    Recent Progress in Regge Calculus

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    While there has been some advance in the use of Regge calculus as a tool in numerical relativity, the main progress in Regge calculus recently has been in quantum gravity. After a brief discussion of this progress, attention is focussed on two particular, related aspects. Firstly, the possible definitions of diffeomorphisms or gauge transformations in Regge calculus are examined and examples are given. Secondly, an investigation of the signature of the simplicial supermetric is described. This is the Lund-Regge metric on simplicial configuration space and defines the distance between simplicial three-geometries. Information on its signature can be used to extend the rather limited results on the signature of the supermetric in the continuum case. This information is obtained by a combination of analytic and numerical techniques. For the three-sphere and the three-torus, the numerical results agree with the analytic ones and show the existence of degeneracy and signature change. Some ``vertical'' directions in simplicial configuration space, corresponding to simplicial metrics related by gauge transformations, are found for the three-torus.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, LaTeX. Submitted to the Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, September 199

    Palatini Variational Principle for an Extended Einstein-Hilbert Action

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    We consider a Palatini variation on a generalized Einstein-Hilbert action. We find that the Hilbert constraint, that the connection equals the Christoffel symbol, arises only as a special case of this general action, while for particular values of the coefficients of this generalized action, the connection is completely unconstrained. We discuss the relationship between this situation and that usually encountered in the Palatini formulation.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Evolving Lorentzian Wormholes

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    Evolving Lorentzian wormholes with the required matter satisfying the Energy conditions are discussed. Several different scale factors are used and the corresponding consequences derived. The effect of extra, decaying (in time) compact dimensions present in the wormhole metric is also explored and certain interesting conclusions are derived for the cases of exponential and Kaluza--Klein inflation.Comment: 10 pages( RevTex, Twocolumn format), Two figures available on request from the first author. transmission errors corrected

    Unitarity and Causality in Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Non-Chronal Spacetimes

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    Spacetime must be foliable by spacelike surfaces for the quantum mechanics of matter fields to be formulated in terms of a unitarily evolving state vector defined on spacelike surfaces. When a spacetime cannot be foliated by spacelike surfaces, as in the case of spacetimes with closed timelike curves, a more general formulation of quantum mechanics is required. In such generalizations the transition matrix between alternatives in regions of spacetime where states {\it can} be defined may be non-unitary. This paper describes a generalized quantum mechanics whose probabilities consistently obey the rules of probability theory even in the presence of such non-unitarity. The usual notion of state on a spacelike surface is lost in this generalization and familiar notions of causality are modified. There is no signaling outside the light cone, no non-conservation of energy, no ``Everett phones'', and probabilities of present events do not depend on particular alternatives of the future. However, the generalization is acausal in the sense that the existence of non-chronal regions of spacetime in the future can affect the probabilities of alternatives today. The detectability of non-unitary evolution and violations of causality in measurement situations are briefly considered. The evolution of information in non-chronal spacetimes is described.Comment: 40pages, UCSBTH92-0

    Dynamic wormholes, anti-trapped surfaces, and energy conditions

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    Adapting and extending a suggestion due to Page, we define a wormhole throat to be a marginally anti-trapped surface, that is, a closed two-dimensional spatial hypersurface such that one of the two future-directed null geodesic congruences orthogonal to it is just beginning to diverge. Typically a dynamic wormhole will possess two such throats, corresponding to the two orthogonal null geodesic congruences, and these two throats will not coincide, (though they do coalesce into a single throat in the static limit). The divergence property of the null geodesics at the marginally anti-trapped surface generalizes the ``flare-out'' condition for an arbitrary wormhole. We derive theorems regarding violations of the null energy condition (NEC) at and near these throats and find that, even for wormholes with arbitrary time-dependence, the violation of the NEC is a generic property of wormhole throats. We also discuss wormhole throats in the presence of fully antisymmetric torsion and find that the energy condition violations cannot be dumped into the torsion degrees of freedom. Finally by means of a concrete example we demonstrate that even temporary suspension of energy-condition violations is incompatible with the flare-out property of dynamic throats.Comment: 32 pages in plain LaTex, no figures. Additional text and references adde

    The primary structure of three hemoglobin chains from the indigo snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus, Serpentes): First evidence for αD chains and two β chain types in snakes

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    The hemoglobin of the indigo snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus, Colubrinae) consists of two components, HbA and HbD, in the ratio of 1:1. They differ in both their alpha and beta chains. The amino acid sequences of both alpha chains (alpha(A) and alpha(D)) and one beta chain (betaI) were determined. The presence of an alpha(D)chain in a snake hemoglobin is described for the first time. A comparison of all snake beta chain sequences revealed the existence of two paralogous beta chain types in snakes as well, which are designated as betaI and betaII type. For the discussion of the physiological properties of Drymarchon hemoglobin, the sequences were compared with those of the human alpha and beta chains and those of the closely related water snake Liophis miliaris where functional data are available. Among the heme contacts, the substitution alpha(D)58(E7)His-->Gln is unusual but most likely without any effect. The residues responsible for the main part of the Bohr effect are the same as in mammalian hemoglobins. In each of the three globin chains only two residues at positions involved in the alpha1/beta2 interface contacts, most important for the stability and the properties of the hemoglobin molecule, are substituted with regard to human hemoglobin. On the contrary, nine, eleven, and six alpha1/beta1 contact residues are replaced in the alpha(A), alpha(D), betaI chains, respectively

    Averaged Energy Conditions and Evaporating Black Holes

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    In this paper the averaged weak (AWEC) and averaged null (ANEC) energy conditions, together with uncertainty principle-type restrictions on negative energy (``quantum inequalities''), are examined in the context of evaporating black hole backgrounds in both two and four dimensions. In particular, integrals over only half-geodesics are studied. We determine the regions of the spacetime in which the averaged energy conditions are violated. In all cases where these conditions fail, there appear to be quantum inequalities which bound the magnitude and extent of the negative energy, and hence the degree of the violation. The possible relevance of these results for the validity of singularity theorems in evaporating black hole spacetimes is discussed.Comment: Sections 2.1 and 2.2 have been revised and some erroneous statements corrected. The main conclusions and the figures are unchanged. 27 pp, plain Latex, 3 figures available upon reques

    Microscopic description of d-wave superconductivity by Van Hove nesting in the Hubbard model

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    We devise a computational approach to the Hubbard model that captures the strong coupling dynamics arising when the Fermi level is at a Van Hove singularity in the density of states. We rely on an approximate degeneracy among the many-body states accounting for the main instabilities of the system (antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity). The Fermi line turns out to be deformed in a manner consistent with the pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. For a doping rate δ0.2\delta \sim 0.2, the ground state is characterized by d-wave symmetry, quasiparticles gapped only at the saddle-points of the band, and a large peak at zero momentum in the d-wave pairing correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Introduction to Isolated Horizons in Numerical Relativity

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    We present a coordinate-independent method for extracting mass (M) and angular momentum (J) of a black hole in numerical simulations. This method, based on the isolated horizon framework, is applicable both at late times when the black hole has reached equilibrium, and at early times when the black holes are widely separated. We show how J and M can be determined in numerical simulations in terms of only those quantities which are intrinsic to the apparent horizon. We also present a numerical method for finding the rotational symmetry vector field (required to calculate J) on the horizon.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4, 7 figures. Final PRD versio